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Showing posts with label Election Interference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election Interference. Show all posts

May 16, 2024

So Will "The Bulldozer" Return?

by Jude Cowell

Bi-Wheel: The Espionage Act (inner) with Trump natal (outer):

When we glance askance at 2017 and 2018 events in the US with Mr. Trump more or less "manning" the helm of our country, we soon stumble across Paul Manafort who offered his skills for free as "campaign chair" for Trump's 2016 campaign, serving from June 20 to August 19, 2016.

See Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 under a Full Moon shining upon spymaster Pluto.

For as you know, then as now, espionage via "collusion" with Russia was part of the atmosphere, many books and articles were published, and soon legal storm clouds formed for Manafort - and in July 2017, the FBI raided his home. Then in October 2017, Manafort, an unregistered foreign agent, and his business associate Rick Gates, were indicted and arrested on multiple charges which included money laundering and election interference (two of Trump's "talents").

Actually, Luke Harding's best-selling 2017 book, Collusion is a great resource concerning these and other events if you're curious. #ad

Ultimately, with legal attempts to hold the lawbreaker accountable only partially successful, Trump pardoned his scofflaw pal (birds of a feather) and Manafort managed to escape the "long arm of the law."

Campaign 2024 and Beyond

Now there's a page you may wish to review because rumor is, Paul Manafort will return to "service" if agent orange manages to coup the White House in November: check out The Trials of Paul Manafort for a fuller picture of his legal travails, and consider his Sun Aries-Moon Taurus "bulldozer" personality.

In closing, you may also wish to see Paul Manafort hearts Cypress for shady banking which includes the founding data for Cypress, something of an island hive of activity for anti-societal birds of a feather when padding their nests as surreptitiously as possible.

Mar 2, 2024

Judge Chutkan Must Hold the Line!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Perhaps you've noticed that Politico has published a summary of Judge Tanya Chutkan's difficult position concerning the scheduling of the Trump trial in DC possibly bumping up against Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th). Meanwhile, a majority of Americans want him tried before Election 2024. The pressure on Judge Chutkan is tremendous and more threats against her person are expected, since these days in the US, organized crime figures are trying to run the show and help agent orange complete his mission as successfully as possible.

Now the last time I checked, no accurate birth time is available online for Judge Chutkan but in 2023 we did discuss a bi-wheel of her 'noon' natal horoscope surrounding the timed chart of D. Trump, if you'd care for a look at the planetary contacts between them. Unsurprising that a Mars-Uranus link is shown with its combustible energies. And her Saturn Rx-South Node in Aquarius opposes Herr Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (conjunct his Mars-Saturn = destruction; intervention of a higher power - R. Ebertin) in Leo.

There are other significant contacts between them, as you can see. So here again is the image of their bi-wheel of natal planets, and here are my previously published astro-notes:

May Judge Chutkan receive all the protection she needs! jc

Jan 29, 2024

A Coup Attempt *Before* Election 2024?

Cosmic Signposts Include a Lunar Eclipse in March

by Jude Cowell, partisan for a constitutional democracy

When we recently discussed how 8 South themes will affect Election 2024, I had not yet run across a tweet from @TheJackHopkins which lays out possibilities for Trump and his enablers to stage a second fascist take-over attempt before the November 2024 Election. Mentioned in his tweet is the disturbing fact that America has multiple military bases in Southern states, including several in one of the original secessionist states, Texas, where the upcoming total Great American Eclipse will enter our country on April 8, 2024, bringing 8 North themes of visions and dreams.

Now the March total lunar eclipse in Libra is enough of a signpost for our risky times especially coming after the forceful, angry 7 South Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023, but since Mr. Hopkins also mentioned that potential time frames (for the sake of an attack's surprise element) could likely include late February 2024 or March 2024, I was compelled to take a look at the lunations manifesting in the months of February and March 2024 (see the list, below).

As it turns out, interesting cosmic time links exist most prominently including the Lunar Eclipse of March 25th occurring just prior to the April 8th Solar Eclipse in pioneering, Mars-ruled Aries. Trump's Neptune, planet of secrets, fraud, disguise, big dreams, and deception will be under the eclipse spotlight, and his Chiron-Jupiter in 2nd house, will be roped in as well. They are a trio, after all.

So obviously, the legal cases against him will also be on display under the Full Moon along with his Neptunian lies, fraud, theft, and intrigue - and perhaps more disastrously than before. We'll have to see, won't we? As for the very day of the Libra Lunar Eclipse, the current schedule shows his New York Election Interference Trial listed for March 25th but the date is subject to change, of course.

Moon Eclipses: Inconvenient Facts, Secrets, Scandals

Above is a bi-wheel of the March 25, 2024 Lunar Eclipse with Trump's natal horoscope surrounding it. As you see, the eclipse lands directly upon Herr T's 2nd house Neptune and astro-notes are penned on for your consideration. Transit Sun opposing his natal Neptune is signficant as well for it marks a time when fantasies, wishful thinking, and distorted perceptions based on emotional biases are under scrutiny - for him, in a court room, or otherwise.

So in closing, here is the list of February and March 2024 Lunations (New and Full Moons):

February 9: New Moon @20AQ41;

February 24: @5Vir23;

March 10: New Moon @20Pis17;

March 25: Full Moon Eclipse @5Lib07 (chart shown above).