It's being reported that sources inside BP and the US government are aware of a huge Gas Bubble 15 - 20 miles across and over 10 feet high which is now expanding near the oil well head.
An 'apocalyptic' explosion with tsunami following could result within weeks or months which would force hazardous materials inland.
If the nightmarish Gas Bubble threat is real, it sounds to me like an evacuation order is on the agenda for our Gulf Coast population especially with the Summer Solstice 2010 Moon (the people) at a 29th degree of crisis in 4th house (Home; Domestic Scene; Security) in the Solstice chart set for DC (because DC reps for the entire nation.)
Here's a handy image of the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope with details and you can see a Grand Trine between the besieged Moon, Sun in 12th house (Sun = Obama, with Mercury conjunct US natal Mars, hence his recent feisty rhetoric about BP), and oily Neptune in 8th house of Transformations where the gaseous giant sporting his Trident still knocks hearts with wounded Chiron in oceanic Pisces. Also, we-the-people's Moon inconjuncts the usually fortunate Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in 9th house of Foreigners.
But for the residents of the region, evacuation won't be easy for multiple reasons.
In the chart you'll also see the Cardinal Grand Cross which is the clincher in this difficult situation as stalemates abound, yet solutions must be found; involved are Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto...and Midheaven, where the drama is playing out for the all the world to see, appreciate, and for some, to gloat over.
Well, since the tragic blowout of April 20, 2010 occurred with its subsequent awfulness, I have a better idea what melancholy Orpheus conjunct Pluto in the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope means as the season begins with its concurrent hurricane potential.
Time (and Astrology) do bring new perspectives, don't they?
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010. Show all posts
Jun 16, 2010
BP Oil spill: is a huge Gas Bubble about to explode?
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
BP-Gulf Oil fiasco,
BP-Gulf Oil Gas Bubble,
Chart of Summer Solstice 2010,
environmental damage,
Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010,
mundane astrology,
political astrology
Jun 7, 2010
Fixed Stars, the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse, and market instability
With Fixed Stars Castor 20Can14 and Pollux 23Can13 straddling the Ascendant in the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope set for Washington DC, the energies of the twin stars will be front and center as the summer season begins.
The chart of Summer Solstice 2010 indicates that these archetypal energies are first up for the third week of June 2010 and include such potential influences as:
Castor (MERCURY-Jupiter-Mars-Venus-Saturn-Moon-Uranus flavors) = crippling of limbs; sudden fame or loss; murder; mental illness.
Pollux (MARS-Moon-Uranus) = danger of disgrace; murder; rape; cruelty; danger from large animals, women, or poisons; good for Astrology and the occult. (Horary Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis.)
Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer 2010
The next Fixed Star to rise in the Summer Solstice 2010 chart is Procyon 25Can47 which conjoins US natal Mercury Rx @ 24Can12 (in 8th house of the Sibly chart = 5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776) and I've always considered '25Can' to be a very interesting degree in relation to the founding of America.
'25Can' = "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" which conjures the Pluto-esque realms of invisible power and invisible helmets, doesn't it?
That our nation's founders had contact when in Europe with
Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt is not always considered important by some but this author finds it an intriguing premise. Click to view the Illuminati horoscope (Bavarian sect) - May 1, 1776 - which of course has several planetary placements similar to America's natal chart; you'll notice that idealistic Jupiter conjoins US natal Mars which makes a 'Mars to n Jupiter' transit for Weishaupt and his organization...
Mars conjunct n Jupiter: having an exaggerated or expansive part to play in events; personal potentials broaden under present circumstances with a greater enthusiasm for expansion of spiritual and cultural awareness.
As you know, America was founded with her Mercury opposed by secret hand Pluto, an aspect suggesting issues of mind control, propaganda, surveillance, and intellectual autonomy and manipulation of mercurial things such as young people, the press, and our basic thinking processes.
Whether American minds have ever been truly 'free' from Pluto's meddling interference is something of a question when isolated puppet master Pluto, wealth-hoarder supreme, is determining the direct of a nation.
Then there's the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse (chart shown) with Scorpio (big business; betrayals and spying) rising with the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, two of the main actors on 9/11/01 during their opposition.
Saturn/Pluto = ASC: concentration upon important matters; assessments of how to work with those in power; an environment that gives an impression of silent power or continuing influence; being placed in cumbersome or difficult circumstances; separation; melancholy; mourning or bereavement. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)
Click and you'll notice 8th house involvement (Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Transformation, Death, the Occult) which relates to the above info for Fixed Star Castor which is being triggered by the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24, plus, '20Can/Cap are crisis or critical degrees, as you know.
Basically, 8th house crises are indicated yet the Solar Eclipse itself describes problems that at first seem worse, then clear with good don't panic! The July 11 Eclipse is in the same Series (12S) as America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (@ 00Pis34 in 1776, where Chiron transits now.)
That stock markets may be affected adversely by the July Solar Eclipse and by its herald, the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse conjoining secretive Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, is a distinct possibility for Summer into Autumn 2010, and we'll soon take a peek at what the Horoscope for Autumn Equinox 2010 entails for our nation.
To me it seems that Reagan's dodgy 'Morning in America' has become a melancholy Mourning in America as part of a long process of government by remote control.
The chart of Summer Solstice 2010 indicates that these archetypal energies are first up for the third week of June 2010 and include such potential influences as:
Castor (MERCURY-Jupiter-Mars-Venus-Saturn-Moon-Uranus flavors) = crippling of limbs; sudden fame or loss; murder; mental illness.
Pollux (MARS-Moon-Uranus) = danger of disgrace; murder; rape; cruelty; danger from large animals, women, or poisons; good for Astrology and the occult. (Horary Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis.)
Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer 2010
The next Fixed Star to rise in the Summer Solstice 2010 chart is Procyon 25Can47 which conjoins US natal Mercury Rx @ 24Can12 (in 8th house of the Sibly chart = 5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776) and I've always considered '25Can' to be a very interesting degree in relation to the founding of America.
'25Can' = "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" which conjures the Pluto-esque realms of invisible power and invisible helmets, doesn't it?
That our nation's founders had contact when in Europe with
Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt is not always considered important by some but this author finds it an intriguing premise. Click to view the Illuminati horoscope (Bavarian sect) - May 1, 1776 - which of course has several planetary placements similar to America's natal chart; you'll notice that idealistic Jupiter conjoins US natal Mars which makes a 'Mars to n Jupiter' transit for Weishaupt and his organization...
Mars conjunct n Jupiter: having an exaggerated or expansive part to play in events; personal potentials broaden under present circumstances with a greater enthusiasm for expansion of spiritual and cultural awareness.
As you know, America was founded with her Mercury opposed by secret hand Pluto, an aspect suggesting issues of mind control, propaganda, surveillance, and intellectual autonomy and manipulation of mercurial things such as young people, the press, and our basic thinking processes.
Whether American minds have ever been truly 'free' from Pluto's meddling interference is something of a question when isolated puppet master Pluto, wealth-hoarder supreme, is determining the direct of a nation.
Then there's the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse (chart shown) with Scorpio (big business; betrayals and spying) rising with the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, two of the main actors on 9/11/01 during their opposition.
Saturn/Pluto = ASC: concentration upon important matters; assessments of how to work with those in power; an environment that gives an impression of silent power or continuing influence; being placed in cumbersome or difficult circumstances; separation; melancholy; mourning or bereavement. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)
Click and you'll notice 8th house involvement (Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Transformation, Death, the Occult) which relates to the above info for Fixed Star Castor which is being triggered by the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24, plus, '20Can/Cap are crisis or critical degrees, as you know.
Basically, 8th house crises are indicated yet the Solar Eclipse itself describes problems that at first seem worse, then clear with good don't panic! The July 11 Eclipse is in the same Series (12S) as America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (@ 00Pis34 in 1776, where Chiron transits now.)
That stock markets may be affected adversely by the July Solar Eclipse and by its herald, the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse conjoining secretive Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, is a distinct possibility for Summer into Autumn 2010, and we'll soon take a peek at what the Horoscope for Autumn Equinox 2010 entails for our nation.
To me it seems that Reagan's dodgy 'Morning in America' has become a melancholy Mourning in America as part of a long process of government by remote control.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Adam Weishaupt,
Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010,
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
US Mercury/Pluto opposition
Apr 14, 2010
Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010

Chart shown: Summer Solstice June 21, 2010 @ 7:28:10 am edt, White House, Washington, DC; Hour of Saturn; 1st quarter Sun trine Moon (0A26); chart-ruler Moon 29Libra34 (critical or crisis 29th degree) in 4th house of Domestic Scene and Real Estate.
Luna is quite the busy buzzy bee in this chart and is emphasized during Summer 2010 by her usual fluctuations, changes, and publicity from being placed in her natural house, the 4th, so foreclosures, refugeeism, and other types of financial issues and dissolution (Moon trine Neptune ~0S59~ in 8th house of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Shared Resources, Transitions, etc) will continue with Libra signaling tricky legalisms. Women's, families', and domestic needs and concerns under gird much of the action for the season; mining and environmental issues are emphasized as well.
As you see, asteroid Terpsichore is rising, keyword: the orchestrator, @ '23Can'..."Meeting of a Literary Society" - an interesting degree and asteroid when you consider that early one-world-government types such as Adam Weishaupt were all about introducing Illuminati-ism into early America by way of 'literary societies' and 'reading groups'.
As the chart-ruler's path goes, so proceeds the chart/event/entity:
Moon's applying aspects in order of completion (listed on chart, lower left, except for #5 and #6 which I here add):
1. trine Sun (0A26, as noted above); 'we-the-people in harmony with the president'?; can cause apathy; persuasion employed; domestic enterprises and property ownerships are favored (good!);
2. inconjunct (150 degr) Uranus (0A56); emotional distress due to problems popping up repeatedly; low resistance, nervousness, pressured by burdens; willful;
3. trine Chiron (1A16); Art and Music thrive; a calming and healing influence;
4. inconj Jupiter (2A16); discrepancies between emotional responses and the understanding of them; great difficulties determining the true significance of events; repeated lessons make the learning process painful until full meanings are grasped; assumptions that 'experts' are competent (ain't necessarily so!); must develop interests outside of work such as volunteering and/or creative pursuits; may bite off too much to chew - see 'Sun square Jupiter' below.
Moon is also engaged in a separating septile aspect (51:57) with contentious Mars which imparts a karmic or fated flavor to their combined energies. In Politics or Business, Moon/Mars relates to such things as the military - including fluctuating effectiveness thereof - also, farming/agricultural, metal or mineral mining, commercial land uses for military or business activities, and/or leaders who show concern about the general welfare yet who do not necessarily follow through with relief. (Munkasey, Midpoints.)
The Summer Solstice 2010 chart set for the White House shows Sun and Mercury in 12th house of Karma, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions (like Congress), Behind-the-Scenes, Zoos (like Congress), Hospitals, Sanitariums, Secret Enemies, and good old secrets themselves. And let's not leave out Secret Agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and other organizations you may wish to quietly name aloud.
Now this is something of a Politics-drenched chart because 12th house planets such as Sun (the leader) and Mercury (thought processes, communications, the media, commerce, trade, meetings, speeches, young people, etc) indicate politicians (in their natal charts, too) and deals being made behind the scenes (in mundane charts.)
And that describes Politics in a nut shell (game) - secretive 12th house shenanigans.
Yes, this is the general 12th-house state of all Politics, of course, especially of the pragmatic kind, and it puts me in mind of last evening's Frontline, Obama's Deal. Check out the text or video, if you missed on April 13.
Again with the Summer Solstice 2010...
Besides the Sun/Moon trine perfecting ever so soon (0A26), the Sun applies elsewhere as well:
1. square Uranus (0A31); leadership talent but may be rebellious, unpredictable, arrogant, or unprincipled; strong desire for power, demands subservience from others;
2. trine Chiron (0A51); aware of basic power for change in all structures; a strong sense of purpose (Clow):
3. square Jupiter (1A47); bites off too much to chew, then tries to cope; experience subdues arrogance; a wheeler-dealer not afraid of a good fight;
4. opposite Pluto (4A13); extreme measures taken to assure success; striking first to defend yourself is futile with Pluto opposing; may be constantly harassed by people who refuse to support leadership;
And #5 is the Sun/Mercury conjunction (8A31), exact on June 28, 2010 @ 6Can42...'7Can' = "Two Fairies on a Moonlit Night" for Sabian Symbol details.
Also, you may wish to click here for the Solstice's Sun-Moon blend details.
As you see, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct Mc (The Goal; Aspirations) but from the 9th house side; Uranus remains in contact with the Aries Point of World Manifestation and the two planets will tango twice more - but in late Pisces - before 2010 ends; 9th house retains its usual associations yet the Jupiter/Uranus duo always has long-distance travel/adventures/explorations/space or air travel connotations along with its 'scientific breakthrough' vibe. You've been hearing of amazing discoveries already, haven't you? There are certain to be more with AP triggered by expansive, ideological hierophant, Jupiter, and maverick progressive of genius fame, radical Uranus, The Awakener.
Since there is a difficult Solar Eclipse on July 11, 2010 (not marked on chart: 19Can24; 12 South) which suggests action regarding security, domestic scene, real estate, business, crops, and other Cancerian things already mentioned, I hesitate to say that the Eclipse falls in the 12th house of this chart, though it isn't notated there. Banks and markets will be subject to fluctuations, new educational programs prove costly, as will everything else. Fraud and a further draining of America's fortunes continue.
The July 11 Eclipse conjuncts a difficult Fixed Star, Castor; plus, 12S is in the same Series as America's Pre-Natal Eclipse: successful outcomes to long-term worries or illness, seeming worse, then clearing (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology); this Solar Eclipse, which last occurred on June 30, 1992 @ 8Can56, has significance for the White House, NYC, and the Vatican. (Celeste Teal's Eclipses.)
My deepest concern as Summer 2010 approaches is for the American people, here represented by the Moon at crisis degree (as in Inauguration 2009's chart @ it's almost Summer Solstice 2010 and still many of us enter into, or remain in, dire circumstances with few practical options.)
And with Moon contacting an 8th house Neptune, planet of fraud, loss, deception, self-deceit, confusions, and obfuscations, I suspect the nearness of Wounded Healer Chiron, now entered into compassionate Pisces, one sign of the victim/savior axis, will be most efficacious for understanding the true nature (8th house) of what it means to lose (Neptune) one's material possessions (4th house Moon)...while managing to keep one's heart and spirit childlike and thus open to new possibilities.
Well, I've managed to type a bunch of words without one mention of the two planetary patterns in the chart, but if you click the image to enlarge, you'll see them listed and highlighted: Grand Cross in green, and a dissociate Grand Trine (Water-Air mix) in purple.
They must be covered at another sitting (including their midpoint pictures) for there is much more to say about this chart as Summer 2010 nears. However, I shall close for now and await your valuable comments about the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope, comments which can be written by no one but you, lone reader.
When we come to a Fork'ed Way, which path dare we take?

Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Chart of Summer Solstice 2010,
Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010,
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
Sabian Symbols
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