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Showing posts with label Kamala Harris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kamala Harris. Show all posts

Oct 17, 2024

Astrology: VP Kamala Harris and Fox's Bret Baier

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Needing excuses for his performance during his Fox News interview of Vice President Harris last evening, Bret Baier says Kamala Harris "caught him off-guard which sounds to me like Baier's roughshod overtalking and pushy, rude behavior toward the Vice President didn't come across quite as he and his bosses expected. Was Tr*mp pleased with Baier's rudeness? Perhaps, but VP Harris held her own despite Mr. Baier's efforts to interrupt her every answer to the questions he posed. The lady, as they say, pushed back.

So why not treat yourself to this clip of Tim Miller of The Bulwark podcast The Moment Kamala Put Fox News in its Place!

Then if you want to view the A-rated natal horoscope of Fox News anchor Bret Baier it's available. Plus, below you see a bi-wheel of natal horoscopes: Kamala Harris (inner) surrounded by that of Bret Baier. As for publicity and public contact via the interview, Baier's North Node @2Pis48 of karma points directly at VP Harris' Midheaven, the Career Point of Public Status in any horoscope!

Considering that both individuals were born during Mars Hours, the challenging, contentious nature of their meeting (interview) is understandable given their differing political views and objectives. Apparently, part of Mr. Baier's mission (his Taurean Saturn leads a BOWL shape of planets = advocacy of a cause - with his Saturn conjunct her natal Jupiter Rx in Taurus: to limit her expansiveness?). Well, here are a few astro-notes concerning their personality blends based on Sun-Moon combinations:

VP Kamala Harris' Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Aries: peace-making crusader; diplomatic with a sense of justice and commitment to defend the underdog; entertaining; brave; convivial; controversial. This natal blend is shared by John Coltrane (her favorite!) and Enrico Fermi.

Bret Baier's Fire-Earth Sun Leo-Moon Virgo: articulate; choosy; critical; analytical; sense of noblesse oblige; temperamental; discriminating; a chronic nit-picker; a recluse; devoted to personal goals and to duty; restrained charm; hides insecurities under a pushy, defiant exterior; sulks when feeling slighted. This natal blend is shared by Emperor Claudius (!) and Madonna.

Oct 4, 2024

October 3, 2024: Harris Rally joined by Liz Cheney

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the US Constitution

By now you've heard of or watched yesterday's Kamala Harris rally in Ripon, Wisconsin where the democratic presidential candidate was joined onstage by Liz Cheney (R-WY) whose remarks are well worth hearing, if you haven't.

Then as many astrologers know, Ripon is the historic location of the Republican Party's founding in 1854. Yet like many Americans, I have issues with Liz Cheney and her former VP father, however, the prominent feature of their endorsement of the Harris-Walz ticket for me is their shared support for, and defense of, the US Constitution and the rule of law. Naturally, this pits Harris-Walz and their supporters against scofflaw Trump and his Maga Utopian objective of turning America into a lawless, gun-toting "Wild West" landscape where varmints and scoundrels run amok in our streets, criming as they please and getting away with it. Like the orange felon struggles to do.

Now there are multiple versions of a Republican Party Horoscope and here is one of the Ripon-based charts (center) surrounded by the April 10, 2024 Mars-Saturn Conjunction @14Pisces which landed upon the party's Neptune @14Pisces, and revealing its weakened condition as it lashes out with threats:

And yes, we all know that the arming of America has proceeded for years now - purposefully for just such a time as this. We also know that off-kilter domestic militiamen oppose the US Constitution and would prefer, I suggest, that the US fall under the paternalistic heel of The Confederate Constitution of 1861 (horoscope shown is timed by the day's New Moon @20Pis45 where deceptive gaslighting planet Neptune recently visited.) If you check out the horoscope you'll notice the Mercury-Neptune Conjunction with its "faulty judgment" potentials and fantasy vibes.

Now back then, The South was basically run as a feudalist society with antiquated ideas full of cruelty, intolerance, misogyny, hatred, and inequality. And these are the ideas and the time frame that a majority of the American people have no self-defeating desire to go back to.

From 2021: Liz Cheney ousted as Trump's Mercury rises.

Two (out of many!) Recommended Posts: But Who Wants Another World War?; and The NRA Began Under Mars-Saturn-Pluto Vibes (as did Baby Donnie).

Sep 9, 2024

Election 2016 and Election 2024 Midpoint Picture Potentials

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Well, today I've printed out a curious little graphic showing the Election 2016 and Election 2024 midpoint pictures with potentials as they stood and will stand at 8:00 pm est Washington DC on November 8, 2016 and November 5, 2024. This post is inspired by the fact that a few political wags have suggested that Election 2024 resembles Election 2016 in certain respects based on their political views and information.

However, yours truly must be primarily dependent upon planetary horoscopes and historical trends which resonate with Eclipse Cycles, other cosmic informants such as the Venus Cycle, plus, a smattering of listening to and reading the news, unsettling as it often is.

Other sources include certain podcasts and one of my favorites is by a plain-speaking New Yorker, David Feldman, whose current episode is a don't-miss in my political playbook: Trump Now Makes the Race about Race (You may need to 'rewind'.) Well, of course he does! And this the day prior to the September 10th Harris-Trump Debate (horoscope shown). You know, for a primitive Uranian, Mr. T really is quite predictable.

You may also wish to see Can Election 2024 Venus Symbolize Kamala Harris?

Admittedly, there is one cosmic factoid in particular that I do not care for at all: that the Predictive New Moon Prior to Election 2024 @9Scorpio is basically a Moon Return to Inauguration 2017's Moon position. Of course, at best this may only symbolize Trump voters from 2016 coming back into the cultish fold - likely because they're afaid not to.

So here's a visual aid with a few notes penned on. Other details are typed, below:

Election 2016 Midpoint Pix 8:00 pm est:

Sun-NN = Jupiter: seeking public recognition; success with the public.

Sun-Pluto = Saturn: ruthlessly overcoming obstacles.

Jupiter-Neptune = Venus: love dreams.

Mercury-Mars = Venus: quarrels over women.

Sun-MC = Pluto: desire to attain leadership by the use of force; a violent attainment of aims; extraordinary plans; a tragic destiny.

Saturn-MC = Mars: giving in; feeling defenseless; lack of initiative; accepting one's destiny; enforced separation; mourning and bereavement.

Moon-Venus = Mars: actions guided by feelings; living by instinct; a devoted wife.

Moon-MC = Neptune: false emotional pictures; worry; losing hope easily; troubles through females.

Election 2024 Midpoint Pix 8:00 pm est:

Sun-Venus = Mercury: expressions of love.

Moon-Jupiter = Neptune: bad social conditions; loss or disadvantage through speculation or wastefuness.

Uranus-Pluto = Neptune: sympathy; knowledge of human nature; insecurity; uncertainty; unfulfilled wishes; neuroses; fatigue; delving into supernatural realms.

Note: midpoint picture potentials are paraphrased via Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences #ad.

Thanks for reading! And if you'd like to encourage more Political Astrology posts on SO'W by helping defray expenses around here, a cup of coffee would be much appreciated! jc

Aug 28, 2024

Harris-Walz CNN interview: A Horoscope

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

At 9:00 pm ET on Thursday August 29, 2024, CNN is set to air their first joint TV interview since DNC 2024 with candidates VP Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. If this event airs as announced, below you see a Horoscope of the interview set for Atlanta, Georgia. The pair of Democratic candidates are currently on a two-day bus tour through Georgia culminating in the beautiful city of Savannah.

An abundance of astro-notes are penned on the chart for curious readers like you, followed by the same horoscope, unmarked; of note is chart/interview ruler Jupiter which makes no applying aspects and this emphasizes Jupiter @18Gem47 in the 3rd house of Communications. Plus, VP Harris' natal ASC-North Node ('NN') conjunction is snugged between interview Jupiter and Mars and this creates a midpoint picture highlighted in yellow with potentials listed, bottom right corner:

Aug 27, 2024

Can Election 2024 Venus symbolize Kamala Harris?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

With Election 2024's Venus in Sagittarius, it appears that a rival will be victorious over the Democratic incumbent if we follow the Venus Cycle implications from years past. There have been exceptions, however, but we may not have to depend on such randomness in order to suspect that Lady Venus on November 5, 2024, traveling in the 22-24-degree range of Sagittarius, could be pointing toward VP Kamala Harris as the winning candidate who challenges the "incumbent."

So here's a dual chart image displaying Election Day 2024 planets at 8:00 am ET and 8:00 pm ET, set for the White House and showing Venus @22Sag33 and 23Sag09; each degree's Sabian Symbol is penned on, as are the two symbols for voting planet Mercury:

And yes, everyone knows that a lot can happen between now and November 5th, events which could affect election outcomes by shifting voters' minds, and some folks are suggesting a "September Surpise" may be perpetrated in an attempt to sway the minds of voters, in September rather than what has become the usual "October Surprise" of past elections.

Therefore, this consideration of the planet of attraction's historical role in the US Election Cycle (4 years/8 years like Venus) may be merely a whimsical exercise for entertainent purposes only.

What I'm trying to say is that the incumbent that Sagittarian Venus must beat on November 5, 2024 could be Donald Trump instead of President Biden since Donald pretends to have beem president all along, delusion-promoting radical as he is. He himself has added this fantasy to his status as the current 2024 president. That Venus is a lady, as is VP Harris, is an obvious link between them and only adds its oomph to some very basic symbolism on Election Day.

Plus, we all know of Trump's mocking habit of casting other people in the role as "other" if they're not in his pocket or if they oppose or criticize him - and Kamala Harris' parents were both immigrants to the US, so the 8:00 am EST symbol of Venus is "Immigrants Entering a New country" (penned on the chart - and conjunct the feminine Moon!). Then by 8:00 pm Venus has moved on to: "23 Sagittarius" = "A BLUE Bird Standing at the Door of the House" (my CAPS) so we'll know at some point whether candidate VP Harris is symbolized by Election Day 2024 Venus or not, and whether Democrats regain the House of Representatives.

Now here's an excerpt from a previous post with slight edits for clarity:

As the Evening Star, Election Day 2024 Venus' position in the mid-to-late degrees of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of the stranger, foreigner, outsider, or "the other" - suggests someone different than the usual who acts as the challenger and rival to "the throne" of the incumbent, a status that Trump and his supporters keep insisting that he embodies because he didn't lose the 2020 Election to Joe Biden.

Except that he did.

Aug 19, 2024

DNC Aug 19, 2024: Visions and Dreams!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

As you know, today is the first day of DNC 2024 in Chicago, Ilinois, under the auspices of April 2024's 8 North Solar Eclipse @19Ari24 conjunct priestly Chiron (19:24), the Christ archetype in Astrology. This repetition of 8 North is the third of our Great American Eclipses with themes of "visions, vivid dreams, inventiveness, flashes of genius, good ideas, new-found inspiration; freedom is needed for a few days" (B. Brady).

Here you see a bi-wheel of the natal horoscope of VP Kamala Harris (inner), who will accept the Democratic Party's nomination for president on Thursday evening (8/22), and the 8 North Eclipse Horoscope (outer) set for Chicago, Illinois:

For this post, the 8 North Eclipse chart is set for Chicago because of the location of DNC 2024 this week and DNC 2024 themes - her themes (listed, below) - and because locating the visionary 8 North Eclipse there places VP Harris' natal Moon (opposite her natal Sun: she's a Gibbous phase lady) atop the Midheaven ('MC'), the Career and Public Status Point. Plus, mundane Moon = publicity and the public mood. Moon in Aries is a very eager placement!

Note that potentials of Moon-MC = "strong soul ties; appreciation for home and family; people with feeling and sentiment; desire to care for others; a soul relationship with the female sex" (R. Ebertin).

Of course, there are other planetary contacts between the charts and I'm certain you'll spot them, plus, a few astro-notes are sprinkled around the charts including the Sabian Symbol for the 8 North Eclipse degree of "20Aries" = "A Young Girl Feeding Birds in Winter." To me this resonates with VP Harris' proposals that will strengthen families and aid children. However, she'll need victories in both the House and the Senate in order to implement her plans for a brighter future. So my hope is that DNC 2024's Blue Moon in the humanitarian, progressive sign of Aquarius will bring a Blue Wave in November!

From MSNBC: Themes of all four nights revealed. TV coverage from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm each night.

Specific Themes of DNC 2024:

Monday: For The People

Tuesday: A Bold Vision for America's Future

Wednesday: A Fight For Our Freedoms

Thursday: For Our Future

Sending Best Wishes for a successful DNC 2024 on behalf of the common good!

Aug 15, 2024

Horoscope: Walz-Vance Debate Oct 1, 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

If an agreed-to Walz-Vance Debate is actually held on October 1, 2024 NYC (CBS) at 9:00 pm ET, then here you see the Walz-Vance Debate Horoscope. If the debate's hour changes, adjust as you will:

Now since the evening of October 1st is the night before the 8 South Solar Eclipse which perfects on October 2nd at 2:42 pm ET @10Lib03 - conjunct Mercury, messenger planet of debates - the VP debate is scheduled to occur during a Balsamic phase of the Moon when "things go bump in the night." And despite the phase's potential for prophetic utterances, I'm unconvinced at this point that the Walz-Vance Debate will happen on that particular date. Perhaps it will, or the event will be rescheduled, but we'll see. This debate might even be the first of others.

However, due to the nearness of the difficult 8 South Eclipse which will influence both Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025, my guess is that no astrologer was consulted for scheduling advice!

Related posts include 'noon' natal horoscopes of Governor Tim Walz, and venture capitalist JD Vance, 2024 combatants for the Vice Presidential office.

Aug 14, 2024

Trump and The Harris Campaign 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Below is a synastry grid showing aspects between the natal planets of one Donald Trump and placements of the 2024 Harris Campaign announced via tweet ('X') on July 21, 2024 at 4:31 pm edt.

Then below the grid is the Harris Campaign 2024 Horoscope with 4Sag27 rising. The chart is set for 4:30 pm edt because it's the timing used by my astrologer pal Ed Kohout who writes the brilliant Occursion Media blog on WordPress:

Beginning at top with the Moon, aspects between Trump natal and Harris Campaign 2024 include but may not be limited to:

Moon semi-square Moon: overreactions; disturbed by females; unstable emotions; negative emotions can affect health.

Moon trine Neptune: pleasing fantasies; delusions (Biden will allegedly "take back" his campaign during the DNC?).

Moon sesquisquare North Node: disturbed flow; emotional adjustments needed; public contact off-kilter.

Mercury conjunct Mars: quick responses, often sarcastic; politics.

Mars sesquisquare Chiron: aggression issues and competition gain complexity.

Mars square ASC: ego conflict; shoving and pushing; tension and competition.

Mars square Uranus: the own worst enemy transit; conflicts; disputes; thwarted goals; lashing out.

Uranus sextile Venus: exploitation of others.

Neptune inconjunct ASC: fantasies; escapism; adjustments; indulgences; a softer image is needed; vacillation.

Pluto inconjunct ASC: obsessions; dogmatism; holding grudges.

Chiron sextile Sun: high ambitions.

Chiron square Saturn: socio-cultural conflicts with authority and the status quo.

North Node square Mercury: meetings; emotional ills; fewer public contacts.

North Node trine Pluto: contact with people in a state of change; compulsive transformation; powerful experiences.

North Node semisquare MC: difficulties with publicity and reputation; uncomfortable community involvement.

Horoscope of the Harris Campaign (now Harris-Walz) July 21, 2024:

Further info from MSNBC: Maggie Haberman says there are two things that rattle Trump the most right now.

Previously on SO'W: VP Kamala Harris' Natal Horoscope, plus, a Q and A session: Early America with Ed Kohout!

Aug 12, 2024

Election 2024: Sobering Stakes

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Just as during the 1964 presidential campaign between Lyndon B. Johnson and Barry Goldwater, America again faces in 2024 the prospect of a loose cannon POTUS with an itchy "finger on The Button."

Factoring in the sketchy loyalities and betraying nature of felon candidate Trump inspires a consideration of the famous "Daisy Ad" that ran on NBC only once (at appr 9:50 pm edt) and is now described as "a turning point in political and advertising history." The ad successfully turned voters away from candidate Barry Goldwater who was considered in some quarters to be "mentally unfit" for the presidency. Well, history does tend to rhyme, yes?

Now according to Wikipedia, the little blonde girl shown picking daisy petals in the ad was played by child model Monique Corzilius (m. Manuel Luis) who was born May 3, 1961 and raised in Pine Beach, NJ.

Here's a link to the Daisy Ad's Wikipedia page which includes a video of the brief TV ad itself.

So below you see a Horoscope of the Daisy Ad set for its one air date of September 7, 1964 9:50 pm est Washington DC - DC because the chart's Angles echo those of US Inauguration ceremonies. The chart is unmarked so use it as you wish. You'll note that in 1st house is Jupiter @26Tau03, a degree regularly activated these days particularly by radical zealot Uranus which conjuncts Algol of Medusa fame, a star of rage, destruction, and fanaticism:

Yet if set for NYC (because NBC), the Daisy Ad Horoscope shows 18Tau46 rising (George Washington's natal ASC), and 28Cap32 at MC which places US 1776 Pluto Rx upon the chart's Midheaven ('MC'), the Aspiration Point of public visibility; plus as you know, Pluto is the planet of nuclear power and plutonium. Meanwhile, US 1776 Mercury Rx conjuncts the ad's IC of Endings and is descriptively conjoined by 1964 Mars. This qualifies as a Mars-opposite-US-Pluto transit denoting a contest of wills, a period when attempting to change the status quo is ill-advised. As we both know, President Johnson remained in office.

Also noteworthy is that the Eclipse Series into which the 1964 campaign ad aired on TV is the 2 New North, aka, "The Tower Eclipse" (@17Can16). As it happens, this is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") Saros Series of VP Kamala Harris born October 20, 1964 and now the Democratic candidate for president. You may remember that a 2 New North Eclipse repeated on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 with Uranium's totem planet, Uranus, conjunct MC when the Eclipse chart is set for Washington DC.

So whether or not The Button in 2024 is in danger of reckless activation by one prospective candidate or another, my studies tell me that the rebuilding found within the themes of all The Tower Eclipses (2 New North) is far more assured by a Kamala Harris victory on November 5, 2024 than by a manipulated "win" by a destructive, vengeful loose cannon like Mr. Trump who acts under the influence of America's enemies, and whose health seems to be failing right before our eyes.

Related Posts include: The Eclipse of NBC TV, the Second Inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson on January 20, 1965, and the 2024 Jupiter Return of VP Kamala Harris.

"Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny." - Barry Goldwater

Well said, Senator Goldwater. May both you and President Johnson R.I.P.

Aug 6, 2024

VP Kamala Harris' Jupiter Return 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

On April 30, 2024, transit Jupiter in Gemini returned to position in the natal horoscope of VP Kamala Harris, our 2024 democratic candidate for the presidency. For your consideration, here are two images of her same Jupiter Return Horoscope of April 30, 2024, the first chart unmarked, the second with a bunch of my astro-notes scribbled on; both charts are set for Washington DC since VP Harris lives at the Naval Observatory residence as Vice Presidents traditionally do:

Of late, a major transit to VP Harris' natal Jupiter @24Tau00 is a conjunction from Uranus - like an electrifying magic wand - which suggests potentials for broadened horizons, long-distance travel, expanded training of some kind, and heading down a new path! Also present is fixed star Algol conjunct her Jupiter which to me suggests Jupiter's protective function as she has and will go up against cruel, immoral perpetrators (Algol) like Mr. Trump, born with Algol at his career point (MC) and promoting destruction, revenge, and a dark draconian vision for America's future.

How weird, inappropriate, and unwanted!

A Related Post: Eclipses and Politicians of 1964 which includes both VP Kamala Harris and her VP pick, Gov. Tim Walz who will be onstage with her tonight at their very first Campaign rally in Philadelphia, PA!

Gov. Tim Walz Apr 6, 1964

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

UPDATE August 6, 2024: Tim Walz is the VP choice of VP Kamala Harris! So the North Node of future direction pointing today toward Gov. Walz's natal Mars in Aries tells the tale!

Original post begins here:

Here's an image of the natal horoscope set for noon of Tim Walz born April 6, 1964 in West Point, Nebraska; notably, transit North Node @7Aries today points toward the governor's natal Mars:

And here's the Wikipedia page of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

And here are bio details on Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro born June 20, 1973 in Kansas City, Missouri, with a Mars-Pluto opposition and transit Neptune @29Pisces now conjunct his natal Mars and soon to oppose his natal Pluto.

Aug 5, 2024

VP Kamala Harris' Progressed Full Moon in Gemini

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and VP Kamala Harris

Just a quick posting today to show the AA-rated natal chart of VP Kamala Harris (upper right) and her Secondary Progressed ('SP') Full Moon which perfected on September 24, 2023 @27Gem14 with SP Sun @27Sag14 on her Nodal axis.

The Vice President's birth place of Oakland, California is used for the progressed chart, and as you see, her creative trio of Uranus-Pluto-Venus has evolved into a powerful, highly energetic Uranus-Pluto-Mars trio, thanks in part to her birth in 1964 during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo:

Now as you know, Secondary Progressed Full Moon phases represent the ultimate reach of an individual's lifetime and activities and VP Harris is in this phase now, with the next Progressed phase beginning with the Disseminating phase and her SP Moon @15Leo29 (and SP Sun @00Cap29, a Cardinal World Point); this phase perfects on December 7, 2026.

Then if we consult VP Harris' Solar Arc Progressions set for the same date, time, and location for any external influences active within her environment, we find a few contacts to natal planets such as Solar Arc Moon conjunct natal Ascendant/North Node, Solar Arc Saturn conjunct natal Moon/opposing natal Sun, and Solar Arc Venus conjunct natal Neptune in Scorpio which to me suggests flattering photos and portraits of VP Kamala Harris. Not that Venusian envy and jealousy and Neptunian gaslighting and deceptive propaganda aren't part of the Scorpionic picture as well.

In general, it's obvious that lunar publicity is spotlighting VP Harris on the world stage (Moon-NN-ASC) with a sense of fatedness, Saturnian responsibility and authority are completing her inherent ambition, strategy and direction (Saturn-Moon-Sun), and masses of women support her 100% (Venus-Neptune) as do the wonderful men who see the writing on the societal wall!

Jul 24, 2024

VP Harris Courts Gen Z Voters

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Hey there! Would you say that Kamala Harris (is the) Gen Z meme queen? Her campaign's appeals to Gen Z members, aka, "Zoomers", are using more modern tactics in an attempt to reach them in their favorite social network lairs, and large numbers of young folks are responding and registering to vote in Election 2024 on November 5th! That merits a huge Hooray! around here.

Because if Democrats can add the Youth Vote to the Righteous Women vote, we'll create a Blue Tsunami on November 5th to drown the fascist Project 2025 agenda with its cruelty and barbarism.

Now as you know, The Gen Z age range is usually said to be those born between 1997 and 2010. This includes those old enough to vote for the very first time in the 2024 Election. This circumstance inspired a look at the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2006, the primary year in which 18-year-olds were born.

Significant is the fact that the two Solar Eclipses of 2006 are repeating in 2024, 18.6 years later! It's merely the eclipse cycle, and apart from the themes of the repeating eclipses, it's basically a timing issue because when a Solar Eclipse in a Saros Series that a person was born into repeats (first time for everyone, age 18), it tends to mark a very prominent and active year for that person, and may even signal a personal year to shine!

So below you see a quick (very messy) graphic that lists the Eclipses of 2006 and 2024 with their themes added which "run in the background of society" yet may not have any personal influence at all. One difference is that the 8 South of September 22, 2006 was basically an Autumn Equinox 2006 Eclipse, even though the Sun had not quite reached 00Lib00:00 - but lingered at the very end of Virgo at an impulsive, critical, under-strain 29th degree. (See the events, below, for a Virgoan-digestive health-related incident.)

However, in 2024, 8 South will fall @10Libra and influence both Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 within Libran and Arian (Aryan?) concerns such as relationships, conflicts, war, diplomacy - and, via the balance of the Libran Scales of Justice - our critical need for fairplay:

Now to put the Gen Z generation into historical context, we can check out US Events of 2006 which lists a variety of positive and negative occurrences. Stand-outs for me include the George W. Bush SOTU Address (his Axis of Evil speech) and the now-unpopular Samuel Alito being sworn in to pontificate on the Supreme Court bench and to subsequently repeal Roe v Wade (talk about loss!) both of which occurred on January 31, 2006.

Then on February 11, VP Dick Cheney accidentally shot his lawyer in the face while quail hunting in southern Texas; and on September 15, 2006, spinach contaminated with E. coli bacteria killed 2 and poisoned over 200 people -- a tragedy close enough to the 8 South Eclipse of 2006 to be affected by 8S themes of loss and separation.

To close, here's a related post since we know that for power-demanding Trumpians, The Cruelty Is the Point.

Jul 23, 2024

Gov Josh Shapiro June 20, 1973 (D-PA)

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As a new generation of US politicians bubbles happily along, we discussed earlier today two Democrats whose names have cycled up into public consciousness as potential VP picks for now-VP Kamala Harris. We looked at the Eclipses of Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky and Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona.

Another Name Simmering on The VP Hob

Now let's peek at Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro's Solar Eclipse Series with its themes running in the background of his life. As it happens, Baby Shapiro was born on June 20, 1973 - between two eclipses: 11 North on January 4, 1973, and 11 South on June 30, 1973.

As you see, Josh Shapiro was born just within the two-week window of influence prior to the 11 South Eclipse of 1973 so I'll list the themes of both eclipses for your consideration. When this cosmic happenstance occurs, a blending of eclipse themes may be in evidence in the person's life, or, as eclipses in the two Series repeats (every 19.6 years), its themes may take precedence - or alternate.

1973 Eclipses of Josh Shapiro

January 4, 1973 11 North @14Capricorn themes: Suddenly changing groups through ideas or travel; the implied separation can have positive outcomes as greater commitments are made. Last 11N: 2009; next 11N: 2027.

June 30, 1973 11 South @9Cancer themes: A sudden need for reforms as old methods or ideas fail and new systems are needed to deal with events and handle issues; any blocks could be tragically or violently removed. Last 11S: 2009; next 11S: 2027.

Well, there we have it. The eclipses affecting the life of Josh Shapiro are not as lightweight as those of Andy Beshear and Mike Kelly. And of course, it could be that VP Harris will choose someone entirely different from Beshear, Kelly, or Shapiro so when we find out who that brave person is, another post concerning the chosen running mate of Kamala Harris will be necessary to complete the 2024 VP picture.

Now here's the 11 South Solar Eclipse of 2027:

For more eclipse info see Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Nov 20, 2020

The Biden-Harris Partnership: Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo

On November 7, 2020, Joe Biden was announced as President-Elect and a post appeared here on SO'W discussing the announcement's Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo blend of Fixed energies which may be said to describe the Biden-Harris partnership - he, the Sun, she, the Moon. The happiness (Leo) of a majority of the public (Moon) is also indicated as the emotional trend or mood.

However, in my previous post I was rushed and did not add a view of the announcement horoscope so it's added here for readers who may not have seen it. And for those who have:

Karmic planet Saturn rules many realms as you know, and here Saturn rules the Ascendant (the announcement itself) and reveals several factors that feature and will feature in the Biden-Harris administration and its managing style and ability. Demanding Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) rules realism, control, limits, responsibility, accountability, seniors, maturity, and the law and we find these issues and concerns mentioned within the public discourse on a daily basis.

In Mundane Astrology, Saturn also represents The Establishment and The System and with this one horoscope we can see the ongoing stand-off between reactionary anarchic forces of Utopian zealotry vs the steady energies of now-returning professional actors in government and their particular world view. (See Uranus conjunct both the IC and the previous Halloween New Moon @8Taurus). How closely the adage 'new boss same as old boss' will apply remains to be seen, as quirky as that may be considering erratic Trump (whose WH tenure was no bug but a feature, I suspect).

Yes, Trump managed to place a lot of things and principles up for grabs, an authoritarian agenda which has created conditions for a major reform of the US government. This is what 'the powers that think they be' wanted all along for pawns like you and me.

In closing, also note that the current 'midpoint gorilla' in the environment is the transiting Saturn-Uranus = Neptune picture. So it's 'Old Order vs New Order' with the veil or mask of sneaky Neptune overlaid which to me suggests that disguised changes are being utilized with the objective of altering traditional roles or methods (although inspired solutions should not be ruled out!). This alteration will be supported by the December 21, 2020 Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn, a cosmic shift into a more Aquarian era and a signal for the beginning of a 'new order' politically, financially, and socially.

Aug 27, 2020

Power Shift: by astrologer Peter Doughty

With Campaign 2020 grinding on, Stars Over Washington is very pleased to present a guest post authored by Peter Doughty!

Power Shift

by Peter Doughty

The other night - Friday night, probably - I was sitting back with ye olde laptop in me lap as I digested a bit more of the bits and pieces I’d been chewing on, that came from the Democratic Party online shindig for anointing POTUS and VPOTUS candidates. It’s been quite the buzz, even in my perennially independent-minded head. Sure, I’ve leaned that direction all my adult life and never did vote for any R candidate that came along: their so-called conservatism never seemed to line up at all with my brand of such.

So, the news of the choice for VPOTUS was, frankly, exciting — somewhat, for a while. After all, the sorts of economic, cultural and political changes that even the near future would seem to hold were not about to pass her lips, masked or not — nor those of her running mate.

Yet from an astrological perspective, the charts of both candidates provide plenty of fodder for fascinating and perhaps illuminating study.

In the case of Mr. Biden, all that Scorpio energy — Mars, Mercury, Sun and Venus, in that order — in the twelfth house would mark him from birth with a path involving much struggle and suffering, and, maybe, inner work. So it would seem. As one with a diurnal chart (Sun in watery Scorpio above the horizon), his first personal cycle of Saturn would be under the general dominion of Venus. However, Venus also being above the horizon as well as “in exile” in Scorpio, she would not be adorning a path toward being a small-p party animal.

Life was evidently not much easier for Mr. B through his second Saturn cycle (until 2001), under Mars’ dominion. More strength and determination were called for, though he was still essentially trapped within labyrinthine institutions.

Now, though, his life is under the general sway of Luna: quite happy (under the overall circumstances) in the steady and huggy sign of Taurus. Ms. Harris could not be in much better astrological condition, conferring popularity and success as long as Mr. B. plays a caretaker role (natal Luna in the service-demanding sixth house).

There are some quite interesting connections in progressions and directions to his natal chart (of course). I will merely say this: The astrological confirmation of the appropriateness of, and the larger societal readiness for, teaming with a woman with roots in atypical cultures comes through most emphatically. The exact natal opposition between Juno in the first house and Saturn in the seventh, along with the seventh-house profection year (age seventy-eight) to begin in November, shout it out. This is a classic depiction of a need for a truly collaborative partner at this time. And the foreign-ness of Juno in Sagittarius is, well — astrologers couldn’t make up something more symbolically spot-on.

It looks like Biden — or, more likely, the hidden councils of his Party — has chosen well.

What I find most intriguing about Ms. H’s natal chart is the exact full moon, somewhat similar to that of the Agent Orange of the Oval Office.

His was a special full moon: a lunar eclipse, with all the spookiness implied and noticed whenever it recurs (at least twice a year). Hers was just a regular full moon.
Hers, like his, was an Air sun / Fire moon combination: cardinal signs, denoting initiative and new directions. His, with the individualistic and defiant element of Uranus thrown in, emphasized reaction, chaos and rendering asunder.

Evidently, Ms. Harris' role is to be one of the chief architects of a newly constituted polity arising from the ashes of the nation’s Pluto return and the depredations of Trumpism. There is apt to be, in her imprint on events and developments, a definite back-and-forth between instinctive, pointed response and action and, on the other hand, patterns of rational consideration to the point of vacillation: Luna in Aries, Sol in Libra.

What probably among most astrologers appears as the most significant portion in the synastry is the superimposition of Ms. Harris’ grand cross in the fixed signs upon Mr. Biden’s chart, linking with his Scorpio cluster and Chiron in Leo. The latter is his “wounded leader” placement, activated by the Great American Eclipse three years ago, nearly to the day. (I wonder what he was doing that day, and where he was?)

For Ms. Harris, the grand cross represents the inheritance of a great burden, just as she enters into her third personal Saturn cycle, under the dominion of Saturn. That placement for her links closely with his Chiron placement. Fortunately for her, and even more so for the citizenry, natal Saturn is in a dignified condition in Aquarius. This indicates that she would undertake great responsibility in this phase of her life, and that it would involve carefully balancing the needs and demands of disparate social or political groups.

As fate would have it, she might have been thrust into the role of headwoman of some tribe struggling to survive the onslaught of Jair Bolsonaro’s destroyers of the last of the delicate rainforests in the Brazilian hinterlands, or mayor of some hamlet on the Great Plains which lately lost its leader in the Great Derecho of 2020. Instead, she’s stepping into line to become the first female president of a faltering republic and shrinking empire which once styled itself champion of the “free world.” What will even be the shape of the presidency in this next era? That’s another and much larger question, with no attempt at an answer here.

Biden and Harris are holding out the carrot of a return, somehow, sometime, to something that might pass for “normalcy.” But it ain’t gonna happen. The largesse both are talking about are represented by Biden’s natal Jupiter, exalted in caring (when it’s not involved in accumulating) Cancer, in a close sextile (sixty-degree) relationship with Harris’ Jupiter in easy-going, got-plenty Taurus. Actually, the latter — in the context of her grand cross — represents the stemming of the bulk of the big-money projects they propose.

The overall national and international economies are on a cliff-edge, teetering near their tipping points.

The resources increasingly devoted to disaster-recovery take away big chunks from whatever Green New Deal ideas come forward. Those will have to depend on regional and local resources, even as their economies are broken.

Yet a great many localized enterprises, like a thousand points of light, can increase a sense of focus and purpose, within the potential for a measure of continuity. (The pervasive and persistent disruptions on a vast scale, symbolized in 2021 by Jupiter and Saturn in square to Uranus, guarantee an era of even-greater difficulties.)

Ms. Harris, whenever and to what degree she assumes prominent responsibility, will have to carry that cross. There will be many false starts and dead ends in cultivating the next stage, yet evidence shows that good-faith effort and due diligence will be among the new norms.

And those ain’t small matters.

For both Ms. Harris and the Agent, December marks the month of climactic shifts in circumstances. On 14 December — a week before the Great Solstice with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — a total solar eclipse falls on the natally-eclipsed Luna in the Agent’s chart, and on the western horizon of Harris’ natal chart. Translation: likely precipitous descent into total madness for the former, and full-scale partnership mode for the latter.

May our better angels prevail.

Biden-Harris synastry chart

In addition to his personal consulting work, Peter Doughty blogs every other Wednesday at Zodiacal Spiral and co-writes a monthly forecast with Aeolea Wendy Burwell at Rocmetaphysical online magazine.

Aug 12, 2020

VP Debate October 7, 2020: Jupiter vs Jupiter!

Astrological Jupiter: Planet of Politics, Finances, Ideology, and Expansion

by Jude Cowell

August 12, 2020: Now that 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden has named Senator Kamala Harris as his VP choice and running mate, we can be reasonably assured that the October 7, 2020 VP Debate in Salt Lake City, Utah will be between Senator Harris and current VP Pence. If this debate is held, and if these are the two combatants, an interesting cosmic event is forecast: the natal Jupiters of Harris and Pence (1964 vs 1959) precisely oppose one another in the Zodiac - hers @24Tau00 Rx (Earth), his @24Sco40 Rx (Water). And as you undoubtedly realize, their Jupiters conjunct the natal MC-IC axis (24+ Taurus/Scorpio) of Donald Trump whose name and antics are likely to come up during the first, and perhaps the only, VP debate of 2020. Not that we need Astrology to inform us of this!

So during their Jupiterian stand-off we may notice hints of Harris' Jupiter in Taurus ('Venus') traits such as 'liberality, generosity, an urge for financial security' (hopefully extended to the American people!), but also possible are 'streaks of wastefulness and overindulgence in the finer things'. Generally, Jupiter in Taurus is trustworthy and as you know, steady, practical Taurus is a sign of preservation, growth, increase, building, and development.

Meanwhile, traits of Pence's Jupiter in Scorpio ('Mars-Pluto') include 'ruthless striving for possessions, materialism, a tendency to overrate oneself, optimism, a craving for pleasure, and an overly pronounced sexual life (oops! does Mother know? It would seem so since he can't be trusted alone with women). And as you know, sexy Scorpio is a brooding, deep thinking sign of such things as Big Business and occult study.

Please note that these Jupiter in Taurus-and-Scorpio indications are from Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences.

(To me the Harris-Pence-Jupiter situation seems a curious cosmic echo of the fact that the natal Jupiters of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump also precisely oppose one another across the Aries-Libra axis. So actually, with both Jupiter pairs (Aries-Libra and Taurus-Scorpio), the degree and its Sabian Symbol for each planet is the Illumination Point of the other!)

Previous posts concerning the two politicians have been published on SO'W if you care to take a look:

Kamala Harris: Peacemaking Crusader with Spunk!, and Trump natal Horoscope with Pence natal planets penned outside. Plus, you may wish to check out Alex Miller's Astrological Profile of Mike Pence using asteroid placements as Alex so ably does.

Above NASA image: Jupiter

Jul 29, 2020

When Rep. Pramila Jayapal Questions Bill Barr

Photo: William Barr

July 29, 2020: Yesterday on SO'W I typed aloud my dream that it could be Senator Kamala Harris who would question Trump's interference-running Attorney General Bill Barr during his testimony before Congress for Senator Harris is Barr's favorite interrogator, as you know. After all, it was Senator Harris' natal Pluto @15Virgo and Venus in Virgo (17:53) that peeked over the horizon on Capitol Hill as the congressional session opened at 9:30 am edt. Here's yesterday's DC Horoscope set for 9:30 am edt. Perhaps her powerful style of dealing with prevaricators was present in spirit!

However, with the testy proceedings occurring in the House not the Senate, lady Venus in the questioning sign of Gemini at apex of a YOD configuration and with a special task to perform at the appointed time turned out to be reflected by Rep. Pramila Jayapal which suited the situation just fine. Her characterization of Barr's actions concerning Black Lives Matter protesters (he's against them) vs Barr's coddling (my word) of armed right wing extremists who threatened to lynch a governor is based in reality unlike so much that spews out of fantasist Trump and his scofflaw regime which Barr was hired to protect like Trump's mentor Roy Cohn used to do back in the olden days.

So in case you missed it (and it's a doozy!), here's a clip of Pramila Jayapal questioning the very dodgy Bill Barr yesterday. Oh, and like Kamala Harris, she controls her time!

Two Related Posts: July/December 2020: Pluto Opposes Trump natal Saturn, and the Natal Horoscope of Kamala Harris (RR:AA); note that rising just prior to her Pluto is Uranus in Virgo, the revolutionary pair of the mid-1960s Civil Rights Movement. Their three intense conjunctions in mid-Virgo are now being re-activated (opposed) by the transiting midpoint in mid-Pisces of Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn - reminding us that Civil Rights Matter!

Jul 28, 2020

July 28, 2020 Horoscope: Bill Barr to Capitol Hill

July 18, 2020: Unless a cancellation, rescheduling, or delay occurs (chart-ruler Mercury opposes Jupiter Rx), Trump's AG William Barr is scheduled to testify today (9:30 am edt) before Congress and defend ongoing militarized actions in Portland, Oregon, among other acts of the Trump regime.

Since it's almost 9:30 am as I type, this is a quick posting of the morning's horoscope and as you see, Barr's Saturn, then Mars, rise on Capitol Hill and the natal Pluto @15Vir27 of Senator Kamala Harris (his favorite questioner, no doubt!) precisely rises at 9:30 am along with her natal Venus (17:53).

A high-flying Kite pattern (success) with testifying Mercury as its tail is shown along with a YOD pattern of crisis, special task, and/or karmic opportunity with lady Venus (Senator Harris?) at apex in Mercury-ruled Gemini. Questions! Yet Mr. Barr is there to restrain and cover-up, his usual political gig.

And with chart-ruler (and Midheaven-ruler) Mercury applying three times we may expect severe disagreements and conflicts (opposes Jupiter Rx), perhaps a lack of logic, inspired ideas that can be misused or glamorized (trines Neptune), and a display of opposing forces during these intense proceedings as information is manipulated to someone's advantage, withheld, or the wrong answers are deliberately provided in order to mislead. Obviously with Barr protecting Trump, damaging secrets will be closely held (opposes Pluto).

Oh! and Pluto Rx @23Cap25 continues his powerful opposition to Trump's natal Saturn in watery, tribal, business-oriented Cancer (Saturn, planet of authority and control).

Now much more info is embedded within the chart but time is short so I'll trust you, dear reader, to sleuth away if you're so inclined!