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Showing posts with label shadow degree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shadow degree. Show all posts

Sep 22, 2021

2021--2022 Biden Agenda Blocked by Saturnian forces

Saturn in Aquarius: Austerity, Ambitious Plans, and Selfish Politicians

by Jude Cowell

September 22, 2021

On April 12, 2021 we discussed how Karmic Planets Block President Biden's Plans into 2022 and perhaps most readers recognize how this turns out to be the case now that Biden's first term is well underway and non-governing Republicans are doing their 'thing' including threatening a government shutdown (again) over the debt ceiling (and because the GOP can cause a global financial meltdown if they're a-wantin' to). Follow the link for a list of primary planetary culprits now affecting Joe Biden's natal planets. Naturally, positive transits are also in effect for the president but the negative ones seem to be holding sway at the moment.

Yet it isn't only Mitch McConnell and his Republican comrades blocking the Biden agenda (financial and otherwise), it's certain members of President Biden's own Democratic Party via what some pundits call a "party split".

Note: there's another previous SO'W post from December 2020 that relates to this topic: Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell showing the natal charts of both men although McConnell's chart has no accurate birth hour so noon is used. Even so, you'll see Mitch's Mercury-Venus conjunction (11AQ48--5AQ39) both Rx, opposing his Pluto-Chiron conjunction - both Rx and Pluto conjunct melancholy Orpheus of this self-styled "grim reaper". Plus, as you know, the Pluto-Chiron duo is a favorite of plutocrats the world over and both men are children of their pairing of exploitation, racism, various other isms, and primal violence. A major difference is that President Biden uses these powerful energies more positively for society while others born under Pluto-Chiron influences (of approximately 80 years ago in proud, vain Leo) prefer using its darker side to satisfy their selfish interests and to gain dominance over others (exs: "owning the libs" and the 'success at any cost' attitude.) McConnell's Mercury-Venus = transit Saturn: 'thouroughness; a serious attitude' (R. Ebertin); Mercury-Venus in Politics: 'a business sector at odds with society; speeches emphasizing economic facts; debates on added costs; news about the status of wealth' (M. Munkasey).

(Plus, we might note that another Pluto-Chiron Conjunction @11Sag+ occurred around the time of the much-touted 'New Millennium' and the plutocratic pair has an opportunity to receive benefits from the 5 South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22.)

Why So Bossy and Austere?

So! The reason I'm fussing about all this tonight is that tiresomely, transit Saturn Rx in early Aquarius has been stomping on Inauguration 2021's Jupiter (@7AQ22, 10th house) so that conditions of economic restriction, limitation, and blockage clearly are part of the ongoing bedevilment against the Biden White House and agenda as prosperity is slowed (and will be the world over if the GOP don't raise the debt ceiling so that Ameria can pay bills already incurred - including those racked up by Republicans).

Now as you know, transit Saturn turned retrograde on May 23, 2021 @13AQ31:01 and has been opposing the natal Plutos in Leo of many of us - or soon will (for myself in February 2022). This transit has already occurred for McConnell but is in progress now for Joe Biden. Transit Saturn conjunct Inauguration 2021 Jupiter only adds to Mr. Biden's and our limitations and the serious baggage such karma brings.

Saturn to Inauguration 2021 Jupiter exact 3 times in 2021: February 18, September 16 (just passed!), and finally: November 4, 2021. (Using Inauguration 2021 Biden Oath Taken at 11:47 am est.)

However, karmic Saturn turns Direct on October 10, 2021 @6AQ52:43 (conjunct US natal South Node, a Saturnian point - just to make things more karmic and separative in America! Then perhaps on one level, Saturn-SN symbolizes the GOP and the authority-craving party's separative sentiments against the federal government, its mockery of US laws (and subpoenas), and its general lack of cooperation with traditional values and ethics. Of course, South Node suggests past behavior no longer useful, and regressive Republican ideas issue from the 1850s and 1950s which is part of why they act neurotically and expect to shove America backward to settle for social and political conditions of the past.)

And looking ahead at devilish Saturn's path, the old man won't reach and surpass his Shadow Degree (13AQ31) until mid-January 2022 so limitations and some forms of restriction should lighten up by then if they haven't previously.

On the other side of the political equation, this release from his Shadow phase could inspire some Saturnian folk to add even harher austerity measures to their dystopian authoritarian agenda intended for the rest of us. Not for them, of course, but for the masses of people they choose to prey upon and exploit.

Now here's a republish of the December 2021 Solar Eclipse (inner) surrounded by the natal horoscope of President Joseph R. Biden (outer):

And here's President Biden's Mars Return 2021 Horoscope of November 17th.

Aug 11, 2019

Nov 5, 2019: Jupiter reaches Shadow Degree

Having stationed and turned direct on August 11, 2019 @14Sag30 (9:37 am edt), transit Jupiter moves on toward his Shadow Degree, the point in the Zodiac where he stationed and turned retrograde ('Rx') on April 10, 2019 @24Sag21. Leaving his own shadow period frees Jupiter functions, conditions, and people to 'move forward' more confidently with plans and activities such as politics, banking, investing, corporate mergers, religion, education, exploration, military pursuits, and, in general, the overstepping of boundaries. As you know, Trump is a large Jupiterian figure and expansive America is Jupiterian so there is that resonance between us which could be used wisely but instead is used against us.

In the DC Horoscope, below, I have not littered it with Trump natal or other placements even though his natal planets are all over the chart. One example: rising at the Moon-ruled Ascendant (23Can39) is his natal Saturn, then natal Venus, so issues of his authority, authenticity, and accountability will arise on or about November 5th with transit Pluto at a critical degree (20Cap54) opposes his Saturn suggesting an ongoing period when authority is met with resistance, his life structures are under assault and/or are altered, and he experiences negative conditions with few options for improvement. Pluto opposing his Venus suggests an unfavorable time for legal negotiations, diplomacy, social pursuits, and personal relationships. In fact, there may be danger from allies or partners, and he should avoid aggressive maneuvering (fat chance!).

Then, at IC (7Lib45), the Foundation of the Matter, is his natal Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of speculation, waste, get-rich schemes, fraud, grand visions, and inflation. This placement at IC pretty much reveals itself, don't you think? Plus, the IC of any chart also contains "Endings" vibes so there's that at the root of it all when it comes to the fantastical realms of Trump:

As for the rest--the high-flying Kite pattern of success, the Locomotive shape of planets led by warrior-activist Mars @21Lib20 in 4th house, Mercury Rx in Scorpio conjunct Trump's natal IC, the Pisces Moon as chart-ruler applying twice (see lower left), the dynamic T-Square with Mars as apex planet detailed (upper right), I shall leave you on your own. If my scribbles fuss you up I suggest calculating the chart yourself for a fresh copy. And in my haste to leave the chart less scribbled upon than usual, the Syzygy Moon (4Sco25; last lunation prior, the October 28th New Moon) is not listed but falls in 4th house between Mars and Sun, and the Jupiterian cosmic event's Prenatal Solar Eclipse is not penned on which is a shame since the 12th house North Node @10Can17 points directly toward the eclipse which perfected on July 2, 2019 @10Can37 in the 3 North Saros Series.

This puts 3 North's themes directly upon America's path made more personal to the American people since its degree is squarely between US natal Jupiter (5Can56) and Sun (13Can19 = POTUS)--and qualifies as our 'birthday eclipse' of 2019, its themes coming to fruition and needing to be dealt with more directly in November into December, if not before. Obviously, holding Trump accountable is on the menu (Saturn-ASC) by the end of 2019 and into 2020 when the January 12th Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 lands upon the natal Vertex (22:51) of his nibs and suggests 'fated encounters' and 'changing work conditions'.

Now we know that history doesn't repeat but it does tend to rhyme and 3 North is a difficult series suggesting thoughts that can become obsessive. Large plans are wanted which can have positive results but "don't get carried away", and there may be news involving young people (refugees?) (Brady). Of course, we've been experiencing a 3 North period since June 2019 and may now see a fulfillment or culmination of its background influences which will last until at least December.

More details concerning the July 2, 2019 3 North Eclipse are available here.

A Related Post: When Jupiter Returns to His Spring Equinox 2019 Position (24Sag40).