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Showing posts with label Judge Tanya Chutkan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judge Tanya Chutkan. Show all posts

Jul 1, 2024

SCOTUS: The Purge and The Joke

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the comon good

Update Monday July 1, 2024: As expected this morning, SCOTUS decided to kick the presidential immunity case back to the lower court of Judge Tanya Chutkan presumably, using a hair-splitting official vs personal acts justification. And in a decision favoring corporations, the court has also performed a purge of governmental agencies and experts' decisions about clean air, water, and so forth.

This ruling is part of the GOP's long-dreamed-of deconstruction of the administrative state, a facet of the purging that Project 2025's fascist agenda will codify into law if dictator-wanna-be Trump manages in November to commandeer the Oval Office helm and take control in January. If so, this would be a case of a convicted felon's short but greedy finger on The Button. What could possibly go wrong?

My original post begins here:

At this juncture, there are two SCOTUS Horoscopes saved in my files. One is set for April 30, 1790, the day that President George Washington signed into law the Crimes Act of 1790 which determines punishments for crimes such as treason.

The positions of today's planets highlight the nearness of the next Saturn Return of SCOTUS 1790 with Saturn @20Pis55:05 (1st session) and you see the Return 2025 Horoscope, below, along with a bi-wheel of SCOTUS 1790 (inner) surrounded by a July 1, 2024 Horoscope set for 10:00 am edt Washington DC - America is now a monarchy, We the People have lost the Revolution:

Jupiter For Jokes, Saturn For Laws

Now destroyed in America, ideally the balance between Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) should be respected by everyone on Earth since their yin-yang relationship creates the flywheel of the Universe which keeps the planets in our Solar System from flying off their courses. Perhaps you're seen the headline about SCOTUS Is a Joke and it isn't funny. The court's brazen, unparalleled power grab decisions, particularly since Dobbs 2022, are harrowing. Then perhaps we should question the cosmic condition of the Supreme Court's Saturn, planet of The Law.

Because with legal eagle Saturn as the karmic planet of law, order, structure, systems, status quo, The Establishment, government, business, work, concentration, and restrictions, the current Saturn Return of SCOTUS (the third of three Returns on January 19, 1996 (Horoscope shown) with quirky Uranus @00AQ27 conjunct POTUS Sun - President Clinton acting out of character, and a fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune Conjunction that snugs around US 1776 Pluto suggesting purification rituals) should be consulted as often as possible by those who have the time. Then it's on to the March 2, 2025 Horoscope.

So now that transit Saturn, planet of karma, has been in watery Pisces, sign of secrets, subversion, and delusion, for a while now, the position of SCOTUS 1790 @20Pis55:05 will obviously receive a return visit from the lawerly planet which times a new phase of legalities and responsibilities when what no longer serves their objectives is discarded. This 29-year period will begin on March 2, 2025 as shown in the Return Horoscope, above, and the court's ivory tower isolation from the populace (Venus-Saturn = ASC) will continue as they pontificate from on high with an air of imperial arrogance such as the Vatican usually exhibits.

A Closely Related Post: The J6 Solar Return 2025.

Mar 2, 2024

Judge Chutkan Must Hold the Line!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Perhaps you've noticed that Politico has published a summary of Judge Tanya Chutkan's difficult position concerning the scheduling of the Trump trial in DC possibly bumping up against Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th). Meanwhile, a majority of Americans want him tried before Election 2024. The pressure on Judge Chutkan is tremendous and more threats against her person are expected, since these days in the US, organized crime figures are trying to run the show and help agent orange complete his mission as successfully as possible.

Now the last time I checked, no accurate birth time is available online for Judge Chutkan but in 2023 we did discuss a bi-wheel of her 'noon' natal horoscope surrounding the timed chart of D. Trump, if you'd care for a look at the planetary contacts between them. Unsurprising that a Mars-Uranus link is shown with its combustible energies. And her Saturn Rx-South Node in Aquarius opposes Herr Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (conjunct his Mars-Saturn = destruction; intervention of a higher power - R. Ebertin) in Leo.

There are other significant contacts between them, as you can see. So here again is the image of their bi-wheel of natal planets, and here are my previously published astro-notes:

May Judge Chutkan receive all the protection she needs! jc

Aug 28, 2023

Saturn and The Trump Trial: March 4, 2024

Karma's Principle of Cause and Effect: Reaping What's Been Sown

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

With the (J6 Coup Attempt Trial), aka, the 'Election Interference' Trial of Mr. Donald Trump scheduled today by Judge Tanya Chutkan for March 4, 2024, major flurries of investigative activity by astrologers are now in motion including by yours truly. Yet studies of any horoscope take time so today this post focuses on a curious detail affecting America's entire Trump saga and that's the solar eclipse cycle in which the turmoil of Inauguration 2017 took place, manifested as the 19 North Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Vir21.

Note that March 4, 2024 is a day prior to Super Tuesday 2024.

Karmic Saturn = Realism, Accountability, Restriction, Loss, and Demands for Corrective Action

And so my focus today is because, during the trial of March 4, 2024, transit Saturn @10Pis21, planet of legal affairs, lawyers, courts, and trials that intend to hold miscreants accountable for their illegal behavior, will conjunct the position of Neptune in the 19 North Eclipse Horoscope of 2016 - the gaslighting planet of fraud, deception, and overblown schemes which by transit opposed the 19 North Eclipse with its themes of: 'realism; good time to tackle the truth; seeing old situations for what they really are; coming down to earth' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Therefore, from the beginning of America's Trump/'POTUS' saga, this requires that thousands more lies should be revealed and addressed in court! For who can forget that an unelected Trump touted that the 2020 Election would be a "continuation" of (his) power instead of a (peaceful) transfer to Joe Biden? And Trump's sore loser resentment (and instructions from his foreign and domestic handlers) brought our country his violent coup attempt of January 6, 2021 against the US Congress in process of certifying our traditional peaceful transfer of power. Yet thanks to participants who upheld the US Constitution, Donald's anti-constitutional power grab failed, and Joe Biden's victory was certified hours later. Better late than never!

The Virgo-Pisces Polarity: Facts vs Fiction on the Victim-Savior Axis

Because as you know, the opposition to the eclipse from Neptune interfered with 19 North themes by challenging 19 North's call for facing reality with chaos, confusion, deception - and what became Trump's "Big Lie" that forms the basis of agent orange's and the Republican Party's scam of deception and gaslighting upon the American people - and US society has suffered from these Neptunian energies ever since.

Yet 'Trump Trial' circumstances are even more complex for on March 4, 2024, Saturn @10Pis21 actually activates the 19 North Saturn-Neptune square, the self-defeatist aspect (A. Oken) for simultaneously this is a Saturn-square-Saturn transit (2024 to 2016) when formal restrictions can be imposed and there's little if any flexibility in (Trump's) circumstances. Sounds like a court case to me.

And yes, the 2016 Mars-Saturn conjunction (10--15 Sag) is involved with March 4, 2024 Saturn as well which suggests potentials for frustration, anger, resentment, and an urge to take shortcuts around laws, rules, and regulations which is a negative path that ultimately leads to failure more often than not. Then I would have to call Trump's J6 coup attempt his reckless way of taking a major shortcut back to the White House, wouldn't you?

Will We Come Down to Earth in March 2024?

So in March 2024, when Trump is scheduled to be held legally accountable for his seditious J6 coup attempt by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith and his team, we might take comfort in the Saturn-to-Neptune transit which indicates "the grim face of reality" for Trump, his comrades, his subversive coup attempt congressional comrades of the 'maga' persuasion (ongoing!), and hopefully for any of his cult followers who still 'believe' by then in the orange scofflaw con-man's fantasy world where he becomes a dictator - exactly the kind of government our Founding Fathers escaped from in Europe! Certainly, a 'coming down to earth' and 'seeing situations for what they really are' are long overdue in the US for a certain percentage of our population who continue to act under the spell of mass delusion promoted by Mr. Trump.

Then when it comes to the 19 North Eclipse of 2016 that heralded the Trump "presidency," the exhange of oppositional planets from Neptune to Saturn makes an important difference - from Neptunian fantasy to Saturnian reality. Here's the original 19 North Horoscope as previously published to SO'W with the fantasy-to-reality exchange info added below; study notes penned onthe chart are from my original post:

Neptune opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse: chaos and confusion as people are pulled between truth and fallacy, reality and illusion/delusion.

Saturn opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse: those who refuse to face up to their responsibilities while placing blame upon anyone but themselves (R. Lineman); denial of guilt by the guilty (jc).

Karma Knocks Upon Trump's Door

Then in closing, the rounded-up Sabian Symbols of the 19 North Eclipse and 2016 Neptune/2024 Saturn are quite interesting, see if you agree:

Eclipse "10Virgo" = "Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows" vs "11Pisces" = "Men Seeking Illumination."

My hope for American democracy is that bringing seditionsist Trump, career criminal, to Justice via legal eagle Saturn and the DOJ will finally wake up those asleep within their white supremacist delusions and anti-democratic dreams of regressing our country back to the 1800s.

More of today's news: All Trump and Co-Defendants To Be Arraigned in Georgia on September 6, 2023 under a quarter Moon @15Gemini that points toward Mr. Trump's 10th house Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos, disruption, unpredictability, and radical politics.

Aug 18, 2023

Horoscopes: Judge Chutkan and Trump

Authority v Power: Trump's and Those Propping Him Up

by Jude Cowell

For my Friday post of the week, here are two images: A bi-wheel of Donald Trump natal (inner) with Judge Tanya Chutkan's 'noon' natal chart (her birth hour unknown) surrounding it.

The planetary contacts between them that stand out to me are her Mercury @22Gemini (conjunct his 10th house Sun-North-Node and radical planet of chaos, Uranus), Mars @27Taurus (conjunct his MC-Algol conjunction), Uranus @28Leo (conjunct his ASC-Mars-Regulus trio: Uranus-conj-Mars suggests the danger inherent within their relationship including his viol*nt thugs, fellow gangsters, and the global criminal network). Then significantly, there's her Saturn Rx @9AQ53 (opposing his powerful 12th house Pluto at apex of his Mars-Saturn midpoint of death, fury, and destruction).

Then notably, the August 1, 2023 Full Moon @9AQ16 spotlighted her natal Saturn and opposed his natal Pluto, for him a time when his attempts at manipulation will not turn out well. Authority challenges power and Saturnian limits and restrictions are called for. Is Trump nearing the end of his lifelong crime spree?

The August Full Moon focused its rays upon Judge Chutkan's Saturnian authority and the task to oppose and challenge his Plutonian activities of subversion and criminality. One of the potentials of the Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture is, intervention of a higher power (R. Ebertin) such as the US legal system holding a criminal defendant to account with accountability one of legal eagle Saturn's demands via facts and reality, and with past abuse of power becoming significant to the present:

And here is a synastry grid of the contacts between them with squares indicating obstacles or blockages, and oppositions showing challenges and/or adversaries: