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Showing posts with label gangsterism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gangsterism. Show all posts

Nov 3, 2017

On Kent State 1970 and Donald Trump

Perhaps it was only a matter of time before the horrid Kent State Massacre and Nixon's criminal abuse of power came up in conversations across America concerning Mr. Trump's perceived and apparent misbehavior and his ham-fisted presidency. Some of his behavior, at least, seems premeditated yet with a heavy sauce of chicanery ladled on and lying on a bed of steamy racketeering.

Note that as transit Uranus in late Aries currently approaches the Midheaven of the Kent State Massacre Horoscope (linked, above) we find Mr. Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02) rising in the chart. Significant?

Born in Queens NY on June 14, 1946, the well-placed Mr. Trump was about to turn 24 yo on May 4, 1970 so he was of college age, one assumes. Or, out of school and already floatin' get-rich-quick schemes, one imagines. Anyhow, the future mogul must have had some kind of emotional reaction to the outrageous event (even if only make-believe for public consumption) but who can say with a man who expresses so completely the Mercury-Neptune-square energies he was born with. Other planetary aspects might have offset the negative (falsifying) energies of the square with its 'distorted perceptions about others', indiscretion, and deceit (both to and from). Transcendence is possible for human beings of course but ultimately he would have to decide for himself and would really want to change his selfish ways.

Until Mr. Trump shows a willingness and an ability to change, the American people and the world are stuck with his Uranus @17Gemini+ in 10th house of Public Status, Recognition, and Career--leading the rest of his planets in a peculiarly chaotic march through our lives. Those determined to collapse America are well on the way to their goal--or want us to believe they are and can't be stopped (kinda like a Void-Of-Course Moon phase when something nefarious is being carried out). Quirky is as quirky does.

Now many folk say that change for Donald Trump is impossible or, at best, doubtful. And yet I'm placing a topical Poll near the top of the SO'W sidebar in a jiff to see what you think. Please take a moment to respond!

Note: the post linked above shows the "Point! Fire!" Horoscope set for Kent Ohio 12:24 pm on May 4, 1970. Included is a video concerning the event which will be disturbing for some viewers. Please use with caution. jc

Trump Current Lunar Phase and SP New Moon 2019.

The Oriental Planet of Donald Trump (electrifying magnetic Uranus).

Jun 11, 2007

one more time with feeling: The Chaos Blues

Unpack your favorite music hall refrain Maude so you can sing along to the Chaos Blues because it may do us good to sing it one more time before
the man rides the ass on Tuesday (Bush to Capitol Hill, Moon's degree: "16Tau" according to Adriano Carelli's book, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.)

Master Carelli says this degree describes someone who is "groundlessly cocksure" (which may be an oxymoron about a moron of mayhem, imho.)

He further adds that "foolish self-assurance" will result in misfortunes later in life. "Neither exile nor forceful segregation can be ruled out. Marriage may be lucky."

Tuesday June 12 Bush has lunch with his enablers (guess all of them employ Royal Taste-Testers):

At apex point in a Fixed T-Square, the Moon acts as catalyst (and on a level may so obviously represent a lady on the Hill) and so we find a stalemate situation--and stalemates seem to follow the irrationally and stubbornly-willed George Bush everywhere he goes--on Tuesday to speak to the Hill politicians ostensibly about the recent non-passage of the oft-trumpeted Immigration Bill so hastily and sloppily cobbled together.

Pluto/Chiron issues continue: racism, class warfare, oppression, women's issues, plutocracy...the pilagers and hoodlums with gangsterism rotting their hearts--against society.

Didn't Tony Soprano teach them anything? Seems not.

On Tuesday: over the Capitol Building, there is formed a Fixed T-Square indicating a rigid situation in which there will be explosive venting of emotions that rise from a habitual determination to re-energize conditions which no longer exist.

There's a deep urge to retain what is possessed (the Rich Man's back-monkey?)

Adaptability and detachment are lacking and past methodical planning may no longer hold sway as it once did. An aversion to change is petulantly on display.

Yes, it's a Battle of Wills on Tuesday and the chamber walls may shake--even with violence. Bush's demanding and obsessive needs completely block the needs of others and this may tell the tale of the Republican Party's inner conflicts at the very thought of hangin' with Bush as the 2008 Election nears.

{The alternate script: a surprise will make Bush's continuance in the role of "president" supposedly necessary--while Putin does what must be done to keep his throttling grasp on power's throat in Russia.}

Not that our votes count for anything in the US...our "inauguration" is a coronation from on-high--the ruling 'elite' lavishes the spoils to the "victor" who will do their bidding with few known facts on hand before making decisions (as one is directed. The big piture must be followed: very little option to do otherwise.)

With Bush's strong-arm visit to Congress this week, his grand irrationality will be in evidence as the brickwall is shaken with the ferocity of a bull who keeps bashing his horns until they're bloodied and he's comatose. He is the bull and he is the matador ole!

This creature has a low character (Saturn/Neptune = Moon: low character; emotional immaturity; pessimism; emotional drain.) This relates to the animal nature--and Taurus the Bull is an able carrier of the archetype, isn't he?

And wouldn't you know? Asteroid, Sisyphus is rising in the chart for 9:30 am edt!

Plus, we remember that these days the tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint is triggering Bush's natal IC, the Endings/Partings Point, the HOW? of the chart, the Basis or Foundation/one's Roots. Gangsterism!

In Bush's chart, n IC's degree (HOW?) is:

"23Libra"..."Chanticleer": keyword: FERVOR...

pos: a fearless self-affirmation which gains a sympathetic attention and wins immediate allegiance from the hearts and minds of everybody (sound familiar, Sparkie?);

neg/unconscious or shadow side: ill-starred conceit and ineffectual bombast.

It's quite possible that quacker George Bush has only bombast left in his bag of tricks although he thinks to engage in power plays for personal advancement.

Yet if Congress bows again to the belittled and belittling dictator, we'll know they really are as in-cahoots with the Bush regime as many people were afraid they were.

Now we have to rid ourselves of that pile of termites, too.

June 12's Sun "21Gem+" may be found in May's post on Lincoln's Minor chart...look for info on George Bush's n Uranus/NN conjunction ('reformist political groups') and there you'll find this Tuesday's degree of the Sun as well.

And Bush's Uranus/NN conjunction being highlighted by the Sun? high tension; a group taking action; excitement; violence at the slightest provocation (Ebertin; Tyl.)