by Jude Cowell, a partisan for democracy and the common good
Just a quick posting of a bi-wheel of DC Horoscopes: the 118th Congress (inner) surrounded by a chart showing the possible GOP government shutdown (outer) set for October 1, 2023 12:00 am EDT, Capitol Building. Why quick? Because the shutdown may not happen at all, and because my time is as valuable as any of the Utopian idealists now working to sabotage the House of Representatives in their determination to destroy the US Congress, the US Justice System, and the federal government via the White House -- in words, our three branches of government are obstacles to their take-over agenda as is the US Constitution.
Of course, harming President Biden in case it boosts Republicans in November 2024 would be a bonus of causing yet another shutdown, they think, and the collateral damage to the US economy and to the lives of the American people - well these are only necessary side issues for the GOP. They'll even blame Democrats for any negative shutdown consequences if they can! And significant damage to the US Military is well underway thanks to Mr. Tuberville.
Yet this hostage scheme hasn't worked well for Republicans before but we do get to marvel at their neurotic activity as a head-against-wall exercise while expecting different outcomes. Be sure to note the Neptune/MC notes penned on, upper middle.
Meanwhile at home, the GOP's aberrant, underhanded behavior allows the American public and the entire world to witness them (self-styled ultra-magas) as they follow orders from their overlords, enemies of the US, both foreign and domestic. Why, even their cult idol Herr Trump must act under orders even though his mind is so addled lately he thinks he ran a race against President Obama!
Anyway, here's the bi-wheel. Do with it whatever you can:
Hopefully you can enlarge the image if you wish and read my study notes of which there are many.