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Feb 11, 2009

Obama "fearless" on economy? + EU's natal planets

Here's an interesting view from abroad on Pres. Obama's economic stimulus bill, his chances for success, and some details on how the EU is handling similar financial issues.

The European Union was hatched at midnight CET of Jan 1, 1958, Brussels, Belgium. Here are the entity's astrological particulars, beginning with Rising sign/degree, and including this afternoon's transits (tr) in italics.

You'll notice much action by way of several transits in 5th house of Gambling, Risk-Taking, and Creative Ventures:

ASC 29Vir36;

2nd cusp 23Lib35: Jupiter 28Lib35; Neptune 4Sco26; NN 8Sco40;

3rd cusp 23Sco38: Mars 6Sag10; Saturn 19Sag26; Mercury 26Sag49 Rx;

IC 29Sag29: Sun 10Cap01; tr Pluto 2Cap36 ; tr Mercury 27Cap20 ;

5th cusp 5AQ22: Chiron 14AQ50; Venus 15AQ17; tr Mars 5AQ38 ; tr Jupiter 8AQ46 ; tr NN 9AQ15 ; tr Chiron 21AQ17 ; tr Sun 23AQ20 ; tr Neptune 23AQ55 ;

6th cusp 5Pis31; tr Uranus 20Pis59 ;

DESC 29Pis36; tr Venus 6Ari41 ;

8th cusp 23Ari35; SN 8Tau40; Moon 10Tau23 ;

9th cusp 23Tau38;

MC 29Gem29;

11th cusp 5Leo22; Uranus 10Leo49 Rx; Pluto 2Vir08 Rx; tr SN 9Leo15 ;

12th cusp 5Vir31; tr Saturn 20Vir15 Rx; tr Moon 24Vir+.

The speculator pair of grand visions - Jupiter/Neptune in 2nd house of Earning Ability and Values form a midpoint picture with NN...

Jupiter-NN = Neptune: lack of clarity in objectives of being or working together; sharing the spirit but not much else, esp in the way of grounding. (Tyl.)

Here are the rest of the EU's natal midpoint pics...

Jupiter-Pluto = ASC: being known as an organizer or special achiever (Tyl); prudence; the desire for power (Ebertin.)

Mercury-Pluto = Jupiter: publicity; persuasion brings success; gaining a good reputation.

Saturn-ASC = NN: unpleasant circumstances with others;

Neptune-MC = Pluto: the supernatural as a professional focus; strange happenings on the job or in the home. ~:~

As you see above, restrictive, somber Saturn will be conjuncting ASC when the venerable lesson-bringer reaches 29Vir36 in October 2009, a time of facing reality, being accountable, and being ones true self (whether you want to or not.)

It will be May 2010 before disruptive rebel Uranus crosses the DESC and moves into 7th house, possibly causing break-up within the Union or at least a new way of partnering - and, of course, Uranus reserves the right to act as catalyst earlier or later than expected.

Also in early 2010, as 5Cap is reached by tr Pluto, the god of the underworld and/or the secret hand will be within 5 degrees' orb to natal Sun 10Cap02, a time when power issues surface and aggression and intensity are highlighted.

Circumstances may provoke resentment and resistance toward those who are perceived as manipulative or who have more power and control; the EU could become more formidable during the transit of Pluto to natal Sun.

Natal Jupiter 28Lib35, in 2nd house, is conjunct the degree of the EU's Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) which is in the 14 North Series, and whose keywords are:

a most peculiar family of eclipses heralding an acute time of confusion in relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, and possible illness; despair, a draining of energy (and of money??), and peculiar events; clear judgments are difficult as the eclipse affects the chart - there's too much confusion and possibly delusion to make important decisions. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The 14N Series last manifested on Nov 13, 1993 (22Sco) and will occur next on Nov 25, 2011 (2Sag.)

Michael Moore seeks Wall St whistleblowers for new film

If there are any more whistle blowers on Wall Street please contact film maker Michael Moore - he's lookin' for ya!

Moore is promising confidentiality, so you decide how involved you want to be, but give him a shout-out and tell what you know of the real story. Please. This is a film everyone needs to see.

I'd like to know more about what Rep. Kanjorski talked about on TV yesterday - about the $550 billion electronic run on US banks which occurred within about 2 hours...I don't have the link on me, but you can access the video of Kanjorski by moseying over to jude's theshold because I just posted it there.

Feb 10, 2009

Stimulus plans and WTO warnings 2.10.09

WTO Chief Warns of Looming Political Unrest


The global economic crisis could trigger political unrest equal to that seen during the 1930s, the head of the World Trade Organization (WTO) said in a German newspaper interview Saturday. #

~"Warns" of it? They're banking on it! jc~


The Farts Of Compromise: Hacking The Stimulus

By Danny Schechter

"Last month, another 600,000 Americans lost their jobs," Mr. Obama said. "That is the single worst month of job loss in 35 years. The Department of Labor also adjusted their job loss numbers for 2008 upwards, and now report that we have lost 3.6 million jobs since this recession began." #

In case you missed it, the Senate version of the stimulus package passed this afternoon (61 to 37) with 3 Republicans riding on its coat tails...Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Arlen Specter. Secret meetings and conference calls have already occurred but officially the Conference Committee is tasked with melding the House and Senate versions into one passable bill.

All this is occurring while Mercury, Rx at the Inauguration, traverses his 'shadow period' until leaving his own shadow and making his way forward early next week, in time for a signing under TV's limelight, I'll wager.

And so, as George Harrison once said, "I'd be quite prepared for that eventuality."

Yet here is Paul Krugman telling which of the badly needed provisions - for the most needy, of course were gutted from the bill.

But you know those Republicans - they'd resign from Congress before they'd feed a hungry child whose mama needed...gasp!...Food Stamps!

(Just kidding - of course they wouldn't resign. And they do know the money belongs to all taxpaying Americans, right? After all, we're the ones who pay. They're the ones who forget to pay.)

Feb 9, 2009

Astrology of the Fed and 2009

This morning I've been attempting a mild catch-up on Astrology articles concerning 2009 - especially those relating to the economic crisis. I've just read one by Boots Hart, The Recessionary Reserve, where the Fed's Scorpionic Midheaven and natal chart are discussed in useful detail including the Fed's Solar Returns 2007/08, and more. Not to be missed!

Hart says that the Fed's Scorpionic balance is "out of whack" while everyone has gone into 'me first' mode due to fear, one of the more negative traits of Scorpio.

If you haven't checked out this article yet, please do.

And while at Daykeeper Journal, you may also wish to visit Crystal Pomeroy, who gives her overview of 2009 which, Crystal says, is "a portal of great challenge and equally substantial opportunity."

Crystal covers 2009 as a year of '11' which is a master number of potential transcendence allowing us to "transmute obstacles and limitations into a higher good."

Thanks, Crystal! A higher good is exactly what a saddened and beggared world could use and, as you say, each of us can contribute in our own way even while highly paid Washington politicians continue fiddling their fearful tune.


A Note from Georgia: three more banks were shut down here over the weekend. My own has morphed into Wells Fargo which seems to be working okay so far. And Gov. Purdue has ordered state workers to take every other Friday off as a furlough - without pay.

Feb 9 2009's 'dusky' Lunar Eclipse + Comet Lulin

Space Weather News for Feb 8, 2009

DUSKY LUNAR ECLIPSE: On Monday, Feb 9, the full Moon will pass through the outskirts of Earth's shadow, producing a penumbral lunar eclipse. The event will be visible to the naked eye as a dusky shading of the northern half of the Moon. Maximum eclipse occurs between the hours of 1400 and 1520 UT (6:00 am - 7:20 am PST).

The timing favors observers in east Asia, Australia, Hawaii and western parts of North America.

Visit for a visibility map, animations, and more information.

COMET LULIN UPDATE: The plasma tail of Comet Lulin, torn off by a solar wind gust on Feb 4, has already grown back. Also, observers in dark-sky locations report that the comet is now visible to the naked eye as a pale "fuzzy patch" in the constellation Libra before dawn.

The comet is brightening as it approaches Earth for a 38-million-mile close encounter on Feb 24. See the latest images in the Comet Lulin Photo Gallery.


Speaking of Australia, my heart and best wishes for your safety go out to my friends in Australia, astrology and otherwise, on the worst wild fires in Australian history. And if there are culprits to catch, I hope you catch them! jc

Feb 8, 2009

Is Panetta strong-arming the press?

A reporter has had some of that 'strong-armed paternalism - aka, POLITICAL POWER' - of '18 Capricorn' used against him by a Panetta staffer so you know I think of 18Cap's Sabian Symbol for the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune - three times in 1993.

(I use their conjunction of Oct 24, 1993, 1:11 pm edt - see chart here if you wish.)

And let me not forget the 'Images for Integration' for the NWO's Sun Sco (1:19) - Moon in Aquarius (conj US ntal Moon, we-the-people)...

Sun Sco-Moon AQ: 'A hovering hawk surveys the world, at one with nature...An exotic moth emerges from a crysalis, in perfect form, a sublimity of nature's intelligence.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Seems to me that in 2009 there are several 'hovering hawks' and they're circling the globe as the spying eyes in the sky they are while gathering 'intelligence' on every global inhabitant.

Feb 5, 2009

Consumer Confidence way back in Oct 2002

Here's a walk down memory lane into US financial territory a la Oct 2002 with pre-Iraq-war economic murmurs, outsourced jobs au revoir, lowered consumer confidence, and post-9/11 shakiness all rolled into one ball of wax now melting at a bank near you...