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Showing posts with label Sun-Uranus = Mars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun-Uranus = Mars. Show all posts

Mar 3, 2023

Horoscope: Trump Speaks at CPAC 2023

With CPAC 2023 going on as I type, have a glance at a horoscope set for CPAC 2023 Washington DC, Saturday March 4 at 5:25 pm. Yes, his nibs tends to run late but 5:25 pm est is the scheduled time for Donald Trump to take the podium and speak his Geminian mind, and the planets may be of interest to a reader or two.

However, it's weekend and I do not care to waste many more minutes on Herr T's combative rhetoric or his dreams of regaining power, so please check out my notes penned messily upon the following bi-wheel. Inner is Saturday night's 5:25 pm est speech horoscope with Trump's natal chart surrounding it (outer).

As you see, the bi-wheel shows that his aggressive, me-first Mars in Leo has already risen prior to 5:25 pm, and his deceptive 2nd house Neptune Rx in Libra will be next to rise, dragging his deceptive Neptune square Mercury, planet of rhetoric, in tow so that we know that misconceptions and fantasies are on his to-do list. As always:

Notable is that CPAC 2023 is being held under the auspices of the 6 South Solar Eclipse which perfected on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio with its 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy with great force or strength in relationships' and 'huge efforts in a group activities' themes (paraphrasing B. Brady).

This describes a "group activity" like CPAC, a 'conservative' organization in which the current leader of the 'Republican Party' in the polls continues to be the rash, brash, belligerent orange blighter whose combative rhetoric may hit, or mention, a brick wall (or border wall?) thanks to CPAC 2023's Mars @20Gem42 conjunct his natal 10th house North Node of public contact and which is sandwiched between his uniquely individualistic Sun-Uranus duo.

Meanwhile, Trump's CPAC 2023 speech's Midheaven ('MC'= the Goal) sports an incendiary midpoint: Mars-Uranus. See lower left corner for potentials of this dangerous combination.

And to powerful wealth hoarder Pluto conjunct Hygeia and leading a ruthless Locomotive pattern, add
CPAC 2023's Sun = Mercury-Neptune midpoint picture with its 'acting or pretending; fantasy; deception; moodiness' potentials penned at the bottom of the image and there we have a Donald Trump, purveyor of hatred and discontent.

A closely related SO'W post and horoscope: Trump Regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017.