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Jan 16, 2007

Fidel Castro

The Spanish newspaper El Pais is reporting that Castro is in 'grave condition' due to 3 failed surgeries, an infection in the large intestine, and various other complications.

Since he temporarily ceded power to his brother Raul last July, I've been tempted to post his natal chart here with remarks but since it's rated only DD ('dirty data') in AstroDataBank I've held myself back.

But with Cuban officials still denying the seriousness of Castro's condition, I must point out that with natal Sun 20Leo, and natal Neptune 25Leo--and with tr Saturn's ongoing visitation to this area of his chart (correct birth time notwithstanding) the man is under much stress physically, and given his advanced age (Aug 13, 1926; Colonia Biran, Cuba), his propects for recovery are slim and slimming.

Raul to the Rescue:

In July '06, Mars was in Leo and triggering Fidel's Sun/Neptune. Mars may bring along inflammation and fever to the affected planets/energies of the chart, and the Mars/Neptune combo = infection.

Mars to n Neptune dissipates energy and undermines health, plus drugs are a particular danger as well. Mars to Sun is a hot combo bringing a surge of vitality which may lead to injury--esp to the head or face--through overstraining.

2007: The current transit of Saturn to n Sun and Neptune gives this midpoint picture:

Sun/Neptune = Saturn: concerns about the blood; bereavement about separation.

The Saturn/Neptune pair have many connotations--and grief, weakness, and torment are sadly among them, with a martyr flavor tossed in as well.

Castro Reportedly in 'Grave' Condition in spite of what Cuban officials say to the contrary.

Thing is, we all have to go sometime, so perhaps they could take to heart the keywords of Castro's Pre-natal Eclipse Series, *19North: coming down to earth with a thud; seeing an old situation for what it really is instead of what it was thought to be; a good time for tackling the truth.

The whole world could use some of that, couldn't it?


*Eclipse info: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady. Midpoint pictures: Dr. Noel Tyl's Natal and Midpoint Solar Arc Analysis Directory.

Comet McNaught and the Eagle

When astronomer Robert McNaught of Australia first spotted the Comet which now bears his name on August 7, 2006, the comet was in the constellation HERCULES and approaching constellation SCUTUM, just off the tail of AQUILA, the Eagle.

My esteemd colleague, Twilight, has asked about the correlation between Comet McNaught and the storms in midwestern US now spread from Texas to the a word, yes. AQUILA the Eagle is also called the storm bird and rises in winter bringing along icy storms.

The Comet is now fading from view in the Northern Hemisphere since it has rounded the Sun, but photos are expected from SOHO...keep your eye peeled at SOHO's website if you wish.

SCUTUM, the shield , commemorates King of Poland John Sobieski's victory against the Turks in 1683. But it really gets interesting when you consider AQUILA and HERCULES, the of the oldest constellations...with the tip of his left foot near the head of the celestial Dragon.

All this relates to the mythological Twelve Labors of Hercules and to AQUILA as part of the 3 birds and an arrow group, one of which is Cynus, the Swan--a very hostile and aggressive bird.

AQUILA (Latin: eagle, or vulture) has an alpha star, Altair, keywords: boldness and determination. AQUILA relates to the Stymphalian Birds--Hercules' Labor 6.

Plus, there was a vicious bird from the Arabian desert, the Stymphalian, which was known to be equal to lions or leopards in fierceness. Perhaps they're still hanging Iraq, eh?

As you know, the Stymphalian Birds were known to be man-eaters, and Hercules was given the Labor of driving away an enormous flock of them from a lake deep in the woods near the town of Stymphalos. The goddess Athena appeared and gave Hercules a pair of bronze krotala, or castenets, to create a huge ruckus so that Hercules could shoot them with his arrows (or some say, a slingshot) as they flew away. Good deal.

These krotala were made by the immortal craftsman, Hephaistos, in his forge (the Pentagon?)

By now you know I'm thinking of the recent US raid of Arbil and the 5 Iranian "diplomats" who were arrested--or as they say, kidnapped. And the US symbol of the Eagle is obvious.

Now when Athena appeared to Hercules, she told him the birds were hiding in the trees around the lake because they were afraid of him. Well, they should've been.

But here's where it gets sticky--a few escaped (history repeats?!?) and sought refuge on the isle of ARES (god of war, of course) in the Black Sea.

I spent much of the past weekend nosing into the Black Sea region with its resorts, spas, and islands, and some interesting possibilities have surfaced.

Time is short so I'll list a few of them:

Snake Island, Cholchis, Istanbul, Costanta, and any of the resort towns around the basin we call the Black Sea...Romania and Bulgaria, the Ukraine, and Georgia...the Black Sea is connected to the Mediterraean Sea bwo the Turkish Straits system (TSS) in the southwest--which includes the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits and the Sea of Marmara.

The Black Sea is connected also to the Sea of Azov in the northeast bwo the Kerch straits.

But Colchis is where the sacred grove of Ares was located...where Areetes hung the Golden Fleece on a tree bough until Jason and the Argonauts scored it. Colchis was also the land where the mythological Prometheus was punished by having his liver eaten by an EAGLE because he revealed the secret of fire to humankind.

The Amazons were said to be of SCYTHIAN origin from Colchis--and classically SCYTHIA was in southern Russia, eastern Ukraine, the north Caucasus area, including Azerbaijan, Georgia, the lower Danube region, and Bulgaria, aka Scythia Minor.

The reason I capitalize SCYTHIA here is because of the current Saturnian Scythe formed above our noggins with Saturn in Leo as the isolated isolated leader which I and others relate to George Bush.

And then there's Snake be cont'd...


Constellation and Mythology info from Fixed Stars, Bernadette Brady, and from Bulfinch's Mythology, The Age of!

Jan 14, 2007

let George surge, y'all

Bush: War Skeptics 'Propose Nothing'...nothing but sanity and the facing of reality, George. You want to talk irresponsible ? Look in the mirror, why doncha.

By now you've heard or read of Bush's Weakly Radio Address Saturday in which he uttered the above meaningless as-if: as if his 'surge' plan is a good idea because there are only retreat alternatives--thanks to his own brashness and incompetence at running a war--Mr. AWOL running a war!!!

Who in the world ever thought THAT was a good idea? It defies all common sense, m'peops...did then, does now, always will.

In Latin America Hugo Chavez is planning to abolish term limits so his own presidency can extend forever and ever, so we'd better watch George--he's already had that idea after 9/11, y'know.

Well, I'm tired of grousing about it all for now so I'm happily referring you to my friend Edward H. and his succinct point-of-view Surge towards don't have to join to read articles, just to comment.

Edward's article covers pretty much everything about Bush's daft plan in a way I wish daffy himself could take to heart...if only he had one.


Jan 13, 2007

Comet McNaught outdoing self

Space Weather News for Jan. 13, 2007

Observers around the world are reporting that Comet McNaught is now visible in broad daylight. The comet is very close to the sun, so it is tricky to find. If you want to try, here's how to do it: Go outside and stand in the shadow of a building so that the glare of the sun is blocked out. Make a fist and hold it at arm's length. The comet is about one fist-width east of the sun.

This weekend is a special time for Comet McNaught because it is making its closest approach to the sun. Solar heat causes the comet to vaporize furiously and brighten to daytime visibility. McNaught is now the brightest comet in more than 40 years, and it may become the brightest in centuries.

Visit for photos and updates.


Depp to make Litvinenko film

Two books are being penned about Alexander Litvinenko, poisoned Nov 1, 2006, one of which is being purchased by Warner Bros for Johnny Depp to film and possibly star in, and the other written--I assume ghost-written--by widow Marina Litvinenko and close family friend, Alex Goldfarb. Theirs is being scooped up by Columbia Pictures.

The Depp/Warner Bros book is by Alan Cowell (no relation) of the NYT.

My question is, who'll play raspy Putin?

I just wish they'd nail the inhuman rascals who would do that to a human being, don't you?

Sheesh! Never thought Johnny Depp would show up in this blog!

Here's the AP article: Depp to Make Film About Poisoned Spy and there's a great blog on Russia and the former Soviet Union called Siberian Light which you should check out for Litvinenko investigation info and much more.


Jan 12, 2007

over-lending in Scotland

The Bank of England is playing the wolf-at-the-door role in Scotland with a surprise interest rate increase-the 3rd in 6 months--due to the Bank's (supposed) nervousness at homeowners falling behind in payments.

The Scotsman has it here: Interest rate blow to homeowners-and worse may be to come.

Is this counter-intuitive? Raising rates will increase home repossessions...oh wait...I get it...that's what they want. The wolf is not only at the door, he's having a cuppa by the fireside and twirling his greedy per his plan all along. Homeless suckers.

And the common good has fallen prey to globalism again.


Jan 11, 2007

maiming and draining America

When George Bush completed his surge speech last evening at 9:22 pm est, tr Jupiter 10Sag13 had just crossed the IC, the Foundation or Base of the chart...aka the HOW Point...aka The Drain.

The Sabian Symbol for "11Sag" is instructive:

"A golden-haired goddess of opportunity"...REWARD:

pos: an irresistible confidence in self and a tireless outreaching to all the wonders of an everyday world;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: consistent diversion of effort to worthless ends.

Bush was put into the role of US President and remains there because he pleases those who put him there. The escalation of war in the Middle East (against Iran primarily) is what the red herring of 'surging Iraq' was invented for so their plans for domination of the entire region may continue.

The last time Bush left the US, I suggested that someone change the locks on all the White House doors but my suggestion wasn't taken--and now look.

Some people are raking it in, some are dying. The ones who are raking it in are sending more people to die or be maimed. Bush stirred up what has always been a hornet's nest, now he's pretending he can calm things down with more bloodshed and a 'stronger-armed' occupation. Even the number of US troops isn't honestly given....there are many more troops there than Bush admits.

Capitol Hill wimps out once again and the American people's wishes don't count...who will stand against a madman? A Hill full of madmen and madwomen?

We used to say the emperor has no clothes but still he was allowed to go on. Do we have the will to act in our own self-interest? Will the railroading ever cease?

Maiming America has been the point and at that Bush, poppy Bush, and their fellow intitiates have succeeded...admirably.

America...Down the Drain with George Bush...but the prosthetic devices are state-of-the-art.


Sabian Symbol "11Sag" from: Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones is available at

Can I lighten up? Try a 'surge' limerick at Lim's Limericks. You may as well.

Jan 10, 2007

Bush touts his surge urge

White House, Jan 10, 2007 9:00 pm est Moon Hour (publicity; changes):

Well, here's the chart for tonight's 9 pm speech where Bush dons his usual 'political spokesman promoting his cause' robes and performs as "A man making a futurist drawing"...this is the Sabian Symbol for the Ascending degree, the WHAT Point of the the chart (the speech itself.)

The WHY Point, Mc 5Gem06 has asteroid MIDAS and you know what King Midas liked.

At 11:13 pm est George Bush will enjoy his natal Moon Return 16Lib42, aka the Lunar Return. These monthly charts reflect daily goings-on and changes, and applicably the surge speech occurs during a Moon Hour--he has promised changes in the direction of America (and has already provided them--all downward) so the 'ch-ch-changes" theme will obviously be prominent, as will "the future."

Mars-ruled "danger" will of course be well-represented as he bats us over the noggin with the usual purposefully half-baked rhetoric of foggy concepts to disguise the real deal.

Tonight in Bush's Lunar Return the Moon has these applying aspects:

1. inconjunct NN (the public--adjustment required...everyone here I've asked about watching the surge speech have said they couldn't stand watching Bush there anyone NOT sick of him?);

2. trine Neptune (tr Neptune will be opposing natal Venus eventually--deceit and instabiltiy in relationships, perhaps bankruptcy--but it seems that's all ours, thanks to him);

3. square Sun: instincts blocking the will and vice versa--as we know, he's very isolated and frustrated right now...can I get an aww-w-w-w...? Didn't think so;

4. square Mercury...seems the speech will be deservedly ill-received. He'll shove it through anyway in desperation to pull a rabbit out of his sorceror's cap.

In the speech chart, Jupiter is conj Fixed star, Antares, associated with war and with being obsessed with success. There can be great success with Antares, but also a tendency to lose what's been gained by intensity and "going to extremes."

Sounds like our 'man' doesn't it?

Antares may cause self-undoing through obsession and its connection to Jupiter brings the obvious specter of over-extension monetarily which this "surge" will make worse--with the US so deep in the financial hole, who's financing Bush' war anyway? Our grand and great-grandchildren in servitude--I know. Rice paddies, anyone?

Antares is a Royal Star of Persia--the Watcher of the West (Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology.) It's the heart of the Scorpion, and to the Persians was the god of the dead, Yima.

Surge Catapultin' Tonight with natal Mars arisin':

The surge speech chart keeps the same applying aspects Moon-wise as above with the exception of Moon SQ Mercury which will form in time for his Lunar Return.

Asc 8Vir24 means that Bush's natal Mars is rising with the transiting Chiron/Venus
conj sitting upon Bush's natal Desc of Partnerships. The Symbol for his natal Mars is: "Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows." Desire-based Mars rising is a perfect description of "surge urge" isn't it?

Bush is in aggravation-mode these days as well...he doesn't appreciate obstacles in the way of his poppy's NWO plans, y'know..and there's tr Mars nearing Pluto at the base of the speech chart. Mars/Pluto = force; brutality; war.

Of late, tr Mars/Saturn midpoint has been hanging about Bush's natal Ic, too...along with Saturn/Pluto (who were operative on 9/11/01.) The Ic is the HOW Point of any chart, as you know...

Mars/Sat = Mc: endurance; power of resistance; indefatiguableness;

Sat/Plu = Mc: the desire to rise from difficult circumstances bwo tenacity; severity; major separation as a last resort; an adept; a magician (oh, Anton!)

Chart-ruler Mercury has three appying aspects tonight, all 'minor' and frustrating or inhibiting:

1.sesquisquare (135 degr) Asc;

2.inconjunct Saturn (150 degr);

3.semi-square Jupiter.

Not what you'd want for Mercury-ruled propaganda but as Bush has said many times, the poeple's opinions don't matter to his thinking anyway.

Also at Mc is the "serious encounters" midpoint of Saturn/NN:

Sat/NN = Mc: standing alone in life; little joy from accomplishments; mourning.

He should seem properly mournful to want to put more Americans in "harm's way"--as if he didn't choose to do so from the start at no expense to himself or his poppy.

Then there's Jupiter as apex planet of a T-Square--if you don't mind using the Asc with Uranus--this is the political spokeman promoting his cause I mentioned's also the "guru-chaser" and I know the Bush family seems to think a lot of Sun Myung Moon, the pope, and other guru-types (Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.)

Guess the gurus of whatever stripe have signed off on Bush's plans for our future which we're being told about tonight--so enjoy the NWO proceeding, m'peops!

I'll be watching and listening to White House catapulter with the animated-chart feature of my SolarFire software set up and showing me in real time the planetary influences of each nuanced word, and will update asap if anything seems worthy of further notation.


Space Weather News for Jan. 10, 2007

Comet McNaught has continued to brighten as it approaches the sun and it is now the brightest comet in 30 years. For observers in the northern Hemisphere, tonight is probably the best time to see it: Go outside this evening and face the sunset. A clear view of the western horizon is essential, because the comet hangs very low. As the twilight fades to black, it should become visible to the naked eye. Observers say it's a fantastic sight through binoculars.

In the days ahead, Comet McNaught will pass the sun and emerge in good position for southern hemisphere viewing later this month. Meanwhile, solar heating will continue to puff up the comet, causing it to brighten even more. It could become one of the brightest comets in centuries, visible even in daylit skies.#
