Were Hidden Hands Behind the American Civil War?by Jude Cowell
The horoscope for the start of the American Civil War, its birth chart, is set for the first shot fired, April 12, 1861 4:30 am LMT Charleston, South Carolina at
Fort Sumter.
Rising is 27Pis05 with Mercury 24:56 and Neptune 29Pis57; a 12th house Chiron 00Pis56 is being transited by Neptune as I type; MC (The Goal) 28Sag14; at IC, the HOW? Point of the chart is '28Gem' = BANKRUPTCY. It's an Hour of Mars, perfect for fighting a war; contentious Mars 6Gem02 and rebellious Uranus 9Gem21 are snugged around and triggering US natal Uranus 8Gem55 (which is now being transited by asteroid Midas, perfect for a post on a "Civil" War which was financed on both sides by the House of Rothschild for their own power-grabbing reasons...read on.)
The closest you'll get to this sort of info in the Civil War's Wikpedia page is by scrolling to the section on
Blocking International Intervention but if the Rothschild name is mentioned there, I've yet to find it.
In his centuries-encompassing book
The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger states that the Rothschilds sent an agent, August Belmont, in 1837 (one year after the second Bank of the US had collapsed) to run a bank in New York, buy government bonds, and establish his credentials by advising President Andrew Jackson.
The objective was to create an incident that would establish an
American central bank, and a war would require the US government to borrow from the Rothschilds in order to pay for it, thought they (it had worked for them elsewhere.) England and France were too far away; Mexico and Canada weren't strong enough so the House of Rothschild could easily take the reins and direct events from behind the scenes, much as they do now.
According to Mr. Hagger's research, the Priory of Sion wanted America back from the Templars so the Rothschilds planned an American civil war with the North a Sionist British colony, annexed to Canada and controlled by Lionel Rothschild, and the Templar South to be given to Napoleon III of France and controlled by James Rothschild.
To persuade the South to secede from the union, Illuminized Sionist-Rosicrucian Freemasons used the
Knights of the Golden Circle (member: John Wilkes Booth) which had been formed in 1854 by George Bickley with the objective of spreading racial tension; its military arm was the Ku Klux Klan. Meanwhile, Jesse James stole gold from banks and buried it to fund the war (nearly $7 billion!)
The states that seceded would be united in the Confederate States of America with each eventually becoming like an independent country. Abraham Lincoln (inaugurated March 4, 1861) told the American people that, "combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary machinery of peacetime government had assumed control of various southern states."
House of Rothschild Financed Both SidesThe Rothschilds financed the North through Belmont, Jay Cooke, Seligman brothers, and Speyer & Co.; the South was financed through their agent Judah Benjamin, who became Secretary of State for the Confederacy in 1862, and whose daughter was married to Frankfurt's Baron D'Erlanger, a relative and agent of the Rothschilds. Benjamin's law partner, John Sidell, was Confederate envoy to France; Sidell borrowed money on behalf of the South to finance the Confederacy.
In 1861, England sent 8,000 soldiers into Canada; in 1862, English, Spanish, and French troops landed in Mexico
to collect debts; in 1863, France took over Mexico City with 30,000 troops.
Confederate Army General
Albert Pike was a pro-French Templar Scottish Rite Mason and at the time, the most powerful Freemason in the world. Most of the political and military leaders of the Confederacy were Masons under Pike's secret command. The Confederates offered Louisiana and Texas to Napoleon III if he would send troops against the North. Lincoln, following the example of Tsar Alexander II who freed Russia's serfs, issued an order to free all slaves in 1863. Eventually, the Tsar sent the Russian fleet to support Mr. Lincoln.
The US Congress approved Lincoln's plan to borrow $450 million in return for bonds of states -
greenbacks (created by the First Legal Tender Act of Feb 25, 1862) - to pay for the Civil War thus placing a big glitch in the Rothschilds' central bank plan for the US. This made international bankers' money unnecessary and as German statesman
Otto von Bismarck said,
"The foreign financiers...understood at once, that the United States would escape their grip. The death of Lincoln was resolved upon."You may wish to view an older post (sans edits) on
Lincoln's natal and assassination charts, dual horoscopes included.
As we see from events since the beginning of the New Millennium, the international financiers' "grip" bwo the Federal Reserve Bank of America has turned out to be successful for them and has brought their dreamed-of collapse for America. As noted above, the horoscope of the Civil War has 28Sag14 at Midheaven where transiting Pluto has recently crossed. In 10th house is North Node of Destiny @ 17Cap24, and '18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies From a British Destroyer" which is the primary degree of the Illuminati pair's Great Conjunction/s of 1993, Uranus and Neptune...the New World Order. This degree's negative/shadow side expression =
smug or strong-armed paternalism. (MEJ.)
We hear echoes from the 1860s in Washington when we hear of state v federal government, an old argument sporting gray whiskers.
Midpoint Pictures Tell a Tale of April 12, 1861Okay, I'll hush for now on the topic of the Secret Hand behind the American Civil War and type out for you the midpoint pictures of influence as the first shot was fired 150 years ago today.
Tyl and Ebertin are my midpoint sources with
any, all, or
none being applicable and subject to transits and progressions; you'll note fraudulent, misguided Neptune on the rise at a 29th critical-crisis degree which has contributed to the controversy to this day of Why the war was fought. As usual with secret machinations involved, a correct grasp of motivation and cause is quite impossible without knowledge of the fuller picture:
Mercury/Neptune = ASC: potential overreaction to others; being exploited, harmed, or deceived.
Mars/NN = ASC: comradeship; energetic cooperation; family ties.
Sun/Uranus = Moon 15Tau36: rashness; emotional excitability; impulsiveness; a demand for need fulfillment.
Moon/Neptune = Sun 22Ari28: illusions and deceptions; receptive power.
Mercury/Jupiter = Mars: the execution of plans; energetic opinion is well-accepted; making one's point effectively.
Jupiter/Neptune (the speculators and fraudsters) = Uranus, the revolutionary: liking the shades; experiencing the contrast between imagination and reality; the stage of coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation.
And such a
difficult situation has spread across the globe through the auspices of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the global central banking system, and the monied ruling class of plutocrats who control the US money supply and thus the destiny of our nation.
For further reading try the
Civil War's Sun Aries-Moon Taurus blend which links back to this post.
May my several ancestors who fought in the Civil War R.I.P.