by Jude Cowell
Tuesday July 13, 2021: If you've watched, heard, or read any of the news concerning CPAC 2021 in Dallas Texas, you know that Tr*mp did appear as expected and spoke for a very long time in his disjointed crazy-quilt fashion much to the delight of his die-hard fans in the audience. Apparently, for the audience it was a satisfying helping of their favorite rants 'n' chants and most, if not all, were (are) in on the joke - that their idol's 'Big Lie' of a stolen election - allegedly with 'fraud' by Democrats as the only reason former guy could have possibly lost the November 2020 election - will catapult him back into a white (supremacist) White House. For this delusion and its trick to work one must ignore the fact that a majority of voters in November 2020 did not want the grudge holding white-supremacist-slash-fascist back at the helm for another four years along with the further damage he could perpetrate upon our society. The blighter!
Mass Complicity!
For all the Tr*mp-ish actors secretly agree that his Goebbels-inspired 'Big Lie' is a mass-produced mystery play that he and his supporters are engaged in like one big happy neo-nazi family, whether consciously or unconsciously. My suspicion is that a percentage of his supporters think his desperation is all about regrasping authoritarian power and control so that they can "own the libs" they've been propagandized to hate, and thereby conquer their favorite wedge issues such as repealing Roe v Wade.
And yet a majority of Americans (liberal and otherwise) know that Tr*mp wants to scramble back to the Oval office with its legal protections so that he can avoid prosecution! Oh, and 'winning' in 2024 would please his overlords, both foreign and domestic, and added value: he could continue to plump up his dwindling bank accounts, wherever they may hide. Besides, he wouldn't want his thugs and goons to one day come after him!
So for cosmic support, you'll note that in the CPAC 2021 New Moon Horoscope of July 9th, the deceptive Neptune-MC midpoint rises which reveals the event's "acting and pretending" "mystery play" flavors, with the New Moon (18Can01) phase itself suggesting that demagogue Tr*mp has begun a new cycle of activity within his political endeavors, all geared toward running in the 2024 Presidential Election. And of course, Moon-ruled Cancer is the sign of tribalism, nationalism, and patriotism (whether feigned or authentic) where his watery Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, and authenticity, resides. As you know, Saturn in Cancer loves its independence but tends to be discontented and aggravated by family ties (R. Ebertin). Indictments, perhaps?
Further cosmic evidence of Tr*mp's power-grasping intentions can be found in the CPAC 2021 New Moon Horoscope, linked above, at its Goal-and-Aspiration Point, the Midheaven ('MC") @2Scorpio, the degree of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 (just prior to Midterms 2022 on November 8th, the day of a Lunar Eclipse) for the October eclipse is a repetition of the 6 South eclipse which manifested in 1932 as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse (two charts set for Berlin and DC; this is my label for the 1932 eclipse, but if you disagree, look at events of 1932 when Nazis were the largest party in the Prussian parliament and Herr H was on his way to grasping full control of the German government in early 1933).
Take Heed: the GOP now the American Fascist Party
So besides the abundant earthly signs of what the fascist-leaning GOP has planned for America (for which my common good sensibilities and Revolutionary ancestors totally reject), the Cosmos is reflecting similar implications for those with watchful eyes and open ears to hear - and be forewarned and ready.
An additional astro-note concerning yesterday's walk-out of Democratic legislators in Texas and their flight to Washington DC to highlight their fight against voter suppression legislation being forced by the Texas GOP. A peek at the Republic of Texas proclamation horoscope of March 2, 1836 reveals quirky Uranus @1Pis11, one degree from the very zodiacal spot (2:11) where transit Jupiter, now Rx, made his standstill on June 20, 2021! A Jupiter-to-Uranus transit suggests involvement in group causes, and gaining more awareness of physical and mental freedom, both good descriptions of current events because Americans' Right to Vote is embedded within the US Constitution, and rescuing the Right to Vote is a worthy cause to believe in.
Above image: my drawing 'Fork'd Way' meant to symbolize the existential path America now trods: Republic vs neo-nazi regime, democracy vs fascism. Democracy needs refreshing! Can you help?