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Showing posts with label 1N Solar Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1N Solar Eclipse. Show all posts

Apr 29, 2011

Founding of Washington DC based on pay-offs

On the Early History and Pre-History of K Street and Washington DC (aka, Funktown)

by Jude Cowell

K.A. Muston's The Little Green House on K Street is a must-read as I discovered today when its link was sent along to me by the excellent Alex D'Atria of GOP Astrology.

You'll note the date mentioned: June 20, 1783 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the morning our desperate Continental soldiers surrounded the Continental Congress hoping to force them to vote to pay the Revolutionary troops who'd served our fledgling nation so well. But Congress negotiated its way out of the day's dilemma and secretively skulked across the Delaware River into New Jersey during the dark of night.

Then after years of a roaming, debt-avoiding Congress, The District of Columbia was founded from whence they pontificate sorrily to this very day.

The Solar Eclipse Series in which the soldiers' actions of 1783 fell was the 1 North which is the same Series as Nostradamus' famous predictive one ('King of Terror' or 'King of Alarm' Eclipse) of August 11, 1999...keywords: unusual events put pressure on relationships; information is distorted and possibly false; take no action until eclipse passes'.

(Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

US 2011 Saturn Return Ongoing

Now in 2011, the congressional varmints now infesting Washington DC continue to act shadily when it comes to living up to their and our responsibilities - and the skulkers now toy with the idea of America defaulting by not raising the US debt limit!

Jul 10, 2010

Astrology of the Clean Air Act effective Dec 17, 1963

Since the Clean Air Act came into effect on December 17, 1963 levels of acid rain of the 70s and 80s were successfully limited and a few amendments have been made.

Yet today, as Living On Earth reports, acid rain has again become a problem but now it's mainly coming from different sources such as agricultural practices. (Click for LOE's interview text or audio.)

So what were our solar system's planetary actors up to when the Clean Air Act was first put into effect in 1963? And which Solar Eclipse Series did its implementation fall into?

Checking the chart for Dec 17, 1963 noon EST Capitol Building, we find the Moon in Capricorn (law, government, business) for the full 24-hour period, so let's begin with the sometimes opportunistic Sun Sag-Moon Cap blend which describes a social conscience on an enthusiastic quest for both meaning (Sag) and usefulness (Cap.)

This blend has two Images for Integration:

'In the year 2999, a courageous explorer goes on a quest for knowledge of the past which opens up for man a hopeful future on another planet...With patient skill a rock climber scales a seemingly impossible mountain peak.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzy Harvey.) living on another planet at the top of a secret agenda after using up the resources and defiling the Earth's environment beyond repair? If so, then we know who is primarily to blame: the resource plundering class whose genesis is marked by the Robber Baron era, the Great Conjunction of oily Neptune and plundering Pluto in the 1890s!

A new cycle for mankind began as Neptune and Pluto met 3 times: August 2, 1891 @ 8Gem38, Nov 5, 1891 @ 8Gem19, and April 30, 1892 @ 7Gem42; their Great Conjunction/s provide a natal chart for our Modern Era. These degrees in the Tropical zodiac are where transiting Midas and Pan linger now...Midas, the royal Gold-Hoarder, and Pan, the trickster and flute-player associated with the labyrinthine sign of Capricorn.

Interestingly, the 7 - 9 Gemini area of the zodiac coincides with America's natal Uranus 8Gem55 of 1776, the planet of science, progress, radical changes, revolution, disruption, genius, and/or awakening. So we may wish to consider the midpoint picture which formed with US n Uranus way back in the 1890s especially since for all intents and purposes, the picture remains in effect, for no Nep/Plu conjunction will appear on Earth's calendar any time soon.

Any, all, or none may apply to this topic or to others, and are subject to stimulation by transit and progression:

Neptune/Pluto = US n Uranus: adventurous, mystical, and supernatural experiences; peculiar discoveries; hypersensitivity; disruption to gain recognition; adventurous ego thrust; possibly aberrant behavior; impersonal attitudes about any destructive or antisocial activities (such as destruction of mountain tops for mining purposes? jc); use of unusual means to change reality; rebellion against artificial supports or pursuits; going to extremes with drugs. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Through excessive use, large amounts of drugs have ended up in the US water supply and has become a dire health issue as well, hasn't it?

Well, Noel Tyl says of Sun Sag-Moon Cap, "...the higher mind finds purpose and administrated outlet. There is a terrific sense of humor possible since the mind can apply its energy adroitly and effectively. The idealism gains the anchor necessary for effective communication."

On Dec 17, 1963, transiting Uranus 10Vir04 Rx and tr Pluto 14Vir14 Rx (Virgo, an Earth sign) were soon to have their own Great Conjunction/s in 1965/66. Both planets would go on to conjoin US natal Neptune 22Vir25, with Uranus to n Neptune increasing our need to fulfill ideals and spiritual inspirations (ex: "Be ye stewards of the earth" - Scripture - jc) as quirky Uranus upset the status quo of our nation's accustomed Neptunian yet practical ideals through actions of the Flower Power Generation, and the grass roots Power To The People movement. (Not that kind of grass. Well...maybe it helped a little.)

Later, tr Pluto to US n Neptune brought a period when political, economic, and physical power struggles surfaced and power became an illusion. Undetected forces of secret hand Pluto slowly eroded national power which may in part describe the progressively 'toothless' enforcement of the Clean Air Act and other legislation and movements of the time (Civil Rights Act, Vietnam War protests, etc.)

The Clean Air Act of 1963 falls into the 1 North Solar Eclipse Series which manifested on July 20, 1963 @ '1Sag', the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree. (This is the PE of both JFK's assassination in Masonic Dealey Plaza and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima 1945. President Harry Truman is known to have been a Freemasonry member.)

The most recent occurrence of 1N is the famous 'King of Alarm' or 'Terror' Eclipse of August 11, 1999 @ '19Leo' as noted by Nostradamus. The next manifestation of 1N will be on August 21, 2017 @ '29Leo' - if we haven't been left so unprotected from industrial practices and contaminates that we've coughed ourselves into oblivion long beforehand.

1N: unexpected events involving groups or friends with relationship issues looming large; hasty decisions are inadvisable since information is distorted and possibly false; elements of fatigue and health problems are attached (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Well, a lack of clean air certainly brings mankind a myriad of health problems, a condtion which causes the words 'particulate matter' to come easily to mind and lung.

Apr 29, 2010

Astrology of Laura Bush's fatal car crash of 1963

Raw Story has an interesting article concerning Laura Bush's "small STOP sign" car accident which killed a classmate - some say, boyfriend - on the evening of November 6, 1963.

This is my first discovery of the exact date of the accident which occurred on that evening as Laura then-Welch and a girlfriend were motoring to a drive-in theater, ran what she details in her upcoming book as a "small" STOP sign, and crashed into a fellow student's Corvair. Mrs. Bush's memory of the night's weather and road conditions do not match police records, btw...what few remain in existence.

View Mrs. Bush's natal chart if you wish with its chart-ruler Venus retrograde in Sagittarius and out-of-bounds. And if you missed it, check out my Wedding Day Astrology Report on George and Laura's 1977 nuptials.


Was the fatal accident part of a lovers' break-up scenario? Hmm. Well, I have speculated rather unkindly before that membership in certain secret societies may include murder as initiation, but this particular post isn't about that. Or is it?

Checking the horoscope for Nov 6, 1963 Midland, TX, precise hour unknown but in the 'evening' (drive-in movies weren't visible until after dark!), I'm setting the chart for 8:50:40 pm cst because this places Mrs. Bush's natal Moon 15Pis00 at Midheaven, along with Fixed Star Achernar, keywords: crisis; risk of rapid endings...certainly not conclusive but a good way to time the chart is to use the Moon or another planet in angular position.

She definitely caused a crisis for the young man and his family, that we know.

Plus, the transiting Moon that night was at a crisis or critical degree @ '29Cancer'..."Daughter of the American Revolution" in the Sabian Symbols which may relate to the car accident itself or to a very upset young lady (perhaps before if spurned, and certainly after the crash which left a very mangled Corvair and a dead young man who may or may not have been her boyfriend.)

Also, the 29Can Moon of Nov 6, 1963 conjoined Laura Bush's natal Ic, the point of Endings in a there's an important bit of angularity!

Curiously, on the morning of Nov 6, 1963, a Venus Return occurred for Laura Welch Bush which to suspicious-of-all-Bushes me indicates that love or love-lost was part of the picture for the mayhem caused by Laura Bush on that fateful night, for Love Spurned makes for a very vengeful Lady Venus. And certainly relationship issues are on any one's menu during a Venus Return.

And with 1963's transiting South Node of the Moon (a point of separation where we fall back on previous, possibly neurotic, behaviors) conjunct Mrs. Bush's natal Sun/Moon midpoint 13Cap29 (male-female relationships; marriage) and the cruel Saturn/Pluto midpoint crossing her natal Venus during that time, we see hints of upsetting losses involving relationships. Of course, the accident itself falls into that category as well.

However, there is a natal midpoint picture involving Neptune that I shall mention as well (in effect no matter her hour of birth)...Neptune's connotations include deceptions and cover-ups, as well as negative escapisms such as alcohol and other drugs...

Mercury/Pluto = Neptune: using deception and concealing information; falsification of data; cunning strategies. (Ebertin.)

And since in 1963, tr Uranus and Pluto were in process of lining up for their Great Conjunction/s of 1965/66, I've checked for her natal midpoints in the range of their degrees in Virgo in the accident chart: 9 - 13.

Mercury/NN (meeting with a young person), Saturn/Neptune (loss; suffering; renunciation), Mars/Uranus (a sudden application of effort; bodily intervention), Venus/Uranus (splitsville?; the arousing of love; eccentricity), Neptune/Pluto (other realms, unseen forces, mysticism, the supernatural), and Mercury/Uranus (intuition; astuteness; unexpected or sudden events while traveling.)

I shall leave you to look up the pictures formed by tr Uranus and Pluto triggering her midpoints that night and simply add the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse influence in effect the night of Nov 6, 1963. It's the 1 North Series which includes the JFK assassination a couple of weeks later, the first atomic bomb attack of August 6, 1945, and the Mother of All Eclipses, the King of Terror Eclipse, of August 11, 1999...

1N: unexpected events involving friends or groups put tremendous pressure on relationships; hasty decisions are ill-advised because information is distorted and possibly false; an element of health problems (or death?) and fatigue may be evident. (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Short of a confession, we'll probably never know the full truth behind Laura Bush's bad driving and its subsequent fatal consequence, but 'looking under the hood' of mysterious happenings by using Astrology does have its merits for shining light into dark and hidden corners.