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Showing posts with label May 15 2018 Uranus enters Taurus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label May 15 2018 Uranus enters Taurus. Show all posts

Jan 2, 2018

Jan 2 2018 Uranus Direct and a Double Promise Revealed

Tuesday January 2, 2018: This morning at 9:10:54 am est, Uranus turned Direct @24Ari34:13 on its projected path toward Taurus which it reaches on May 15, 2018 for a temporary stay. In Mars-ruled Aries, Uranus tends to behave like the Utopian reformer or blind zealot intent on anarchy (Ebertin) while in Venus-ruled Taurus there's more of a speculation, risking all in one go, and premature action leads to failure vibe, plus, resourcefulness in earning money may become necessary.

Transit Uranus has been retrograde since the first week of August 2017 (28Ari31) so the change of direction of the Sky God's quirky, unpredictable, sometimes shocking energy marks a major shift in many areas of life, no less in Washington DC's halls of power. You've heard that bipartisanship has been called for by the GOP and by Mr. Trump, and Democrats seem to be on board the bipartisan train as 2018 begins with Uranian derailment an obvious potential.

'Wild Card' Eclipses Can Bring Uranian Disruption

Looking ahead, some personal and societal unexpected developments may occur under Donald Trump's 2 Old North Prenatal Eclipse which manifested prior to his birth @9Gemini--conjunct US natal Uranus (8Gem55). 2 Old North repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer (Castor-Pollux territory) in Trump's natal 11th house of Groups and Associations with its separation and unfortunate news concerning relationships themes although fast action can bring positive results (Brady). Because he's in the White House, 2 Old North themes relate to the American people as well as to Mr. Trump, his administration, and his family. (More 2018 eclipse info is linked, below).

And with 2 Old North's initial eclipse occurring June 24, 792 (OS) @5Can49, we may wonder if finances, banks, or Wall Street's bubbly stock market are uppermost for bad news and fluctuations since this points toward a conjunction with US natal Jupiter @5Can56. Of course, Congress, our official purse-strings holder-- reconvening tomorrow, January 3--figures into the eclipse picture with another partial government shutdown set for January 19, and other budgetary and funding issues up for resolution in 2018. And all this business and monkey business set to affect Midterms 2018 in November! However, it's the themes of The Tower Solar Eclipse in August 2018 that are most influential as the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterm Elections manifests. Yes, 'collapse' themes are on the 2018 cosmic menu.

As for today's Uranus Direct Station, the difficult Cardinal Uranus-Pluto square of revolution is back (protests and revolt in Iran are again in the news as in 2010) and the Uranus Direct Station emphasizes the degree it seems to pause upon, so let's take a brief look at the Sabian Symbols involved--"24 Aries" as the karmic confrontation degree, and "25 Aries" for the exact station degree:

"24 Aries" = "An Open Window and a Net Curtain Blowing into a Cornucopia" which sounds to me like (more) theft via Internet hacking by Uranian techies, plus, leaks of info or intell meant to damage political opponents--or to steal money. Its keyword is MUNIFICENCE. Positive expression: irrepressible genius for capturing the richer rewards of life and providing a wider distribution for the higher realities. Negative (unconscious/shadow side) expression: a smug or petty self-importance in dispensing favors to others. Sound like anyone you know in politics?

"25 Aries" = "A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meanings"...Keyword: SENSIBILITY. Positive: a facility of adjustment by which everything in a given situation may be brought into the fullest cooperation with everything else (bipartisanship?). Negative: a lean to chicanery in all human relationships. Quite curious since 'chicanery' usually describes politics in general so I suppose all sorts of chicanery may now go forward with direct Uranus as it inches toward money sign Taurus. Yet to "25 Aries" Rudhyar adds, "The implied message is one of faith."

Now in my preferred realm of common-good politics, restoring faith in our government is possible if we can jettison the politicians who are in breach of the public contract--and elect those dedicated to the best interests of We The People! Of course, persuading honest people to run for office is the next challenge.

For more details see The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones, or An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.

Another note is that today's Uranus Direct Station occurs in Mr. Trump's natal 9th house of Philosophy and Foreign Lands and considering electric Uranus's association with air travel, we may soon see him jet off and leave his domestic troubles behind temporarily. Perhaps we'll even hear--gasp!--a change of ideology or belief tweeted from the ever-changing Uranian Mr. Trump with his natal Sun and North Node in 10th house along with his guiding planet Uranus in the lead, all three in changeable Gemini.

Now here's some good news! Fortunately for those of us who feel a need for guidance under the newly direct rays of the rebel planet, Julie Demboski addresses effects within the social order and how we can best handle the pressure and the 'blindspots' affecting relationships and/or finances in today's AstroEssence message 2 January 2018 Uranus Direct, Everybody Else in Trouble!.

A Related Post: Eclipses and a Few Other Cosmic Events of 2018.

Above image: my drawing Uranian Road (2010).

Nov 8, 2017

Eclipses and a few other Cosmic Events of 2018

Please note that the following list of Cosmic Events of 2018 is incomplete and does not cover the entire year because not all 2018 events have been written about and published yet!

As you know, each year begins under the influence of the Winter Solstice planets of the prior year which in this case is the Winter Solstice of 2017. Its solar influences extend at least until Spring Equinox 2018 in March.

Astrologically, year 2018 itself opens with a Cancer Full Moon at '12 Cancer' which is the "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" degree suggesting an "occult potential of being, one that requires a deeper or higher 'vision', a holistic perception...; Keynote: The revelation of latent worth in an experience once it is seen in its deeper meaning." REVELATION."

The symbol for the January Full Moon's prior degree of karmic confrontation is '11 Cancer' = "A Clown Caricaturing Well-Known Personalities"; "Keynote: The value of humor in developing objectivity and independence of mind. DECONDITIONING." Mr. Trump pontificating from the White House has been a comedy bonanza for our erstwhile late night funny men and stand-up comics and a safety valve for Americans and others who appreciate their efforts to make us laugh to keep from crying.

Then, after a very long year 2017, the Trump (excuse for an) administration has its Inauguration 2018 Solar Return (horoscope shown with POTUS Sun in 6th house, quirky Uranus at Midheaven--is this Return chart showing a change of occupation or residence? Poor health due to too much fast-food eatin'? Use of military and police forces? Any, all, or none of these?) All bets are off on whether insulter-in-chief Trump remains in the White House into 2018 and/or beyond. After all, last evening's election results in Virginia, New Jersey, and elsewhere favored Democrats over Republicans as a rebuke to Peckerwood Trump and his party of billionaires and racists!

Now three Solar Eclipses occur in 2018 and are repeats of year 2000 (there was a fourth solar eclipse on Christmas Day 2000 @4Capricorn, the repeat of which manifests in the 2 South series on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn.) Obviously these solar eclipses of 2000 occurred before the 'New Millennium' dawned and prior to the attacks of 9/11. Currently we are under the auspices of a 1 North Solar Eclipse which manifested as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself).

Next up is the 1 South Solar Eclipse or what I'm calling The 'We The People Eclipse' of February 15, 2018 @27AQ (conjunct US natal Moon of July 4, 1776). We receive a 'cosmic blink' from this 'wild card of the Universe' as more secrets are starkly revealed by eclipse light.

And on May 15, 2018 rebellious, disruptive Uranus Enters Taurus, a money sign ruled by comfort-loving Venus and signaling a period of risking everything in one toss, speculation, and/or seeking individual methods of financing (Ebertin).

Then on July 13, 2018 it's a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer in the 2 Old North series which is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) series of quixotic Donald J. Trump, swamp-drainer extraordinaire (not!) His 2 Old North PE occurred on June May 30, 1946 @8Gemini conjunct US natal Uranus which suggest potentials for revolution, resistance, protests, unrest of the people due to his actions and rhetoric, upsets in the nation, a break for freedom, and/or violence.

Note that one of the historical events of early 1946 include President Truman setting up the CIG (Central Intelligence Group) but he signed the National Security Act on July 26, 1947 and you may wish to view the CIA's Neptune Rising natal horoscope here. The secretive organization is a Saturn-Pluto/Mars-Uranus/Moon-Jupiter affair and will experience a three-fer Jupiter Return (17Sco52) on January 6, May 12, and September 5--all in 2018. See The History of the CIA for copious historic details.

The third and final Solar Eclipse of 2018 is The 'Tower Eclipse' of August 11th in the 2 New North series with its 'collapse of an existing structure' theme that resonates closely with Tarot card 16. This eclipse also resonates by degree (19Leo) with the 18 North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1961, the PE of FOX News personality Sean Hannity (in case you're a fan). Current-day, 18 North manifested on September 13, 2015 @20Virgo with themes of 'high stress level, taxing of strength, physical concern' (Brady).

And on November 5, 2018--around the time of the 2018 Midterm Elections--it so happens that US Constitution's Progressed New Moon perfects at 16Tau03 (chart shown). '17 Taurus' = "A POLARIZATION OF VALUES" (symbol: "Swords vs Torches"). This Sabian Symbol is so full of esoteric meaning concerning the founding of America that a book would have to be written!

Then beginning in December 2017, Ronald Reagan and his policies and political legacy of 'trickle down' economics has a three-fer Jupiter Return to his natal Jupiter position (13Scorpio) which extends into 2018 as transit Jupiter, banking planet of jackpots and lotteries, expands himself along through the secretive and ruthless business sign of Scorpio.

Well, there is my partial list of previously published posts concerning 2018. Knowing myself as well as I do, updates to this list as posts are published probably won't be happening but a reader can always plug '2018' into the sidebar Search Box and see what appears!


Sabian Symbols from An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar; eclipse dates and themes from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Sep 1, 2017

May 15, 2018 Uranus Enters Taurus; 2023 Pluto into Aquarius

May 15, 2018: Expect the Unpredictable: Uranus First Enters Venus-Ruled Taurus

In Astrology, Uranus is considered unpredictable, erratic, eccentric, separative, electric, eclectic, progressive, reforming, novelty loving, intense, disruptive, independent, a rebel and a fighter for freedom. In mundane charts US Uranus (8Gem55) is America's 'war planet' of revolution and revolt. Coming between the American and French Revolutions, the 1781 Discovery of Uranus by amateur astronomer William Herschel is an oft-told tale and one that may soon be made more newsworthy by the fact that on May 15, 2018 at 11:17 am edt, the quirky maverick of a planet will leave Aries in the Tropical Zodiac and enter the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus the Bull. Money, materialism, possessiveness, intolerance, and greed are the negative keywords of Taurus with growth, building, designing, and stability the more positive traits usually mentioned. (Noting that it's the love of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself).

In November 2018, transit Uranus re-enters Aries, turns Direct in early January 2019, then lurches into Taurus again on or about March 7, 2019.

Uranus from Aries to Taurus; Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius

Now as you know, with Uranus lurching through Mars-ruled Aries since 2010, we've been seeing and experiencing much of what Reinhold Ebertin describes as Utopians, blind zealots, radical reformers, fanatics, and anarchists brashly and stubbornly expressing themselves within the Collective, their ambitions often shown via sudden outbursts of energy and violence, plus, efforts to enforce their 'against the mainstream' ideas.

So how will Uranus in Taurus affect societal conditions as surely it must? Uranus is the only one of our solar system's three outer (transpersonal) planet that will change signs until transit Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and stealth, leaves governmental Capricorn and enters Aquarius while simultaneously trodding upon America's inaugural Sun (00AQ+ = POTUS in our January 20th Inauguration horoscopes--assuming America will have another president).

And then for the first time in approximately 248 years, transit Pluto reaches 00AQ00 during the third week of March 2023, retrogrades on or about June 2, 2023, then it's backwards into Capricorn (triggering 29Cap, a critical degree) for a while until power wielding Pluto, the saboteur, re-enters Aquarius on or about January 22, 2024. Transit Pluto to US Inaugural Sun (POTUS) suggests a new start or a different lifestyle than before for the Oval office occupant-in-chief. Of course Pluto breaks down in order to 'build anew upon the ruins', plus, things are always unpredictable and disruptive with Uranus, so few if any people have a clear idea of how damaged the US presidency may turn out to be as long as the eccentric Uranian Mr. Trump plays and tweets the role into laughing stock territory. (Some hidden power behind the throne wanted him there to hobble America!)

Now as you know, Pluto in Capricorn suggests a strong archetypal image of The Dictator (Ebertin) and it's interesting that America was founded while manipulator Pluto, of the invisible cape, was in the sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, in late degrees. However, Pluto in scientific, futuristic Aquarius exhibits a different picture entirely for a Uranian flavor is added to Pluto via Aquarius. According to Reinhold Ebertin, Pluto in Aquarius is about those displaying any, all, or none of the following expressions: a wealth of plans, a strong communal sense, the urge to reform, popularity, life advancement through the help of other people, and/or a potential for exaggerated plans and hopes.

So there's a small portrait of Uranus moving into the fixed energies of Taurus and Pluto doing the same and moving into the fixed, more rigid sign of Aquarius.