, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Nov 4, 2008

Is Obama really a socialist?

"McCain called me a socialist for wanting to roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans so we can finally give tax relief to the middle class." Senator and candidate, Barack Obama


Yes, 'socialism' is always the boogeyman word the GOP pulls out and dusts off when their elite base squalls at the threat of social involvement waiting in the wings. As if they'd feel the pinch!

But there's a huge number of Americans who could do with some New Deal initiatives thanks to the monied class' thievery...will the common Joe and Jill vote against themselves today while giving Rovian politics a thumbs-up?

That the unemployed haven't had it up to Here with upper class banditry is difficult for me to believe, but of course, the electoral college may be what's used most effectively against the people's best interests and druthers.

So it's Nov 4th at last, and it seems Virginia is having serious problems today. Come on, Virginia! Contingency plans would have been a great idea, and as an artist of the drawing persuasion, you can't beat a good pencil and paper especially when all else fails.

Only a landslide will do, so I'm off to vote now - meet ya later! jude

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you look closely, you'll see shnooks like our pal, Joe the Plumber, who buy this socialist cr*p. The GOP has been hammering home the "socialist" or "commie" shibboleth for so long in order to keep the shnooks in line. And it works. It's a framing thing. It appeals to the non-thinking herd mentality - no one wants to be called such an awful name as a "socialist". The blue collar white folks (and I'm one of them) buy this because, for the most part, they are low information voters. The other part of it is that the white men are still pissed off at the blacks and the women competing for their jobs...or their social position in the pecking order. These guys need someone with less social status than they have...and those people with less social status would be - you guessed it - blacks and women, by and large. This is a broad generalization but I've found it to be too true too often.