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Showing posts with label presidential election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label presidential election. Show all posts

Apr 24, 2007

it's only 'Bush fatigue'

Got the sniffles? Feelin' achy? No worries!

Bush 41 told CNN's Larry King Monday night that "the electorate may be experiencing Bush fatigue."

More like a raging case of Epstein-Barr. Besides, an "electorate" implies that Bush 43 was actually elected and that our votes count! Well-played, H.W., well-played.

Bush 41 is not-so-subtley cluing us in that Jeb will be sitting out the 2008 election, and with the usual Bush aplomb predicts that Jeb may enter politics again in the future...a threat if there ever was one.

"I hope Jeb, who left office looking good, is not through with politics," he said, giving his other son a reach-around for the White House.

Apparently meetings have been held and their best bet is being waged...a different globalist name in between the Bush players has been decided upon and little Jeb must be patient.

Guess that means Bush 41 thinks Dubya has done such a superb job that Jeb deserves to be shoved into the White House as well. Puh.

The link below to CNN's article has become a Never Mind link--it seems to be MIA now...perhaps you can stomach the video instead at or perhaps not.

Here's the missing link...good luck:

Bush Sr.: 'Bush fatigue' may be setting in

Feb 25, 2007

Iraqi President Falls Ill

Click title to read AP article...Talabani was "on his feet" as he headed to a meeting Sunday with his top aides, then unconscious as he was flown to a hospital in Amman, Jordan.

An anonymous source says he fell ill "...because of continuing hard work over the past few days."

Hard work leads to swooning fit? Puh. Yet another hmm-m-m-m...

Feb 10, 2007

Obama's hat in ring 2.10.07

At approximately 11 am this morning, at the Illinois State Capitol Building, Barak Obama gave a stirring address to announce his candidacy for President of the United States.

If your noggin's been under the sand today you may click on the title above for the AP story which was published at 11:33 am. NPR reported his announcement at about 11:02 am as being imminent, so I decided to look at a symbolic chart for 11:00 am, Springfield, Illinois, to see what was afoot.

His natal chart:

Without Obama's birth time, his Solar/Sunrise chart has Moon 26Tau19 in 10th house of Career/Public Standing, and as you know, Moon = publicity and fame.

The earliest position for his Moon at 12:00 am (Aug 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii) would be 23Tau00...the latest, 11:59 pm would give him a Gemini Moon...5Gem46. See my previous post of Nov 1, 2006: Meet More Dems: Obama, Harmon, Conyers for his Sun-Moon personality blend/s--both of them, unless I can eventually find an accurate birth time for him.

Today's Announcement:

At 11:00 am CST, Springfiled, IL, the Sun 21AQ34 is opposing Saturn 21Leo39Rx, which you know has been describing our lonely, isolated leader, George Bush. In the final throes of presidency, such as it is, Bush is 'out there' in this chart as well. This opposition to Saturn is the only applying aspect the Sun makes (0A05) so it became exact as Obama spoke.

Rising we see 24Tau44, making Venus the chart-ruler (in Pisces and conj NN16Pis25), and as we know, Obama attracts money (Venus) from many sources. Is he any different than the rest?

And Venus conj NN indicates the love of the encounter with the crowd who braved severe weather to hear him speak. He gets that a lot.

A good orator for certain, Obama states that the ways of Washington must be changed.

But they all say that when campaigning, including George Bush who was initially styled as the outsider. Well, it turned out he considered himself outside--and above--the law. Reminds me of the Sabian Symbol for Bush's MC/Aspiration Point..."25Aries": "a double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings."

The negative/shadow side? compromising insincerity and a lean to chicanery in all human relationships. Chicanery has been Bush's aspiration all along.

Don't know about you, but I'm still waiting for the "integrity" Bush promised to bring back to the White House...he must've left it in Crawford...and it sure isn't tucked away under an attic in New Orleans, is it?

But what of Obama's announcement today? There is much self-aggrandizement in the chart and so I was not surprised to find him saying, "I recognize there is a certain presumptuousness, a certain audacity, to this announcement." He seems to be self-aware and not afraid to admit it.

With American history dripping all over his address along with the name of Abraham Lincoln (a Shout-Out to the black vote which lags behind?), Sen. Obama gave his recent best-seller some not-so-subtle publicity as he ended with Lincoln's life telling us that there is power in hope.

It takes much audacity to reach--or to steal the keys to--the White House. Sen. Obama has that and the charismatic sparkle, the orating ability, and the focus to glide in the door. He has massive donors in all the right places, too.

It's what others have in store for him that really concerns me. And if he ever makes a peep about changing the world banking system--as did Lincoln and JFK--American history may repeat itself bizarrely.

Being prez is a series of walking fine lines--and I cannot begin to imagine how fine the lines would be--for the first black president of the US.

Barak Obama may be up to it---but are we?

Jan 25, 2007

two Ohio election workers convicted

Ohio election workers convicted of rigging '04 presidential recount 24 Jan 2007 Two election workers were convicted Wednesday of rigging a recount of the 2004 presidential election to avoid a more thorough review in Ohio's most populous county. Ohio gave President [sic] Bush the electoral votes he needed to defeat Democratic Sen. John Kerry in the close 'election' [2nd GOP coup d'etat] and hold on to the White House in 2004.