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Showing posts with label Mars in Aries 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars in Aries 2020. Show all posts

Sep 1, 2020

September-November 2020: Mars in Aries to and fro

Two DC Horoscopes September and November 2020: Trolling the Path of Mars

by Jude Cowell

Lower left: September 9, 2020 Mars Direct Station @28Ari08 2nd house 6:22:12 pm edt Washington DC; Hour of Mars which squares 12th house Saturn (delays; resistance; stop'n'go energy); ASC 24AQ38 (US natal Moon rising) conjunct Uranus-MC suggests excitability, irritability, possible upsets; Uranus unaspected = spurts of activity; warlike Antares conjunct MC; at IC are Moon @12Gemini and Midas (fluctuating campaign finances?); Neptune and Pisces intercepted in 1st house suggests large events possibly water related and/or contagion/toxins; also, the media, the masses, deception, loss, theft, disappointment, conspiracy; voting planet Mercury 6Lib27 in 8th house and nearing Nemesis (the unbeatable foe).

Chart-ruler Saturn makes one applying Ptolemaic aspect, a conjunction with powerful manipulator Pluto (see lower left) which is, of course, a continuation of their conjunction's harsh, constraining energies of January 2020, and of course the Capricorn trio continues its heavy influence. Meanwhile, the revolutionary pair of Mars and Uranus will blend their energies on Election Day November 3, 2020 @6Tau44 with a disturbing potential for conflicts and destruction.

On Election Day 2020, Mars Rx 16Ari01 is opposing US natal Saturn (14lib48) off and on which denotes a period of potentials such as: attempts to circumvent rules and/or laws, anger flare ups, delays that lead to cancellations, organizational difficulties, resentment, and/or resistance to the authority of others. Obviously with Trump involved, court cases and legal decisions may be involved as well as ballot counting issues.

Upper right: November 13, 2020 Mars Rx Station @15Ari13 10th house 7:35:36 pm est Washington DC; Hour of Venus 20Lib42 5th house but leading a ruthless Locomotive shape into 4th house (condition of Venus in Libra relates to 2020 Election results: incumbent wins unless something miraculous occurs - ex: Blue Tsunami).

Both of Mars' changes of direction fall within the 4 North Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse Saros Series (restraint, restriction, separation, illusion) and as you see, the November 13th chart has US natal Jupiter rising just after the 4 North Solar Eclipse pops up over the horizon. And when Mars shifts to direct motion on November 13, 2020 'he' opposes Venus (ruthless as a Locomotive engine) which, among other things, suggests sore losers. However, by November 22nd, transit Venus will scoot on into Scorpio, leaving Mars to continue simmering in fiery Aries until early January 2021.

And with Cancer rising on November 13th, Moon is chart-ruler indicating emotions vs intellect, excitement, and potential conditions of instability, as seen in the Scorpio Moon's applying opposition to quirky Uranus Rx in money sign Taurus where finances tend to be uncertain and/or fluctuating and unusual sources of revenue are sought.

October 2020:Of course, more information (aka, inconvenient facts or secrets) are sure to be revealed by the light of the Halloween 2020 Full Moon @8Tau38 which casts its illuminating rays upon disruptive Uranus - the Witness and the Awakener!

Wild Cards of the Universe, Uranian Eclipses Disrupt Earthly Events

So will it be shock, awe, or a little of both when Uranus stars in a cosmic spotlight once again and closes the month of November 2020 with a Lunar Eclipse 8Gem38 conjunct US natal Uranus and simultaneously activates Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 Old North Saros Series (8Gem48: 'unfortunate news; separation; but fast action can bring good results' - Brady).

Related and also in October 2020: Trump's Nodal Return.

Apr 6, 2020

September 2020 Mars: "The Music Of The Spheres"

2020 Mars in the Cosmic Order of the Universe

by Jude Cowell

April 6, 2020: As my wait for delivery of fresh printer ink cartridges drags on into April, I've decided to take horoscope matters into my own paws and perpetrate a messily hand-drawn version of a chart for the Mars Station Direct on September 9, 2020 at 6:22:12 pm edt Washington DC, the moment in time that transit Mars pauses in order to turn retrograde (Rx). This significant event with warrior/pioneer/activist Mars strong in his own sign and stationing (which adds strength to any planet) suggests significant changes of direction in the affairs of Mars-ruled activities and events.

A close connection to male personages in general is also part of the Martian picture along with exploration, adventure, sports figures, military officers and troops. Additionally, police forces are involved as are negative possibilities such as blind zeal, destructive urges, impatience, quarrels and fights, ambitious projects, fevers, tummy upsets, headaches, and head injuries. Optimistically speaking, perhaps the pioneering spirit of Mars will lead to cures for what ails us during the Mars Rx period (September 9 to November 13, 2020), a time of review and reaction (exs: FDA approval; drug trials). Or perhaps the coronavirus contagion could go into a remission of sorts--at least during the Rx period of infectious Mars. And as you see in the chart below, the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior polarity is intercepted across the 1/7 axis (along with Virgo and Pisces placements) which suggests karmic issues that must be dealt with. But who needs Astrology to tell them this?

So once Mars reaches and moves past his 'shadow degree' of 28Ari08 (his September 9th Station Direct degree) on January 2, 2021 (see the Path of Mars listed, lower left on the chart, below) activities and projects begin forward movement with speedier outward and direct energy. For as you know, energetic Mars, planet of motivation, does prefer direct motion for all his activities and his focus is more easily channeled when moving direct.

Horoscope: Mars Station Direct @28Ari08 September 9, 2020; Disseminating; Hour of Mars; radical Uranus in earthy Taurus is unaspected (spurt-like behavior; separative or independent tendencies increase--Trump the Uranian?); both planets are posited in 2nd hou$e which is ruled by Mars as is the 9th house of Foreign Lands, Legal Affairs, Higher Education, and Philosophy; Sun @17Virgo, sign of health (7th house), Moon @12Gemini conjunct IC (The Public at Home) and Aldebaran (success through integrity); fighting Antares ('anti-Mars') conjunct Midheaven ('MC'); disbelieved prophetess Kassandra rises with Mirfak, a challenge-oriented star, while the Sun (vitality; ego) conjoins determined Sisyphus and health asteroid Panacea. See lower right for themes of the 4 North Solar Eclipse as restrictions within the Collective continue and strength and/or situations are misjudged by those in society who should know better and lead more effectively:

The rounded-up degree for Mars ('29Aries') has an interesting Sabian Symbol for our time in history (to me it seems late days although you're welcome to disagree). Here is Dane Rudhyar's interpretation:

"The Music of the Spheres": "Keynote: Attunement to the cosmic order.

The music of the spheres is the celestial embodiment of principles of polyphonic interplay. The individual advancing 'on the Path' should seek to understand and realize his place in the vast scheme of mankind's evolution, in the immense Chord of the harmony of the universe. The message to the seeker for meaning which is implied in this symbol is To Listen To The Inner Voice; to listen without personalizing this Voice in a glamour-producing manner. It is the Voice of the Whole, of which one begins to realize that one is a tiny little part--yet a significant part, for every note of the universal Chord has its place and its ineradicable meaning."

This symbol speaks of "a new realm of possibilities of action" and the "harmonic principles operating in this realm."

One quite rare factor listed on the chart is an exact septile (51degr:27mins) between The People's Moon and 6th house Venus, money planet of perspective and evaluation. (Ex: the recent awareness that members of the elite class put money over people couldn't possibly be a wake-up call for anyone but apparently it has been. And master astrologer Robert Wilkinson has termed the septile aspect, "The Grand Irrationality." The septile's appearance in the chart underscores our Collective feeling that humanity is 'at the crossroads of destiny' which relates to the interception of the Virgo-Pisces polarity in the chart which has karmic opportunity embedded within.

As for the comic weather of September 9, 2020, Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini is an Earth-Air blend which can get swamped with details yet is reasonable, rational, moody, studious, intellectual, and a mixture of pragmatic and playful. Writer and diplomat John Buchan (Lord Tweedsmuir) was born under these influences and once famously informed us that,

"An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Note: Obviously the above Sabian Symbol information reminds us all of Harmonics in Astrology!

May 21, 2019

Warrior Planet Mars in Aries 2020

Today on Stars Over Washington I am featuring this morning's post just published to my general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology titled Mars in Aries 2020: That Fighting Spirit which mainly concerns the frustrating squares that transit Mars will form to karmic planets Saturn and Pluto in 2020, dates included.

If you're up for it, that is.