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Showing posts with label Biden agenda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden agenda. Show all posts

Dec 21, 2021

Horoscope: Washington DC's Progressed Full Moon

by Jude Cowell

December 21, 2021

A Holiday Message for SO'W Readers and Patreon Supporters: Since Christmas week is here, this may be my final post until after December 25th celebrations so I wish to send a Merry Christmas! a Happy New Year! and a very large Thank You All! for your generous patronage that helps defray the costs of SO'W, your loyal readership of SO'W, and your insightful comments and observations all through the year! On to 2022, Jude

If you've never taken a look at the Horoscope of Washington DC (May 3, 1802; Sun 12Taurus, Moon Taurus or Gemini) why not check it out? In this post, I'm using Secondary Progressions ('SP') to find the position and date of the current/upcoming Progressed Full Moon/s (the city's next Lunar Phase) of DC (my former city of residence) and have used two timings for the 1802 chart to do the progressing: 12:00 am LMT (ASC 19Cap43) and 12:00 pm LMT (ASC 20Leo37) since no exact hour of DC's founding is known - although 'noon' may be closest to an actual occurring event on that day, if tradition counts. The founding date of May 3, 1802 is the earliest incorporation date that the District became a city although you may prefer other timings, including the version with Aries Point rising. Your choice!

2021/2022: Secondary Progressions of Washington, the District of Columbia

If an SP Full Moon of person or entity represents as far as can be safely extended into the world, then details concerning DC's SP Full Moon should be informative. These are:

Washington DC May 3, 1802 12:00 am LMT: SP Full Moon @16Gem35 June 8, 2022.

Washington DC May 3, 1802 12:00 pm LMT: SP Full Moon @16Gem35 December 8, 2021.

So as you know, Secondary Progressions use the day-for-a-year method and with these two charts, the Zodiacal position of the progressed ('evolved') Full Moon is the same - 16Gem35 - only the dates differ. Obviously, the 12:00 pm dated Full Moon has already passed on December 8th, in fact, but the 12:00 am date arrives in the midst of a Midterm Elections year so the political campaigns and primaries are sure to grab most of the air in any room and naturally, news rooms will be perking on full boil, commerce and ad sales in full swing. Tons of junk mail and emails are on the way, folks!

Plus, it remains to be seen, but it looks now as if President Biden's Build Back Better legislation will be taken up in early 2022 (if not before). If so, the city's SP Full Moon of June 8, 2022 may be the more operative horoscope. Transit note: a Full Moon perfects on or about June 12, 2022 @23Sag25 which spotlights the city's SP Chiron (23Sag04) and echoes back to the problematic 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, the day of the Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden; themes include 'frustrated emotions over money and/or relationships', 'relationship events beyond personal control', a 'sense of fatedness' to events, and a caution to 'avoid rash action until issues settle down' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Yet as we saw on January 6, 2021, some folks are not heeding any caution at all because many of them were, and are, under a Moon-Neptune influence.

As For Secondary Progressions

Now you know that fixed stars are never used with progressions (stars' positions are 'fixed', progressions are symbolic) so let's skip to considerations of the rounded-up Sabian Symbols ('word pictures') for both degrees of the SP Sun and SP Moon, then add a few notes concerning the Fire-Air, 'Mercury-Jupiter' Sun Sagittarius-Moon Gemini combination of conscious and unconscious energies (solar = leaders; lunar = the people). As you see, the charts' SP midpoint pictures ('pix') are listed and highlighted in blue with one midpoint picture rising along with SP Saturn in the upper right chart progressed to June 8, 2022.

Plus, the lower left chart (SP to December 8, 2021) has notes squished upon it but the upper right image (SP to June 8, 2022) has been left relatively unruffled by my messy scribblings. Additionally, one thing you'll notice right away is that, except for the obvious differences such as house cusps, most of the factors listed are the same in both charts unless otherwise notated. Meanwhile, quick mention should be made of the Moon-Venus inconjunct which suggests potentials for vanity, superficiality, and a need to be reassured by popularity polls. The aspect also denotes an attraction to fickle partners which invites betrayal! However, betrayal can flow in both directions. (A. Epstein).

So what we seek here is an updated (from 1802!) cosmic picture of an 'evolved' capital city of Washington DC (representative of America) but what's missing in this post are the planetary transits for the date and hour of each chart. Hopefully you may be interested enough in this topic to view the transits for yourself and add them to the SP charts:

SP Full Moon "17Gemini": "The Head of Health Dissolved Into the Head of Mentality" = Keyword DEVELOPMENT; positive expression: the effective orientation of selfhood in an overall vision; negative (unconscious/shadow) expression: a defeat of accomplishment by a senseless clinging to the illusions of youth.

SP Full Moon Sun "17Sag": "An Easter Sunrise Service" = Keyword REBIRTH; positive expression: an unusual realization of immortal resources and an ability to employ them wisely; negative expression: overconcern with superficial form and ceremony (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones #ad).

SP Sun Sagittarius-Moon Gemini is a 'live-wire' Fire-Air blend full of zeal and ideas and is ruled by the Mercury-Jupiter duo of planetary energies. A motto could be 'knowledge vs wisdom' with connections easily seen between apparently unrelated things. Logic is preferred over emotions and a wide range of interests are followed. Mischievously wicked, this blend suggests intellectual curiosity, communication skill, and an inventive, self-absorbed demeanor. Restless, adventurous, and sociable, the Sun Sag-Moon Gemini archetype appreciates irony and is excellent at playing devil's advocate, preferring to live by its wits which means that the city's deeper potentials are unfulfilled at this point, not for a while anyway. But once the city's SP Moon reaches 00Cancer00 about 14 months after each Full Moon date and a steamy, sterilizing, more optimistic Fire-Water blend evolves, we'll see.

So! As things stand, the most basic archetype for the current condition of Washington DC is 'eternal youth' which resonates closely with the above negative expressions of the current SP Full Moon and Sun combo via youthful illusions that defeat accomplishments, superficial concerns, and empty ceremonies which are primarily staged to gaslight and distract the American public from the unsavory actions of a corrupt political class, their pocket-lining enablers, and the global and domestic criminal networks infesting Washington DC and calling a mobster tune.

To close: enlightening may be the 'Image for Integration' supplied by the Harveys in their book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign, to describe in a few words the city's SP Sun Sag-Moon Gemini blend:

"Robin Hood, as a young boy, plays truant from school to go to this archery lesson, but ends up teaching card tricks to his master."

So much meaning is embedded within this Image! My closing thoughts are that 'archery' reminds me of America's traditional symbol of the Eagle with 13 arrows in its talons (representing the original 13 Colonies, if memory serves) along with the association of the Robin Hood mythology of robbing the rich to give to the poor - and a REBIRTH on this level, if accomplished, would bring some measure of balance to our perilously unequal society and this is precisely what I believe the Biden-Democratic agenda intends to do if Republican regressives would stand down, stop idolizing the past, and join in with America's future endeavors and much needed improvements awaiting implementation.

America's Great Seal; US Government National Archives and Records Administration, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Related: Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed.

Sep 22, 2021

2021--2022 Biden Agenda Blocked by Saturnian forces

Saturn in Aquarius: Austerity, Ambitious Plans, and Selfish Politicians

by Jude Cowell

September 22, 2021

On April 12, 2021 we discussed how Karmic Planets Block President Biden's Plans into 2022 and perhaps most readers recognize how this turns out to be the case now that Biden's first term is well underway and non-governing Republicans are doing their 'thing' including threatening a government shutdown (again) over the debt ceiling (and because the GOP can cause a global financial meltdown if they're a-wantin' to). Follow the link for a list of primary planetary culprits now affecting Joe Biden's natal planets. Naturally, positive transits are also in effect for the president but the negative ones seem to be holding sway at the moment.

Yet it isn't only Mitch McConnell and his Republican comrades blocking the Biden agenda (financial and otherwise), it's certain members of President Biden's own Democratic Party via what some pundits call a "party split".

Note: there's another previous SO'W post from December 2020 that relates to this topic: Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell showing the natal charts of both men although McConnell's chart has no accurate birth hour so noon is used. Even so, you'll see Mitch's Mercury-Venus conjunction (11AQ48--5AQ39) both Rx, opposing his Pluto-Chiron conjunction - both Rx and Pluto conjunct melancholy Orpheus of this self-styled "grim reaper". Plus, as you know, the Pluto-Chiron duo is a favorite of plutocrats the world over and both men are children of their pairing of exploitation, racism, various other isms, and primal violence. A major difference is that President Biden uses these powerful energies more positively for society while others born under Pluto-Chiron influences (of approximately 80 years ago in proud, vain Leo) prefer using its darker side to satisfy their selfish interests and to gain dominance over others (exs: "owning the libs" and the 'success at any cost' attitude.) McConnell's Mercury-Venus = transit Saturn: 'thouroughness; a serious attitude' (R. Ebertin); Mercury-Venus in Politics: 'a business sector at odds with society; speeches emphasizing economic facts; debates on added costs; news about the status of wealth' (M. Munkasey).

(Plus, we might note that another Pluto-Chiron Conjunction @11Sag+ occurred around the time of the much-touted 'New Millennium' and the plutocratic pair has an opportunity to receive benefits from the 5 South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22.)

Why So Bossy and Austere?

So! The reason I'm fussing about all this tonight is that tiresomely, transit Saturn Rx in early Aquarius has been stomping on Inauguration 2021's Jupiter (@7AQ22, 10th house) so that conditions of economic restriction, limitation, and blockage clearly are part of the ongoing bedevilment against the Biden White House and agenda as prosperity is slowed (and will be the world over if the GOP don't raise the debt ceiling so that Ameria can pay bills already incurred - including those racked up by Republicans).

Now as you know, transit Saturn turned retrograde on May 23, 2021 @13AQ31:01 and has been opposing the natal Plutos in Leo of many of us - or soon will (for myself in February 2022). This transit has already occurred for McConnell but is in progress now for Joe Biden. Transit Saturn conjunct Inauguration 2021 Jupiter only adds to Mr. Biden's and our limitations and the serious baggage such karma brings.

Saturn to Inauguration 2021 Jupiter exact 3 times in 2021: February 18, September 16 (just passed!), and finally: November 4, 2021. (Using Inauguration 2021 Biden Oath Taken at 11:47 am est.)

However, karmic Saturn turns Direct on October 10, 2021 @6AQ52:43 (conjunct US natal South Node, a Saturnian point - just to make things more karmic and separative in America! Then perhaps on one level, Saturn-SN symbolizes the GOP and the authority-craving party's separative sentiments against the federal government, its mockery of US laws (and subpoenas), and its general lack of cooperation with traditional values and ethics. Of course, South Node suggests past behavior no longer useful, and regressive Republican ideas issue from the 1850s and 1950s which is part of why they act neurotically and expect to shove America backward to settle for social and political conditions of the past.)

And looking ahead at devilish Saturn's path, the old man won't reach and surpass his Shadow Degree (13AQ31) until mid-January 2022 so limitations and some forms of restriction should lighten up by then if they haven't previously.

On the other side of the political equation, this release from his Shadow phase could inspire some Saturnian folk to add even harher austerity measures to their dystopian authoritarian agenda intended for the rest of us. Not for them, of course, but for the masses of people they choose to prey upon and exploit.

Now here's a republish of the December 2021 Solar Eclipse (inner) surrounded by the natal horoscope of President Joseph R. Biden (outer):

And here's President Biden's Mars Return 2021 Horoscope of November 17th.