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Nov 12, 2006

Russ just says No, but thanks

On Sunday, November 12th in Racine, I will hold my 1000th Listening Session with the people of Wisconsin. Before reaching that milestone, I want you to know that I've decided to continue my role as Wisconsin's Junior Senator in the U.S. Senate and not to seek the Democratic nomination for President in 2008.

--Russ Feingold

Oh's not as if President Feingold was ever going to fly.

Chess pieces are on the move after the electorate showed their preference for donkey poo over elephant dung...assuming that the election wasn't just a set-up for 2008 (which it was.)

After the fiasco the Rs have made in the Middle East, why not step back and let Dems be responsible for the miasma, then clean up in 2008 based in part on the Ds big talk against Bush's War--and their inability to affect "victory"--not something the neocons ever wanted in the first place? The GOP can even point to their "gracious" acceptance of "the people have spoken"...and how often did you hear one of them say just those Rove-inspired words?

The defeat of the Rs WAS the October Surprise morphed into a November Surprise, as it will turn out. The lost Rs can now reconnoiter and help the Party for the presidential election, and with their own scandals largely forgotten--they hope--by 2008.

The American people have a short memory, the pundits love to say, and to some degree they are correct.

So was the Dem Party that gullible? They wanted the prize but the prize is a dud...and most are in choots with the globalist agenda...a good example being Joe Lieberman. John Conyers has turned tail--or shown his secret colors--who knows which?

Was a little sumpin'sumpin' uncovered to back him down from his hold Bush accountable stance/Impeach the dastard campaign? Guess all those newsletters and petitions I received from Conyers were the usual smokey mirrors.

And so I reassert that the gracious acceptance of the lost Republicans was as believable as a man in a Howard-the-Duck suit onscreen--puh! Absurd theater, dahling. No more than political cover for the war-mongering, pocket-lining, globalist-fronting patooties of Washington.

ACT II, where SO'W Retreats to Mockery Zone:

Now preparing to post a new limerick from Mr.A.Cat on Bush's purchase of 100,000 acres of land in northern Paraguay in preparation for his great escape.

You may wish to investigate at Lim's Limericks but at your own peril, mind, for limericks may be dangerous to your equilibrium and ill-humored ones bad for your eyesight.

And please remember that lame duck droppings make pungent fertilizer too.


Here's a note from

Beware: George Bush's secret agents can now arrest us in our own country By Alun Jones QC, lawyer of the NatWest Three 11 Nov 2006 The Government last week cravenly surrendered control of the independence of our criminal justice system to the United States. It rejected a final chance to make two key amendments to the Extradition Act 2003 - a dereliction of duty that means American secret agents can now arrest us in our own country. #

The noose is tightening...


Jim Webb

Here is the sunrise chart of Jim Webb, Senator-elect, born Feb 9, 1946, St. Joseph, Missouri.

Those who say he is a "maverick" are telling the truth, it seems, for there are several indications of such in his natal chart.

Rising we see Sun in Aquarius, sign of the water-bearer, although an Air sign of intellectual capacity. Webb's writing talent resides with an Aquarian Mercury, Venus nearby also in AQ, and Saturn in Cancer is conjunct Fixed Star, Castor: "to write or create."

Saturn is also conjunct Mars--a difficult placement often referred to as "driving with the brakes on", but which can give tremendous ability for hard work and a steely determination. Obviously this pairing would be helpful in a military career and courage in dangerous situations.

He'll need it as he approaches Capitol Hill in January--the suppressed anger of this conjunction may become more apparent as he settles in amongst the vipers.

Webb's writing is also shown by North Node (of the Moon--an associative point) being placed in Gemini, sign of writing and communication. He may be quite a talker...which is ok by me, if he'll just be saying something truthful, meaningful, common sensical and practical enough to implement.

Now the real indications of "maverickhood" are found in his Jupiter/Chiron conjunction--a "maverick with a superiority complex" (Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron), plus--Mars is out-of-bounds and Rx! Definitely outside the "normal" realm of actions, Mr. Webb is.

And Chiron is Rx, too--another significator of one who dances to his own tune.

Jupiter/Chiron conjs are attracted to other cultures and they to him--he speaks Vietnamese; there is a disturbing intensity to this pairing which makes it difficult for him to function within normal patterns--in a word, a maverick by several counts.

As far as Sun/Moon blend personality traits, Webb may have Moon in Taurus because the latest (midnight) position the Moon reached on Feb 9, 1946, was 4Gem50, earliest 20Tau44. Degree-wise, it looks like a Taurean Moon, yet as a prolific writer it is a distinct possibility the Moon was in Gemini at his birth.

I'll begin with a Taurean Moon, since he has that streak of stubborness with which Taurus the Bull always endows its natives--and we ALL have Taurus in our charts somewhere!

Of course, the Mars/Saturn conj indicates stubborness, too, so read both blends and see which applies iyho--in your humble opinion, if you please:

Sun AQ/Moon Tau: level-headed; humanitarian; self-indulgent; logical; tenacious; pragmatic intellect; capable and ambitious...this combo is an eccentric entrepreneur who's theme might be: security vs independence.

There is talent for making sense of individual human patterns and needs (he has Pallas, keywords: wisdom; strategy; patterning ability--conjunct South Node, a point which describes family inheritance) which helps in the push forward in a healthier direction (as in, "new direction for America"?)

This is a powerful blend of idealism + realism which is brought to any project or relationship, be it commercial, philanthropic, or artistic.

Images: The resident caretaker of a "New Age" community sips his Beaujolais as he systematically does the year's accounts...A country girl seeks a conventional life with an unconventional young man in the big city.

This blend belongs natally to E.G. Price, who said: Only by transcending the everyday, by seeing human life in larger terms, can the individual escape the slow strangulation of 'permanent errors.'

Now consider Sun AQ/Moon Gemini:

Iconoclastic; flexible yet stubborn; witty; philosophical yet flippant; communicative and progressive; restless, detached, unsentimental and emotionally naive; a charming "people person."

Outrageous, dead-pan quips are found with this blend, and there is a light, bright demeanor. A friendly and breezy air is often observed along with an unsentimental attitude...yet there is a strong social conscience much in evidence.

With sober committment added to quick-witted curiosity, a formidable talent for communicating radical ideas and sorting out other people's problems shines forth.

An easy-going reasonableness, clarity, and honesty inspire confidence, and give an ability to act as both a negotiator and a peacemaker. Lateral thinking, a way with words, and a sense of humor make sales, journalism (!), and public relations and advertising the natural arenas for such talents (and book sales?)

There's an attraction to "New Age" thinking (not NWO, I hope), and there's a constant moving on to the next new idea, message, and possibility (this could get books written, I imagine, as long as they're on the short side.)

There's a great interest in technology, esp computers (he has Uranus in Gemini, too) and with political ideas, there's a belief in the possibilities of changing the world and improving understanding between people.

Although a lover of the bustle of big cities, there is an appreciation of the country's soothing balm for the soul, esp including the songs of birds.

Images: A child in a balloon drifts over the city reporting back by portable phone on all below...A white blackbird charms the garden with its song.

Here are quotes from two men who share this particular Sun/Moon blend:

If I am to deal with life it must be in my own way for there is no escape from one's character. --Maurice Hewlett


The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately. --Thomas Paine, of course.

Iconoclastic maverick, writer, journalist with a friendly charm--is this the Jim Webb we're sending to the US Senate?

Well, this is just a little "know your newby Senator", and there's certainly more to write concerning this chart, but it's very very late...the sandman has arrived, in fact...

but there's this: from the fella himself.


note: enlarge chart to see a few of my chicken-scratch notes such as his Prenatal Eclipse Series.

Personality blends from: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey, happily available to you at


Nov 11, 2006

Cluster around the Sun: 4 planets

Space Weather News for Nov. 11, 2006

FOUR PLANETS: Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Mercury are all crowded around the sun this weekend. The great conjunction is invisible to the human eye (too much sunlight), but SOHO can see it. The spacecraft's coronagraph is able to block the glare and reveal the planets. Visit for live images.#

Visit George Bush (Sun) for images of who's clustering around his nibs this weekend...perhaps:

moneybags/guru Jupiter (Cheney?), a Venusian, warlike woman (Condi?) or a legal eagle (Gonzales?), Mars (Gates? Rove?), and Mercury (Tony Snow? Bolten?)...well, those are my best guesses with the short notice I gave myself! All are, btw, in Scorpio, sign of big business, hidden power, spying, and The Eagle Point "15Scorpio", one of the prominent points in the August 11, 1999 "King of Terror" hundreds of years ago by Michel Nostradamus.


Oh Canada!

Universities move to hide work from U.S. eyes 11 Nov 2006 Concerned about the U.S. government's prying eyes, a number of Canadian universities are changing the way their professors and students conduct online research. Many university libraries subscribe to RefWorks, a popular U.S.-based Internet tool used by academics and students. But the Patriot Act — which grew out of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and which potentially allows U.S. authorities to sweep through databases such as RefWorks — has prompted Canadian postsecondary institutions to abandon the American server for one housed at the University of Toronto.# from

11.18 Saturday...Question: have you ever visited You can view Hubble image galleries and use their Printshop to print out your own museum-quality prints of your favorites. Take their Image Tour for a quick view of their interactive totally cosmic!


Wyoming smells burning gas

Apparent Pipeline Fire Burning in Wyoming in an area of natural gas pipelines southwest of Cheyenne, with flames shooting hundreds of feet in the air and seen from several miles away.

Source of the fire is not immediately available, natch, but so far no injuries are reported. Hope it remains that way.



Nov 10, 2006

Washington as shining example

Now that the Republicans have made their public (stage) bows and kowtows to The People's Will, it's time for an example to be shown to the "democracy" in Iraq which they were so determined to ill-advisedly force upon a sovereign nation for whatever reasons stated and unstated, lied about, kept hidden, poorly justified, "exported" or propagandized.

Your reach across "the aisle," representatives OF The People, will be reaching around the world to be seen and remarked upon in Baghdad and elsewhere, for all your lofty rhetoric has come home to haunt you on the Hill--a Hill which once shone out around the globe before your perfidy and greed tarnished it to its current and unrecognizeable state.

After six years+--make that twelve l o n g years of your corruption and misdirected energies--you should either work together for the common good or leave the premises. Fix what you've broken, crumbums.

Lousy service is no longer required, and that goes for Dems and Indies as well.

So get your democracy game on--let's see if you can play, as well as talk, a good game. Your betters could do both--the ones who wrote the Constitution you disdain and the Bill of Rights you undermine.

So often I've referred to We-the-Sheeple, but it is you who should be sheepish, shamed, and embarrassed beyond bearing.

Saturday 11.11.06 is Veterans' Day: Bush said today that the battles in Iraq would be favorably compared by history to our WWII battles. He just won't give it up. He can't, under the ruse of supporting our troops who are currently and so courageously serving their country, thanks to his misadventures.

My heart aches for them and for their families, made more excruciating with the approach of another holiday.

But the only way history will look favorably at Bush's performance is if the rewrite continues apace with superb thrown in front of his sullied name.

Years ago, when I lived in my favorite city of Washington DC, Nixon and Watergate happened, and a ruined atmosphere wafted across the District. I can hardly imagine how rife and rank it must be now.



Bush family insider, Robert "Iran-Contra" Gates? You must be kidding.
Will be posting on him this weekend or asap. Also on the SO'W agenda: Rahm Emannuel, Barney Frank, Henry Waxman, Jim Webb, and more so stay tuned, m'peops...

suing Rummy, Gonzo, and Tenet

Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse --A lawsuit in Germany will seek a criminal prosecution of the former Defense Secretary and other U.S. officials for their alleged role in abuses at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.

10 Nov 2006 New legal documents, to be filed next week with Germany's top prosecutor, will seek a criminal investigation and prosecution of former Defense Secretary [War Criminal] Donald Rumsfeld, along with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, former CIA director George Tenet and other senior U.S. civilian and military officers, for their alleged roles in abuses [torture] committed at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


LOOK what I found: an excellently written center-left alternative blog called you heard of it? This blog seems to be updated regularly...a definite plus!

gremlins in Georgia's GOP

Our local radio station has just announced that the GOP in Georgia will be restoring the Lt. Governor's powers which they had "stripped" from Dem Mark Taylor when he inhabited the position.

Republican Casey Cagle won the Lt Gov's post on Tuesday, and Gov Perdue retained the governor's office against said Mark Taylor who was running for it, so it's ok for a Republican to have some power. Naked power play, isn't it?

Say, you don't think that the Diebold I voted on was rigged or hacked, do you?

And a judge upheld the gerrymandering that took Rep John Barrow away from his hometown and from the people who elected him, but--he won Tuesday anyway! Ha.

So the 13th Colony suffers under the yoke of Republican high-handedness and shenanigans yet!

11.10.06 1:20 pm est


Nov 9, 2006

Leo Strauss and neoconservatism

11.11.06: Here's a list which should be familiar to us all for we're living it:

Straussism-The Zionist Neocon Philosophy Directing The Age Of Tyranny with thanks to Jeff Rense.

11.9.06 post begins here:

Bill Maher has an interesting analysis on HuffPost relating Straussian neocon tactics with those of Scientology, and I can't say I blame him.

Republicans = Scientologists makes some good points, plus you may want to read my post from March concerning Leo Strauss.

My intuition is growing more each hour since the midterm outcomes that, as many peopple would agree, the Republican "grace" in accepting their "defeats"--including Bush's nervous, annoyed press conference (and his "dig" at Rove's lack of actions during the campaign) are only the usual Capitol Hill Theater, dahling...nothing that happens in politics is an accident, and it really IS about 2008.

WHY was Rove in view anyway? How often is that the case?

You probably heard that the knives are out for Nancy Pilosi, and I don't doubt it. The names of the soon-to-be-seated Dem-led Congress are on many a blackmailer's list already.

The arm-twisting began at lunch today no doubt. Of course, when Bush called Pilosi to congratulate her, there was an interesting midpoint picture at MC at that moment (7:15 am, 11.8.06, Washington DC):

Moon/Mars = MC: a woman with strong principles.

So good luck to her on that.

Their Alternate Script:

That the neocons would--or could--"give up" so easily because "the American people have spoken" is about as lame and laughable as it can possibly be so SO'W must file that ditty in the Swamp-Land-For Sale-in-Florida category. Only someone who'd "buy" the Brooklyn Bridge could believe any of their tripe on this--certainly the American people speaking or voting have never bothered them before.

I don't truly believe we've had a voice since at least 1963's coup with JFK's assassination. We've been set up ever since.

Strauss was born in 1899--his minions have been at work a long time and the current jokers have inherited a huge network of connections and operatives worldwide passed down through several generations of win-at-any-cost-ers.

That's what Maher is talking about--the Scientology model which is really the Machiavellian model--do you believe that the ends justify the means?
Then the murder-at-will door is left open for any crook, deviant, or psychopath to walk through. That they reign in Washington is no surprise, and both sides of the aisle are subject to their control--even if they're not on the payroll, they're on the payroll.


They have ALL twisted the system into this shape...Ds and Rs--all are in on the lucrative joke, and the ones who aren't won't be around for long.

It was Frederick the Great who said something along the lines of: my people and I have come to an understanding: they are to say what they want, and I am to do what I want.

If that's not the neocon regime's attitude, I don't know what is. Except the 'saying' is under more scrutiny now than ever before a la Bush, and the NWO chugs along.

Yes, old Leo is the so-called father of neoconservatism...and the current crop of dastards are behind the scenes working just as much against the common good as they were before the American people "spoke" this week.

May they be Unmasked at their every turn--and Bill Maher's article is a good peep-eye! at their true and hideous nature. Forewarned is forarmed.

It is such a dream world we live in.

11.9.06 10:28 pm est


On Scientology:

11.10.06: Note to "Anonymous" commenter of the Scientology persuasion: my tendency to publish anonymous comments has recently ended, and while I applaud your right to defend your faith, you'll have to be more forthcoming than to call Bill Maher a bigot and hide behind "Anonymous." Your comment is filed in the hit-and-run folder.

As far as the science fiction + religion blend goes, it's suitable for satire, as I'm sure you've noticed before now. Imho, it's no better or much worse than the you-need-a-priest vatican mumbo jumbo, yet as I've written here before, some of the kindest people I've known all through my life have been of that religious persuasion.

I don't like to confuse the true believer with the shell-gamers at the top.

So it's religious hierarchies which keep their true motives close to their vests which interest me, and if your religion has meant a lot to you and aided you in any way, I'm sincerely glad.

Certainly I have no particular love of the psychiatric profession, but I should tell you that making strong statements such as Tom Cruise made in his Matt Lauer (sp?) interview and elswhere is no way to be taken seriously--in fact, it alienates (no pun intended.)

You see, I have a firm view on "UFOs" and believe them to be quite different phenomena than Mr Hubbard espoused to his bank account's credit (I refer primarily to his book sales.) If you've heard of straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel you'll know basically where I stand on Scientology...and mind control of the gullible pretty much covers the rest. -jc

Thomas Jefferson said:

"A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt...If the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake."

Nov 8, 2006

Dawn of a New Day: Nov 8 2006

As Democratic Saturn hung over the Capitol Building at sunrise today, Pres Bush's natal Venus, recently visited by said Saturn was feeling lonely and unloved. He deserves it.

Asteroid, Minerva (wisdom) is there, too...hopefully an archetype Nancy Pelosi will bring with her. But she might want to can the "most honest, most ethical" slogan though...angels' wings may be needed for that, but we can hope.

We-the-People, Moon 25Gem26, was in the 8th house of taxes, debt, insurance, legacies, transformation, and death.

Sun 15Sco56 arose heralded by contentious Mars at the "A drowning man rescued" degree, causing your reluctant astrologer (moi) to wonder who was being saved--Bush whose Iraq mess is more than he can handle (for you can't solve problems using the same thinking that caused them, and Bush is a one-note kinda guy) or is it YOU, Lieberman? (props to Jon Stewart.)

Rx Mercury at 16Sco52 rises next and still indicating recounts, VA in particular, it seems, but we'll see. Will Macaca Allen have his sway? And then there's Montana's outcome still teetering as I type, 8:00 am.

Venus 18Sco54 is next to rise in square to Bush's natal Venus. If rising Venus is taken for Nancy Pelosi, the first-ever female Speaker of the House, we may expect the blockages and obstacles typical of the square aspect, but much developmental energy is possible as well between Bush's values/relationships and Pelosi's.

And money issues are a province of Venus with raising the minimum wage high on Dems' agenda and Bush desperate to stop it for his corporate fiends (not a typo.)

Also rising: guru-moneybags Jupiter 26Sco31 with his Jupiter Mantra in tow ("every day in every way I'm getting better and better"), but the overconfident prosecution of the Iraq War will be in play, as we may expect.

Jupiter's word picture, "27Sco":

"A military band marches noisily through the streets" = POMP...

keynote: The aggressive glorification of cultural values.

Rudhyar goes on to explain that "Our aggressive, tense Western civilization is indeed in opposition to the natural spontaneity and instinctive adjustment to nature of tribal societies."

The Sun/Asc degree, the WHAT of the chart..."A girl's face breaking into a smile" =

keynote: The fervent reaching out on the part of the young at heart to new experiences (young = Mercury, Moon in Mercury-ruled Gemini--did younger voters turn out?)

keyword: a glowing WARMTH OF FEELING...Rudhayar goes on to say "Smiling is perhaps a uniquely human characteristic because it implies a conscious acceptance of relationship, thus a choice.

Interestingly, the midpoint between Mercury/Uranus is opposite the US natal Sun, so therefore opposite Bush's natal Sun, Merc/Uran = Sun: quick adjustment to new circumstances. Yup!

But, as Noel Tyl says, this picture can also mean: up-to-speed; able to create the surprising move. Will Bush pull his fat at least partially out of the fire? Some people are still betting on him....another "we'll see."

Well, there's much more info in the sunrise chart, the Dawn of a New Day, everything changed, but I'm getting set up now for Bush's best happy-face spin at 1:00 pm today, last I heard.

Now 1:00 pm seems a little tardy, but I guess he needs to practice in front of his mirror (wonder what he sees? Is there an image to behold?) so he can get out in front of the people as he grasps the bully pulpit--for he's a bully and a preacher in his own mind--and mention the war on terror, Iraq, and any other thing he can delusionally cling to. But America is "fed up with rosy pictures" at last.

Admitting that most of us hate his guts will not be on his concession agenda...and at the White House, at 1:00 pm est, Neptune "18AQ": "A man unmasked" degree will be rising...fat lot o'good it seems to do the nation.

11.8.06 8:16 am est


Nov 7, 2006

The burning bush of Bush

So far Bush's ineptitude and culpability are affecting the outcomes of the midterm elections--it's 11:03 pm est, and Tavis Smiley says CA polls have "just closed"--so here's a SO'W post from June called The burning bush of Bush which you may find somewhat interesting if you've not come across it before, and coming from Andriano Carelli's book on degree symbolism.

Be sure to read all three degrees: 8, 9, and 10 Leo esp 10 Leo which describes a scythe pattern in the sky forming now and coming to fruition in 2007. Sounds like the scythe may be in operation for the GOP already...a turn-of-fortunes kind of harvest in play and with more to come.

And Neptune continues to hang out at the "A man unmasked" degree, in the Sabian Symbols.

11:13 pm--Tavis announces that the Dems have taken the House--Nancy Pelosi at the helm, it seems. Perhaps we'll be able to recognize our government again with checks and balances restored, I hope. America is sending a message to Washington, but she'd better get back more in return than empty rhetoric and slogans.

Sending out a BIG SO'W Congratulations to all winners tonight! Tag, you're it.

11.7.06 11:22 pm est


Caving In In London

Revealed: cave that's bigger than London Eye ...maybe they'll find bin Laden under London.

Hope you've read HuffPo's National Referendum article today. Just checked the link and they've changed the article's title to VOTE.

"Can any reasonable man be well disposed toward a government which makes war and carnage the only means of supporting itself?" -- Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804) Source: at the US Constitutional Convention #

Well I'm not, are you?

And may I also recommend for conversation with top political bloggers Troy S. and David McGill...beginning at 7:00 pm this evening. Stop by!

Gotta motor--the booth awaits!

11.7.06 10:23 am
