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Showing posts with label Biden's Mars Return 2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden's Mars Return 2021. Show all posts

Jan 12, 2023

Joe Biden's Mars Return of Troubles

In 2021 we discussed the Horoscope of President Biden's Mars Return (12Sco35) of November 17, 2021 which remains operative until the end of October 2023 when Mars returns to 12Sco35 once again. For as you know, it takes planet Mars approximately 2 years or so to complete an orbit so Mars Return Horoscopes are "good for" about 2 years and provide clues concerning new two-year cycles of initiative, individualism, and important new endeavors.

Yes, health concerns may also turn up in a Mars Return Horoscope, often with Leo rising, ruled by the Sun and thus related to heart and spine, especially if the chart ruler is afflicted by planets such as Saturn or Pluto. In this horoscope, chart ruler Mercury squares Jupiter indicating misunderstandings and erroneous conclusions, a good description of current events.

Then if restrictive Saturn falls within the first house of a Mars Return, depleted energy may be the case, if Pluto is in first, then toxins or a need for surgery are possibilities. Of course, if serious illness shows, it must be backed up by progressed planets and additional indications, otherwise, health conditions may be only temporary when shown by a Mars Return Horoscope (duration 2 years or less). Yet as we know with Astrology, forewarned is forearmed, and the next Mars Return may indicate improvement.

However, so far, it seems that First Lady Dr. Jill Biden has been the one having health issues such as surgery. A look at her natal chart, transits, and progressions would be instructive.

Spiteful Politics Can Muck Up Everything

So in consideration of President Biden's current troubles, stress, obstacles, and difficulties with opponents - and you know who they are - a look at the President's current Mars Return Horoscope can be instructive with his Mars in Scorpio, strong its own sign. Follow the link above and you'll see what I mean.

For example, in his November 17, 2021 Return chart, 00Virgo rises along with his natal North Node of fate and destiny, so with Mercury as chart ruler, as noted above, documents and rhetoric are prominent along with fixed star Regulus (keywords: success if revenge is avoided: perhaps we can agree that Joe Biden is not a vindictive man, but we know who is).

Planetary contacts, in force for the 2 years of his 2021 Return, include Saturn in Aquarius square his Scorpio Mars (thwarted actions; delays; frustrations; anger; resentment; fatigue), and reciprocally, today's Mars station turning Direct @8Gemini conjuncts Joe Biden's natal Saturn Rx (@9Gem57) indicates rules being imposed (Special Prosecutor to look into his document situation - some stored away from 10 years ago, his VP days!), plus, a need to become more organized and careful in order to keep the President from running afoul of others. Troubles are often self-created as this transit agrees!

Now there are a variety of other planetary contacts in Mr. Biden's current Mars Return Horoscope, and more will form from now until the end of October. I'm certain you'll spot them but I won't invite your on-topic comments or insights because few leave them nowadays. But they would be much appreciated if you do!

Oct 24, 2021

What about President Biden completing his first term?

Biden's Nemesis, Three Significant 2021 Eclipses, and Karmic Transits

by Jude Cowell

Due to his advanced age alone, it's understandable that some people have expressed concern over whether or not Joe Biden will complete his first term in office as US President especially considering his many (vicious, vengeful, power-craving) enemies of the Trumpian persuasion (or, of the neo-nazi/Aryan/fascist persuasion, if you prefer.)

This has been an astrologically-based concern of mine as well since Mr. Biden's natal Ascendant (physical body) received or was 'eclipsed' by the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @5Sagittarius, a second Lunar Eclipse @27Taurus will 'hit' his natal Scorpio Sun and Venus on November 19, 2021, the 5 New South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sagittarius will manifest near his natal Ascendant - and Mr. Biden's natal asteroid Nemesis in Libra rises in the December 4th chart, along with Herr Tr*mp's natal stationary Jupiter (17Lib27).

And although I've tried to ignore such difficult potentials of the Biden presidency, the plot must thicken for as Alex Miller reveals, there are additional indicators of demise for President Biden this year via certain asteroids which Alex identifies in his Daykeeper Journal article, Bye Bye Biden? which is not full of predictions at all, but is only an explanation of possibilities reflected between Heaven and Earth.

So perhaps we can agree, dear reader, that suggested potentials in Alex's article make for tough reading with disturbing indicators quite piling up, but as I've often typed in my posts, Americans must directly face problems, difficult conditions, and challenging events if we hope to deal with them in a realistic Saturnian manner which is the only way to find true solutions of a lasting kind. And we know that in Washington DC, contingencies must always be considered and put in place.

Facing reality: despite the confusion, deception, illusion, propaganda, and gaslighting the American public is constantly being scammed by and led astray with!

As for planetary transits, there are both positive and negative ones for Mr. Biden and for us all. For one, the horoscope of President Biden's Mars Return 2021 on November 17th contains a danger signal via transit Uranus opposing his natal Mars in Scorpio, which suggests a difficult period for anyone for it may indicate unpredictable, erratic, or disruptive actions from others but may also suggest a potential for surgical procedures, and lasting up to two years. Yet we must remember that the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope showed the day's explosive Mars-Uranus Conjunction (@6Tau44) rising as Joe Biden took the Oath of Office - and on that very afternoon, a Lunar Return to his natal Taurus Moon at a degree of violence (so-called because 00-1Taurus is the degree of Herr Adolf's natal Sun) perfected with the Moon relating to the physical body in anyone's natal chart.

Meanwhile, further clues concerning this topic are available by way of transits to natal: see Karmic Planets Block President Biden's Agenda 2021 into 2022 including the third of three oppositions from transit Pluto (the saboteur) challenging Joe Biden's natal Saturn, 'loss-leader' planet of authority. And of old age.

And with that, we've ended this dreary post pretty much where we began, now haven't we?