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Showing posts with label Mars the warrior planet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars the warrior planet. Show all posts

May 21, 2019

Warrior Planet Mars in Aries 2020

Today on Stars Over Washington I am featuring this morning's post just published to my general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology titled Mars in Aries 2020: That Fighting Spirit which mainly concerns the frustrating squares that transit Mars will form to karmic planets Saturn and Pluto in 2020, dates included.

If you're up for it, that is.

Feb 10, 2017

Feb 2017: Jupiter-Saturn, a Lunar Eclipse, a Comet, Arcturus, and Trump

Is a Trump Administration Worth All the Trouble?

by Jude Cowell

Since last week it has been difficult to miss the troubles of Mr. Trump's executive-ordered 'Muslim ban' squelched by the Judiciary branch of the US government for after all, 'conflict' is the litigious Mr. Mars-Rising's middle name. And yet an attempt to expand executive power isn't unusual behavior from a president, especially a brand new one, but treading over the US Constitution with muddy boots is asking to be slapped down and the Judiciary branch is typically the sheriff to do so. At least it ought to be that way in these heady days of the New Millennium, second decade as it is, because the tension between Jupiter and Saturn create the yin-yang balance of the Universe which keeps the planets in their courses.

So it's only natural that Trump vs the Judiciary is on everyone's minds along with our government's traditional checks'n'balances which can be described astrologically by expansive Jupiter in balance with restrictive Saturn--these days proceeding through the tropical Zodiac while engaged in a beneficial sextile (60 degrees) with each other, off and on. Transit Jupiter, now at 23Libra, has led a Locomotive pattern of increase and success even while retrograde and with 23Libra spotlighting two fixed stars, Spica (the spike) and Arcturus (a different approach), we find the office of the president (Spica = the Washington Monument) and the White House (Arcturus in L'Enfant's plan of Washington DC) having a tough time that includes the US Congress (Regulus, brought to Earth within the Federal Triangle). Three buildings located at America's founding intended to echo three major stars--and three branches of government meant to keep an eye on one another!

To spy the green comet look between sparkling Arcturus and Planet Saturn!.

And of course, if you know anything about the natal horoscope and planets of Donald J. Trump, you know his fighting Mars in proud Leo rises with royal star Regulus (success if revenge is avoided). However, Mr. Trump has demonstrated a pattern of embracing and delighting in taking revenge. "SEE YOU IN COURT!" he tweeted, shouting in all caps after his ban was disallowed by a three-judge panel. Meanwhile, Hillary tweeted '3-0' to rub Trump's nose in his failure and yours truly replied to Hillary, 'a sweet tweet but it riles the baby'. Can you blame me? Okay, go ahead!

Besides have legal implications of the planetary pair, when society is under the influence of a Jupiter-Saturn sextile, overreach or over-extension are the primary causes of failure and it is by patience and careful planning that success may be attained. Recently even White House staffers have admitted that perhaps they should have consulted the departments that would be affected by a travel ban before springing it upon unwary officials and travelers (some who were traveling here for medical reasons). A steady development of plans while recognizing the limitations involved is the conservative approach which can actually lead to achievement while avoiding self-sabotage. Perhaps the label 'conservative' is the wrong description of the reactionary radicals, alt-right and otherwise, now roaming White House halls of power.

And so with the transit of Saturn, karmic planet of lessons, tasks, limitation, accountability, and delay, @23Sagittarius (Sag ruled by Jupiter), we see the societal pair of Jupiter and Saturn (checks-n-balances) in sextile aspect from Libra to Sag. Plus, Mr. Trump is in the midst of a three-fer Jupiter Return so expanded power has been on top of his to-do list for some time, that we know. And having a prominent Jupiter (17:27 stationary direct) in his natal chart and psyche (and exalted in Libra), we've heard Mr. Trump express the typical complaint of this placement more than once: "it's not fair!' which for him seems to apply to anyone who disagrees with his ideas or plans or who stands in his self-righteous, grandiose way. (He did, after all, 'do it his way', a good theme for his most elevated planet, radical independent Uranus in changeable Gemini, communicative sign of the trader, deal-maker--and double dealer.)

Yet perhaps in this meager attempt to understand the Oval Office occupant's current troubles of limitation and delay (aided by his lack of proper preparation), it is more to the point that transit Saturn has been within orb of conjoining Mr. Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction (21--24Sag) while simultaneously opposing his natal Sun (ego) in Gemini, something discussed multiple times here on Stars Over Washington and if the limiting effects of this Saturnian transit were not seen before the last few days, they surely can be now. Relationship problems (his natal Full Moon in Gem-Sag hit by transit Saturn = separation, endings, Melania-we-hardly-knew-ya, and health issues (or perhaps healthcare repeal/replace with the ACA/Obamacare which promises to become Trumpcare) have been demanded by old man Saturn, the Timekeeper of the Universe. Even transit Saturn opposing natal Uranus, planet of freedom, independence, and rebellion, has brought restrictions into his life while also supplying more serious responsibilities that limit his ability to go where he wants, when and how he wants.

So with the unpredictable harbinger effects of the approaching green comet set aside, there remains tonight's Lunar Eclipse @22Leo27 (the 'worst foot forward' degree) perfecting approximately three degrees from Mr. Trump's natal Mars while the eclipse Sun @22Aquarius spotlights the "Big Bear" of Russia in the Sabian Symbols. It may be up to five days before the eclipse shows its true intentions. Under the rays of tonight's eclipse (and followed by the February 26th Solar Eclipse in murky Pisces where transit Neptune has been eroding reality), inconvenient secrets, more info leaks, and news about scandals past and present may certainly manifest but for whose benefit? As always, only the Cosmos knows and that's for us to find out.


Related Posts: Transits to Inauguration 2017 Planets Bring Frustration; The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017; The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump; Inauguration 2017 Midpoint Pictures and Sun-Moon Blend; the rock'em sock'em Natal Chart of Donald Trump; and be on guard for Spring Equinox 2017 in March for not only does it time an explosive Mars-Uranus conjunction @21Aries (conjunct US natal Chiron), but warrior Mars joins anarchist Uranus in opposition to expansive Jupiter in Libra (Mr. Trump) so take all the safety precautions that you can and don't be surprised if someone new of a fighting nature enters the White House.