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Showing posts with label King of Terror Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King of Terror Eclipse. Show all posts

Oct 5, 2021

"Reign Of Terror" and the Fixed Grand Cross Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

October 5, 2021: If you're a reader with 18 minutes to spare, you could spend your time much worse than watching 'Reign Of Terror' author Spencer Ackerman interviewed on the Amanpour & Co channel: How the 9/11 Era Destablized America and Produced Trump (#ad). Mr. Ackerman's book is based on his years of national security journalism and reporting on such topics as the victimization across the globe by the so-called 'American Imperialism' tyranny and the loss of our civil liberties in the US since 9/11. The book details events from the Oklahoma City Bombing (horoscope shown) to the Mob Attack of January 6, 2021 ('1/6') with what I'll call 'red hats tips' to demagogue Tr*mp, racism, and the white supremacy movement he spearheaded into the mainstream as if it belongs there.

Speaking as an American who has never been certain that the 9/11/01 WTC attack/s were not inside jobs, 'Reign Of Terror' has been published none too soon. And speaking astrologically, I continue to feel that the 1 North King of Terror Eclipse of August 11, 1999 (the problematic eclipse that Nostradmus pointed toward so long ago - see chart, below) holds many dark clues with its rigid Fixed Grand Cross of Sun-Moon-Mars-Saturn-Uranus, and, if you prefer to count it, the Nodal Axis of destiny, manifesting at or very near mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus-Scorpio/oxen-eagle points, Leo-Aquarius/lion-angel points) - with the four signs' associated animals mentioned in The Book of Revelation.

So now in 2021, in spite of the earth changes now afflicting the globe which are promised to be worsening, you, dear reader, may choose to disagree that humanity is in 'the last days'. Well, of course it's your right to disagree as you wish. Not that I give up hope for mankind at all but simply to face reality if such a difficult reality is soon to be upon us. (Remember I'm a Saturnian astrologer who sees DNA and genetics in horoscopes - the only 'past lives' I find in charts are generational and ancestral!)

So below you see the August 11, 1999 King of Alarm Horoscope with its Fixed Grand Cross and note that Mars-Saturn is the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin - squaring erratic Uranus (shocks and sudden events) = 'applying brute force; loud, brash disruptions; separation; death' (M. Munkasey; R. Ebertin):

Now the 1999 King of Terror (or, ' of Alarm') Eclipse is member of the 1 North Saros Series with themes of: 'unexpected events place great pressure on personal relationships and groups; issues loom large so make no hasty decisions until influences pass; information is distorted or possibly false; fatigue and/or health problems' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady #ad). To me this sounds much like events within the 'New Millennium'. And as you know, the 1 North family is also called, The Mother Of All Eclipses because it's number one and this makes it particularly prominent and influential upon earthly events whenever it appears in the 18.6-year eclipse cycle. Additional information can be gleaned from the fact that the initial eclipse in the 1 North family began on January 4, 1639 @13Cap38 (opposite US Sun on July 4, 1776) which means that all 1 North eclipses can be viewed through a Saturnian/Capricornian lens.

Meanwhile, forming a cosmic time link into the second decade of the New Millennium, is the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo, also a member of the 1 North family - and it 'eclipsed' the natal Ascendant of one Donald Tr*mp (who infamously removed safety glasses and looked directly at the total eclipse - are his squinting eyes affected by this now?).

So! As a follow-through we might think to wonder when is the next 1 North Solar Eclipse? That solar eclipse will arrive on September 2, 2035 @9Virgo, a degree eclipsed before and which, if I typed about it here, would turn this brief post into an e-book and neither of us want that, am I right?

Apr 4, 2017

DC Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse Aug 7, 2017 and the Planets of Mr. Trump

Here is the Lunar Eclipse horoscope of August 7, 2017 set for the White House, Washington DC (as representative of America). The eclipse perfects at 2:10:34 pm edt @15AQ25 in the 3rd house of Communications, Primary Education, Siblings, Short Journeys, and the Lower Mind. Its Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) @8Pis12 in the 19 South Saros Series (Feb 26, 2017) is in the 4th house with mysterious Neptune Rx and wounded healer Chiron (which is unaspected) in secretive Pisces. Yet the Aquarian Lunar Eclipse is the mate of the next Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (at Midheaven of this eclipse chart!), a critical and impatient 29th degree, in the 1 North Saros Series, aka, The Mother of All Eclipses. This was the Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 that seer-astrologer Nostradamus predicted and had 'terror' and difficult financial implications for the New Millennium.

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes:

Hour: Mercury (in 10th house of Public Status and Career @10Vir27, sign of the critic, the author, the teacher, the scientist) and chart-ruler Mars (11Leo43 in 9th house and just having passed Mr. Trump's natal Pluto, a karmic period of investments and investigations when taking revenge brings perilous results. As you see, Trump's natal Mars rising at his 29Leo Ascendant is at Midheaven along with royal star Regulus (success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all that's been gained will be taken away), and the 8th house Venus @8Can16 conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Mercury which stimulates his urge to communicate and denotes a potential for good news.

However, Mercury opposes deceitful Neptune and we must remember that Mr. Trump was born under the influence of a fact-distorting, indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square (the sneaky mind - Oken); the Virgo-Pisces polarity is intercepted in the chart indicating something hidden and karmic (reaping what's been sown) affecting conditions in August. With the square, one tends to fantasize and create a personal version of the truth and we've certainly noted this tendency in Mr. Trump in previous posts, thanks to his Mercury-Neptune square.

As the horoscope shows, the Lunar Eclipse in DC manifests across the 3/9 axis so that karmic communications concerning foreign lands and people may be one thing described here with issues involving Education and one's Philosophy possibilities as well. And the 11th house Jupiter @17Lib57 ('18Libra' = "Two Men Placed Under Arrest"...neg: total inappropriateness of impulse and act" - Jones) is in process of completing Mr. Trump's current Jupiter Return (17Lib27). The third of three conjunctions to his natal Jupiter perfects on August 4, 2017 and spotlights the ongoing transit of Pluto square natal Jupiter, a period when more powerful and influential people block efforts at Jupiterian expansion. In fact, it's a time when taking oneself too seriously or exaggerating one's importance negatively affects activities in the realms of Politics, Public Relations, War, and Diplomacy.

Personal Relationship Concerns

As we see in the chart, another cosmic spotlight is cast once again by transit Saturn, the restrictive lesson-bringer and taskmaster, hitting Mr. Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction, an ouch! transit if there ever was one. As a Full Moon personality, relationships are prominent in Donald Trump's life but recently the word divorce has surfaced in the media concerning Donald and Melania Trump's marriage (but that's their business, imo). Meanwhile, transit Saturn also opposes his natal Sun (22Gemini) so that ego (Sun) is squelched (Saturn), and his or a family member's health may be affected by Saturn (bones, teeth, skin, calcification, a growth or blockage, etc).

Obviously, there are several other chart factors worthy of noting (Moon ruling 9th house, Sun ruling 10th, etc) in this Leonine horoscope but in an effort to type a post not a book, let's close with the Sabian Symbols of this Lunar Eclipse--the two word pictures (each of which are Illumination Points of the other), plus, the negative expressions of the degrees (these are penned upon the chart).

Warning: these word pictures may sound familiar:

Sun '16Leo': "Sunshine Just After a Storm"... negative expression: continual upset over petty issues; Moon '16AQ': "A Big Businessman at His Desk"... negative expression: ambitious superficiality.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Note that the off-and-on Jupiter-Uranus opposition isn't registering in the Lunar Eclipse horoscope of August but will perfect in late September 2017 so that its 'political conflicts' vibes will continue to affect or stir up Washington DC's many many problems. The two planets last met in Great Conjunction/s three times: June 8, 2010, September 19, 2010, and January 4, 2011--twice in late Pisces and once at the Cardinal World Point 00Aries (aka, the Aries Point) on June 8, 2010. You'll remember Mr. Obama and the Republican Party stalemates of that era along with the Tea Party vs Old Guard Republicans.

Jun 13, 2016

Did US leaders and candidates get Orlando wrong?

Our hearts go out to victims, their families and friends in Orlando. And as Steve Benen of MSNBC notes, President Obama and 2016 candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have each made statements and remarks concerning the tragedy this weekend in Orlando, Florida.

Occurring quite close to July's political conventions and not so long before November Election Day 2016, Americans might get the idea that their emotions are being swayed toward voting in a certain direction. It's been done before and the accusation of 'false flag op' will surely turn up at some point if if hasn't already.

And yet for this American 'child of the Revolution', Obama, Clinton, and Trump have touted off-kilter lessons from the violence in Orlando so I'm posting here the lesson that all acts of terror have demonstrated to me--especially since the 1 North 'King of Terror Solar Eclipse' of August 11, 1999 which repeats as The Great American Eclipse in August 2017 due to the 18.6-year cycle of solar eclipses. The tango sparked by this manifestation of 1 North will naturally appear on the next president's dance card.

So here is the lesson I take from acts of terror against Americans--that while Washington and the Pentagon commit violence across the globe in their role as military arm of the corporate criminal banking syndicate enforcing a 'new world order' for the sake of Global Government, the American people are, and will continue to be, caught in the cross hairs of retaliation as we suffer blow back from the paternalistic strong-arming being done in our names.

Now you may suggest that there is more to it than this and of course you are correct. But without forgiveness, life is just an endless round of vengeance begetting vengeance which is something *the powers that think they be ought to know considering the 'unerring wisdom' they (incorrectly) assume themselves to possess. The tragic thing is, they do know but they only care for their own--and for retaining and expanding control via the ends justify the means tactics in which the rest of us are completely expendable--much as Satan, prince of this world, takes as many down with him as he goes. Thing is, he's already lost the battle so those who follow him follow a loser.

But look! Here are some of the US power elite and their own now:


*the powers that think they be is a quote from Max Igan.

Sep 19, 2015

US Voters Drained by Presidential Campaigns as Refugees Seek Asylum

Since the current Solar Eclipse season which began on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10 contains themes of overtaxing or draining of strength and a high level of stress in effect for at least the next six months, a 'proposal' is linked, below, which may have merit. The Solar Eclipse 'background noise' is in addition to the fretful 'blood moon' Lunar Eclipse in Aries at the end of September.

Follow the above link to view the September 2015 Solar and Lunar Eclipse horoscopes set for Washington DC. Obviously, the Lunar Eclipse, a Full Moon of culmination and awareness, times closely with the US Government's fiscal budget running dry of funds on September 30, 2015, the stalemates in Congress over abortion (a lunar issue) and funding, possibly another reckless government shutdown, and other weighty matters now in the public discourse such as the next suspension of a 2016 candidate's campaign.

Abroad the horrific, worsening refugee crisis (Moon = families, mothers, children) which has been ongoing for years (since the West decimated Eastern countries with war and destruction--did warmongers not see this crisis coming?) may also be denoted by the Lunar Eclipse as Saturn (walls, borders, boundaries, stoppage, closing; responsibility, accountability, authority) continues to make the plights of grievously displaced families unendurable with the planet's passage into Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker (of asylum), Foreigner, Stranger, Emigrant, and Long Distance Travel. As you know, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of the breakthroughs now sorely needed across the globe thanks to aggressive Western governments and we will soon experience Saturn's upcoming crossing of America's natal 11/12Sag Ascendant in the late afternoon horoscope of July 4, 1776 bringing forms of accountability home to roost beginning by December 2015 into 2016.

So in case you missed it, here's Christoph Asche's Report from Croatia: 'They Don't Know Where They're Going, or Where They'll End Up', posted this morning.

Now see what you think about the 'proposal' meant to give US voters "a rest from the same old photo ops, talking points, and stalemates in Congress" - since we can't depend on politicians to stop perpetrating those things and simply do the jobs they're elected to do and are paid for:

FEC Implementing One-Year Break Between All Presidential Terms As a Reprieve For a Weary Nation, says The Onion.

Plus, to add to our current concerns, Americans are heading toward what is being called The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, the first repetition of the King of Alarm Eclipse of August 11, 1999, the one Nostradamus warned about. This 1 North eclipse will be visible from the Oregon coast to the coast of South Carolina and will basically split our country into Northern and Southern halves. Hmm.

Hope it will be for the best, don't you?

Mar 14, 2012

Spring Equinox 2012, Washington DC

Astro-Notes on Spring Equinox 2012

by Jude Cowell

Spring Equinox 2012, or Aries Ingress 2012, if you prefer, manifests on March 20, 2012 at 1:14:09 am edt in Washington DC, with 11Sag56 rising. This chart dovetails with America's natal Ascendant and house cusps in our nation's Sibly horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm lmt Philadelphia, PA) with approximately one degree difference. Ex: instead of 00Lib53 at Midheaven (The Goal; Public Status; the WHY? Point), we see a critical-crisis 29Vir38 at MC.

Plutocratic Pluto 9Cap27 rises, and it's a Mars Hour suitable for action, contention, quarrels, and potentially, for waging war or for at least promoting and propagandizing on behalf of such manic destruction. Hopefully, American politicians will stand against the fool-hardiness and tamp down our disastrous war machine of imperial overreach. But that's just a peacenik American typing, isn't it? For we know that The People are pawns in a much wider and broader chess game for global domination--these decisions are for the Powers That Be, whoever they are.

MC's Sabian Symbol--'30Vir' = "A False Call Unheard in Attention to Immediate Service"...SAFEGUARD.

positive expression: exceptionally gratifying self-fulfillment through the development of a genuine integrity (if only!--jc);

negative/(unconscious/shadow side--jc): consistently witless indiscretion.

ASC '12Sag' = "A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows"...ADJUSTMENT.

pos: successful self-establishment through genuine self-expression;

neg/(unconscious/shadow side): idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims. (Jones.)

'12Sag' is, of course, the degree at which powerful, subversive, wealthy Pluto met with wounded/wounding Chiron on December 30, 1999 and issues from the mid-to-late 1990s and early New Millennium may be on our plates and in the news once again during the next six months with some particular emphasis upon them, even a re-hashing (Spring EQ Mercury is retrograde in 4th house of Domestic Scene, Real Estate, and Security Concerns.

As you know, the Pluto-Chiron duo is one of the astrological signatures of oppressive plutocrats who rob, steal, defraud, disenfranchise, and use primal violence to reach their self-interested goals, and so far, they have made this their own personal 'New Millennium'. This condition relates to Nostradamus' famous 'King of Terror' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 but there's no time to reconsider its rigid Fixed energies today. This eclipse, predicted so long ago, is also called The Mother of All Eclipses, and/or the King of Alarm Eclipse, and has financial implications as well as violent ones. It presaged the era of Bush-Cheney, the NWO Duo, and they passed the baton to Pres. Barack Obama in January 2009.

Both cosmic events--Pluto meets Chiron and the August 1999 eclipse--ushered in the 21st Century with much pomp and ceremony. Remember the 'Y2K' silliness? Wonder what programmers were really up to with that as a veil? Perhaps Brussels knows...

Vernal Equinox 2012

>As for the March 20, 2012 horoscope itself, let's look at chart-ruler Jupiter's applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects for a clue on how things will proceed. Easy! There are none! But there is an inconjunct (150 degr; quincunx = adjustment, which echoes the '12Sag' ASC, above) to the Ascendant (and thus to Pluto/Chiron 1999 which was so intimately involved in the 1999 Seattle protests against the World Trade Organization, one of the main culprits in the dearth of jobs in the US, circa 2012. Search for 'Battle in Seattle' in this blog's Search Bar.)

Expansive, ideological Jupiter 10Tau47 (an Earth sign of money, possibly greed, and intolerance) is posited in the 5th H of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits, and Children so educational issues and speculation concerns remain on our front burner this Spring. Jupiter inconj ASC indicates an undisciplined if well-meaning urge to be of service to others though a decided opportunistic vibe may be expressed or felt. (R. Pelletier.)

More Jupitarian philanthropy from millionaires? Any of them who refuse to aid this country in her time of need--well, we know what team they play for: the dismantling of America.

This Venus-ruled Jupiter--conjoining valuable Venus 15Tau50 (The Oxen Point, and descriptor of Wall Street's Bullishness) rules 1st H (11Sag56) and 4th H (29Pisces36) with Pisces sub-ruled by unstable Neptune 1Pis41 in 3rd H so we may expect much pontificating, promoting, and possibly fraudulent communications on financial topics (by economists, the White House, and/or the Fed--so what's new, right?), and in other realms that Jupiter, natural ruler of Sagittarius (The Seeker on a Quest), controls for Jupiter's lack of major applying aspects puts emphasis on the house and sign of Mr. Moneybags (and on religious leaders with political aims, aka, meddlers whose power ambitions should stay spiritual, not earthly.)

Thing is, Jupiter is a relational planet so we're all tending to relate to others now in a Taurean way, either positively or negatively: supportive and nurturing with growth and development in mind, or, intolerant, greedy, and possessive of one's resources. How are you relating to others these days?

So with the IC (Foundation of the Matter; Endings; The Drain; the HOW? Point) in a crisis degree of Pisces (29), the 2009 Jupiter-Neptune conjunction/s, which is imprinted upon President Obama's White House tenure and relates to speculators, wastrels, spendthrifts, and grand schemers and dreamers--and for DC politicians, this can only mean the spending and looting of the American people's riches and resources--we find our basis this Spring 2012 for recovery to be on an unstable footing rather than on a hearty comeback for the US economy.

Yet perseverance and a steady pace can win out slowly but surely, and it will be interesting to see the indications in the Summer Solstice 2012 chart. (Here, a 10th H Saturn trines Moon and Neptune.) However, interference is possible through the ongoing, generational Uranus-Pluto square indicating more strikes, protests, and societal unrest upcoming (1st H to 4th H) with the potential for a false flag op being perpetrated in order to keep us in line while furthering someone's global domination goals.

Plus, the 8th cusp of Shared Money, Credit, Debt, Taxes, Insurance, Transformation, etc shows 15Can19, the degree of the Pentagon's natal Ascendant, and is Moon-ruled for indications of fluctuation and change.

This horoscope also shows Spring EQ 2012 occurring during a Balsamic phase (dark of the Moon) when sneaky things go bump in the night, secret deals are made and sealed, and someone is replaced due to an inability to carry on.

(Update 3/21/12: Mr. Obama signed an Executive Order late in the afternoon of Friday March 16 so we wouldn't notice, which usurps for the White House the constitutionally granted fiscal authority of the House of Representatives. Mars Rx was rising with Zosma, one of the victimization stars you'd rather not see hanging about with warring Mars.)

In 12th H of Politics, Self-Undoing, Large Institutions, Karma, and those 'secret deals' politicians profit by, is the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse at 2Sag37, the 'Super Congress/Super Committee play-acting on the deficit and debt crisis--you know, the spending cuts they 'unable' to agree upon. Issues from the time continue to echo rather loudly into Spring 2012, at least until the next Solar Eclipse on May 20, 2012 (horoscope shown) @ 00Gem21, indicating 'something to cry about' in the realm of Gemini (ex: communications, technology, power grids, a young people.)

Military spending 'cuts' are very much a part of the picture though they are illusory.

Another signature of instability is a receptive, impressionable Piscean Moon 2:43 (The People) which has just sailed past deceptive yet possibly inspired Neptune 1Pis41 in 3rd H, which again echoes the Jupiter-Neptune hook-up (3 times through 2009) which occurred upon US natal Moon 27AQ...remember the picture which described our weakened circumstances, thanks to banksters and fraudsters, a picture still reverberating through our lives?

Jupiter/Neptune = Moon: little sense of reality; a desire to dream; losing oneself in plans; becoming involved in speculation; instability; wastefulness. (Ebertin.)

Yes, the Obama administration is a Jupiter/Neptune affair but with many Republican 'helpers' brewing a big pot o'their Social Darwinism cruelties in which to stew the working class, the elderly, our children, and the poor...

A closed circuit of energies is shown by a practical Earth Grand Trine involving Mars Rx 7Vir38 (9th H of Foreign Lands, Distant Enemies, and Legalities), Jupiter (as noted), and 'secret hand' Pluto rising which denotes important conditions out of our personal control but which are transformative. This trio provides three midpoint pictures, along with one picture involving Sun 00Ari00:00, but since my schedule has changed recently and blogging time is brief so will I be. My hope is that these energies will be expended on behalf of the American people and not just for the benefit of the 1% who need no support whatsoever. Besides, they can always steal it.

Mars-Jupiter = Pluto: an extraordinary spirit of enterprise; people capable of tacking big projects; brilliant successes.

Mars-Pluto = Jupiter: unusual success; enjoyment of freedom; consciousness of aims; the right use of one's energy.

Jupiter-Pluto = Mars: an ability to inspire others with enthusiasm (and confidence? jc); a desire to achieve great things; organizing talent.


Sun-Uranus = Mercury: a young reformer; making arrangements; quick and prudent acting.

Well, Happy Spring 2012, everyone, in spite of our shadow governemnt's perfidies and anti-social behaviors. Let's work on that confidence thing, keep our chins up, and pick a few Spring bouquets along the way, shall we?

Now here is the Image for Integration for Spring 2012's Fire-Water (steam!) Sun Aries-Moon Pisces romantic and moody combo:

"A world-champion boxer and an artist in Greenwich Village meet, fall in love, marry, and struggle happily ever after."



Image from Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by the excellent Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Astro-Bonus: read astrometeorologist Theodore White's informative and advice-filled 2012 Climate Forecast on Global Warming which, Theodore reminds us, is due to the Sun and not to manmade actions!

And for personal astrological indicators and more, it's always a great idea to check in regularly with Julie Demboski's Astrology for her insightful blending of planets with asteroids!

Jun 17, 2011

Shout-Out! The Equal Party (of-by-for The People)

Today my online time is brief (gotta motor!) but I have managed a bit of reading and was surprised to find an interesting blog concerning The Equal Party suggesting ideas for how We The People can return control of the US government to the of-by-for crowd, United States citizens.

Of course, this presumes that we had any control to lose. With every US election fixed, manipulated, rigged, or plum stolen, it's difficult to be certain especially when you consider the so-called 'Manifest Destiny' issue and America being founded by and as a New Atlantis corporation. Perhaps that's where the early 'of-by-for' came in and America was never, as we now suspect, meant for We The People at all.

The Equal Party site's Reminders from Mullins: the Rape of Justice and the World Order contains a quote from Eustace Mullins' The World Order which you may think useful for understanding what's going on socially and in Politics, that 'organized system of hatreds', as Henry B. Adams aptly described it..."No matter its professions", that's what its practice basically is.

A quick search for Mullin's The World Order on Amazon yielded no results but I did locate another of his books A Study of the Federal Reserve and Its Secrets (2010) and here is an excerpt:

"If Congress actually had retained its sovereignty and refused to let Woodrow Wilson and Carter Glass hand over the sovereign right of coinage and the issue of our money to private bankers in 1913, the American people today would not stand on the brink of slavery. The Federal Reserve System has been the death of our Constitution, and the end of our liberties. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors, chosen by and working for the powerful international bankers, have inflicted catastrophe after catastrophe upon our people." - Eustace Clarence Mullins

Amen to that!

So who was Carter Glass (Jan 4, 1858 - May 28, 1946)? He was a busy political bee on Capitol Hill including acting as President Wilson's Secretary of the Treasury, and was instrumental in the passage of the Glass-Owen Act of 1913 which created the Federal Reserve System. And in 1933, lent his name and efforts to the Glass-Steagall Act which separated commercial from investment banking, and set up the FDIC.

Click his name to read a Wiki page where Carter Glass's firm belief in the disenfranchisement of African-American voters (!!) splays out for all to see.

And what is the astrological signature of disenfranchisement? The main one I use (though other planetary combos such as big banker Jupiter/Pluto certainly play in to the power elite's oppressive activities) is the duo of Pluto/Chiron with Chiron adding The Wounding factor to the anti-social mix.

The Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron (@ '12Sag') on December 31, 1999 began a new, refreshed cycle of disenfranchisement and heralded the increased oppression which the world has experienced in the New Millennium in tandem with the King of Alarm (or Terror, including financial) Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999, the eclipse that Nostradamus warned about centuries ago and which spotlights the Oxen Point, the Lion Point, the Eagle Point, and the Angel Point from Biblical prophecy at mid-degrees of the Fixed Signs.

And on that heavy note, real-world appointments in the city are calling my name...but here's one of the varmints now in a portrait taken in December 1912 of Woodrow Wilson:

For further reading on US presidents and their initiations and secret affiliations try this. Wilson's mentor, the Utopian Colonel House, has a very interesting entry there, among others.

May 10, 2011

Visible Alignment of Planets: a presaging of 2012? 5.10.11

1999, the New Millennium, 2012, and Planets All in a Row 2011

by Jude Cowell

May 10, 2011: as of today it is possible to see with the naked eye a fabulous celestial show: a line-up of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in the wee hours of the morning for the next few weeks.

Even quirkily inclined Uranus and shy Neptune may be viewed if environmental conditions are right and you have a decent pair of binoculars! (Do let me know here in a Comment if you spy them. Or message: judecowell at gmail dot com.)

Now some folk are relating the current line-up to the potential devastation expected in 2012 though astronomers at NASA are poo-pooing the idea. They say that no similar configuration is on the Universe's schedule for December 21, 2012, the end date of the Mayan Calendar. Yet what the date is the end of, no one really knows. Apparently planet Venus is involved and is said to have been the culprit in an earlier cosmic disaster some millions of years ago; the Sunspot Cycle is also implicated.

For further investigation on such topics as 2012, you may be interested in a website I recently discovered called Shift of the Ages along with New World Order 2012 which addresses such head-scratching topics.

Plus, there's a classic A&E program that mentions the Mayan Calendar 2012 question and is narrated by the excellent Leonard Nimoy - click for a video of Part 1, then click through for the rest, if you wish, for it remains quite watchable as Planet Earth nears 2012.

Is Fear of 2012 Really Necessary?

Personally I suspect that one-world-government types have for decades played upon and manipulated public fears (perhaps assisted by the ancient cataclysm mentioned above involving Venus which, if so, rests deep within our Collective Unconscious) for their own power-grabbing purposes. Something is coming up that they will use to justify their increased control and reordering of our lives.

Such social manipulators use Astrology, too, you know!

And their agenda was ramped up after the Biblical portents in the Book of Revelation became visible astrologically in the horoscope of the King of Terror Solar Eclipse (aka, the 'King of Alarm Eclipse', or 'The Mother of All Eclipses') which Nostradamus predicted centuries ago and which manifested on August 11, 1999. The article lines you up with the eclipse horoscope if you wish a view.

1999: A Major Shift of Cosmic Energies

The mid-degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) are spotlighted in the August 11, 1999 chart and in Astrology have been known for ages as the Oxen Point, Lion Point, Eagle Point, and Angel Point.

So I must ask you: since the New Millennium began have we not experienced an abundance of misery and fear-mongering upon the Earth since God's angels (timed by the 1999 eclipse and predicted in Revelation) let go the four corners of 'the winds of war and strife'?

The Ultimate Dilemma

In an ultimate and eternal sense, all I can say is that everyone who ever lived, lives now, or will be born of Planet Earth has a true condition before God - what our Creator thinks of each one of us, not what we or anyone else thinks. (Mankind's ego need not apply!)

So to me, given the current climate of natural and other disasters - with more to come - it seems that the most important thing anyone could ever do in his or her life is to examine one's heart of hearts and attend to and repair His opinion - the only one that truly matters - in order to improve one's status according to The Light one has received!

Apr 29, 2011

Founding of Washington DC based on pay-offs

On the Early History and Pre-History of K Street and Washington DC (aka, Funktown)

by Jude Cowell

K.A. Muston's The Little Green House on K Street is a must-read as I discovered today when its link was sent along to me by the excellent Alex D'Atria of GOP Astrology.

You'll note the date mentioned: June 20, 1783 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the morning our desperate Continental soldiers surrounded the Continental Congress hoping to force them to vote to pay the Revolutionary troops who'd served our fledgling nation so well. But Congress negotiated its way out of the day's dilemma and secretively skulked across the Delaware River into New Jersey during the dark of night.

Then after years of a roaming, debt-avoiding Congress, The District of Columbia was founded from whence they pontificate sorrily to this very day.

The Solar Eclipse Series in which the soldiers' actions of 1783 fell was the 1 North which is the same Series as Nostradamus' famous predictive one ('King of Terror' or 'King of Alarm' Eclipse) of August 11, 1999...keywords: unusual events put pressure on relationships; information is distorted and possibly false; take no action until eclipse passes'.

(Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

US 2011 Saturn Return Ongoing

Now in 2011, the congressional varmints now infesting Washington DC continue to act shadily when it comes to living up to their and our responsibilities - and the skulkers now toy with the idea of America defaulting by not raising the US debt limit!

Feb 8, 2011

Robert Parry's Consortium News and the Trajectory of America

The Shadow of Reaganism and Its Trajectory for America

by Jude Cowell

It isn't often I publish a post to shout-out a new feed just added to the Stars Over Washington sidebar yet today is an important exception.

Journalist Robert Parry's articles on Ronald Reagan, particularly Ronald Reagan's 30-Year Time Bombs, are a must-reads for anyone wanting a clear-eyed assessment of the Reagan era without the false reality of the rosy glow the GOP continually applies to Reagan's public image which, they hope, gives them political cover for their current win-at-any-cost activities.

With February 6, 2011 being the 100th anniversary of Reagan's birth, I have posted several entries concerning the Reagan administration of late so when my friend Alex D'Atria sent along a link to Mr. Parry's work, I was stunned to read what in my memory more closely resembles the reality of Reagan policies which have not - no matter how often promoted - brought positive outcomes for our nation.

Yes, the Great Communicator communicated all right and it was through the propaganda tactic of "perception management" that our society began to lose its already weakened grip on reality in the power elite's hopeful preparation for a one-world-government.

No, the preparation didn't begin under Ronald Reagan but since progress is gained by taking small steps, the New World Order totalitarian types used a compliant and often naive leader whose Alzheimer's began, as has now been confirmed by his son, Ron, while the Gipper was nodding off in the White House.

Therefore, Nancy Reagan must have known at the time but had to keep mum in spite of her obvious concern about her husband's deteriorating health. Yet there were others in the Reagan administration who were willing to 'take up the slack' of the duties of the highest, most powerful office in the land.

As Mr. Parry writes, "In the early 1980s, Reagan also credentialed a young generation of neocon intellectuals, who pioneered a concept called “perception management,” the shaping of how Americans saw, understood and were frightened by threats from abroad."

From Iran Contra to Afghanistan to 9/11, Parry's article looks backward and forward at the damage done by Reagan policies and I'm certain you've noticed this year, if not last, the many references in the press to a "30-year" time frame as if the 1980s have magically led to many of the dire conditions we struggle under in 2011 - with little or no mention of just who was in the Oval Office during the promotion of such things as deregulation (financial collapse 2008), the so-called clash of civilizations (Cold War; 9/11), and other Reagan administration implementations which have, as President Obama pointed out, "changed the trajectory of America."

That's quite an understatement of subtle propaganda! With the implication being that Reagan's rhetorical lifting up of our spirits in the 1980s put our nation on a positive course while everyone knows that the trajectory has been downward for all but the power elite and their minions. Even Reagan's 'shining city on a hill' are code words for the Utopian dream of the NWO crowd of corporatists and plutocrats - and to the Freemasonry-elected establishment of the District of Columbia. (See Francis Bacon, Uranus-Neptune, and Pluto.)

These days it seems astounding to me that the Republican Party and other neocon/Zionist-based organizations continue to be so successful in rewriting history, often by the light of a nostalgic, burnished Gipper Glow. So if you even suspect for one minute that Reagan's "Morning in America" has resulted in a New Millennium 'Mourning in America', and if you believe that truth still matters, you may wish to check out Robert Parry's assessment of Reaganism and the Reagan Years of the 1980s...and what his policies have sown and reaped for our nation and the world.

The Reagans Used Astrology So Why Shouldn't We?

A note before we start: politicians, their handlers, and/or secret society operatives know and use Astrology for timing their political and financial activities. As old J.P. Morgan famously informed us, "Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."

With the New Millennium, historically a time of major societal shifts, America's trajectory was astrologically heralded by the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse (horoscope shown set for DC) so famously predicted by seer-astrologer Nostradamus. This is the eclipse they call The Mother of All Eclipses. An alternate name is 'King of Terror Eclipse' (or 'King of Alarm') which some believe relates to finances as well as to violence. Given the rippling effects of the attacks of 9/11/01 on many levels of societal ills, I'd say the financial connection is a given with one clue the WTC attacks' Sabian Symbol for 9/11's Moon @ '28 Gemini' = Bankruptcy.

The August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse @ 18Leo21 contained the rigid energy of a Fixed Grand Cross between the Lionine Sun and Moon, Mars (Scorpio), Saturn (Taurus), Uranus (Aquarus), and North Node (AQ) which relates to Scriptural prophecy (see article w/ chart, linked above.) The separative South Node of the Moon conjoins tech-savvy Uranus in the horoscope indicating changing technological and social conditions which disrupt people's lives, wars and revolutions, and the probable financial losses such conditions bring to society.

(Bush-Cheney and the neocons began the Iraq War with Jupiter the General retrograde, a signature of a 'bottomless pit' in the Jupiterian money department and of inconclusive 'victory'.)

With Uranus/SN falling in the 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (including military and police) in the 1999 chart, we think of the era's 'free trade' deals pushed by the Clinton administration affecting US employment conditions as outsourcing of American jobs was greatly ramped up. Afflictions to the Uranus/SN pairing only made our problems deeper with Sun/Moon opposing, Mars and Saturn squaring. And of course, a Solar Eclipse is a super New Moon, a major beginning of a new cycle of activity.

Mars/Saturn = Uranus: application of brute force; intervention of a Higher Power; a test of nervous strength; sudden accident; separation or a case of death. (Ebertin.)

Now as you know, some eclipses are so powerful that the degrees they fall upon are permanently sensitized and thus it is so for 18Leo21 (18 or 19 Leo.) On 9/11/01, transiting Venus triggered the King of Terror Eclipse of 1999. Venus Rx @ 2Vir09 arises in the 1999 horoscope along with a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus (which has this year precessed from 29 Leo+ to 00Vir00 - conjunct the ASC of the 1999 eclipse horoscope. Keywords: success if revenge is avoided. It was not. A bullhorn over the rubble of the WTC in September 2011 made certain of that as our national patriotism was used to emotionally manipulate us into war in the Middle East. Wounding Chiron in the chart conjoins Mr. Obama's natal Midheaven in Scorpio.

Historically, when rulers' subjects were dissatisfied and threatening to get out of hand, the king declared war due to an 'outside threat' (ex: the SCOTUS-installed, illegitimate regime of Bush-Cheney 2001 vs Osama bin Laden, former CIA operative.) This ploy works every time and keeps the serfs busy and united under incumbent rulers no matter how corrupt they are.

So! Why do I ramble on today about a past solar eclipse?

Because the eclipse Saros Cycle repeats every 18.6 years and the 1999 eclipse (1 North Series) occurred during the very early days of the Reagan presidency, on July 31, 1981 @ '8Leo' (conjunct the natal Mercuries of the Republican Party, George W. Bush, and John McCain.) Elsewhere I have called this the Reaganomics Eclipse with its YOD planetary pattern of crisis, turning point, special task indications, what Erin Sullivan has called the Finger of God configuration.

1N initially manifested on January 4, 1639 @ 13Cap48, a time link by degree with the present solar eclipse season from the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 13Cap38, both of which oppose US natal Sun (the leader) and our Jupiter (finances) in Cancer.

And since this blogger's natal Sun 13Cap28 is now eclipsed by the January 2011 solar lunation, perhaps that's part of why I feel compelled today to bring up the topic of the 1N eclipses of 1639, 1981, and 1999, 30 years of societal retrogression in the US, and the tiresomely over-valued presidency of globalist-for-his-time, Ronald Reagan.


On the topic of President Obama's natal horoscope, you may also be interested in Obama's natal Chiron, The Bridge since the first of his five Chiron Return passes occurs in May 2011.

Apr 29, 2010

Astrology of Laura Bush's fatal car crash of 1963

Raw Story has an interesting article concerning Laura Bush's "small STOP sign" car accident which killed a classmate - some say, boyfriend - on the evening of November 6, 1963.

This is my first discovery of the exact date of the accident which occurred on that evening as Laura then-Welch and a girlfriend were motoring to a drive-in theater, ran what she details in her upcoming book as a "small" STOP sign, and crashed into a fellow student's Corvair. Mrs. Bush's memory of the night's weather and road conditions do not match police records, btw...what few remain in existence.

View Mrs. Bush's natal chart if you wish with its chart-ruler Venus retrograde in Sagittarius and out-of-bounds. And if you missed it, check out my Wedding Day Astrology Report on George and Laura's 1977 nuptials.


Was the fatal accident part of a lovers' break-up scenario? Hmm. Well, I have speculated rather unkindly before that membership in certain secret societies may include murder as initiation, but this particular post isn't about that. Or is it?

Checking the horoscope for Nov 6, 1963 Midland, TX, precise hour unknown but in the 'evening' (drive-in movies weren't visible until after dark!), I'm setting the chart for 8:50:40 pm cst because this places Mrs. Bush's natal Moon 15Pis00 at Midheaven, along with Fixed Star Achernar, keywords: crisis; risk of rapid endings...certainly not conclusive but a good way to time the chart is to use the Moon or another planet in angular position.

She definitely caused a crisis for the young man and his family, that we know.

Plus, the transiting Moon that night was at a crisis or critical degree @ '29Cancer'..."Daughter of the American Revolution" in the Sabian Symbols which may relate to the car accident itself or to a very upset young lady (perhaps before if spurned, and certainly after the crash which left a very mangled Corvair and a dead young man who may or may not have been her boyfriend.)

Also, the 29Can Moon of Nov 6, 1963 conjoined Laura Bush's natal Ic, the point of Endings in a there's an important bit of angularity!

Curiously, on the morning of Nov 6, 1963, a Venus Return occurred for Laura Welch Bush which to suspicious-of-all-Bushes me indicates that love or love-lost was part of the picture for the mayhem caused by Laura Bush on that fateful night, for Love Spurned makes for a very vengeful Lady Venus. And certainly relationship issues are on any one's menu during a Venus Return.

And with 1963's transiting South Node of the Moon (a point of separation where we fall back on previous, possibly neurotic, behaviors) conjunct Mrs. Bush's natal Sun/Moon midpoint 13Cap29 (male-female relationships; marriage) and the cruel Saturn/Pluto midpoint crossing her natal Venus during that time, we see hints of upsetting losses involving relationships. Of course, the accident itself falls into that category as well.

However, there is a natal midpoint picture involving Neptune that I shall mention as well (in effect no matter her hour of birth)...Neptune's connotations include deceptions and cover-ups, as well as negative escapisms such as alcohol and other drugs...

Mercury/Pluto = Neptune: using deception and concealing information; falsification of data; cunning strategies. (Ebertin.)

And since in 1963, tr Uranus and Pluto were in process of lining up for their Great Conjunction/s of 1965/66, I've checked for her natal midpoints in the range of their degrees in Virgo in the accident chart: 9 - 13.

Mercury/NN (meeting with a young person), Saturn/Neptune (loss; suffering; renunciation), Mars/Uranus (a sudden application of effort; bodily intervention), Venus/Uranus (splitsville?; the arousing of love; eccentricity), Neptune/Pluto (other realms, unseen forces, mysticism, the supernatural), and Mercury/Uranus (intuition; astuteness; unexpected or sudden events while traveling.)

I shall leave you to look up the pictures formed by tr Uranus and Pluto triggering her midpoints that night and simply add the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse influence in effect the night of Nov 6, 1963. It's the 1 North Series which includes the JFK assassination a couple of weeks later, the first atomic bomb attack of August 6, 1945, and the Mother of All Eclipses, the King of Terror Eclipse, of August 11, 1999...

1N: unexpected events involving friends or groups put tremendous pressure on relationships; hasty decisions are ill-advised because information is distorted and possibly false; an element of health problems (or death?) and fatigue may be evident. (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Short of a confession, we'll probably never know the full truth behind Laura Bush's bad driving and its subsequent fatal consequence, but 'looking under the hood' of mysterious happenings by using Astrology does have its merits for shining light into dark and hidden corners.

Feb 15, 2010

Canada's first-ever home-soil Gold for her Jupiter Return!

Hearing that Canada won her first-ever Gold Medal on home soil yesterday at the Vancouver Olympics spurred me to pull out Canada's natal chart (July 1, 1867 12:05 pm LMT Ottawa; source: astrologer Rab Wilkie) to see what's happening overhead and there it was: Thursday Feb 18, 2010 marks the nations's *Jupiter Return to 7Pis30!

Canada's natal Jupiter is posited in 5th house of Creative Pursuits, Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Children, and with ongoing transits like the lovely Venus-to-Jupiter, Jupiter-to-Jupiter, and, in about 6 days, Sun-to-Jupiter, the 2010 Winter Olympics have some happy times in store for Canadians after the Games got off to such a rocky start.

Also affecting Canada's natal placements now: transit Uranus (surprises!) conjoining her Chiron 26Pis38 in 6th house, a sudden, disruptive transit which may describe on one level the wound (Chiron) of the unfortunate competitor who lost his life just prior to the opening of the 2010 Winter Games.

A happy time overshadowed, yes, yet who can deny that Gold Medals are nice to have for displaying upon a nations' mantle, eh?

Looking ahead at Saturn's future course, a transit to natal Ascendant 7Lib58 is on the way when responsibility and accountability issues come to the fore along with some sort of loss if Saturn's lessons are not heeded (ex: Hurricane Katrina occurred during the time of George Bush's Saturn-to-ASC transit; he didn't handle that responsibility well and refused to admit accountability for that or for much else.) For Canada, Saturn-to-ASC will occur only once on or about Oct 2, 2010 (perhaps indicating the reality of what a financial boondoggle having the Olympics can be and its restrictive results on taxpayers' wallets? Canada's natal Saturn 17Sco46 is posited in n 2nd house opposing n Pluto 15Tau46 in 8th house - both Money houses.)

And in early October 2010, Saturn will square Canada's natal planets in early Cancer: Moon 6Can32, Uranus (OOBs in 9th house), and Sun 9Can20, then will square Midheaven 9Can41 - all difficult energies full of obstacles (Saturn); but there's more...

After Saturn lumbers into Canada's natal 1st house, the old taskmaster will eventually oppose natal Neptune 15Ari00 (7th house) and will do so three times - on or about: Dec 5, 2010, Mar 20, 2011 (Rx), and August 30, 2011. Similar in nature to America's recent transit of Saturn-conjunct-n-Neptune, this is another signature of a deluge of cold water drenching false illusions and yet obstacles are put in the way of learning the truth. Financial speculation under this transit is a very bad idea, and hidden agendas full of fear-mongering can confuse everything.

Well, don't they always?

Circumstances feel paralyzed under such a depressive Saturnian transit to Neptune so do take your good times while ye may, Oh Canada! And prepare ahead for soon-to-come leaner times than you've known in quite a while.

Oh listen to me! Advising Canada to do something that nary a soul in America listened to in 2001 when I first started grousing online about America's coming **bankruptcy and my then-fellow Fraysters on Slate poo-pooed my 'daftness' with things like, "America is too big and too rich to ever go bankrupt!"

And yet 'ever' did come, didn't it? Funny how multi-national corporations are deemed by 'experts' to be 'too big to fail'...but as we see, America is not.


*A 'Jupiter Return' is aka a 'Jupiter Reward Cycle' and comes round about every 12 years.

**One factor that caused me then to think of America's bankruptcy: 9/11/01's Moon at '28 Gemini' = "BANKRUPTCY", and Moon in a mundane chart = the people; therefore, I continue to believe that the attacks of 9/11 on the commercial World Trade Center are part of someone's plan to bring America to her knees and bankrupt the people (which was put in motion years ago by corporations and their enablers, Congress, as our jobs were first being outsourced overseas. Who couldn't see where that would eventually lead? And tax cuts for corporations are never passed on to the people in the form of jobs creation so I wish the GOP would stop pretending that they are.)

Another factor is Nostradamus' King of Terror (or 'Alarm') Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 which capped off the old century and which has a financial flavor to it. The Eclipse chart contains a rigid Fixed Grand Cross that bedevils us still as transits to the 1999 Eclipse chart mark time on the Great Cosmic Clock, so naturally the prophetic Book of Revelation comes to mind for its vision of Oxen (Tau), Lion (Leo), Eagle (Sco), and Angel (AQ) so elegantly pinpointed by August 11, 1999's Grand Cross planets in mid-degrees of these Fixed signs.

Jan 23, 2010

Terror, American Tyranny, and Divide-and-Conquer

American Gulag: Obama to Indefinitely Imprison Detainees Without Charges

By Glenn Greenwald

The administration is claiming the power to imprison whomever it wants without charges whenever it believes that -- even in the face of the horrendously broad "material support for terrorism" laws the Congress has enacted -- it cannot prove in any tribunal that the individual has actually done anything wrong. #

Now a few words from two of America's past experts on the subject:

"...freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected. These principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us, and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation." Thomas Jefferson

"The establishment of the writ of habeas corpus...are perhaps greater securities to liberty and republicanism than any it [the Constitution] contains....The practices of arbitrary imprisonments have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny. Alexander Hamilton

Article link and quotes compliments of Information Clearing House.

Given the turn of direction that America has taken in recent years - ramped up since the attacks of 9/11/01 - I fail to see how anyone can fail to see that we've been coup'd by those who will use tyranny against anyone they please. 'Protections' of American citizenship mean next to nothing under such imperialism.

And the tyrannist's baton was passed from Bush-Cheney to Obama-Biden on January 20, 2009, a baton stolen with help from SCOTUS (who shafted the American electorate once again last week) by Bush-Cheney in December 2000 mere months after after the August 11, 1999 King of Terror Eclipse predicted by Nostradamus.

Before 9/11, the Bush-Cheney administration was being spoken of as "illegitimate" but a bullhorn on rubble put a (supposed) end to the grousing and rumors and "brought us together" -- under Bush, along with the goose-steppers of Congress.

Historically, false flag ops have been shown to be highly effective for mobilizing whole populations, you know.

November 2010 Cometh...

"Democrats vs Republicans" - "libs vs cons" - "blue states vs red" -- all mindsets to keep we-the-people divided against ourselves and thus less potent than we really are. Toss off the shackles of these invented labels...please!

Not that the deck isn't stacked against us for there are few, if any, honest politicians to vote for in any state, and the day grows late...

Apr 18, 2009

The Life of Nostradamus + 1999's King of Alarm Eclipse

It is my opinion that the world hasn't been the same since the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 with its stressful Grand Cross hung upon the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs of Taurus (ox), Leo (lion), Scorpio (eagle), and Aquarius (angel), and that this relates to Revelation's prophecy of the angels letting go the winds of war and strife.

Now you don't have to agree with my Biblical view of the Eclipse, but you can't deny that the world is experiencing increasing numbers of wars and strife, can you?

This difficult Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Series was predicted hundreds of years ago by physician, seer, and astrologer Michel de Nostradame, known in modern times as Nostradamus, and it has a few nicknames you've heard before: the Mother of All Eclipses, King of Alarm Eclipse, King of Terror Eclipse, and Nostradamus' Eclipse. Some have said (astrologer Nicholas Campion, if memory serves) that there is a difficult financial component to the Eclipse as well.

Well, considering the attacks of 9/11/01 on the World Trade Center and the gold in the Tower's basement along with Deustche Bank's offices there (and other financial institutions, if memory serves), a financial component seems probable since that's what has been rapidly changing for the worse in the New Millennium (except for the power elite - they're cornering the world's wealth. Do you know it? Can you feel it?)

Yes, financial collapse has issued forth like ripples on a pond from September 11, 2001 to 2008/09's financial crisis - and this reluctant astrologer suspects that the ill effects of greed, corruption, and the 'big plans for world domination' of the select few are continuing to reverberate with excessive war costs destroying the American economy as the US military industrial complex grinds down the dreams of future generations while "collaterally" killing and maiming millions of innocent people along with those who stand up to it.

Written during the Bush-Cheney terms in office, here's my post on the King of Alarm Eclipse with chart image, if you'd care to view. Do notice the Images for Integration for Sun Leo-Moon Leo of this Eclipse...especially the second one about the 'new king.'

Here's a site with the most complete story on the life of Nostradamus that I've ever found, down to the French-with-English-translation of his epitaph.

Now in case the above-linked image of the 8.11.99 Eclipse chart doesn't display well enough for your squinty peepers, here it is again - but you may want to click the link above to read my notes on the Eclipse.

And click the image below to enlarge for viewing some basic info added to the chart:

Note Venus triggering 1999's Eclipse degree; two more posts on the subject:

The Fed expected to cut rates today from September 18, 2007 about the worsening 'credit crunch'; included: Sept 18, 2007 was the 60th birthday of the CIA, with the agency's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (3 North) being the PE of the attacks of 9/11/01...synchronicity at play? Plus, 9/11's Neptune '6AQ', at its Founding of Islam degree..."A Performer of a Mystery Play."

Or, if you prefer for 9/11's Neptune: '7AQ'..."A Child Born of an Eggshell"...'EMERGENCE OF GLOBAL MAN for the New Age' (Rudyar); America's primary White Lodge, akaThe White House, has a certain room shaped like an egg: the Oval Office. Synchronicity at play once again?

Then there's King of Alarm Eclipse of August 1999, which was written in January 2008 and contains...well, you'll just have to see!

Note on Commenting: all pertinent comments are welcomed here (although moderated) because we're all in this together, m'peops. And one little planet Earth is all any of us have got.

Feb 4, 2009

"War on Terror" a crock of bogusness

There are many posts published here at Stars Over Washington, a blog I began in Oct 2005, and I have no idea when or where I've blurbed my disbelief in the propagandistic tactics of the so-called "War on Terror."

Obviously there are posts here and at my other blog, jude's threshold, relating to Nostradamus' famous 'King of Terror' Eclipse of August 11, 1999, a watershed solar eclipse which ushered in the New Millennium (also termed the 'King of Alarm" Eclipse), and which relates to finances, the upshot of which we've seen since 2008's (manufactured) economic crisis/meltdown.

But Eric Margolis is better able to line up his thought ducks in a row over the manipulative political thespianism that took over the US government some years ago, so check out his article when you have a mo:

The Bogus 'War on Terror' - Glasnost In London - War Fever In Washington

By Eric Margolis

Two senior British officials have created a sensation by finally speaking some hard truths that contradict all the lies spewed out by Washington and London about the bogus "war on terror."

Jan 20, 2008

'King of Alarm' Eclipse of August, 1999

The Aug 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse, aka the 'King of Alarm' (or 'King of Terror') Eclipse was predicted by Nostradamus many moons ago and is published tonight by yours truly, your reluctant astrologer for this evening.

The 1999 Solar Eclipse, which ushered in the New Millenium, is from the 1 North Series, given by Bernadette Brady in her Predictive Astrology as:

fatigue or health problems; unexpected events involving groups or friends place massive pressures on personal relationships; issues loom large but avoid hasty decisions because info is distorted or possibly false.

I'll say! Some call it the Mother of All Eclipses...anyway, check out the chart if you've never seen it--it's quite a doozy.

As I signed in to post this entry I belatedly noticed that Blogger can now publish in Arabic, Persian, and Hebrew--very kewl, Blogger!

Well no, I can't read or write any of them, but I did once practice writing backwards and upside down simultaneously in my salad days of yore...and created my own alphabet to keep a nosey brother out of my diary's business. Funny that I keep 'personal' weblogs all over the place now. Hmmm.

Anway, if this new facility introduces and encourages new bloggers to the Blogger format, I say, Welcome and Well-met!

Dec 17, 2007

Full Moon in Cancer: Dec 23, 2007

Will this Full Moon shine a light on actors or actions from the attacks of 9/11?

As you see, the Full Moon of Dec 23 occurs at 1Can50, opposite Sun 1Cap50; Can/Cap is the Security Axis and concerns issues with Home; Parents/Career; Public Status, and often emotions-as-bottomless-pit leading ambitiously (and rather desperately) to fame.

On 9/11/01, Mars at 1Cap27 was near the tr SN, a connection which commonly brings war and violence (warrior Mars being the god of war, of course.)

This Full Moon is also quite near the Solar Eclipse prior to 9/11/01--June 21, 2001, "00Can" in the 3 North Series. Keywords again are:

news of young people or news that transforms a situation; info causing worry or obsession; large plans or activities which will be positive if they are not over-excessive. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Over-excessive? Invading Iraq, I'd say. Perhaps old issues from 2001 will be spotlighted by Dec 23's Full Moon bringing to light some new info on the subject due to its links with the chart of 9/11/01. Full Moons are, of course, the culmination phase of something begun two weeks ago at the New Moon ("18Sag"), the beginning of the cycle and ruled by Jupiter.

Sunday's Full Moon also has asteroid, Morya at 1Cap02, and preachy Jupiter 1Cap12 to expand issues (and in process of parting from his recent Great Conjunction with Pluto on Dec 11, the day the Fed made their interest rate cut announcement, disappointing though it was.)

Chart-ruler is the Sun, disposited by Saturn (Cap)--and authoritative, restrictive Saturn in Virgo is placed in 2nd house of Money and Values and is thus in mutual reception with Mercury in Capricorn. No-nonsense Saturn tends to strengthen neutral Mercury when in mutual reception, plus, they are in a helpful, benefical trine which trines MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the Full Moon chart.

(And since Saturn = the Democrats, will an older Dem aid a younger (Mercury) Dem? Or perhaps he/she will make a weighty (Saturn) announcement (Mercury) concerning the subprime housing catastrophe or an accounting irregularity.)

The trine gives a midpoint picture:

Mercury/Saturn = MC: winning through planning; mind over matter; the heavy thinker; concentration; philosophizing; being wrapped up in one's own plans; travel (Tyl; Ebertin.)

The risk-taking, speculative 5th house cusp 11Sag58 (degree of the Pluto-Chiron conj of Dec 30, 1999) is ruled by moneybags Jupiter (associated with the Republican Party), while the 8th house of shared resources is also ruled by Jupiter through his connection to the obfuscating--or perhaps inspired--sign of Pisces, associated with liquids such as oil, gas, alcohol, with fishies in the sea, and creativity.

Technologically-advanced and disruptive Uranus is placed in 8th house and conj Fixed Star, Achernar...keywords: risk of rapid endings. (With all the fluctuations in the stock market this year, I can't help but wonder if hacking is part of the problem, in spite of--or because of--PROMIS software and the big brother computer in Brussels.)

Rising is asteroid Hera (keeping accounts; the jealous wife; women's issues) is Rx and conj the position of vengeful Venus on 9/11/01 at the degree of Nostradmus' *King of Terror Eclipse of Aug 11, 1999, and with quite a full 5th house of speculation, it seems that SN in first house is not what you'd like to see--it isn't fortuitous to have SN rising and indicates that others (7th house) may be 'calling the shots' or in control.

Transiting NN has now entered Aquarius (backing out of Pisces) which places NN and the rising SN at a critical 29th degrees. Any planet or point at 29 degrees of any sign is a high frequency vibe--impatience, rashness, and lack of self-control can cause trouble and misfortune. Overreacting is a bad idea now, so don't do it, esp with the Leo/AQ polarity being the Will Axis (aka self-willedness.)

~Click chart to enlarge and you'll hopefully be able to read some natal USA/Bush placements in the appropriate places.~

With Taurus and Scorpio (both money signs, and money-loving Venus in Scorpio in the 4th house--the Foundation of the chart) on the 4/10 axis, and for other factors already cited, this chart screams security, money, and desires for easy money as the Full Moon nears Rx Mars in Cancer--and since both Moon and Mars often act as triggers, it will be interesting to see what develops under the rays of the last Full Moon of 2007.

*Nick Campion says a better translation of the Old French would be King of Alarm Eclipse. Alarm or Terror--the world has been coup'd by use of fear.

note: why in the ever-lovin' are all my posts underlined now as I published this entry on the Full Moon?

Sep 18, 2007

the Fed expected to cut rates today

With moneybags Jupiter conjunct America's natal Ascendant (Sibly, 5:10 pm lmt), the Fed may be announcing a rate cut at 2:15 pm edt in an attempt to bolster the soft US economy and give the worsening credit crunch room to improve.

Here are the midpoint pictures for 2:15 pm today in Washington, two of which have the Virgo Sun as focal point:

Mercury/Saturn = Sun: changes of residence (like when houses are foreclosed upon?); getting down to work; knowing what's got to be done; discipline pays off; making a go of it.

Mars/ASC = Sun: arguments or an inhospitable milieu; having to adjust things forcibly; excitability; intense teamwork.

Venus/Jupiter = MC: wonderment at feelings of success (really? Well, Venus and Jupiter are associated with money so perhaps this refers to the wheeler dealers who had to know this subprime market mess was coming--and who never really lose. It's true that the Venus/Jupiter duo is also linked to wastefulness yet maybe this midpoint picture refers to the rate cut--if Bernanke announces it--and that it will improve matters);

NN/MC = Pluto: organizing power; attaining success in partnerships by use of force; leadership; success; great achievements shared with others. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Venus today has returned to her degree on 9/11/01 which is also the Sun/Moon degree of the Mother of All Eclipses of Aug 11, 1999...the one foretold by Nostradmus centuries ago.

Some have termed this the King of Terror Eclipse in their attempt to ferret out the seer's (astrologer's!) idiomatique phrases of olde, but Nicholas Campion calls it the King of Alarm Eclipse. All three titles describe what the world has seen since 1999.

Personally I believe that the 1999 Eclipse is described in Revelation as the time the angels let go the winds of war--which is also what the world has seen. Disagree if you like. But that's just the way I roll.

btw: our problematic CIA turns 60 years old today, and was 'born' with a Scorpio Moon--appropriate for spying and investigation (Scorpio.)

The CIA officially came about in the 3 North (3N) Pre-natal Eclipse Series (PE):

an overexcessive family of eclipses whose main theme is news concerning a young person or which transforms a situation; large plans and activities may wish to be undertaken and will have positive outcomes as long as they are kept modest. (Brady, Predictive Astrology.)

Where have we seen the 3N Series before? It's the PE of the attacks of 9/11.