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Showing posts with label federal reserve conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label federal reserve conspiracy. Show all posts

Jan 5, 2021

A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before

Democracy vs Authoritarianism in America - Again

by Jude Cowell

January 5, 2020: Most likely you're familiar with the Fascist plot in 1933 to induce General Smedley Butler to lead a potentially massive force of American Legion members against President Franklin D. Roosevelt in order to take over the White House and US government, thus putting a stop to FDR's New Deal plans. (As you know, certain corporatists, ideologues, and their political operatives have worked against our social safety net programs ever since with some success. After all, it irks them that such programs often benefit black people!)

So below is a horoscope of the 'visit' and sales pitch from the authoritarian conspirators to General Butler at his house on July 1, 1933 around 1:00 pm. Naturally, the culprits were fronting for big operators - the big bankers and other corporatists who were the leaders of the seditious plan in 1933, the ones who thought the straightforward Butler could be persuaded to their authoritarian cause. (At MC, The Goal Point, is starry Alhena: to have a mission; also asteroid Circe: to seek rescue). Note that Cupido @9Pis18 (Corporatism; The Syndicate; The Family) is in the risk-taking 5th house conjunct Pallas Rx (strategy) with the 7 North Solar Eclipse degree nearby. This fascist plot is well known for congressional hearings were held afterwards and General Butler testified against the men and their plot. And note that printed on the horoscope you'll see "J.P. Morgan firm behind it" (Mullins).

You'll also see expansive propagandist Jupiter unaspected in Virgo; some of its potentials are listed on the chart. In 5th house moving into 4th, Saturn @Rx @15AQ23 leads a Locomotive shape of planets (a high-powered, ruthless executive determined on success) with an interesting rounded-up Sabian Symbol: "16AQ" = "A Big Businessman at His Desk."

Now with Libra rising, 10th house Venus is chart-ruler but makes no major applying aspect to any planet (US natal Saturn, exalted in Libra, rises). Although Venus applies to no planet (going nowhere! but see lower left for the applying Venus-Chiron sextile, plus, note that Venus opposes US natal Pluto in Capricorn, suggesting underhanded manipulation, obsession, possessivene$$, and cut-throat competition), the Venus-Pluto conjunction (5S43) in patriotic, nationalistic, tribal Cancer is revealing for together the pair tend toward 'elements of organized crime' and their combined energies relate to 'the breakdown of the fabric of society' (Munkasey) which is what such fascist plotters are finally managing to accomplish now under figurehead Trump. Do I think their take-over plot is this wide and far-reaching? Of course.

And an upcoming period of time to be especially wary of is around and beyond the April 20, 2023 Solar Eclipse @30Aries in the 7 North Saros Series for it will be a repetition of the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 (horoscope shown) with its theme of a 'deep, long-hidden passion' and 'lust' coming to the surface (Brady).

Based on the tendency of history to rhyme, 7 North's theme, plus, current events, I believe that this very passion, hidden away for decades, is what now motivates corporatists and ideologues in their ongoing attempts to throttle democracy right out of America, leaving a hollow shell of a country for authoritarian freaks to fill.

July 1, 1933 Horoscope: The Fascist Plot to Use General Smedley Butler

Data and details of the plot from Eustace Mullins' book The Federal Reserve which is available as a facsimile reprint appropriately titled, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy #ad.