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Showing posts with label Pisces Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pisces Moon. Show all posts

Oct 26, 2020

October 26, 2020: Senate to Vote under Moon-Neptune

An Alt-Right Court: Moon-Neptune Delusions about Popular Support for Policies

by Jude Cowell

October 26, 2020: This morning as I've watched the US Senate "debate" the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court (aka, SCOTUS), tonight's vote at an undisclosed hour deserves some measure of scrutiny especially since Judge Barrett's views on important issues have been left tucked away from public view.

Now everyone knows that a Pisces Moon is one of secrecy, vulnerability, supersensitive emotions, impressionability, irritability, and love of seclusion. Judge Barrett's religious views have her under sway of her husband, as you know, so I must wonder if hubby will have a bumper seat underneath the SCOTUS bench. Yes, Barrett is technically qualified to serve, but it's her ideology that concerns and although her recusal from certain cases has been suggested and may resonate with tonight's Pisces Moon, recusals would negate the aims of Trump and the jackbooted GOP.

Now if afflicted, irrational dominance by the unconscious mind is often an issue with a Pisces Moon (suggestible and easily led if firmer planetary factors don't mitigate and break any hypnotic spells) and I don't know about you, dear reader, but I consider tonight's Moon-Neptune Conjunction to be such an affliction which was also shown by the extreme, even subversive, tenor during the recent Barrett senate hearing. And the area of the Zodiac under which tonight's illusive conjunction takes place (10:00 pm edt: Neptune 18Pis27 Rx/MC (The Goal) 17Pis55/Moon 14Pis35 conjunct Achernar, star of crisis) is familiar in recent years as the area where the natal Neptune of the Republican Party (1854) resides (and has had a Neptune Return full of conspiracies, deception, paranoia and, as it turns out, a debilitating pandemic).

Now in Politics and Business, the Moon-Neptune = MC picture suggests notoriety concerning explanations of future options, and/or giving personal guarantees that cannot be fulfilled (paraphrasing Munkasey).

In addition, Moon-Neptune can indicate heeding the opinion and emotional climate of constituents vs an inability to utilize information about the public mood when setting a course of action. Naturally, scandals tend to follow in the wake of the Moon-Neptune pairing of energies which I think relates in part to the ongoing sabotage of America's justice system and other legal institutions, as we've seen, and which will be further undermined by a Barrett confirmation and tenure. And although one might expect sympathy and receptivity from the Moon-Neptune influence (certainly from the Democratic side), the possibility exists of a Justice Barrett acting under strange and peculiar influences instead. Spirituality is implied here, but spirituality can be misguided and Scriptual truths are often taken out of context and twisted for some deceptive end. Evangelical Christians are not the only perpetrators of such spirtual degradation! We should also note that most of the SCOTUS justices are of the Roman Catholic persuasion and with Barrett's seating the lack of balance increases.

Significant as well is Barrett's natal Venus @14Pis45 so another midpoint picture is formed tonight of Moon-Neptune = natal Venus potentials such as: 'odd or perverse inclinations; peculiar and strange tendencies in the expression of love; over-enthusiastic adoration' (Ebertin), and/or 'enjoyment of mystical contacts' (Munkasey). Plus, as noted above, in mid-Pisces Achernar, the star of crisis, 'crisis at the end of the river', and 'risk of rapid endings' is activated tonight as it was by Venus at Barrett's birth.

Adding to Moon-Neptune is another major influence in play tonight which relates directly to Judge Barrett's natal planets (a 'noon' chart is shown for January 28, 1972 New Orleans, LA).

Of course, I refer to the current Mars retrograde period which is providing Amy Coney Barrett with an extended Mars Return 2020 - her natal Mars at or near 21Ari31 and opposing natal Uranus Rx in Libra (@18:18 - conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter identifying their religious and political affiliation). Basically, transit Mars in activist Aries is triggering or activating her natal Mars-Uranus opposition into expression. Her three-fer Mars Return 2020 perfects on or near August 8, October 12, and December 16 - 'on or near' due to the lack of an accurate birth time for her. (View her 'noon' natal chart, linked, above.)

So let's close with indications for a natal Mars-Uranus opposition especially since it looks as if the American people will be stuck with hers for decades to come. Mars-oppo-Uranus suggests someone who is drawn to reactionary political movements and/or the criminal elements in society. (Hitching her professional star to the corrupt Trump jalopy must have been her dream come true!) Yes, it's revolution for Amy who doesn't mind seeking status in destructive ways. Concerns (or scandals) over corporate resources and joint finances are possible but so far a veil has been cast over them, last I heard. However, this may not remain the case for veils are notoriously thin. And with this particular opposition, adverse actions taken against her are unpredictable and can have disastrous results. In fact, this is an unfavorable period for Barrett to partake in new activities and projects with the potential for quarrels and resentment at a high level. But a Republican steamroller driven by a bruised Mitch 'grim reaper' McConnell is rushing to save Amy's dream by crushing opposition to her urgently sought SCOTUS confirmation.

Meanwhile, her natal Mars-Uranus tendencies of stubbornness, ill temper, explosive outbursts, and recklessness simmer behind a curtain of calmness with current challenges to her objective to gain the freedom and status of being a lifelong SCOTUS Justice with the power to influence court decisions which can shove American social policies toward the alt-right. And this, no matter how unpopular with the majority of Americans such paternalistic, authoritarian, draconian, theocratic policies are. Mars-Uranus also indicates potentials for the perpetration of violence, thievery, using collective power for self-aggrandizement, and indulging a deep need for ruling over and remaking others. For as we know, once seated on The Bench, all progressive policies and laws within US society will be in Barrett's line of fire - unelected by the populace as she'll be. This is traditionally so and for her, directly so because her SCOTUS confirmation is being rushed in case Trump is hounded from office after November 3rd. The ole timey phrase bum-rushed comes to mind but since Barrett is completely dependent on the efficacy of the GOP steamroller for her successful seating, it's debatable just who the 'bums' actually are. Well, we can guess that she would be bummed out if their effort on her behalf should collapse of its own misbegotten weight.

As it seems, her natal Mars-Uranus opposition also suggests that Amy Coney Barrett's aspirations have driven her into unstable situations denoting a time in her life when drastic alterations are possible so it's understandable to assume that promotion to the SCOTUS bench will fill this cosmic indication for her. And with her inherent tendency toward conflict, plus, the sentimental religiosity of tonight's Moon-Neptune influence on her natal venus, sober pause is necessary for anyone wishing for a deeper consideration of how Barrett's theocractic ideology and anti-democratic activism will alter America for Mars-oppo-Uranus is determined to sweep away the status quo with no thought or consideration of what could sufficiently replace it.

Now of course there are other cosmic factors in play tonight so (as always) you are cordially invited to add your on-topic comments and insights with this post if and as you dare, plus, a Share would be much appreciated, too! Jude

Jun 12, 2009

June 12--14, 2009: Weekend Planetary Forecast + a Pisces Moon

What does this weekend have in store? What energies As Above, So Below may be expected to lead or to rain on our parades?

Fortunately for us, Julie Demboski has her most fetching astrologer's cap in place and has published an enlightening Weekend Forecast as only Julie can explain: lucidly for astrologers and non-astrologers alike.

And some of us (moi!) may have a Lunar Return over the weekend affecting our daily lives, so I'm happy to find that Julie has done all the tough work to make this weekend's energies more understandable - I was beginning to wonder what was up given the way Friday is turning out so far, for I'm hearing thunder-boomers overhead now!

Now a small Moonligher from Western Australia has floated in to say Hi! to all the Pisces Moons among us...and the sign of the two fishes, Pisces, naturally relates to the big wide oceans...

Moonlighter, a drawing by Jude Cowell 2009+ imported from the Dreamyfish Art collection of botanical fish portraits.