Tony Snow said that picking out the best part of Bush's SOTU address Tuesday evening would be like looking through a "drawer full of diamonds."
Now what Sabian Symbol do we know that relates to such a poetic image? It's the last Great Conjunction of Jupiter (Rs) and Saturn (Ds) on May 28, 2000..."23Tau": "A jewelry shop filled with the most magnificent gems." We are still in that cycle (since a conjunction begins any planetary cycle) and are now past their square/blockage stage and heading for the helpful, cooperative trine stage. Yippee...the rich get richer.
But as for Tuesday night's show...I've set this chart for 9 pm--at 9:02 and 9:03 pm, the transiting cusps will conj Bush' secondary progressed cusps...if you click chart to enlarge, you will see his sec (secondary) planets scribbled 'round the outside of the chart with nebulous, delusional Neptune first to rise.
Everyone knows it easier to deceive others if you've first deceived yourself.
You'll also see a few asteroids such as tr Sun conj ICARUS of the melted wings. Wounded Chiron is conj PALLAS, keywords: strategy; wisdom.
Chiron/PALLAS' degree "10AQ": "A popularity which proves ephemeral." Does this describe Bush limping through his second term--or perhaps the tarnished "popularity" of his 'surge' plan? That would have to be among the few Rs who still give it lip service, of course.
Moon in Aries = "I AM the People" so he'll suppposedly be connecting with the unwashed masses on his usual psycho-detached level we're accustomed to suffering through and from.
The forward-looking and radically-viewed Sun AQ/Moon Aries combo gives us these Images:
A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm...Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwit the evil King John once again. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas. and Suzy Harvey.)
Chart-ruler Mercury, the communicator, is applying to conjunction with wool-gatherer Neptune and its only other applying aspect is a trine to Mc, the Aspiration Point of the chart. There will be, of course, a lot of magical spin to this one by media types and others who bought stock in the neocon war portfolio.
The Mc's degree 17Gem07 you may remember from the Sea Island GA G-8 Summit of June 8, 2004...it's the Venus Occultation degree: "18Gem": "Two Chinese men speaking in Chinese in a Western crowd."
Venus occulting the Sun is an indicator of the formation of unusal alliances--previously unheard of associations...and I'm sure we've not heard the truth of them yet.
Consulting Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis we see Uranus as focalized Apex planet in a Mutable T-square using Mc as part of the formation--and since Mc = Public Status/Career, I think it's safe to consider it. First the midpoint picture:
Jup/Mc = Uranus: optimism; ability to utilize the right moment (including a tv cue!); a fortunate adjustment to changing circumstances.
Apex Uranus = the impractical and blunt communicator. Mutable Apex Uranus relates to spreading oneself too thin (as he's done with the US military and to our tax coffers), and if mismanaged, indicates the social misfit who is willfully out-of-tune with society (ya think?)
This person is a law-unto-himself--a radical thinker who defies the traditions of society with his idiosyncracies. He may unpredictably overthrow his previously-held ideals with no real explanation as he acts as social catalyst for collective reforms.
Mutable energy being unstable and changeable, Uranus, the rebel/revolutionary/reformer will be evident, if not during the address, then it will surely be on people's minds if not on their lips.
Bush will be expressing his communal sense Tuesday night with his usual engaging manner (he hopes) but his mojo, as we know, is seriously damaged.
And as I've posted previously, I don't wish for his end to be a trainwreck--mainly because he takes America--and the world--down with him as he goes.
Guess I'll watch him squirm and dissemble once again while his sec Moon is conjuncted by tr Pluto...
Moon/Pluto: exaggerated new plans; zeal without regard for other people.
Transiting asteroid, Niobe, the grieving mother is conjunct Moon/Pluto and nearing 9/11/01's Mars, god of war. More grieving mothers bwo George Bush who insists he loses not the first wink o'sleep at all.
It's been said the 2007 SOTU address will be shorter than usual...but will it be enough time to tout one of his more pathetic accomplishments in Iraq...the hanging of Saddam Hussein?
Yes, President Widow-maker requests your rapt attention Tuesday night. RSVP--if you can stand to hear that voice one more time.