Here is the horoscope of the moment the Sun returns to its natal position in America's Sibly chart (5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776) with our nation's natal Mercury Rx rising, as you see. The first natal planet to rise in a Return chart sets the precedence for events to follow; natal house rising here is US n 8th house of Shared Resources and Transformation.
It's an Hour of the Moon (fluctuations; changes), with Sun (the leader) in secretive 12th house where most political deals are made but which may indicate some loss of strength for the President especially with the
interlaced square (135 degr) from Neptune to Sun; Moon (the people) is in feisty Aries, 10th house (see Moon trine Venus,
below)...Moon in Aries =
we are the people; a 10th house SR Moon shows publicity with any errors tending to be noticed by all.
SR Moon in Aries is a marker for new directions yet these days, aggression against the people cannot be ruled out; SR Moon's trine to Venus in 2nd house indicates aid in finding that new direction and may show on one level pay-outs in the Gulf region due to the BP-Gulf Oil fiasco as Gulf Coast families and workers reorganize their lives.
In fact, the BP-Gulf Oil disaster, shown by Neptune conj Piscean Chiron in 8th house of Big Money and Transformation, has a SR midpoint upon Neptune, ruler of oil, gas, water, spiritualty, the urge to merge, illusions, deception, and fraud...
Moon/Pluto = Neptune: a feeling of fate; fear of the unknown; feeling somehow weakened; ESP; sensitivity; lack of willpower; depression; miracles are sought as a solution to immediate problems.
(Note: all midpoint pictures represent
any, all, or none potentials and are subject to transits and progressions through the SR year; all are from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey.)
Click chart to enlarge, for as usual, my scribbly notes are added - Outer, highlighted in
green are US natal placements, and in
pink are some of President Obama's natal placements. Marked in
red are three T-square patterns, one of which is particular to SR 2010 @ Mc, the Goal Point of the chart:
Sun/NN = Mc: meetings that include recognition for past work; becoming prominent through associations; fighting other people's battles.
In this post I won't list Cardinal
apex Pluto details in its T-Squares because I've done so previously such as in my post on the upcoming
Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 which shows the same Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus-Pluto involvements but with Pluto in 2nd house.
ASC 24Can46 indicates that 'watery' Cancerian matters are first-up which include nurturing, security, domestic and food supply concerns, business interests, and wet conditions such as flooding (and the outrageous BP mess in the Gulf.)
Chart-ruler Moon 22Ari53 makes only one applying aspect in the chart (well, two if you count a square to ASC 1A53 = emotional bias, a victim of habit, shared anxieties; therefore, SR Moon squares US n Mercury = emotions confuse judgment, fact vs fiction, oversensitivity to criticism.)
Moon's only applying aspect is a trine to Venus (1A26) from 10th house to Venus in 2nd house of Values, Earning Ability, and Relationships, with Venus ruling 4th house of Domestic Scene which has an unfortunate midpoint picture formed that points to an apex Saturn - US natal Saturn in Libra.
SR Pluto/ASC = n Saturn: oppressive dealings with others; remaining aloof, detached, or uninvolved. This picture and chart will affect us all year since a Solar Return (SR) is in effect until the next birthday.
Even so, a positive Moon/Venus trine indicates good intentions and
optimism, something we could all profit from and which would keep us from collectively envisioning a worst-case scenario that then comes true. However, honesty and sincerity are needed for this aspect to work its magic - instilling these values in our children and encouraging them in others will be the best way forward.
Voluptuous, sensuous Venus also rules a Taurean-based 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes which is where trickster Pan of
panic fame and gold-hoarding Midas are placed; Sun/Moon midpoint 3Gem06 is there as well and shows where
balance between conscious and unconscious minds may be found.
As you see, SR Mercury 21Can32 is rising, ruled by the Moon, and just 2 days before our US Mercury Return of July 6; Moon/Mercury contacts have political implications such as: speeches geared to the masses; enhanced communications between leaders and the common people; propaganda efforts (this supports my assertion about the US Merc/Plu opposition rising,
below); excitement about popular causes; restlessness among workers over business or commerce; compiling/analyzing attitudes of the people (pollsters, reporters, bloggers, etc); agricultural statistics. (Munkasey); criticism, gossip, calumny; authors, mentally active women, and young girls. (Ebertin.)
And as mentioned, America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition is immediately on the horizon of the SR 2010 year with its 'propaganda, intelligence activities, secrets and subversions, breakdowns in road networks' (and other networks, perhaps), and 'self-destructive tendencies in business' influences. Plus, control and subversion of the media is a long standing problem since Day One in the US and is an important issue - tactic - here.
internet access may be a big part of the Mercury/Pluto picture with Congress now threatening new regulations to control knowledge and information. With ASC, Merc/Plu intensifies the need for control over info, its sources, and its dissemination.
The ASC contact here gives our n Merc/Plu opposition an outlet for its intense energies.
There's a closed circuit of energies between chart-ruler Moon (ruled by Mars), Mars (ruled by Mercury), and Mercury (ruled by Moon.) Worrisome preoccupations, criticism, nervous irritations, and clarifying of objectives may ensue as emotions, thoughts, and actions circle round and round.
A 6th house (Police; Military; Preparedness) Pluto 3Cap52 Rx continues his onslaught against US n Venus like a cat arguing with a mouse (n Venus = '4Can' = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse"; Plu opposing Venus = jealousy, manipulation, and challenges to our values, priorities, legalities, and possessions.
The transiting Saturn/Neptune midpoint keeps up its pressure on US n ASC ('13Sag')...
SR Sat/Nep = n ASC: oppressive family circumstances; emotional suffering caused by others; noticing the pretenses or false intentions of others; correction of long standing areas of disappoint is inhibited; feeling confined; sense of being out of the group.
In 3rd house of Communications, Neighborhoods, and Elementary Schools is a pretty pickle: Mars 15Vir28 and Saturn 28Vir53 form a midpoint upon US natal Neptune 22Vir25...
SR Mars/Saturn = n Neptune: feeling threatened; self-torment about identity; insufficient power to overcome all obstacles; waning powers and weakening efforts; undermining of vitality through gas, oil, or epidemic (BP-Gulf Oil gusher? jc); a grievous loss; a mysterious death.
As you know, Saturn will again conjunct US n Mc soon (@ World Point 00Lib53 in Sibly chart) which will perfect the Cardinal T-Squares you see here with apex Pluto thus strengthening them. And transiting Saturn to n Mc brings a time of major changes to one's standing in the world with Saturn's accountability factor on display.
One of the most karmic spots in any horoscope, the 12th cusp, has our aggressive n Mars upon it which doesn't bode well for troop withdrawal said to be scheduled for July 2011 - just at or after the end of SR 2010's influence. Not that it won't happen, but as we all know, withdrawal will be a dangerous operation whenever it occurs, from Iraq or Afghanistan.
On that topic, transits to US n Mars from July 2010 and beyond July 2011 will be watched by this astrologer especially since anything affecting our nation's n Mars affects our n Mars/Neptune square with its 'deceptive actions; confused motivations' vibes. Please do let me know if you notice anything.And the same may be said for anything affecting US n Sun since we sport a Sun/Saturn square natally from way back in 1776: this ties in with the oppressive midpoint pic mentioned with Pluto/ASC = n Saturn and may show tremendous pressures being put on the President (Sun) for he is experiencing and/or using 'oppressive dealings with others' as well.
Now you see the adventurous, exploring, 'scientific breakthrough' pairing of Uranus at Aries Point with expansive Jupiter nearby, both in 9th house of Long Distance Travel, Philosophy, Higher Education, and Foreign Enemies, and both conjunct US n Ic.
Uranus ruled by Mars is quite the activist and possibly a disruptive hothead, and Jupiter ruled by Mars is ready for action but has a potential to over expand or take too many risks. As noted in a previous post, Jupiter/Uranus opposite US n Mc = optimisim and a fortunate turn in life (all righty then!)
But there's still the ongoing
Neptune to US n Moon, we-the-peopleWith 8th house SR 2010 Neptune @ 28AQ24 Rx (in karmic degree with karmic Saturn 28Vir53 (inconjunct = deception within societal leadership), we find that our Moon is conjoined to nebulous Neptune indicating dissolving circumstances, homelessness, refugeeism, and fraud against the people (and by the people); our sense of rootlessness continues apace until US SR 2011 when Neptune will be @ 00Pis39 Rx, Chiron 5Pis09 Rx, and President Obama's Chiron Return will be underway. Neptune will remain within orb of US natal Moon but weaker and the BP-Gulf Oil disaster will still be 'with' us.
The dotted line added to this chart as a YOD pattern indicates the serious nature and crisis condition which continue in the financial realm: Sun sextile Mars = SR 2010
8th cusp. A Sun/Mars sextile indicates a tendency to micro-manage with a need to maintain integrity without resorting to conflict or aggression. Provocation should be avoided but with today's Washington, I ask you: what are the chances of that? However, if efficient financial reform is the outcome, I'm all for it.
Well, I must be typing your head off by now if you've managed to read this far - kudos! So I shall close with this: the Venus/Neptune opposition across the Money/Values axis (2/8.) The pairing of Venus/Neptune energies indicates an inflated treasury, using inflation to control or manipulate the economy, and wealth derived from oil, gas, or chemicals. (btw: Venus/Neptune is one of the signatures of the Vatican.)
This opposition may bring exaggerations or misstatements concerning internal resources, scandals over deceptive practices within the treasury, subversive people who desire access to financial systems (including hackers), spies in the financial branches, monetary fraud, and art deceptions.
How totally par for Washington's course!