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Showing posts with label Horoscopes: Judge Chutkan and Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horoscopes: Judge Chutkan and Trump. Show all posts

Mar 2, 2024

Judge Chutkan Must Hold the Line!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Perhaps you've noticed that Politico has published a summary of Judge Tanya Chutkan's difficult position concerning the scheduling of the Trump trial in DC possibly bumping up against Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th). Meanwhile, a majority of Americans want him tried before Election 2024. The pressure on Judge Chutkan is tremendous and more threats against her person are expected, since these days in the US, organized crime figures are trying to run the show and help agent orange complete his mission as successfully as possible.

Now the last time I checked, no accurate birth time is available online for Judge Chutkan but in 2023 we did discuss a bi-wheel of her 'noon' natal horoscope surrounding the timed chart of D. Trump, if you'd care for a look at the planetary contacts between them. Unsurprising that a Mars-Uranus link is shown with its combustible energies. And her Saturn Rx-South Node in Aquarius opposes Herr Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (conjunct his Mars-Saturn = destruction; intervention of a higher power - R. Ebertin) in Leo.

There are other significant contacts between them, as you can see. So here again is the image of their bi-wheel of natal planets, and here are my previously published astro-notes:

May Judge Chutkan receive all the protection she needs! jc