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Showing posts with label Green New Deal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green New Deal. Show all posts

Feb 19, 2021

Republic of Texas 1836 Horoscope with Storm 2021

Republic of Texas in 2021: independence at what cost?

by Jude Cowell

February 19, 2021: Before annexation by the United States on February 19, 1846, the Republic of Texas was proclaimed independent from the Spanish Empire as part of Mexico on March 2, 1836 (N. Campion, p. 376) and independence was established by victory at the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836. The battle's date was selected as the anniversary that opened a Texas Commission in London in 1986 so this is the date of the Republic of Texas Horoscope, below. Follow the Battle's Wikipedia link for more historical details.

February 2021

Since the dire conditions in Texas are directly due to the winter storm ravaging the region, much blame for the people's suffering and loss falls upon the state's privatized energy sources (independent of the rest of the country as they so proudly are and echoing the sentiments of the 1836 Republic), current transits are penned round the Horoscope of the Republic of Texas. And perhaps it's curious to note that at noon on March 2, 1836 (independence proclaimed), a YOD of crisis had formed between Moon in Virgo sextile Jupiter in Cancer pointing toward watery Neptune in Aquarius; the trio as midpoint picture: bad social conditions (Ebertin). Yet as you see in the chart, below, by April 21st, the Moon @5Can49 (conjunct Mirzam: to have one's say) was nearing Jupiter (The General, exalted in Cancer) with both still inconjunct Neptune and thus echoing the YOD's portents. Naturally, any battle creates 'bad social conditions' before things can hopefully be improved. Otherwise, what was the fighting for?

So as you see, planets penned around the 1836 chart are for the monster winter storm system that hit the state on Sunday February 7, 2021 (highlighted in green). As of today's date, power is being restored even as a boil water advisory remains in place for millions across the region. See Families regain power in Texas, food and water shortages continue (ABC News, February 18).

And if there's one major transit that can describe current conditions in Texas and the surrounding region, it's 2021 Saturn @6AQ00 conjunct the Republic of Texas' 1836 Neptune, the 'grim face of reality' transit which also contains potentials for disillusionment and the misinterpretation of responsibilities. Hint: power outages from the storm have not been caused by "windmills" or by the as-yet unimplemented Green New Deal, but by the state's privatized energy grid kept separate from the rest of the country and therefore unable to ask for needed assistance in times of crisis as a regular state could do. Texans may not agree with me on this and of course that's their right! (Note that in 1836, independent Uranus, the rebel, rises with fixed star Alpheratz = 'wanting freedom and movement'!)

Now there's a whole lot going on in the 1836 Horoscope as you see by my many study notes penned upon the chart. Significantly, the Sun-Saturn opposition (strength, endurance; obstacles); Saturn in Scorpio adds 'skill and obstinacy') is essential as the Sun's closest applying aspect and forms a dynamic T-Square with nebulous Neptune (crisis; depressing circumstances via Saturn-MC = Neptune). Plus, note the importance of Saturn Rx @1Sco59 for, besides the T-Square, the karmic planet of restriction acts as the tail of a high-flying KITE pattern of success (highlighted in turquoise). In addition (!), Saturn is also the handle of a BUCKET shape denoting the old devil as the point of application for all the planetary energies (actors) similar to the lead planet in a Locomotive shape (ruthlessly determined on success):

As you see, warrior planet Mars is strong in its own sign of Aries, Pluto in Aries (craving power; extraordinary energy) conjuncts gold-loving MIDA$, and the Aries-Libra axis of war and diplomacy is intercepted across the 3/9 house polarity which to me suggests the karmic conditions leading up to the Battle of San Jacinto, the involvement of the Spanish Empire and Mexico (9th house), and its outcome of an independent Republic. As notated in 4th house, the Battle occurred within the difficult 18 South Saros Series @27Sco25 which contains themes of 'high stress level, taxing of strength, physical concerns and/or injury/illness/obsessive worry' (Brady's Predictive Astrology) #ad.

One further factor from 1836 which may be operative today: Pluto-NN = Sun = Saturn suggests flavors of rebellion and imposing one's will on others, plus, the Pluto-NN midpoint = 'common destiny of a large mass of people' (Ebertin).

So with this post, my hope is that the good people of Texas receive relief from all their troubles very soon.

As always, your on-topic yet courteous comments and observations are invited as long as your name is attached (No 'Anonymous' and No 'Unknown' commenters will be published - and No all-CAPS please for it comes across as shouting and I'm not deaf!). jc

Update March 2, 2021: an interesting comment has turned up which cannot be published because it's signed "Unknown." It seems that corrections are warranted on my use of the Battle's coordinates and on the timing of the Battle of San Jacinto which, Unknown asserts, was fought "around 2-2:30" pm. The Battle horoscope will be updated in my files and those who care may wish to do the same but for this post I'll stick with the Nicholas Campion horoscope set for noon, Republic of Texas. jc

Aug 27, 2020

Power Shift: by astrologer Peter Doughty

With Campaign 2020 grinding on, Stars Over Washington is very pleased to present a guest post authored by Peter Doughty!

Power Shift

by Peter Doughty

The other night - Friday night, probably - I was sitting back with ye olde laptop in me lap as I digested a bit more of the bits and pieces I’d been chewing on, that came from the Democratic Party online shindig for anointing POTUS and VPOTUS candidates. It’s been quite the buzz, even in my perennially independent-minded head. Sure, I’ve leaned that direction all my adult life and never did vote for any R candidate that came along: their so-called conservatism never seemed to line up at all with my brand of such.

So, the news of the choice for VPOTUS was, frankly, exciting — somewhat, for a while. After all, the sorts of economic, cultural and political changes that even the near future would seem to hold were not about to pass her lips, masked or not — nor those of her running mate.

Yet from an astrological perspective, the charts of both candidates provide plenty of fodder for fascinating and perhaps illuminating study.

In the case of Mr. Biden, all that Scorpio energy — Mars, Mercury, Sun and Venus, in that order — in the twelfth house would mark him from birth with a path involving much struggle and suffering, and, maybe, inner work. So it would seem. As one with a diurnal chart (Sun in watery Scorpio above the horizon), his first personal cycle of Saturn would be under the general dominion of Venus. However, Venus also being above the horizon as well as “in exile” in Scorpio, she would not be adorning a path toward being a small-p party animal.

Life was evidently not much easier for Mr. B through his second Saturn cycle (until 2001), under Mars’ dominion. More strength and determination were called for, though he was still essentially trapped within labyrinthine institutions.

Now, though, his life is under the general sway of Luna: quite happy (under the overall circumstances) in the steady and huggy sign of Taurus. Ms. Harris could not be in much better astrological condition, conferring popularity and success as long as Mr. B. plays a caretaker role (natal Luna in the service-demanding sixth house).

There are some quite interesting connections in progressions and directions to his natal chart (of course). I will merely say this: The astrological confirmation of the appropriateness of, and the larger societal readiness for, teaming with a woman with roots in atypical cultures comes through most emphatically. The exact natal opposition between Juno in the first house and Saturn in the seventh, along with the seventh-house profection year (age seventy-eight) to begin in November, shout it out. This is a classic depiction of a need for a truly collaborative partner at this time. And the foreign-ness of Juno in Sagittarius is, well — astrologers couldn’t make up something more symbolically spot-on.

It looks like Biden — or, more likely, the hidden councils of his Party — has chosen well.

What I find most intriguing about Ms. H’s natal chart is the exact full moon, somewhat similar to that of the Agent Orange of the Oval Office.

His was a special full moon: a lunar eclipse, with all the spookiness implied and noticed whenever it recurs (at least twice a year). Hers was just a regular full moon.
Hers, like his, was an Air sun / Fire moon combination: cardinal signs, denoting initiative and new directions. His, with the individualistic and defiant element of Uranus thrown in, emphasized reaction, chaos and rendering asunder.

Evidently, Ms. Harris' role is to be one of the chief architects of a newly constituted polity arising from the ashes of the nation’s Pluto return and the depredations of Trumpism. There is apt to be, in her imprint on events and developments, a definite back-and-forth between instinctive, pointed response and action and, on the other hand, patterns of rational consideration to the point of vacillation: Luna in Aries, Sol in Libra.

What probably among most astrologers appears as the most significant portion in the synastry is the superimposition of Ms. Harris’ grand cross in the fixed signs upon Mr. Biden’s chart, linking with his Scorpio cluster and Chiron in Leo. The latter is his “wounded leader” placement, activated by the Great American Eclipse three years ago, nearly to the day. (I wonder what he was doing that day, and where he was?)

For Ms. Harris, the grand cross represents the inheritance of a great burden, just as she enters into her third personal Saturn cycle, under the dominion of Saturn. That placement for her links closely with his Chiron placement. Fortunately for her, and even more so for the citizenry, natal Saturn is in a dignified condition in Aquarius. This indicates that she would undertake great responsibility in this phase of her life, and that it would involve carefully balancing the needs and demands of disparate social or political groups.

As fate would have it, she might have been thrust into the role of headwoman of some tribe struggling to survive the onslaught of Jair Bolsonaro’s destroyers of the last of the delicate rainforests in the Brazilian hinterlands, or mayor of some hamlet on the Great Plains which lately lost its leader in the Great Derecho of 2020. Instead, she’s stepping into line to become the first female president of a faltering republic and shrinking empire which once styled itself champion of the “free world.” What will even be the shape of the presidency in this next era? That’s another and much larger question, with no attempt at an answer here.

Biden and Harris are holding out the carrot of a return, somehow, sometime, to something that might pass for “normalcy.” But it ain’t gonna happen. The largesse both are talking about are represented by Biden’s natal Jupiter, exalted in caring (when it’s not involved in accumulating) Cancer, in a close sextile (sixty-degree) relationship with Harris’ Jupiter in easy-going, got-plenty Taurus. Actually, the latter — in the context of her grand cross — represents the stemming of the bulk of the big-money projects they propose.

The overall national and international economies are on a cliff-edge, teetering near their tipping points.

The resources increasingly devoted to disaster-recovery take away big chunks from whatever Green New Deal ideas come forward. Those will have to depend on regional and local resources, even as their economies are broken.

Yet a great many localized enterprises, like a thousand points of light, can increase a sense of focus and purpose, within the potential for a measure of continuity. (The pervasive and persistent disruptions on a vast scale, symbolized in 2021 by Jupiter and Saturn in square to Uranus, guarantee an era of even-greater difficulties.)

Ms. Harris, whenever and to what degree she assumes prominent responsibility, will have to carry that cross. There will be many false starts and dead ends in cultivating the next stage, yet evidence shows that good-faith effort and due diligence will be among the new norms.

And those ain’t small matters.

For both Ms. Harris and the Agent, December marks the month of climactic shifts in circumstances. On 14 December — a week before the Great Solstice with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — a total solar eclipse falls on the natally-eclipsed Luna in the Agent’s chart, and on the western horizon of Harris’ natal chart. Translation: likely precipitous descent into total madness for the former, and full-scale partnership mode for the latter.

May our better angels prevail.

Biden-Harris synastry chart

In addition to his personal consulting work, Peter Doughty blogs every other Wednesday at Zodiacal Spiral and co-writes a monthly forecast with Aeolea Wendy Burwell at Rocmetaphysical online magazine.