Though we're now in the
Winter Solstice 2010 season with its rare
Lunar Eclipse (both at
crisis or
critical degrees which presaged Saturday's Horror in Tucson), recent events in the political realm such as the time and money wasting 112th Congress opening on January 5, 2011, the mystery of thousands of dead birds and other animals, Phosgene and the possibly related murder of bio-weapons expert
John Wheeler, and yesterday's *vicious attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Judge John Roll, and several others in Tucson maimed and murdered, I feel inspired to look past winter toward Spring Equinox 2011 for perhaps a ray of light after winter's dark times.
Fox News abruptly cuts away from Tucson vigil after mourner mentions Sarah Palin describes the 112th Congress at its inception and the ugliness at its vitriolic, win-at-any-cost core. Having the right to own a gun in America gives no one the right to shoot people, even and including politicians.
Ballots not bullets is a handy political slogan but using
bullets if ballots don't work is incitement to violence and tells the American political tale as of yesterday, if it didn't before - deleted
tweets notwithstanding.
Well, Spring as a season always engenders Hope springing eternal and a brighter day, so here you see its horoscope (
click to enlarge) with a few basic details scribbled upon it:
Chart: Spring Equinox March 20, 2011 7:20:50 pm edt Washington, DC; Sun and Saturn exalted, and a 'Grand Cross' pattern (highlighted in red) including Mc/Ic angles, and if you prefer, dissociate with the Nodal axis in Sag/Gemini, plus, the Cardinal ASC, and Sun/Uranus at Descendant. ASC 1Lib03 brings US natal Midheaven to the fore (from our nation's Sibly natal chart Mc 00Lib43) and makes evaluating Venus spring's chart-ruler, and Venus rules 1st and 9th houses;
lower left, you see listed the two applying aspects of Venus (how things will proceed): trine Moon 5A00, then conjunct Neptune 7A06.
1. A Moon/Venus trine indicates optimism, harmony, and honorable intentions and perhaps will bring improvement to America's status in the world (natal Mc), something we sorely need. Careers of the populace may benefit as well so this gives some support to what economic talking heads are saying now: improvement in levels of hiring in 2011 (though many positions may be temporary or consulting - better than nuthin', right?)
Plus, the Sun enters Aries with progressive Uranus in close conjunction, the Sun's only planetary aspect, which signifies powerful, decisive actions yet with unpredictability, eccentricity, and possibly
occultism involved at this, an Hour of Jupiter 12Ari27. Sun rules 11th house of Hopes, Wishes, Groups, and Associations.
However, '12Ari' is a
critical degree with financial implications (moneybags Jupiter has his natural sign Sagittarius intercepted in 3rd house, and also rules mystic Pisces on the 6th cusp; Pisces is a military sign, 6th house is the realm of military and police services along with Work in general, and Health.) Disturbingly, Jupiter's Sabian Symbol for '12Ari' = "A Flock of Wild Geese" which may relate to the mystery of global bird and fish deaths; round up to '13Ari' and we get "A Failed Bomb Explosion" which may be literal, figurative, or both but a least it's "failed."
2. Chart-ruler Venus' other applying aspect is a dreamy, illusory conjunction with Neptune, bringer of inspiration and spirituality, but also of fraud, deception, disillusion, dissolution, and loss. Plus, negative escapism is one of Neptune's favorite of ways of (not) dealing with difficult issues and one thinks of the so-called 'drug wars' going on in Mexico and spilling into the US.
A Venus/Neptune conjunction brings more Pisces energy into the chart and at its best, indicates the highest form of spiritual love, healing ability, idealism, and a hypnotic power of attraction. Perhaps a new entertainer, film, artwork, or piece of music will capture the public imagination in a very big way this Spring, with vivid imagination and romance prominent. Yet there are indications with this aspect of impractical dreaming, deception, or of being a burden to others as well.
This conjunction may also indicate 'loss' (Neptune) of, by, or through a 'female' (Venus), and fraud involving smaller amounts of money may also be shown by this conjunction. Actually with Neptune's tiresomely long term conjunction to US natal Moon in Aquarius (we-the-people) - though not as close for Spring 2011 - we have a midpoint picture with US n Moon at apex...
Venus/Neptune = n Moon: being easily influenced or led by others; a dreamy nature; chaotic emotional lives; comforting those who delight in deceit; negative escapism (remember moderation, yall! jc); self-delusion; romantic notions; impracticality.
The Nodal axis lies near the Mc (SN)/Ic (NN) axis of Career and Home; with NN near Ic one hopes that homelessness in America is on someone's next-up agenda.
Disturbingly, powerful and sneaky Pluto is 'in the house' - the 4th house, the Basis of the Matter, and place of endings; Pluto is @ '8Cap' = "Birds in the House Singing Happily" which is perhaps another link to mysteriously dead birds; Pluto/NN opposes Mc so we have:
Pluto/NN = Mc: one's future depends upon the actions of others; powerful associations which can cause career setbacks; learning and receiving assistance from important groups; associations with others are the sine qua non of success.
Destructuring and transformation of the Real Estate market is one implication of Pluto in 4th house with renovations and repairs indicated; our national who-owns-what-mortgages issues continue (Saturn Rx rules 4th cusp), and sad to say, plutonian spies may be afoot even more than before with high-level surveillance becoming more prominent in the news since Pluto also represents big publishers and the use of persuasive propaganda.
Now this is a Full Moon chart (Sun 197 degrees Moon) so something may have crescendoed or been fulfilled just prior to March 20 - the Sygyzy Moon (last lunation) is @ 28Vir48, here in 12th house of Karma, Politics, Large Institutions, and the Collective Unconscious. US natal Saturn 14Lib48 is the first US planet to rise in the chart which brings our exalted Libran Saturn and its Scales of Justice to the fore this spring.
Moon 17Lib26 is thankfully past depressive Saturn in 1st house and parallels Fixed Star
Spica (
potential for brilliance, but also
The Spike) which hopefully shows more improvement in consumer confidence and our emotional state.
Yes, Saturn Rx in 1st house shows delays and loss yet Moon in 1st house is fortuitous - mixed portents. However, one of the bigger factors of note is the cyclic opposition between societal planets Jupiter and Saturn which influence the world's financial cycles. This pair's current cycle began on May 28, 2000 @ '23Tau' = " A Jewelry Shop Filled with Magnificent Gems", a hint of the many thieveries society has suffered since the New Millennium began....and we continue to suffer under complicit, enabling politicians who can't kowtow enough to Wall Street and the rest of the global crime syndicate of monarchs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and their minions.
Messenger, orator, and trader Mercury 18Ari17 in 7th house of Partnerships, Legal Affairs, and Open Enemies, is ready for action in Aries and parallel (like a strong conjunction) Fixed Star Altair, the Eagle, a star associated with US ambitions for imperialistic domination and surveillance. Mercury/Jupiter contacts tend to expand thinking and plans while broadening horizons. These are not especially
practical plans, however, and their contact promotes idealism, over promising, and even zealotry.
As you see, the midpoint of the plutocracy pair, Pluto/Chiron, sits directly upon 5th cusp of Gambling and Risk-Taking, and upon US natal South Node, too. This indicates the US falling back on old behaviors (SN) of disenfranchising those who can least afford to be harmed by Pluto/Chiron's Oil Can Harry attitude and actions. One thinks of April 15th as Tax Day when, thanks to recent legislation, the poorest among us are to be the only ones who will
not benefit from the President's extension of tax cuts. Some compromise that tilts the financial hourglass even more toward the upper crust.
Testosterone-driven Mars, god of war, is in 6th house and rules 7th and 8th houses; Mr. Contentious is in militaristic Pisces as American wars continue; health issues of our returning soldiers remain critical with
sacred warrior Chiron also in sympathetic Pisces. A Mars/Neptune (Neptune bwo Pisces) connection may describe infections, epidemics, poisons, gas, and/or travel over water.
Debt (8th house) and imprisonment concerns continue with Mars affecting 12th house, the polarity of its placement in 6th house.
All in all, the chart has many planets (actors) in the northern hemisphere showing many private issues of note to be addressed for Spring 2011. Only two planets are in the public sector (Mercury and Jupiter), and most of the initiative belongs not to America but to others with only two planets (Saturn and the Moon) in the eastern half of the chart from which we will operate this spring. America's Saturn Return is in full swing with issues of authority, responsibility, accountability, lack, delay, and loss on the US menu.
To close, here is a round-up of five prominent midpoint pictures in the chart which will flavor Spring 2011; look to the house positions of the apex planets to see where the midpoint energies play out along with associated house rulerships; the Saturn/Uranus picture with apex Pluto has been in effect prior and returns for a replay of its difficult energies:
Sun/Saturn = Pluto: elimination of pessimism or despair; disciplined people who want and attract power; overwhelming rigidity and inflexibility; an increased will to retaliate against others for slights; illness inhibits development; pressure to change one's entire value system.
Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: upheaval to protect assets; rebellion; tremendous fear of loss; violence and brutality; harm through force majeure (war); a desire to overcome difficult situations through extraordinary efforts; concealing changes to activities; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation.
(Note: both Sun/Saturn and Saturn/Uranus are quindecile - 165 degrees - an aspect of obsession-compulsion: Sun QD Saturn = obsessed with 'measuring up'; driven to prove oneself through ambition and accomplishment; can be cold and calculating; may assume authoritative role with others; can set goals and achieve them if focused. Saturn QD Uranus = driven toward breaking old, outdated concepts through use of innovative ideas; may disrupt governing systems; can break rules through defiance of law and order; benefit comes through societal changes for the betterment of mankind.) (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)
Mars/Jupiter = Sun: leadership; success; organizational talent; love of enterprise; resolutions to correct past errors; legal or religious defenses; strong determination toward objectives.
Mars/Jupiter = Uranus: ability to find the best political approaches during times of unrest; abrupt uses of of social forces; studying people's motivations; urge for freedom and independence; ambition; making sudden decisions; unexpected events within partnerships or business; active resistance to tutelage or guardianship.
Jupiter/Neptune = Mars: speculation; unreliability; being let down by others; plans without prospect; defiant reactions toward explanations about delays, confusion, or laxity in meeting obligations; strong idealism; a need for practical focus; the courage to defend one's explanations of reality. #
Well, I cannot possibly cover everything in one post so your courteous, on-topic comments and opinions are much appreciated. And tomorrow I shall add a few more details on Spring EQ 2011 on my Jude's Threshold blog because I'm too wumped out by this post to do it now. jc(All Midpoints: Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl; as always,
any, all, or
none may apply and are subject to stimulation by transits and progressions.)
*One more word about the violence in Tucson and violence-touting political rhetoric in the US: to me it seems similar to what I've thought for years about the violent swill put into society by Hollywood studios and others: it isn't the normal among us most affected, for you and I can choose to watch horror, slasher, and other such films (and listen to violent rhetoric) till the cows come home and not act out in the least. It's what watching films or playing violent games does to the unbalanced among us who, often youthful, may view or listen thousands of times over until anti-social messages are drilled into their heads by people who chose to pander to the lowest common denominator in order to seek their fortunes.
Now I know the computer game industry has been used for years as a recruitment tool for the US military (a habit I decry) yet that and other 'entertainments' may also serve as violent stimuli toward
action by the mentally and emotionally impaired among us. The 22-year-old shooter in Tucson seems at this early point to be a prime example of this sad dynamic. And the depleted state of the US mental health 'system' - seriously cut under the presidency of Ronald Reagan and others - is also at fault.
My sincere prayers are lifted up for Rep. Gifford's full recovery and for the other victims and their grieving families. Meanwhile, some media types are high-mindedly calling once again for a time of
soul-searching in America with which I agree. But imho, there are certain individuals in public life who need to search whatever consciences they may have, if they can find them, and perhaps reconsider and reign in their kingly, out-of-bounds political ambitions. Yet John Boehner's statement on the violence in Tucson sounded to me as if the GOP have no plans to back off their Machiavellian tactics after this next week when all votes in Congress are cancelled. But I do hope I'm wrong about that for the sake of America and for the future of America's children.
President Obama has called for a national Moment of Silence in honor and remembrance of Saturday's Tucson victims to be observed on Monday January 10, 2011 at 11:00 am est.