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Showing posts with label Sun-Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun-Saturn. Show all posts

Jun 19, 2024

Biden-Trump Debate June 27, 2024: Mars v Mars

Will Fascism Challenge Democracy?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Perhaps you'd be interested in details concerning a Synastry Grid between America's Albatross (natal planets) and the planets on the night of the first 2024 Biden-Trump Debate: Will America's Albatross Debate in June?

What I neglect to mention in my WordPress post is that Mars @13Taurus on June 27, 2024 directly opposes President Biden's natal Mars @13Scorpio, rather a perfect cosmic picture of their challenge to one another, yes? Sparks may fly with the White House helm on the line.

Thing is, Debate Mars in Taurus is apex of a midpoint between Sun and Saturn and this reveals a Martian personage with abrasive mannerisms and a desire to be in charge. Sounds like Trump, born with Mars rising in pompous Leo.

Feb 19, 2021

Republic of Texas 1836 Horoscope with Storm 2021

Republic of Texas in 2021: independence at what cost?

by Jude Cowell

February 19, 2021: Before annexation by the United States on February 19, 1846, the Republic of Texas was proclaimed independent from the Spanish Empire as part of Mexico on March 2, 1836 (N. Campion, p. 376) and independence was established by victory at the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836. The battle's date was selected as the anniversary that opened a Texas Commission in London in 1986 so this is the date of the Republic of Texas Horoscope, below. Follow the Battle's Wikipedia link for more historical details.

February 2021

Since the dire conditions in Texas are directly due to the winter storm ravaging the region, much blame for the people's suffering and loss falls upon the state's privatized energy sources (independent of the rest of the country as they so proudly are and echoing the sentiments of the 1836 Republic), current transits are penned round the Horoscope of the Republic of Texas. And perhaps it's curious to note that at noon on March 2, 1836 (independence proclaimed), a YOD of crisis had formed between Moon in Virgo sextile Jupiter in Cancer pointing toward watery Neptune in Aquarius; the trio as midpoint picture: bad social conditions (Ebertin). Yet as you see in the chart, below, by April 21st, the Moon @5Can49 (conjunct Mirzam: to have one's say) was nearing Jupiter (The General, exalted in Cancer) with both still inconjunct Neptune and thus echoing the YOD's portents. Naturally, any battle creates 'bad social conditions' before things can hopefully be improved. Otherwise, what was the fighting for?

So as you see, planets penned around the 1836 chart are for the monster winter storm system that hit the state on Sunday February 7, 2021 (highlighted in green). As of today's date, power is being restored even as a boil water advisory remains in place for millions across the region. See Families regain power in Texas, food and water shortages continue (ABC News, February 18).

And if there's one major transit that can describe current conditions in Texas and the surrounding region, it's 2021 Saturn @6AQ00 conjunct the Republic of Texas' 1836 Neptune, the 'grim face of reality' transit which also contains potentials for disillusionment and the misinterpretation of responsibilities. Hint: power outages from the storm have not been caused by "windmills" or by the as-yet unimplemented Green New Deal, but by the state's privatized energy grid kept separate from the rest of the country and therefore unable to ask for needed assistance in times of crisis as a regular state could do. Texans may not agree with me on this and of course that's their right! (Note that in 1836, independent Uranus, the rebel, rises with fixed star Alpheratz = 'wanting freedom and movement'!)

Now there's a whole lot going on in the 1836 Horoscope as you see by my many study notes penned upon the chart. Significantly, the Sun-Saturn opposition (strength, endurance; obstacles); Saturn in Scorpio adds 'skill and obstinacy') is essential as the Sun's closest applying aspect and forms a dynamic T-Square with nebulous Neptune (crisis; depressing circumstances via Saturn-MC = Neptune). Plus, note the importance of Saturn Rx @1Sco59 for, besides the T-Square, the karmic planet of restriction acts as the tail of a high-flying KITE pattern of success (highlighted in turquoise). In addition (!), Saturn is also the handle of a BUCKET shape denoting the old devil as the point of application for all the planetary energies (actors) similar to the lead planet in a Locomotive shape (ruthlessly determined on success):

As you see, warrior planet Mars is strong in its own sign of Aries, Pluto in Aries (craving power; extraordinary energy) conjuncts gold-loving MIDA$, and the Aries-Libra axis of war and diplomacy is intercepted across the 3/9 house polarity which to me suggests the karmic conditions leading up to the Battle of San Jacinto, the involvement of the Spanish Empire and Mexico (9th house), and its outcome of an independent Republic. As notated in 4th house, the Battle occurred within the difficult 18 South Saros Series @27Sco25 which contains themes of 'high stress level, taxing of strength, physical concerns and/or injury/illness/obsessive worry' (Brady's Predictive Astrology) #ad.

One further factor from 1836 which may be operative today: Pluto-NN = Sun = Saturn suggests flavors of rebellion and imposing one's will on others, plus, the Pluto-NN midpoint = 'common destiny of a large mass of people' (Ebertin).

So with this post, my hope is that the good people of Texas receive relief from all their troubles very soon.

As always, your on-topic yet courteous comments and observations are invited as long as your name is attached (No 'Anonymous' and No 'Unknown' commenters will be published - and No all-CAPS please for it comes across as shouting and I'm not deaf!). jc

Update March 2, 2021: an interesting comment has turned up which cannot be published because it's signed "Unknown." It seems that corrections are warranted on my use of the Battle's coordinates and on the timing of the Battle of San Jacinto which, Unknown asserts, was fought "around 2-2:30" pm. The Battle horoscope will be updated in my files and those who care may wish to do the same but for this post I'll stick with the Nicholas Campion horoscope set for noon, Republic of Texas. jc

Jul 5, 2020

DC Horoscope: America's Current Jupiter Return

America's Exalted Jupiter in Cancer: "Game Bird$ Feathering Their Nest$"

by Jude Cowell

July 5, 2020: Below you see the Horoscope of America's current Jupiter Return which timed the beginning of a 12-year cycle of Jupiterian activities and conditions. Perfecting on July 22, 2013, the 2013 Return is in effect until the next US Jupiter Return on July 5, 2025. Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes and yes, I totally agree with you that too many notes are squished upon the chart:

Hopefully you can see that around the outside of the chart (highlighted in lavender-pink) are the planets of July 4, 2020 (US Solar Return 2020) with 2020 Moon (9Cap14) conjunct 2013 Pluto in the 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking. US Jupiter is in Return 11th house (green) and rules 5th and 8th houses (Corporatism, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Shared Resources, Transformation, the Occult, Death). Wounded/Wounding Chiron therein is at '14Pisces' = "A Lady in Fox Fur" which for me, at the very least, refers to Fox TV, its Trumpian propaganda, and their 'chirons' across the bottom of our screens.

Meanwhile, with Leo rising, chart-ruler Sun applies only once: square restrictive legal planet Saturn (conjunct IC) suggesting those who concentrate on business, delays and annoyances, hard work and planning are required, and/or a potential for a lack of control (see lower left). This square in 2013 - still in effect in 2020 - is a natal echo for America since the same square appears in our founding horoscope (July 4, 1776) which makes the 2013 square more difficult to navigate as time progresses - at least more difficult without a keen awareness of the energies involved and how they can be better directed through maturity, a sense of duty, and careful planning.

Now as you know, Saturn is one of the karmic planets and the presence of the North Node nearby adds more karmic indications (in big-business-oriented Scorpio) about our country's future direction. According to R. Ebertin, the Saturn-NN duo relates to partnership difficulties and disadvantages, connections with older authorities, lawmakers, and lawyers, and/or teamwork which becomes steadily more difficult - Sun Square Saturn (ex: trying to get along or work with cantankerous old man Trump?). Again: maturity, a sense of duty, and careful planning are demanded for best results but tragically most Americans in 2020 realize that certain US government officials have turned their backs on such measured qualities and responsibilities. Therefore, America's natal Sun-Saturn square is being disrespected and neglected by Trump and associates, both foreign and domestic, as the rules, laws, and traditions favored by Saturn are disregarded and broken by scofflaw politicians, their operatives, and foreign handlers.

Trump's 'guiding planet' is his 10th house Uranus in Gemini (chaos and duplicity) so --

Now as you see, 2020 Uranus, planet of disruption, shock, chaos, separation, and perhaps innovation has crossed the Midheaven ('MC': the Why? Point) of the 2013 Jupiter Return chart (MC @4Tau50) with its tragically come-to-pass Sabian Symbol for '5Taurus' = "A Widow At An Open Grave" - well, in 2020 we now know why. (As you know, Jupiter likes to break through boundaries and as such, can relate to invaders such as viruses.) Also note that 2013 Uranus is at a critical-crisis degree in the 9th house; symbol for '13Aries' = "A Bomb Which Failed to Explode Is Safely Concealed." Naturally, this word picture may refer to multiple situations and conditions of loss and grief, including financial ones that have a potential for raids on the US Treasury, some from abroad (9th house) and facilitated by US politicians and their enablers. Plus, some plunderings and squanderings are perpetrated by thieving US politicians such as Trump, Mnuchin, and McConnell (and others before them). Of course, you may disagree if you must but there it is.

Activist Mars @6Can00 conjoined US natal Jupiter earlier in the day (4:44:44 am edt) which suggests such possibilities as overextended credit (some to the unworthy or unqualified, some to the US government by foreign entities), an activated spirit of enterprise, increased energy and confidence, an expanded appetite for luxury, and/or ethical issues and considerations. Well, yes, ethics and morals are definite concerns of astrological Jupiter but current day "game birds" aren't interested in such concerns at all or they couldn't behave as wastrels and scoundrels as they do.

But in 2020 there's another consideration: can the current Covid-19 health crisis and its fallout be found in this 2013 horoscope? Yes, I think so. Note the 1st house Venus @29Leo55, a critical-crisis 29th degree (conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant) with royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided). Trump has favored red states over blue with medical supplies, 'nuff said about his love of revenge. Look next to Regulus for two 2013 midpoints: Mars-Saturn (harmful energy; brutality) and Jupiter-Saturn (the societal planets; politicians, government officials; the pair soon to meet in Great Conjunction at Winter Solstice 2020). These two midpoints are opposed by 2013 Neptune Rx, planet of contagion, so we have pictures of 'epidemic, grave loss, damage through major force (ex: war); pessimism', and/or 'begrudging the good fortune of others' (Ebertin). Relocate this Return chart to Washington DC and Neptune Rx @4Pis51 is in the 8th house of Death, and pollinating Mercury (conjunct US natal Sun 13Can19) that contracts whatever it touches backs into the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions like Hospitals and Congress, Back Door Deals, Secret Activities, Karma, Self-Undoing, and the Unconscious.

Now this chart may be compared to future transits and progressions but the final chart factor I'll mention today is US Jupiter Return 2013's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 15 South Saros Series @19Tau31 (here in 10th house, highlighted in orange) with 15 South's themes of 'release of tension; a lingering situation suddenly clears with a sense of collective grief or loss' (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Now if you're tempted to think that 15 South themes of 2013 have petered out by 2020, I ask you to consider that if the horoscope of our current Jupiter Return, timing a 12-year cycle that began in 2013 'lasts' until July 2025, then its 15 South PE remains influential and in part describes our current societal conditions of 2020 all too well.

Note: America's Jupiter Return Horoscope 2013, above, is based on our July 4, 1776 chart set for 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA with ASC 12Sag08 - Jupiter = chart-ruler in 7th house and is ruler of Pisces intercepted in 3rd house - MC 00Lib47, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, Fortune, Fame, and Recognition.

Nov 12, 2019

June 2020 Transits to Inauguration 2017 Chart

June 18, 2020 a Significant Day for the White House

by Jude Cowell

November 12, 2019: You know it's fairly rare that a line-up of planets affecting a particular horoscope become exact on the very same day yet June 18, 2020 is just such a day in relation to Trump's Inauguration 2017 Horoscope. Below is a list of said transits with brief indications added--including a Trump White House Mars Return suggesting a new two-year cycle of activity which actually stretches beyond Trump's first-term time frame.

The following transits perfect on June 18, 2020 within the hours of 12:43 am edt and 7:22 pm edt:

A Related Post: Trump Inauguration's Solar Return 2019, a horoscope in effect now and until January 21, 2020 at 5:30:32 am est. You may wish to consider karmic Saturn and Pluto, soon to join forces on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46, hovering in 4th house near the IC of the 2019 Solar Return; their conjunction occurs while the 2019 Return chart is in effect.

Aug 21, 2018

Aug 21, 2018 Sun and Saturn affect Trump legal matters

As Above, So Below for Donald Trump

August 21, 2018: Today in Alexandria, Virginia, jurors found Paul Manafort guilty of 8 out of 18 counts of felonious activities while Trump fixer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in his many-faceted case and pointed a finger at Donald Trump ('candidate') as the co-conspirator who directed him to pay Trump amours Karen MacDougal and Stephanie Clifford in order to protect Trump's 2016 campaign for the presidency. Campaign finance violations may attach.

But predictably, GOP lawmakers try to distance Trump from Manafort and Cohen as democrats pounce what with the 2018 midterms upon us and Mr. Trump's legal exposure from these outcomes remains to be seen in the coming days and weeks.

That was on Earth. Overhead in the starry firmament, today's Sun returned to its degree at last summer's Great American Eclipse (28Leo52) which precisely conjoined the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump (remember he took off his safety glasses to stare directly at the eclipsed orb?)--and perfected not far from his rising Mars @27Leo. Rounded up to 29Leo, the eclipsed Sun's degree one year ago today and therefore, today's Sun position, are at a critical-crisis 29th degree.

Even starker is that royal 'kingmaker' star Regulus is in the solar mix and rises in the natal chart of Mr. Trump as we recently discussed. All the Royal Stars of Persia contain great gifts but include serious cautions which, if neglected or ignored, are not so forgiving. In fact, this sounds a bit like karmic Saturn who rewards only those who honestly deserve it. He will not be trifled with!

Yet there's another factor in the 2017 eclipse chart that tells a difficult tale in line with today's legal events--that 2017 Saturn @21Sag11 precisely conjoined the sensitive natal Moon of Donald Trump and very soon went on to oppose his natal Sun (22Gemini), either of which condition represents sobering times. His having the Nodes involved with his natal Sun-Moon opposition only adds more karmic flavor to these transits and spotlights the legal events that, as of today, will begin to threaten Mr. Trump in earnest.

Because we know that Saturn's realm includes the legal system, lawyers, judges, karmic decisions, restrictions, limits, scrutiny, and--perhaps most importantly--accountability, something Mr. Trump has already attempted to distance himself from (today's Manafort convictions "have nothing to do with me," he says). To natal Moon, harsh Saturn tends to bring feelings of emotional deprivation and turmoil and can even herald a forced change of residence if other factors agree. The family isn't faring very well either. Opposing natal Sun, one's ego and sense of pride are affected negatively by authoritative Saturn so that goals are delayed, hindered, or blocked while failure to accept responsibilities will not satisfy the rightful demands of taskmaster Saturn. Leadership, integrity, and honesty are challenged and if one has broken (Saturnian) rules or laws in the past, it can mean the eventual loss of something even more valuable. Such difficulties and worries might also signal a health breakdown approaching especially if the recipient of Saturn's rays has reached a ripe old age, or if chronic conditions exist.

Jun 15, 2018

Late June 2018: Sun-Saturn opposition and a Full Moon

On June 27, 2018, Saturn and the Sun oppose one another across the Cancer-Capricorn axis thus fulfilling the promise (or threat!) of their previous conjunction which perfected near if not on Winter Solstice 2017. For transit Saturn had entered his own sign of Capricorn on December 19, 2017 and enjoyed a cozy tete-a-tete with the Cardinal Ingress Sun on December 21, 2017. A variety of political, legal, and business-related events occurred in that month--who am I kidding, in that year, thanks to Trump--and their effects naturally have lasted into 2018 and beyond, plus, these cosmic energies are imprinted upon the Trump 'administration' for its duration along with the eclipses and their themes which have preceded and occurred during his inauguration and his time in the Oval Office.

So with the June 27th Sun-Saturn opposition we may expect a sense of fulfillment, culmination, or at least an awareness such as any Full Moon brings, therefore, the events during late 2017 will turn up in the news cycle again for some level of resolution or completion. Yet separation is also a feature of the Sun-Saturn duo and of any opposition.

As for past issues that may turn up for airing there are three events of December 2017 that I easily remember: Alabama's Senate election being won by Democrat Doug Jones (and not Roy Moore!), Trump's pal Michael Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the F.B.I. and agreeing to cooperate with the Trump-Russia investigation, and Trump's initial pronouncement that, not Tel Aviv, but Jerusalem is the rightful capital of Israel and that the US embassy would be subsequently relocated there. It was just in time to fulfill the 70-year Biblical prophecy.

See December 6, 2017's Why Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem Is Controversial.

However, with this post let's limit (Saturn!) our consideration to the June 28th Full Moon (see below) and the Sun-Saturn pair of planetary energies which brings in America's natal Sun-Saturn square of July 4, 1776 for any mention of the pair here on Stars Over Washington most always come with a fresh reminder of that dynamic aspect between the 1776 Sun (leadership) and our national exalted-in-Libra Saturn (lawmakers, lawyers, government officials, the judicial system, mid-level managers, authorities, seniors, and such). The square describes our nation's early struggles for authenticity and the reality of becoming a nation, struggles which eventually gave way to maturity, stability, and a tradition of measured decisions and dependability that many may agree have now been forfeited.

For it doesn't help our cause that the travails of Mr. Trump continue to involve Saturnian issues of authority, authenticity, loyalty, leadership, laws, honesty, steadiness, realism, and truth while transit Saturn demands accountability from him for his past (Saturn) actions. We find threads of this current struggle in the consideration of how transit Saturn in early Capricorn is in process of making a series of oppositions to Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51) while simultaneously squaring his natal Neptune (6Libra) which places the 'reality' TV star's fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square under scrutiny of Saturn's truth-demanding rays while placing karmic obstacles (square) against his Neptunian dreams and impractical or unorthodox ideas. For Trump it's all about appearances and PR yet this can never satisfy realistic Saturn who demands substance, honesty, and measurable results.

Actually, the next exact aspect from karmic Saturn to his unstable Mercury-Neptune square perfects on the very June 27, 2018 of which we now speak when tr Saturn squares Trump's natal Neptune--and then again on November 11, 2018. Completing 2018, a final opposition from Saturn to Trump's natal Mercury perfects on December 10, 2018 marking a period when his anger and frustration are likely to rise to an even higher pitch due to limitations and restrictions, all thanks to sober, no-nonsense Saturn, planet of The Establishment. The Letter of the Law comes to mind along with the fact (Saturn) that in America no man is above the law. Or at least, we say so quite regularly.


Now over and above Mr. Trump, by way of the June 27, 2018 Sun-Saturn opposition we actually have a two-fer transit affecting or activating America's natal Jupiter (5Can56--'6Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" an apt description of the Trump 'administration'). Transit Sun conjoining US natal Jupiter brings a brief period of dramatic or flamboyant events (old news with camera hog Trump, I know) when long distance travel, foreigners, and associated issues are emphasized, finances, expansion, and/or development come into sharper focus, and the judicial system is prominent--already the case, yes, but add the weightier opposition from tr Saturn, planet of karma, and a culmination or fulfillment stage, as noted, is perfecting so that what has been sown will be reaped. Plus, with Saturn opposing US natal Jupiter a period arrives when past failures and neglect of responsibility are featured (and perhaps are brought before the court--or will long-neglected bridges fall?), plus, it's a time when rules, regulations, and/or laws may haunt (or convict) those who flaunt them. Ongoing are challenges from authorities who question integrity, honesty, and/or leadership while success-at-any-cost methods tend to result in loss more than gain.

Of course, all these cosmic influences can be affected or moderated by other planetary transits and progressions--and on the physical plane by those who blackmail others in order to keep the demands of legal Saturn abated, delayed, or denied. Yes, Washington DC tends to run on blackmail and there are many who would speak out against the current crop of criminals if they could but they are held in check by threats and intimidation if not outright bribery and pay-offs.

June 28, 2018 Full Moon @6Cap28 12:52:54 am edt

This Full Moon is the culmination stage of the June 13, 2018 New Moon @22Gemini44--conjunct the natal Sun of Donald Trump--and conjunct America's natal Mars (note the militaristic events surrounding the recent Trump-Kim 'Summit' in Singapore, a 'new phase' in US-NK relations). Since Trump was born on June 14 (1946) this lunation was basically a New Moon in his Solar Return 2018 chart, a birthday gift from The Cosmos. A new cycle of activity in his solar year is indicated by such a fortunate condition which we previously discussed via Trump's Solar Return 2018 with His June 26th New Moon (horoscopes shown). It seems that cosmic synchronicity abounds these days for Donald Trump and therefore, for the American people. His fate is our own, more's the pity, though some continue to insist that this is a good thing. We'll see.

Well, that's my post on the upcoming Sun-Saturn opposition, US leadership, and the June 28, 2018 Full Moon, such as it is. My ongoing recuperation from eye surgery makes it difficult to spend much time in front of a computer screen so I'll close for now with the hope that this post has given either of you a little food for thought as we ponder the fate of our compromised, sold-out nation. jc

For more information concerning beautiful Saturn, don't miss astronomer Brian Ventrudo's helpful Guide To Seeing Saturn in 2018 for the ringed beauty will be 'above the Teapot' in late June!

Related: DC Horoscopes: All Four Cardinal Ingresses of 2018.

Jan 19, 2018

Senator Cory Booker: Sun-Saturn and Jupiter-Uranus

Jan 19, 2018: Well, apparently Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) has been open about putting his birth data 'out there' and his natal horoscope may be viewed at Born Cory Anthony Booker on April 27, 1969 1:10 pm est Washington DC (RR: A), here are a few prominent career-supporting chart factors for Senator Cory Booker:

Ascendant 1AQ20 (which conjoins our national POTUS Sun 00AQ+); MC 22Sco55 (Scorpio = powerful career involving control and finances); Sun 6Tau48, Moon 4Vir17, Mercury 25Taurus (which conjoins the natal MC of Donald Trump). Mr. Booker apparently had a Mercury Return on or about the day of Donald Jr's sneaky Russian lawyer meeting in June 2016 which I remember because transit Mercury that day (planet of meetings and negotiations) was @24Taurus+ and sitting atop Trump Sr's natal Midheaven--so of course Donald Trump knew about the meeting--Don Jr was trying to impress Dad!

Given Senator Booker's double-Earth Sun and Moon we can expect him to be "well grounded in economic and physical reality" and his darkest fears as an Earth-Earth personality are "chaos and loss of control." A gracious amount of common sense is apparent with Sun Taurus-Moon Virgo folk though there may be an over-dependence on the rational side of life. A need and drive for material security may be noticeable as well.

Here is a video link to Senator Booker speaking politics this very morning on CNN (6 mins).

Having a Sun-Saturn conjunction supports Booker's role in the US Politics via the US natal Sun-Saturn square, so serious application of one's intellect, determination, and a strong work ethic aids in his political work. His Jupiter-Uranus conjunction assures good fortune and opportunities for travel, adventure, and discovery with a potential for scientific interests. Both his conjunctions are out-of-sign or dissociate which gives wider perspectives to those who are capable of learning from broad experience and can put their higher education to profitable use.

And here's helpful planetary factor toward political work--if we wish to add Booker's Pluto Rx in Virgo to the Jupiter-Uranus pair we may stretch toward a midpoint picture between the planetary trio which Cory Booker was born under - Uranus-Pluto = Jupiter: "achieving immense success" (Ebertin).

Now there's a fascinating variety of people who share Sun Taurus-Moon Virgo: Oliver Cromwell, Emperor Hirohito, Daniel Day Lewis, Jack Nicholson, Shirley Maclaine, Sir Lawrence Olivier, Mort Sahl, Candice Bergen, and Pete Townsend of The Who. Let's close with a famous Cromwell quote:

"The State, in choosing men to serve it, takes no notice of their opinions. If they be willing faithfully to serve it, that satisfies."

For more personality blend info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Sep 13, 2017

Winter Solstice 2017: a Neptune and Sun-Saturn Season

DC Horoscope Winter Solstice December 21, 2017: Watery Neptune Ascends and then...

That nebulous, scandal-plagued, hider of secrets, Neptune, rises at Winter Solstice 2017 in Washington, DC and considering the administration of Donald Trump, it seems his first year (barely holding) office will end much as it began--clouded by leaks and shrouded in mysteries with questions of fraud and conflicts of interests on America's menu as We The People move into 2018 with our actual needs and concerns, for the most part, unaddressed.

Now as an astrologer of sorts, I tend to think of higher octave planets as co-rulers or sub-rulers of their respective signs and can't quite bring myself to tag Neptune as 'chart-ruler' here. But the original or traditional ruler of Pisces, Jupiter, is very much so, though perhaps in a Piscean secretive and/or confused sort of way (rather than Jupiter's rulership of its own sign Sagittarius would suggest).

Yet expansive Jupiter's many potential roles in a mundane chart include politician, The General, thespian, banker, investor, CEO, judge, lawyer, mentor, and other masks that pertain to Politics, Religion, or Business.

Plus, as astrologers know, there is one curious thing about soft, mutable Pisces in a mundane sense -- military generals are quite often born under the sign with General George Washington as our primary example. And since America in 2017 is under attack by monster storms and floods once again, we may expect more oceanic actions from Neptune rising, chart-ruler or not, with plenty of confusion, scandals, leaks, corruption, lies, and fraud involved as well.

First, Let's Talk About Solar Eclipses

Now the 1 North August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse manifested in fiery Leo and was coined as 'The Great American Eclipse' by NASA, if memory serves. But did this manifestation of a 1 North Solar Eclipse trigger the fires which have consumed large ares of the West Coast and inland where the eclipse first 'hit' the US as its path of totality raced across our country and took its leave by way of South Carolina? How about hurricanes, typhoons, and floods in the US and across the globe?

As you know, natural disasters often accompany heavy-duty eclipses and total eclipses are the strongest instigators of all. Yet one theme of a 1 North eclipse is: information is distorted and possibly false (Brady) just as it was in 2001 to 2003 in order to finagle the American people under false pretexts into a Middle East war of plunder, racketeering, and conquest. Plus, the government's tactical use of fear is the usual accomplice in these bogus matters, as you know. Exs: the 9/11/01 attacks, "mushroom cloud", "WMD" remember Vulcan 'VP' Cheney and the 1% gang's neocon lies. Anyway, their lies are examples of events that demonstrate 1 North's 'info is distorted and possibly false' theme.

Winter Solstice 2017 and Sun-Saturn Energies

And since 1 North first manifested on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48--opposite what turned out to be America's natal Sun position (POTUS), the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo should be viewed through a (1639) Saturn-ruled Capricorn lens which in 2017 into 2018 provides a Sun-Saturn signature to events and activities which can be clearly seen in the Winter Solstice 2017 horoscope via Saturn entering its own sign of Capricorn conjunct the Solstice Sun (@00Cap00, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation).

When Karmic Saturn pairs its restrictive energies with the Sun, at least two other Sun-Saturn signatures resonate with this chart and they both relate to current events:

America's natal Sun-Saturn square which denotes potentials for hard work and planning paying off, taking responsibility seriously, karma (reaping what was sown), separation/isolation, a lack of vitality; perseverance, determination. This 'presidential-and-lawmaker' square forms the base of a Fist of God (aka, a Thor's Hammer pattern) aimed directly at US natal Moon (We The People, if you use a late Aquarius position for our national Moon-- here on SO'W we'll soon consider the Solar Eclipse that 'hits' this natal Moon position on February 15, 2018 @27AQ).

Potential expressions of Sun-Saturn = Moon: instinctual caution and self-control; sensitivity to otherwise rigid frameworks; discipline in daily activities (Munkasey); fear; feeling inferior; emotional depression in part due to organic disturbance (Ebertin) (from lack of health insurance and much needed medical care? - jc.) Manipulating and controlling the American public is one of the primary goals of this pattern.

Expert astrologer and author Michael Munkasey, in his section on Politics and Business, adds the following Hegelian dialectic for Sun-Saturn:

Thesis: Form and definition in an enterprise; the will of the people as defined in the principal founding documents; the checks and balances within enterprises as implemented by various administrations.

Antithesis: Pessimism and gloom as a center focus of policy; unreasonable centralization of authority in one location; a leadership preoccupied with the various forms of law enforcement; older and more distanced leaders. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey)

Another Sun-Saturn signature now in force: transit Saturn's off-and-on-again visit to Donald Trump's natal planets: conjunct his natal Moon (which conjoins his natal South Node of the Moon, a Saturnian, separative conjunction denoting emotional distance, bad timing, and unpopularity with and odd attitudes toward women) and simultaneously Saturn's opposition to his natal Sun (ego, pride, goals, hero's journey) when failure to live up to his promises and a neglect of responsibilities leads to discouragement from authorities and a lack of success with his objectives, murky as they may seem.

What Jupiter Sextile Pluto Reveals

Now let's consider the chart-ruler's applying aspects to see how things will proceed from December 21, 2017 into 2018. Since I've already excluded Neptune as chart-ruler (but see Neptune's two primary aspects, below), let's look at expansive Jupiter @15Scorpio, the Eagle Point, posited in the 8th house of Corporations, CEOs, Shared Finances, Credit and Debt. Jupiter applies to only one Ptolemaic aspect in the chart, a sextile (60 degrees; 3A19) with powerful Pluto. If we consider the two planets as 'actors' in a scene we discover that Jupiter sextile Pluto denotes those who sabotage themselves by their rigid opinions, secretiveness, evasiveness, willfulness, inflexibility, and an obsessive fear of loss. In addition, they have a hard time letting go of old relationships which no longer serve or are now inappropriate, and are desperate to overcome feelings of vulnerability. Living by their own rules, their focus on loyalty or its lack can trigger problems in friendships and other alliances.

Taking offense when not treated with dignity, a Jupiter-Pluto sextile suggests those who continue to be motivated by past slights which are never forgotten, another example of being unable to let go. Good at psychological warfare and taking pride in their self-reliance, they often must face their losses and crises alone for others may abandon them, plus, they are reluctant to ask for help from other people. Another inability to let go is seen by a lack of forgiveness for those who withhold information from them or who misinform them in order to keep them 'in the dark' (Epstein). After all, knowledge is power.

Then if we consider the applying Jupiter sextile Pluto aspect by transit, it denotes a time of analyzing one's skills and talents with the goal of using them more efficiently in order to benefit from this helpful energy. Opportunities may arise for increasing one's power and control or for understanding how this may be achieved (Skalka). And naturally with contacts between Jupiter and Pluto we tend to think of people who promote large-scale projects (exs: infrastructure, wall construction, etc), wealthy donors, other huge investors, global bankers and financiers--and power-hungry plutocrats.

Winter Solstice 2017 for Mr. Trump

Now if you are familiar with the Solar Return 2017 horoscope of Donald Trump, you know that 00Cap00 falls within his SR 3rd house of Communications, Siblings, Short Journeys, and the Lower Mind. (Thanks, Pat, for catching mea culpa!) So one topic we might think of is his older sister Maryanne, a judge (via judgmental Saturn, the old man/woman, with Donald playing the solar role). Another thing that first occurs to everyone's mind when it comes to Donald Trump is communications--speeches, tweets, insults, and all so I shall leave it for you to decide how he may best use the astrological energies of Winter Solstice 2017 and beyond into 2018.

Perhaps a future SO'W post concerning Trump's Inauguration Solar Return 2018 will soon appear here--assuming that he continues in the role of POTUS until January 20, 2018 without hitching a ride on the helicopter of ignominy!


As you see, evasive Neptune is involved in two applying aspects in the above chart:

1. Mercury square Neptune (1A27) which echoes Mr. Trump's problematic Mercury-Neptune square of distorted perceptions, falsehoods, confused rhetoric, over-promising, indiscretion, and "the sneaky mind" (Oken); 2. Mars trine Neptune (3A59) denoting potentials for successful but hidden activities, investigations of the occult or perhaps probing into mysteries or crimes, medical breakthroughs, increased intuition or insight, and/or energetic work with charities, entertainment, oil or gas industries, marine life projects, photography pursuits, prison systems, military projects, the Internet, work in or against Big Pharma, and/or action concerning the trafficking of drugs and/or sex workers.

But wait! There's one more chart factor that relates directly to current events and that's the Earth-Air Sun Cap-Moon AQ blend of energies which 'click into place' as soon as the Sun reaches 00Cap00. You see, this blend has at least two former US presidents born under its influences--Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon. It's a blend of a "practical idealist" who is "up front' yet private, very ambitious, and has a good business sense. In their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys give two interesting Images for Integration for this blend:

"An historian points the way to the future...Having struggled unaided to the peak, a mountaineer hitches a ride on a passing helicopter." Wonder if this can possibly mean that Mr. Trump will follow the example of the resigning Mr. Nixon...?

Okay, there's my Political Astrology view of Winter Solstice 2017 as seen through my preferred 'common good' lens. How about yours? Care to share?

9.13.17 Update: here's a related post: images of DC Horoscopes 2017: Autumn EQ and Winter Solstice displayed on the same page...September into December into January and February until Spring Equinox (Aries Ingress), March 20, 2018.

Image: Neptune Ascends, a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell; this drawing originally appeared in my Secret Moon Art collection.

May 28, 2017

Safe Glasses for watching August 2017's 1 North Solar Eclipse @29Leo

Safe Eclipse Glasses and the August 2017 Eclipse of Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

Retailer Amazon offers NASA-recommended safety glasses for watching August 21, 2017's The Great American Eclipse, a Total eclipse which cuts a swat across the US beginning in Oregon and leaving landfall in South Carolina.

Also offered is a handy guide (e-book) How to View the Total Solar Eclipse, plus, a view of two horoscopes of the eclipse set for Oregon and South Carolina.

Astro-Notes: Rounding up its degree, this Total eclipse of August perfects upon a critical 29th degree of Leo in the 1 North Saros Series and will conjoin the natal Ascendant of Mr. Donald Trump. A planet or point at a 29th degree of any sign is impatient, unstable, and denotes risky business, or possibly a crisis that must be resolved. Plus, it indicates a 'change of state' (A. Louis) as it struggles toward the next sign (here, Virgo, and royal Regulus, the king or kingmaker: success if revenge is avoided). Fixed stars 'work' through critical or sensitive degrees and eclipses (solar or lunar) and History is affected--but the working is via individuals' charts--such as Donald Trump, in this case. Will his desire to be taken more seriously be satisfied by Mercury-ruled Virgo, a sign more serious, humble, and studious than entertaining Leo, sign of ego and pride? Mr. Trump will be 71 years old in June so I for one remain fairly dubious of much improvement.

Astrological signs point to significant events in August 2017 which must be expected in relation to Mr. Trump and, by extension, affecting the United States of America (assuming the White House doesn't crash down around his ears in June or July). Eclipses are often called 'wild cards of the Universe' due to their Uranian unpredictability so weather and other natural events may be triggered along with other disruptions in society. And as you know, 1 North last manifested on August 11, 1999 @19Leo and is the infamous 'Nostradamus Eclipse', aka, the King of Alarm (or, Terror) Eclipse that imprinted its turmoil upon the New Millennium including the attacks of 9/11.

The Solar Eclipse's Sabian Symbol: '29Leo' = A Mermaid

Keyword: IMPORTUNITY...positive expression: a completeness of quickening to early instincts of the being and a real willingness to trust them; negative (shadow side--jc) expression: a lack of discrimination and an awkward sensitivity (Jones).

(Speaking of awkwardness, cringe along with Trump's Most Awkward Moments on His First Foreign Tour.)

This Is the The Mother of All Eclipses

1 North solar eclipses have occurred in the years 1909 (26Gemini), 1927 (7Cancer), 1945 (17Cancer), 1963 (27Cancer), 1981 (8Leo), and 1999, as noted. Its initial eclipse occurred on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48--opposite US natal Sun @13Can19 (this time links the 1 North to the American presidency and government) so there is a Capricorn lens through which to view the Leo eclipse--not a good fit of energies (Saturn-Sun; 'conceit increases with age'!) which may trigger our US natal Sun-Saturn square, the base of a Fist of God (or Thor's Hammer) pattern that points to US natal Moon (We The People) in our nation's late-afternoon natal charts on July 4, 1776. (See Sun-Saturn info, below)

History and Themes of the 1 North Series

Aside from recent events of the New Millennium, for previous historical events influenced by 1 North eclipses we look first to the years 1945 and 1963. 1N is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) Series of President Truman's dropping of the first Atomic Bomb, and is PE of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the swearing-in of LBJ (27Cancer opposes US natal Pluto Rx, planet of plutonium and destruction). 1 North themes include: great pressure on relationships looms large due to unexpected events involving groups or friends (or sons-in-law? jc); it's unwise to make hasty decisions since information is distorted and possibly false (ex: "fake news"? jc); tiredness or health problems are also potentials (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady).

Tiredness and health problems? Is that like in Sicily yesterday when Mr. Trump opted to ride in a golf cart while the other G7 leaders walked a mere 700 hundred yards? One of my guesses is that his 70-year-old knees aren't what they used to be! Or perhaps Mr. Trump chose to putter along in a golf cart because of his Victorian-era view that Exercise Will Kill You?!

Astrology and Astronomy

Now naturally a majority of astronomers discount the astrological implications of The Great American Eclipse lest Science suffer by association. And if all the warnings of astrologers turn out to be fallacious or misdirected, we shall all be very much relieved. But considering how the amateurish Trump administration has been behaving so far and the constant undermining of his reputation by Deep State actors and others, no one needs astrological portents to forecast a very long hot summer for Donald J. Trump and his White house denizens, and what may be a lasting imprint of crisis and change that are due in August 2017, compliments of The Cosmos.

Note that there is also a Lunar Eclipse on August 7, 2017 @15AQ (horoscope set for Washington DC) with the sign's Aquarian Saturn-Uranus vibes. Lunar eclipses give insight into how people instinctively react to the karmic situations and conditions brought by the accompanying solar eclipse and since a lunar eclipse obviously involves the Moon, past behaviors and reactions, plus, inherited traits and other unconscious factors are at play. Notable is that the August 7th Lunar Eclipse is in the sign of US natal Moon (We The People) and Leo-Aquarius is the 5/11 Self-Will polarity of Risky Speculation/Creative Pursuits and Groups/Associations; with 11th house involvement some type of 'social escape' may occur (Rudhyar) for Mr. Trump--perhaps more golfing?

Sun-Saturn in Politics and Business (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey):

Thesis: the will of the people as defined in the principle founding documents; the checks and balances within enterprises as implemented by various administrations; form and definition in an enterprise.

Antithesis: pessimism and gloom as a center focus of policy; older and more distanced leaders; unreasonable centralization of authority in one location; a leadership preoccupied with the various forms of law enforcement.

Add We The People's Moon to the Sun-Saturn 'Hammer' pattern and we have potentials for: fear, feelings of inferiority, personal needs under wraps (that's in large part the fault of a purposefully dysfunctional Congress whose members are hired to 'do the people's business' jc), hurt feelings, and a sense of loneliness (Ebertin; Tyl).