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Showing posts with label Mercury-Neptune square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercury-Neptune square. Show all posts

May 28, 2024

Le Donald and "Mama Trump"

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Reams of information and opinions have been written about the presumptive Republican nominee for 2024, and when we look at the natal horoscope of Mary Anne Trump, mother of Le Donald, we find planetary contacts between them as one would expect between mother and son, uncontrollable as Uranian Donald is said to have been, and continues to be.

In fact, a "military" reform school became necessary for the little bully and it's said that the young Donald thrived there, enjoying the "hazing" among other activities. It's also said that Mama Trump left New York each summer for Scotland, her homeland, in order to get away from her son. My suspicion is that there was more to it than this, but escaping from an uncontrollable offspring would certainly have been a plus for her.

An Astrological Comparison of Planets

Handily, both Donald's and "Mama Trump"'s natal charts are RR:AA for accuracy. Below you see a bi-wheel with Mama Trump in center, Le Donald outer, plus, the "noon" natal planets of Fred ("Papa" Trump") are penned around the outside of the bi-wheel and are highlighted in green:

Four significant factors pop out to me between Mama Trump and son:

1. Both were born with Mercury-Neptune squares of fantasy, deception, tone deafness, lack of discrimination, and "the sneaky mind" (A. Oken), and 2. Donald's natal Mars @27Leo opposes his Mama's natal Moon @27AQ which echoes the same opposition between Donald and the US 1776 Moon (We the People) of July 4, 1776, late afternoon. The opposition also reveals something about the "grown-up" Donald's shabby, predatory treatment and rude insults against womankind (symbolized by his early views of Mama Trump) but the topic is beyond the scope of this brief post.

Then perhaps with number 3, we see his Moon-South-Node conjunction showing the duo's emotional alienation and estrangement from one another with separations each summer the best outlet Mama Trump could come up with to manage this unfortunate energy and the lack of sympathy it suggests. And notably, Moon-opposite-Mars is the "Don't tred on me" aspect (A. Oken)!

4. As for Mama Trump's difficulties with Baby Donald, a Lunar Eclipse @23Sag04 on the day of his birth suggests what may have been health concerns for her (Moon inconjunct both Venus and Saturn) along with any emotional issues she may have had regarding the pregnancy.

Actually, some form of violence may have been involved, and since Trump's J6 coup attempt upon the US Congress resulted in violent acts, it seems significant to me, if not to you, that his day-of-birth Lunar Eclipse was activated by the Electoral College Vote 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 (@23Sag08) with its themes of 'strong emotions over relationships and/or money; anger, lust; events beyond control; a sense of fatedness; a sudden urge to end unions ("ha*g Mike Pence"?); great frustration due to blocked emotions; avoid taking rash action for best results' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

And so the hostility, aggression, distaste, criticism, targeting, scapegoating, and a variety of negative emotions issuing from Mars-rising Donald's vengeful, grudge-holding personality are inherent within this configuration of conflict (Moon-Mars) with its malicious motives and this ought to be obvious, distasteful, and unacceptable to a majority of Americans as they plan to Vote for Democracy in November 2024.

Meanwhile, Le Donald continues to rebelliously act out against deep feelings of unlovability (from Mama), and the bullying he experienced via Papa Fred's powerful Pluto conjunct his natal Sun in Gemini while opposing and devastating Donald's natal Moon and Luna's reigning need (Sag). For as Donald's natal Jupiter in Libra (conjunct his Astraea, asteroid of Justice!) constantly cries into the ether to anyone who will listen, "It's not fair!"

May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024 NYC: Hope Hicks Testifies

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Today at around 11:30 am edt in the Manhattan courtroom of Judge Marchan, a former close associate of Donald Trump was called to the stand in Trump's Election Interference/Hush Money Trial. On the stand, Hope Hicks pointed toward Trump's assistant Rhona Graff as a source of information, and testified that Trump was a great multi-tasker.

My understanding has been that not one penny ever left the Trump Organization without Donald okaying it, but maybe that's just me. Is it you?

Solar Eclipses Cycle 'Round Again

Notably, the upcoming 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Libra - the Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') that will influence Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 with themes of loss and separation - happens to be the PE Series into which Hope Hicks was born on October 21, 1988 under 8 South influences, plus, issues of dedication, perception, logic, and/or health issues when in Mercury-ruled Virgo (R. Lineman).

Significantly, the lady's natal Mercury @11Libra will be directly hit by the 8 South Eclipse this October (or influential as early as mid-September) and this will activate her natal Neptune @7Cap42 as well - because Ms. Hicks was born with a Mercury-Neptune square as was Big Liar Trump. Therefore, the square suggests a tendencies to adjust data, and to deceive and fantasize as she served in the White House and has testified today about her boss. And like agent orange, she may tend to hear only what she wants to hear with this square. Later I'll want to catch up with the evening news concerning how her testimony turned out today.

Hope Hicks: Saturn-Uranus Conjunction 1988 = Powder Keg!

Now there are differences between her and Herr T's natal planets, of course, but we're talking about Mercury the messenger and her testimony today so her Mercury-Neptune square is, shall we say, under scrutiny, as is the square of fact-challenged Trump, fantasist extraordinaire.

So meanwhile, here's the 8 South Horoscope of Hope Hicks which perfected on September 11, 1988 @18Vir40. A few of my study notes are penned on the chart but I know there are more cosmic factors worth discovering for the curious:

Now I don't know what the rest of 2024 holds for Miss Hicks, but when an individual's PE repeats (about every 19 years), the themes and aspects of its subsequent manifestations may or may not repeat through life events. Because, as with all eclipses, cyclical repetitions of eclipses are replete with unpredictable Uranian 'wild card' possibilities which may include a change of direction.

Aug 17, 2022

America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle

Horoscope: Sept 14, 1775 2:28:45 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Mercury-Neptune Conjunct @22Vir25:21

Mercury Thinks, Plans, Schemes as Titanic Neptune on a Bad Day Spreads Lies, Fear, Paranoia, and Sabotage

by Jude Cowell

On SO'W, the planetary pair of Mercury and Neptune turns up quite often in a variety of configurations, not the least of which are the First Shot of the Civil War (Mercury-Neptune = Ascendant: 'being exploited' - N. Tyl), and the natal Mercury-Neptune square of orator Donald Tr*mp, an aspect that Alan Oken labeled, The Sneaky Mind.

Now personally, as a descendant of CSA soldiers, I can't consider it a coincidence that Uranian Tr*mp the chaos agent of sabotage and espionage uses this deceptive, fantasy-prone square to promote his Big Lie along with all his other lies and schemes in order to lead the global criminal network of white supremacists, fasc*sts, and naz*s into fomenting an alleged second 'Civil War' in America.

Well, this orange-haired foreign asset and his comrades have managed to pit 1/3 of the country against the rest, haven't they? And naturally, the American Revolution, which began in 1775, is also being used by Trumpian insurrectionists, thugs, and their wealthy corporate backers for malevolent propaganda purposes to fool Republican voters and grasp power and control. In their hot little minds, a government take-over is in progress but we can stop them as we did in 1933 with President Joe Biden in FDR's role.

See Zealotry and the Civil War's Progressed Full Moon (the War's 1861 and Progressed Full Moon horoscopes are shown). And US Events of 1775.

So here's an excerpt from a previous post, linked, below:

The Combination of Mercury-Neptune

"Sociological Correspondence: Actors, deceitful people, liars."

Footnote: "Under Sociological Correspondence of Mercury/Neptune one should add "so-called saints," i.e., people who are found under this combination sometimes appear in every way perfect, they appear to have no faults until one day it is discovered they are almost the reverse of what they appeared to be. This is sometimes the case with actors who have to wear a mask which is not in accord with their personality, or in the case of diplomats who play a part in the course of their work and say something different from what they think. In these cases this describes the work they do" (R. Ebertin). Excerpted from Trump's Mercury-Neptune.

So let's go ahead and close this post featuring the highly imaginative duo of Mercury and Neptune and Tr*mp's brazen use of its energies with a link to a previous post concerning Leaders Who Rule on a Whim for we've certainly seen what such an unfit, loose cannon, disloyal president can lead America into and what our democratic Republic can very well do without: any form of fasc*sm, naz*sm, or any other -ism that enemies of our nation have in their scheming, grasping minds.

Dec 11, 2021

Trump determined to 'Occupy the Capitol" on 1/6

Of Saboteurs in the Halls and Chambers of Congress

by Jude Cowell

December 11, 2021

Perhaps by now you've heard or read that the Team Tr*mp Plot on January 6th was actually to occupy the Capitol Building long enough for Tr*mp allies in six states to decertify and overturn the 2020 Election on behalf of the orange wanna-be dictator. Follow the link to read Seth Abramson's informative piece on this treasonous topic.

Obviously, things turned out differently than in the Mercury-Neptune-square fantasy world of Herr Tr*mp but as many folks have asserted, the insurrection of January 6, 2021 was only a trial run or practice session for the coup-to-come.

Now as readers of Stars Over Washington know, the 1/6 attack on the US Congress, its planning stages, and events leading up to it occurred under the difficult influence of the karmic 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, a Total lunation that 'eclipsed' political proceedings on the very day the Electoral College met and cast their votes. Thus, strong emotions were triggered with the results issuing from the 'for Biden-against Tr*mp' outcome continuing to cause destabilizing, threatening, even violent events to ripple through US society to this day.

And for the first time ever, our country's traditional 'peaceful transfer of power' was not allowed to occur with destructive egotist Tr*mp involved - for him, malicious scheming took precedence assuring that it wouldn't be a "transfer" of power, he'd said, but a continuation. Well, no. Because of course, the traditional certification of Electoral College votes in and by the US Congress was set for January 6, 2021 and this process was what Don*ld wanted stopped or at least delayed until the six states could manipulate their 2020 election results in the loser's favor. The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) has published a blog about the 2020 election numbers if you'd care to check it out.

Meanwhile, a post with details concerning the Astrology of the coup attempt on January 6th is linked underneath the following bi-wheel which shows the January 6, 2021 Horoscope of the 'Mob Attack' set for 2:15 pm est Capitol Building surrounding America's 'Powell' Horoscope of July 1, 1776 - and as you see, there are zealous, demagoguing, double Mercury-Pluto influences activating the US Mercury-Pluto opposition with its inherent desire to corrupt existing circumstances even while thought patterns tend to disintegrate:

Chart Details: January 6th Planets link to US 1776 Chart and reveal that transiting asteroid Nemesis @25Scorpio conjuncts the natal Midheaven ('MC', the Goal Point) of Herr Tr*mp where venemously enraged star Algol happens to incessantly lurk. And to me, this cosmic synchronicity describes the orange blighter as a foe of all humanity.

May 10, 2021

Evidence of "The Big Lie" from 2016 and Beyond

Is planet Neptune in Shady Pisces "The Big Lie"?

by Jude Cowell

A few days ago when Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"? was published here on SO'W concerning Rep. Liz Cheney's recent WaPo op-ed about the GOP's "turning point" from conservatism in favor of Trump's delusion of "The Big Lie," two progressed horoscopes were included which revealed that yes, the Republican Party (1854) does currently have "turning point" YOD patterns in both progressed charts, one with US Saturn (14Lib48) at apex and clear-eyed Saturn the planet of reality, truth, fact, and karma.

The subtitle of the above-linked post relates directly to the focus of today's offering: 'Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!'. Now it's true that a case can be made for June 2015 when Tr*mp officially threw his red cap into the presidential ring, but let's take a look back to 2016 via the lens of Astrology to find "Big Lie" indications in real time, the real time of 2016 through the auspices of a certain 19 North Solar Eclipse.

For on September 1, 2016, a Solar Eclipse @9Virgo manifested in the 19 North Saros Series (family) with themes of: 'realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it is rather than what he or she thought it was; a constructive time for tackling the truth' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Dual DC Horoscopes: Inauguration 2017 and Inauguration 2021

Note gaseous Neptune in Pisces in 11th house opposing the 19 North Eclipse in 5th house (across the self-will axis) in the lower left Horoscope of Inauguration 2017. Eclipses are, as usual, penned on charts as 'PE' (Prenatal Eclipses).

So as you see, what made the 2016 repetition of a realism-promoting 19 North eclipse significant and inspired the misdirection of its honest energies was the Saturnian fact that transit Neptune in its own sign of shady, secretive Pisces directly opposed the eclipse and made the finding, uncovering, and speaking of truth highly challenging if not impossible for a time. Add to this the facts that the 19 North eclipse of 2016 occurred during Campaign 2016 (so full of lies, liars, and Neptunian confusion and delusion!) and is the series that affected (or dare I say was responsible for) Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. So perhaps you agree that the atmosphere in the US of fact vs fantasy closely describes the White House residency of Donald Tr*mp, born under a deceptive Mercury-Neptune square (from Cancer to Libra) which just keeps on misperceiving and lying, even to himself. Yep, add such unfortunate energies from early parental input and The Prevaricator has become a fantasist extraordinaire, a veritable lie factory! Would you dare to say he's The Father of Lies?

Well, unfortunately, the former guy's fantasies are continuing to bedevil US society and The Gullible among us well into 2021 and beyond and they form the basis for donations to the orange one, plus, lawsuits, recounts, and voter suppression laws in various states written and passed under the Neptunian guise of "securing" future elections. Translation: assuring Republican "victories" because their draconian policies can't win with a majority of the American people which makes cheating the GOP's only recourse for grasping power. News Flash: cheating isn't winning, it's stealing.

And of course, when the Republican Party formed in 1854, Neptune in mid-Pisces was at or very near the "A Lady in FOX Fur" degree (my BOLD). Now as you know, early on the most prominent mouthpiece for GOP lies was, of course, Fox 'News' but now they have other propaganda platforms from which to spout falsehoods and Tr*mp's "Big Lie" in order to fuel his and the GOP's sordid attempt to coup the White House (again!) or least to make a 2024 presidential bid seem plausible and justified to the cult followers that agent orange constantly fleeces. This way, he hasn't completely lost the White House as his lucrative cash cow!

To close this fussy post, a few details concerning dubious Neptune afflicting a solar eclipse include conditions of chaos and confusion, states of tension and deception, people being pulled between reality and illusion/truth and fallacy, and a need for Saturnian objectivity if any karmic progress at all is to be made. Hopefully, our society is better situated in 2021 (with the former guy scheming in Florida) to see things and people for what they really are (come on Trump supporters!) so that criminals will be held accountable and justice on behalf of the American people will at last be served.

Related Posts: Inauguration 2025 Horoscope and America and the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy showing the May 1, 2021 Horoscope of transit Neptune in contagious Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in fact-finding Virgo, sign of health and employment; plus, America has reached many turning points through the years such as the one in 1981 under the rays of the Reaganomics Eclipse and after 40 years of the "trickle down economics" delusion promoted by economic royalists, its harmful influences are finally, hopefully, coming to an end via the pro-America policies of President Joe Biden and his promise that "help is on the way."

Feb 7, 2021

March 4, 2021: Trump's "Shadow Inauguration"?

February 7, 2021: How Pathetic Can One Man's Ego Be?

by Jude Cowell

Answer: Off the charts, it seems. One of the oddest 'QAnon' theories of late is noted in a January 2021 article published on vice dot com that: Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 19th president of the United States on March 4, 2021. Might a peek at a speculative (fantasy-based from agent orange's Mercury-Neptune square of deception and misperception) "Shadow Inauguration Horoscope" interest you? Me, too. Besides, everyone is quite familiar by now with agent orange's fantasy-based Mercury-Neptune square of deception and misperception that inspires and generates his tiresome spinning of tall tales and his lamentable inability to deal with, or hear, the truth.

As for setting up a horoscope, the problem is, I've found no hour or location for the proposed ego-laced event so I've set the following March 4, 2021 Horoscopes for 12:00 pm in Mar-A-Lago, Florida (upper right) and Washington DC (lower left) for your viewing pleasure. These locations at noon give us some indication of the March 4th cosmic weather if (or not!) such an event takes place at all. My notes are penned on the image but I'll add a few Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio details below the image because they seem in my opinion to fit the man and the day's conditions quite well.

Mar-A-Lago vs Washington DC

You'll note that in DC the chart-ruler is the Scorpio Moon (changes; publicity) while in Florida it's oath-taking Mercury (also changes, and transactions). As you see, Mercury conjuncts wide-girthed Jupiter at the "A Man Unmasked" degree denoting far-reaching plans of a legal nature (9th house). Plus, Venus and Saturn - together a dissatisfied pair - are the only planets that change houses between the two locations.

With Mars rising in his natal chart, Trump is often associated with planet Mars, and here in 12th house, we have a cosmic picture of a man who deeply feels the erosion of his personal power. Plus, contentious warrior Mars conjuncts fixed star Alcyone which gives him something to cry about. However, for Trump, we should probably add whine to the star's to-do list.

Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon tilts the rim of a BOWL shape of planets suggesting a self-contained personality focused on ambition and career (10th house is inside the BOWL). People advocating for a cause or a mission may also be indicated although they're working with limited experience of the world.

But note the Syzygy Moon @8Vir57 (the Full Moon of February 27th - disrupts and reveals like a Lunar Eclipse) at the IC (Basis of the Matter) in Washington which, by degree, re-activates the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Vir21 - the Prenatal Eclipse of Election 2016 and of Inauguration 2017. Cosmically imprinted upon his White House tenure, 19 North themes have remained applicable during the 'Trump era' (which he seeks to expand) and perhaps you remember them: "realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is; a good time for tackling the truth" (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology) #ad. Perhaps you also remember that transit Neptune, planet of deception, fraud, and grand schemes, opposed the 19 North Eclipse and has managed to muddy every issue possible with lies and fantasies while sojourning in the mid-degrees of Pisces where masking Neptune resides in the Republican Party founding horoscope/s of 1854.

And so in 2021, members of the Republican Party continue ill-advised attempts to "vouch" for arch deceiver and saboteur extraordinaire Donald Trump, no matter what it costs the people of the United States of America.

Now here are dual horoscopes for March 4, 2021's proposed "Shadow Inauguration" of the reviled con man with mobster ties, Donald Trump, an albatross around America's neck if there ever was one:

Now the Double Water blend of Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio (vibes of Jupiter-Neptune and Mars-Pluto) describes an emotionally biased, intensely subjective combination of conscious and unconscious energies. Scathingly critical, this blend suggests those who are ruled by their emotions, opinions, and convictions (if only!), and tend to feel right at home in the underworld. Stubborn and cantankerous, this brooding combo denotes those with vivid imaginations and a dominating personality which relies on sensationalism. Using any manipulation necessary in order to gain and grasp the reins of power, Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio types can be strong in adversity, intensely intuitive, prejudiced, and irrationally suspicious.

This blend is shared natally by author John Steinbeck, and in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys suggest a couple of 'Images for Integration', one of which (you may agree) closely applies to the grudge-holding fellow with the pathetically huge ego:

For it is, "The Grapes of Wrath."

Aug 20, 2020

Dear Astrology: Is Donald Trump "the chosen one"?

Astro-Notes: Trump's Unconscious Desires

by Jude Cowell

August 20, 2020: On August 21, 2019, Donald Trump, while speaking to reporters, declared, "I am the chosen one" who "was put here by people." He was referring to his dealings with China but had a few hours earlier tweeted about being the 'king of Israel' and the "Second Coming" of God. While the man's Christ vs anti-Christ status remains a topic of debate, Trump is well known for having a massive ego, and for being a serial liar and con man. But can Natal Astrology account for an expanded self-image of such celestial magnitude?

Now often his misperceptions, deceptions, deceit, loose lips, indiscretion, and odd notions I have put down to his Mercury-Neptune square for many of his personal flaws can be put down to it, along with his Geminian tendency toward duplicity. But it seems to me that daring to cast himself as a messiah figure (out loud in public!) cries out for additional astrological input. What could reflect such ideas about his self-image?

Now you should know that I sometimes awaken from dreams in which Astrology appears, as I did today, and this time the subject was squares. Knowing a little about a certain square in particular which relates to one's self-image and identity I snagged a quick glance at the natal aspects of Donald Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt - allegedly - Queens or Jamaica, NY). No, Trump wasn't born with a Sun-Neptune square, thought I, but lo and behold what he does have is what I've previously called a "hidden square", an aspect of 256 degrees (or, a 1-2 degree orb), unconscious to be sure. Now for astrologers who use such an aspect (could this be you?), for Trump this falls within the Sun-Neptune square category so here I shall quote from The Astrologers' Handbook (Sakoian and Acker) lest any reader think I'm making this up. Their description will cover romantic and financial tendencies, too, and here I shall add that his father (Sun) didn't provide Donnie with a healthy self-image--it was, in fact, full of error (Neptune):

Sun Square Neptune: "This is the aspect of self-deception par excellence. If the natives are mystically inclined, they often consider themselves the chosen vessels of some Master or Divine Being. This belief is often the result of an unconscious desire for importance.

These persons can be vessels in a pure sense, but only if the rest of the horoscope shows a good mentality, humility, and realistic practicality. A well-developed Mercury and Saturn will do much to offset the negative effects of this square.

Very often peculiar emotional desires and romantic tendencies are indicated which can range from platonic love to the most morbid and debased physical type of sensuality. Secret love affairs and scandal leave confusion in their wake.

The imagination is often overworked and feeds the natives desires to the point where they indulge in self-destructive acts. Severe weaknesses of character can develop, distorting perception of reality. But these difficulties will be manifested only if the rest of the horoscope provides indications of a similar nature.

Usually there is a tendency toward escapism as a means of avoiding individual responsibility and discipline. A well developed Saturn will offset this.

Utmost caution should be exercised to avoid involvement in cults and occult mystical activities of a spurious sort. The motives and character of people who interact with the native emotionally should be carefully and objectively scrutinized.

Unstable and unwise financial speculation should be avoided, since get-rich quick schemes will end in disaster."

Well, there it is. Or there he is. Whether you, dear reader, agree with this description, scoff at the importance of hidden squares, or stubbornly refuse to see Trumpian flaws due to your own idolatry of the man, you may agree or disagree with the above assessment as you wish. However, Trump's Saturn in watery Cancer is weakened by its detriment (opposite Capricorn) and his Mercury in emotional, overly sensitive, self-protective Cancer causes him to look only at facts he wants to see and deny the rest, as well as to consider whatever is done or said within his environment to be directed at himself. And as leader of the 'cult of Trump', backed by hidden people who 'put him here' in the White House, his leanings and tendencies seem clear to me, if not to you, as described, above.

Yes, more aid from his natal Mercury and Saturn would help his Sun-Neptune condition, of course, but I don't consider that to be the case for the poor old fella.

And when we look to the midpoint of his Mercury-Saturn @16Can20, what do we find? Why, his natal Nemesis @16Can40, of course! Trump, at loose ends in the White House, apparently spends hours a day pondering (Mercury-Saturn) divine retribution and retaliation (Nemesis) against his enemies (both real and self-created), doesn't he? Add this to his other personal deficiencies such as natal Mars rising in egotistical Leo - aggressively opposing US natal Moon (We The People) - plus, his death-dealing 12th house Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture, and disaster appears atop our mutual menu with alarming frequency.


Above depiction of Trump created by an unknown personage.

Nov 29, 2019

The RICO Act, Little Caesar, and Donald Trump

November 29, 2019: A 10-minute explanatory video R.I.C.O. and the Decline of the Mafia provides several points of interest concerning the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act that Richard Nixon signed into law on October 15, 1970.

Its nickname inspired by the main character 'Rico' in the 1931 film Little Caesar (4m clip), played by Edward G. Robinson, the RICO Act made it possible to indict not just mobsters but mob bosses as well, to seize assets, use 'guilt by association', and later to go after street gangs. RICO was first used on September 18, 1979 (US vs Scotto), and in the 'Decline of the Mafia' video you'll find references to its use by the SDNY office and Rudy Giuiliani who played for the lawful side as a prosecutor (one assumed at the time!) but is now aligned with the very mob-like Trump, a "Little Caesar" of our day, artistically pictured here.

As landmark legislation, prosecutions via the RICO Act made "rat or rot" a popular slogan of the day as 'snitches' turned on their mob bosses to avoid or lessen their own prison sentences, something Trump probably loses sleep over every night. Being snitched on has to be one of the primary reasons Big T obstructs his minions' testimonies, first in the Mueller investigation, now in the Impeachment Inquiry.

How could scofflaw Trump not suffer from consciousness of guilt with so much to hide?

See New Trump Probe Looks a Lot Like a RICO Investigation (The Daily Beast February 8, 2019) and Trump Investigations and the RICO Conspiracy Puzzle. Apparently, conspiracy is easier to prove. But would a racketeering indictment of a corrupt, impeached, faithless, mobbed-up politician be more satisfying for the American people?

So being curious, I checked for any planetary contacts of note between Trump's natal planets (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY) and those of October 15, 1970 and September 18, 1979 ('noon'). Of course, in 1970 he was 24, in 1979 the New York 'playboy' as he styled himself, was 33. What I found was inconclusive in both cases since there are a number of contacts both positive and negative, but the September 18, 1979 planets made the most contacts (including squares from Sun and Moon to natal Sun-Moon and a Neptune-conjunct-natal-Mercury contact which echoes his natal Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy, deceit, and indiscretion). An exact aspect on October 15, 1970 is Saturn quincunx natal Moon (0S00) suggesting emotional turmoil (caused by legal eagle Saturn?) and an undercurrent of guilt.

However, these results indicate to me that the RICO Act probably will not be used against Donald Trump with his decades-long links to global and domestic organized crime but if it ever is, odds are he has a chance of 'beating the rap' in spite of any rats ratting him out.

UPDATE Dec 23, 2021: Things aren't looking as rosy these days for mobster Tr*mp so maybe RICO will be used after all! jc

Oct 5, 2018

Oct 5, 2018 Kavanaugh Senate Vote as Venus turns

As I begin to type October 5, 2018 10:30 am edt, the Senate is said to be voting or are about to vote today on passing Brett Kavanaugh's name on to tomorrow's final vote on his confirmation to the US Supreme Court. My blogging time is brief this Friday morning so I'll simply publish the 10:30 am edt horoscope set for the Capitol Building with the 'noon' natal horoscope of Judge Kavanaugh around it and note the continued frothiness of the Jupiter-Neptune influences, plus the fact that Kavanaugh was born under the same problematic vibes of a Mercury-Neptune square that tends to live in its own imaginary world and have other tendencies which may be read about here:

You see Venus in sexy Scorpio at Station Direct and turning retrograde at 3:04 pm edt while still holding true are the things we've discussed about transit Jupiter opposing Kavanaugh's natal Jupiter (he's unimpressive--ask retired Justice Stephens) and Jupiter conjoining off and on his natal Neptune, a time of pretense, acting, and presenting qualities that one does not actually have--in other words, misrepresenting one's character. As for Venus changing direction on this particular day during this particular event, we might wonder if a lady (Venus) will be reviewing or reversing (Rx) her testimony or perhaps her vote, one way or the other. Please enlarge the image to read further notes.

Sep 13, 2018

The Real Wealth Gap - Truthstream Media

This recent report comes from Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media:

Support the independent work of Truthstream Media @patreon which is especially important now with the entire concept of "truth" under assault by the current administration and its enablers. The assault got a boost under the influence of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @Virgo in the 19 North Saros Series which affected both the 2016 Presidential Election (and Campaign 2016's last couple of months), and the January 20, 2017 Inauguration.

As you remember, the themes of 19N include, 'a good time for tackling the truth; realism; coming down to earth; seeing a situation for what it really is rather than what it seemed to be' (paraphrasing Brady). And the eclipse themes would have timed a lot easier period for society if transit Neptune, planet of fraud, lies, deception, illusions, disappointment, loss, and self-delusion, hadn't opposed the eclipse from its own sign of secretive Pisces at the time--so Neptune arrived with the eclipse to 'oppose' its 'truth' theme.

Tragically for our nation (with our difficult Mars-Neptune square of 'misguided or idealistic actions' from 1776), the 2017 Inauguration also falls under the sway of the 19N, as noted, and we're still arguing over truth vs fiction made very much worse by Mr. Trump's natal fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square of The Sneaky Mind (Oken). This square is perfectly well expressed by Trump's own propaganda ploy "fake" (Neptune) "news" (Mercury) and identifies his inability to listen to others and lack of understanding when he does, his skepticism, lack of discretion, and his odd misconceptions about other people.


Two related astro-posts: Trump 2017 Inauguration's 2019 Solar Return and here is the current Solar Eclipse now in effect and ready to become the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms.

Aug 19, 2018

US in Crisis Mode under Anti-Constitutional Forces

America, We Remember Her Well

by Jude Cowell

August 19, 2018: As you've probably heard by now, former Republican Steve Schmidt told Nicole Wallace that "America is headed for a constitutional crisis" under the 'leadership' of Donald Trump who appears to believe the mistaken notion that he is above the law. Plus, Mr. Trump definitely doesn't care to preserve, protect, or defend the US Constitution as he swore to do and his backers the Koch Brothers, along with Australian mogul Rupert Murdoch and other billionaires, are simply antsy to tinker under the hood of the venerable document with their anti-democratic "liberty" inclinations during a (sham) Constitutional Convention. Their sabotaging reforms would free the compromised Mr. Trump and others to subvert and weaken our nation even more easily than they already have which would clear the way for a 'new order' global government control grid of draconian proportions to complete its implementation--for which implementation America must be knocked from her throne as global leader.

In light of this crisis, a previous SO'W post grumpily attempted to make a big deal out of such threats to the America we've known and want to maintain by posting the horoscope of the upcoming Progressed New Moon (SP) of the US Constitution, a symbolic word picture representing a moment in time--the seeding of a new cycle of activity, or in this case, a new cycle of existence. Now operating within a darkened Balsamic phase of the Moon (a period when shady things can 'go bump in the night'), our Constitution is under assault by forces and entities such as Russia, China, and other actors hiding behind dark curtains--with Trump currently acting as their 'face', his 'MAGA" mask slipping a little every day to reveal the sabotaging smirk underneath.

Note that a horoscope of the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the US Constitution is also shown in the above post but here I shall re-post below the horoscopes of the US Constitution itself (September 17, 1787) and its SP New Moon of November 5, 2018 which perfects one day before the 2018 Midterms. To me such cosmic synchronicity demonstrates another example among others of the importance of voting in the 2018 Midterm Elections for those of us who are determined to keep the US Constitution as-is without Trump-style anti-government types weakening its principles that America depends on. This suggests that it will be necessary for everyone to vote against all Republican candidates on November 6, 2018 although I don't prefer typing what seems to be a partisan message. However, the current American Crisis is that important so I'll do it for the Republic's sake.

Because after the Declaration of Independence was negotiated and partially signed, Benjamin Franklin is reputed to have answered a question from a man on the street, What kind of government do we have? "A Republic if you can keep it," Ben replied. Let's vote to keep it!

First, the original chart of September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA:

Note that the US Constitution actually came into effect on March 4, 1789.

Chart two shown below is the document's SP New Moon Horoscope of November 5, 2018 with the New Moon's Sabian Symbol of 'RESOLUTION': "A Battle Between the Swords and the Torches," a mysterious symbol which may have yet another meaning these days since white supremacists have famously marched with torches in hand. Yet 'lighted torches' are actually an Illuminati tell similar to the one held up by the Statue of Liberty (or 'eternal flames' at certain victims' grave sites)!

Now I wonder if our founding Illuminati-ists, Freemasons, and Rosicrucians would approve of the reforms the Kochs and other anarchists want to perpetrate upon the US Constitution as part of their authoritarian take-over of our country against any and all wishes of We The People?

As you see, the planetary pair of Mercury and Neptune--here rising and setting in opposition--are prominent as they are in the natal chart of Donald Trump who was born with the thinking-tweeting planet Mercury and deceitful Neptune squaring one another, an aspect of "The Sneaky Mind" (Oken). This square, as previously discussed here and elsewhere, identifies Trump as an indiscreet, fantasy-prone fellow whose misconception of facts, off-kilter ideas about other people, and tendency to live in a fantasy world of his own creation aid him in the ruination of our nation.

So is it to be out with the old order of 1776, in with the new? Astrologically that's a Saturn-Uranus kind of thing! Then please keep an eye on the 'resolution' or proposed legislation introduced in Congress for a Constitutional Convention for they are dangerously close to success with calls coming from both Right and Left. Last I read, only 6 more states are needed to reach the 34-state minimum requirement. And let's not fall for the justification of 'strengthening' the document or otherwise 'improving' it for this is precisely the opposite of what the zealots intend.

Here are America's inspiring Charters of Freedom.

Recommended Posts: Horoscope of The Syzygy (Full) Moon Prior to the 2018 Midterms and 'The Conspiracy Party' and Its Neptune in Pisces (talk about weakening!)

Jul 10, 2018

Astro-Notes and an Eclipse for Judge Brett Kavanaugh; June 1, 2006 Judge Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Kennedy in the Rose Garden

All over the news cycle today is Trump's SCOTUS nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Someone at The Hill opines that Kavanaugh Will Not Uphold Roe. On The Federalist Society's short list, Trump could hardly go 'wrong' choosing any of the names to nominate since they were all pre-vetted for the purpose of overturning Roe v Wade and for other decisions intended to shove US society further toward the right, our civil and other rights notwithstanding. Plus, for Trump, Judge Kavanaugh has that extra quality--that apparently his vote will be Trump's trump card to get out of jail free if a case against Mr. Trump should ever come before the Supreme Court. Yet because Judge Kavanaugh may not be the one to take a seat on the SCOTUS bench, let's not spend much energy on him at this point. But we should note that, as reported by The Boston Globe, Born inside the Beltway, Brett Kavanaugh is part of the GOP legal elite so what could possibly go wrong for the rest of us non-elites with Brett on the exalted bench?

Brief Astro-Notes: Brett Kavanaugh

Born in Washington DC on February 12, 1965, the 53-year-old Brett Kavanaugh sports an Air-Water personality blend of Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer with both luminaries remaining in their respective signs for the 24-hour period. Therefore, the humanitarianism of Aquarius and the subjective, clannish tribalism of Moon-ruled Cancer mix to form an idealistic man with a social conscience, a progressive thinker but one who is also emotionally old-fashioned. This makes sense if his aim is to regress American society back to the 1950s by playing the role of an 'activist judge' for he prefers the values and morals of the past. And his Cancer Moon may reveal emotional immaturity at times and is sympatico with Trump's natal Mercury in Cancer.

Actually, this Sun-Moon combination of energies suggests that underneath a friendly veneer Judge Kavanaugh can be naive and detached when scrutinizing others and tends to rationalize the irrational. The unconscious prejudices of this 'kind-hearted rebel' may be somewhat hidden by a warm demeanor while his eccentric ideas may or may not motivate the masses. Motivate them toward protest and rebellion, as his nomination has already done, most likely!

Now Charles and Suzi Harvey provide two Images for Integration for the Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend: "A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order." Within my common-good way of thinking, the first image is difficult to fathom for an anti-government Trump Man but the second is easily believed. After all, this natal personality blend is shared by FDR (and by misogynist Norman Mailer and former Russian president Boris Yeltsin).

Consider the following excerpt from a previous post:

In Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s The Coming of the New Deal (1958) he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

At the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

2 South: The Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Judge Kavanaugh soon repeats

What an apt solar theme for being named to the SCOTUS bench! A solar eclipse in Kavanaugh's 2 South Saros Series perfects on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn with a theme of: joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from them (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Prior to the birth of Baby Brett, the eclipse manifested on December 4, 1964 @12Sagittarius, the position of the US natal Ascendant in our late afternoon charts. And if born near midnight of his birth date, Brett Kavanaugh's natal Moon is @15Cancer and thus will be eclipsed on January 6, 2019.

A Few 2018 Transits to Kavanaugh's Natal Planets (Noon positions)

Not knowing his birth time clouds the astro-picture of Brett Kavanaugh yet we can make a few general observations using a noon natal horoscope set for February 12, 1965 Washington DC. Born during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo, Kavanaugh shares the generational influences of this conjunction which suggests possibilities for higher consciousness, inventiveness, and/or perhaps tendencies toward violence, revolution, and anarchy.

His natal Jupiter-Neptune opposition is about to be visited by Station Direct Jupiter, today @13Sco20, its Station degree and minute. As the expansive planet moves forward for Kavanaugh, transit Jupiter in Scorpio will again oppose his natal Jupiter (17Taurus) with the third and final opposition occurring on or about September 6, 2018. During this period opportunity knocks but 'no one is impressed' with his efforts which may be seen as overblown yet he's feeling an 'urge for greener pastures'. (Obviously, the 'no one' is not a member of the GOP, his sponsors.)

Also, transit Jupiter is in process of conjoining natal Neptune (19Sco59) with the third and final 'dreamy' conjunction on or about September 19, 2018--and the rose-colored glasses are in constant use. However, going on a spiritual retreat would be more beneficial for him than falling for any pie-in-the-sky schemes which may be presented, successful SCOTUS bid or not.

Now as you know, transit Mars turned retrograde on June 27, 2018 @9AQ13, a shift of direction which occurred upon Brett Kavanaugh's natal Venus. This suggests the forming of new alliances, renewed physical efforts, and enthusiastic social events. Legal matters are a major focus under this transit which will re-occur due to Rx Mars. Groups are somehow involved due to Mars and Venus being in Aquarius so this transit seems to look ahead toward the 2 South Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019, as noted.

Not nearly as rosy is the fact that Kavanaugh's natal Moon in Cancer has or will be opposed by transit Saturn in Capricorn though it's difficult to time this important transit without an accurate birth hour. Using the Moon's noon position of 7Can47, transit Saturn has begun its three oppositions, the third and final of which will perfect on November 30, 2018. A depressive influence, this Saturnian year for him may merely involve the professional realms such as the law, the court, judgeship, and taking on major responsibilities, or it can suggests family, health, or other personal problems--or a blend of both (Career vs Home Life) and with timing issues involved. And of course if his Moon is in a late degree of Cancer, this restrictive, delaying Saturnian influence could continue into 2019. Yet this transit to Moon by solid, sober Saturn is one of only two transits listed here without an element of dreaminess so perhaps it will provide the Judge with real possibilities he can count on. For when working together Moon-Saturn can indicate ambition, strategy, and direction (Tyl).

As for opponents of the SCOTUS nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, today's position of opinionated Mercury in mid-Leo opposes the Judge's natal Mercury in mid-Aquarius which provides a rather clear image of what's in store as his pre-vetted nomination hearings get underway (assuming he makes it to Capitol Hill to play his role in the Capitol Hill Theater production, Let's Rubber Stamp Kavanaugh! If the GOP can get away with it!)

So any time transit Mercury opposes natal Mercury we expect such potentials as verbal disputes, differing opinions, and questions left unanswered. Sounds like a typical day on Capitol Hill, yes, but the result of this particular charade is pre-determined, no matter what Mercury thinks or says. For after all, Kavanaugh's natal North Node @21Gemini (NN = future direction; destiny) conjoins the 10th house Gemini trio of Donald Trump--his Uranus-NN-Sun--and all conjoin US natal Mars in Gemini--so therefore, all square US natal Neptune in Virgo which can only add to the confusion, deception, and fantasy elements of the Kavanaugh-Trump relationship.

And one more transit--Neptune today @16Pis22 Rx conjoins Kavanaugh's natal Chiron (16Pis49) which suggests to me that something involving his mentor (Chiron in Pisces) is not fully revealed or is being purposefully evaded. Judge Kavanaugh's mentor is said to be Justice Anthony Kennedy whose recent retirement has made Kavanaugh's seating on the SCOTUS bench possible at this time. Is masking Neptune, planet of scandals, fraud, falsehoods, and propaganda, attempting to veil secrets concerning the Kavanaugh-Kennedy-Trump trio and their past financial dealings?

A Saturnian Transit Note re: Donald Trump

As we've previously discussed, all through 2018 'legal eagle' Saturn in transit has been performing a series of squares and oppositions to the natal Mercury-Neptune square of Donald Trump, a fantasist who seldom if ever discriminates between fact and fiction. The next exact such transit by realistic Saturn is another square to his natal Neptune on November 11, 2018, then a final opposition to Trump's natal Mercury befalls on December 10, 2018. As goes POTUS, so goes America.

Apr 30, 2018

A Portrait of Donald Trump's forceful Mars in Leo

Some of the books authored by the brilliant Dane Rudhyar languish upon my library shelves while others have yet to be captured. One yet to be captured volume is The Zodiac as The Universal Matrix--A Study of The Zodiac and of Planetary Activity (The Lost Writings of Dane Rudhyar) available in paperback or on Kindle.

From this book comes the following excerpt explaining the placement of Mars in Leo which Mr. Trump enjoys--and if his birth time is accurate--has rising at the moment of his birth on June 14, 1946. Plus, Trump's Mars is made more significant and event-producing by the warrior planet's conjunction with royal Regulus, the kingmaker star. Naturally his red face and brash, boastful aggression may be attributed to Mars in proud Leo and its rising position lends an Aries-style me-first quality to his character, thoughts, actions, and communications which often include insults and combative adolescent name-calling.

And as you know, astrological Mars rules arson and fire so even his famous if tiresome You're Fired! line may be placed on the doorstep of Mars rising which sparks his formidable sense of will power. Similar to a Sun-Mars conjunction, Mars rising types are interested in sports, the military, policing, and romance and tend to feel that anyone who disagrees with them is directly attacking their personal credibility and so they immediately counterattack. Having no real interest in compromising or in thinking before acting, it's always competition time in the Fantastic World of Trump.

We could even say that on many levels Donald Trump ~is~ Mars in Leo. So without further fuss, here's Dane Rudhyar on the topic:


"When the Leo-type of energies...are activated by the forceful and outgoing planet Mars, fireworks may be expected. This produces a colorful personality, or at least a strong will to dominate...There is an intense urge toward dramatic self-expression; and, when concrete materials for self-expression or for personal show are not available, the person is likely to use imaginary materials."

And those 'imaginary materials' are always on steroids due to Donald Trump's fantasy-prone, listen-to-no-one, indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square of The Sneaky Mind (A.Oken)!

Above image: Donald Trump displaying his 'intense urge toward dramatic self-expression'...he's only acting, folks.

Mar 19, 2018

Bannon's Psychological Warfare: Cambridge Analytica

Monday March 19, 2018: Anyone who wonders at the astounding "win" of Donald Trump in the November 2016 Presidential Election must also wonder, how many ways Trump and his minions used to cheat their way into the White House. That's my personal opinion which you, dear reader, may or may not share but that's okay because this is America where citizens have the right to their own opinions and where dissent is considered patriotic especially if it's based on concern for the common good.

So is it time for yours truly once again to abandon my Facebook account? Well, it's tempting for several reasons but also because alarm bells should have loudly sounded for Facebook staff when data miner Cambridge Analytica spirited away the personal information of 60 million or more FB users for the purposes of skewing the 2016 election (and who knows what else). Trump and company are the sort of people who will do anything to 'win' and we all know how important 'winning' is to Mr. Trump who simply cannot stomach 'losers'. We also know how important his image is to him so apparently looking as if you won an election qualifies him to boast and beat his chest over what appears to be the truth even when it's false. Yes, it's lies and illusions as Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square just keeps on giving!

A peek at Trump's current progressed aspects reveals a Moon-Pluto conjunction (12Leo+) in SP 10th house and his fear of secrets being uncovered is one thing real about him these days as evidenced by his panicked tweets. Well, it's understandable for Moon-Pluto denotes panic and paranoia--and a potential for illegitimate children which may be one secret he desperately wants to keep hidden (if one or more children exist).

As for Steve Bannon, his steering of Cambridge Analytica reveals one of the primary factors in his relationship with Donald Trump and Bannon;s touted role in the 'election' of Trump. Of interest in this saga is The Guardian's ongoing feature The Cambridge Analytica Files. From March 18, 2018, here's a notable entry: 'I made Steve Bannon's psychological warfare tool': meet the data war whistleblower, Christopher Wylie.

Then on December 15, 2017, the Wall Street Journal informed us that Mueller Sought Emails of Trump Campaign Data Firm...Cambridge Analytica. Excellent.

Yes, some people will do anything to 'win', even if they have to use underhanded tricks. So if you haven't, please check out a previous post concerning Steve Bannon's natal Jupiter, a post in which we discover Bannon's total lack of conscience thanks to an unaspected Saturn.

Mar 8, 2018

Carelli's Degrees: the natal Mercury of Donald Trump

If you're familiar with Adriano Carelli's book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (AFA, 3rd printing 1982) you know that the rounding-up method used for Sabian Symbols is not used for Carelli's Degrees. Therefore, the natal 11th house Mercury of Donald Trump (8Can51) is read in Carelli's explanation of '8Cancer' for which he gives no word picture (symbol). Not all his degrees have such symbols but each degree has an explanation, empirically collected, and often with historical references.

Now as you know, Mr. Trump's natal Mercury, planet of thinking processes, communications, commerce, deals, trades, and trickery has only a square to his natal Neptune (5Libra, 2nd house of Money and Values) to depend on for moderation. As you also know, this square spotlights his pathological lying, incorrect assumptions, lack of discretion, and outright schemes to win the imaginary war he's internally fighting with the entire world. In my experience, Neptune doesn't tend to 'moderate' anything but does tend to dissolve and suggest overblown ideas and plans while undermining thinking processes and judgment, veils motives and actions, confuses issues, and attempts to deflect from the less savory characteristics a person holds. Of course, Neptunian inspiration isn't always negative but it isn't always positive either--motive always counts, such as getting oneself out of a jam via deceit and equivocation.

So let's turn to Adriano Carelli for insights into '8Cancer', the degree of Trump's natal Mercury and if any of the following sounds familiar then we're on the same page! I shall hereby quote in its entirety this Mercurial picture of the very Mercurial wheeler-dealer, Donald Trump, Uranian extraordinaire who brings chaos to whatever he touches while his Libran Jupiter shouts, it's not fair!:

"A lazy and sensuous being, much too prone to self-indulgence and wantonness. But he has horse sense and a mind cut out for life's rough-and-tumble existence and is not totally destitute of that cunning that often replaces intelligence in fools. A general tendency toward aberration and to illicit ties (in a woman this will mean easy seduction) will expose the native to the danger of adulteries or otherwise guilty intercourse threatening his married happiness and renown. As he knows no measure, not even in speaking or writing, he will be led to more or less serious indiscretions which, according to other pointers in the horoscope, may range from petty, mischievous gossip to veritable libel, from the dutiful might be sued for slander, not for abuse (unless other components give him courage enough to voice his opinions openly) as he is too cowardly to face people directly, and delights in publishing spicy gossip about them. He usually likes to entrench himself behind the responsibility of others and to hide the hand that flings the stone. A gazetteer more than a journalist, he might have success with the chronique scandaleux and, if the horoscope helps, he may lead a paper with success; otherwise he will stoop to publishing infamous defamation and anonymous letters.

EXAMPLES: James I, king of England (Sun's degree); Benito Mussolini (degree of the point of *equidistance)." * 'point of equidistance' is the Sun-Moon midpoint. jc

Now I have typed here and there since the 'election' of Donald Trump that I wish him to do well in the role because as POTUS goes, so goes our America. However, the above Mercurial explanation of Mr. Trump more than suggests that he is not in possession of the temperament or the higher ethics that the role of US president requires for best success. And since there are those who 'select' world leaders, as a Child of the Revolution I can only surmise that the undermining--no, the collapse--of America and the 'old order' of 1776 is their ultimate objective in selecting the lewd and wanton Donald J. Trump to be the man now stooping in the White House and befouling our nation by word and deed.

So am I partisan? Yes. Partisan for the common good!

Above NASA photo: planet Mercury

Mar 2, 2018

Mar 2, 2018: Mars Transits to Trump natal planets

March 2, 2018: The orbit of planet Mars is approximately two years in length so it's a regular occurrence for us all that the planet of anger, quarrels, and testosterone riles up, triggers, or activates the potentials of a person's natal Moon (emotions, feelings, moods) 'like clockwork' and Mr. Trump is no less subject to such a transit. Yet perhaps Mars transits affect him more than many since little Donnie was born with Mars rising in proud Leo and, as we know, he is an aggressive fellow on multiple levels who 'hits back' whenever provoked or criticized--like the street-fighter and thuggish bully that he is.

Now I won't burden you in this post by listing the week's events which must certainly have angered Mr. Trump for anyone who checks media at all has heard or read all about them. Separation from positions in the White House has continued to occur, resignations announced, and the tiresome phrase 'rats deserting a sinking ship' comes too easily to mind. The entire Trump episode must give Mr. Putin moments of extreme glee as his plan to undermine the great America is proceeding well under Mr. Trump's unstable steerage. Chinese leaders must be getting a bunch of ha-has out of America's weakening as well. (Round up Trump's natal Moon degree to '22Sag' and we have, as previously noted here many times, "A Chinese Laundry"--and the whiff of money-laundering is difficult to miss!)

On June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am est in Queens, NY, Donald Trump entered the earthly flux with the Moon conjoining Luna's own South Node, a separative point with Saturnian implications and suggesting difficulties with Mother and women. 20--22 Sagittarius was the place then and is the spot where transit Mars now ruffles and aggravates so we know that separations (SN) and anger, even rage (Mars), are on Trump's menu this week. Tantrums and 'energetic' displays of emotion are the calling card of Mars to natal Moon along with hurt feelings which are covered up by displays of anger. Release of tension may be a result of his hissy fits--and then there's always ill-advised tweeting for expressing his royal displeasure.

In the real world, the chaotic busy-ness of the week's events, as some pundits have noted, demonstrates the pace of life speeding up just as this transit by Mars often brings. Plus, Mars in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius denotes the need to convince others of one's ideas along with the tendency to take rash actions (Ebertin) and Trump's Sag Moon identifies his changing moods, inconstancy, and a tendency for pessimism to alternate with optimism. Mars and South Node contacts suggest, as noted, separations especially from males so perhaps the reputed resignation of General McMaster is closer than the public imagines (by the end of this month?) although another Trump associate of the male persuasion, Josh Raffel, resigned this week around the time of the Hope Hicks resignation. (Edit 8:40 pm: and I almost forgot Jeff Sessions who teeters in his post but who has 'dug in' almost daring Trump to fire him. However, there are people will do Anything to achieve success, and the cost of the struggle is of no concern because it's passed on to others' shoulders, the culprit never made to answer for his acts--or so he thinks.

That is Until We The People stand up for our heritage of an American Spirit that is not within Donald Trump or his co-conspirators for theirs is a false patriotism, their mummers of good will ring hollow.#

If you actually need to, see a list of White House resignations and firings compiled by USAToday.

Now during the last week of February, transit Mars opposed Trump's natal Uranus (his guiding planet of chaos and whimsy) indicating a period of disruption and spur-of-the-moment proposals (that may lead to disaster (steel and aluminum tariffs lead to a global trade war and higher consumer costs). Soon tr Mars will oppose Mr. Trump's natal Sun (22Gemini) (exact March 5), a time when his leadership is challenged (a continuing story, yes), ego-bruising occurs, and his vitality is lowered, perhaps to the point of burn-out.

Looking further ahead at the trail of Mars and some of its influence on Donald Trump's natal planets, we find that Mars squares his natal Neptune in Libra on March 22 (a lack of rational actions and rationalization of activities and motivations), Mars opposes natal Mercury on April 2 (plans and ideas are dismissed or ignored by others, angry words disrupt meetings and/or negotiations), Mars squares natal Jupiter in Libra on April 18 (exaggeration, extravagance, grandstanding, overreaching, and empty gestures increase), Mars opposes natal Saturn in Cancer on May 1 (time and energy wasted trying to circumvent rules and traditions, authority is resented and resisted), and Mars opposes natal Venus in Moon-ruled Cancer on May 5 (separation from allies, isolation, aggression, bad taste is shown, and diplomacy is thwarted).

Of course, karmic Saturn in transit is also affecting Mr. Trump--particularly his problematic Mercury-Neptune square of incorrect conclusions and loose grasp of facts. For a list of these transits try 2018 Saturn to Trump natal Mercury-Saturn Square with the next exact 'hit' coming on March 30.

Well, whatever you, dear reader, think of Donald Trump in the White House, perhaps you agree that Spring 2018 will be a difficult season for the Martian Mr. Trump and, as I've previously asserted multiple times, as a POTUS goes, so goes America and the American people.

Feb 15, 2018

A Saturnian Senator Sanders Schools Donald Trump

Trump's Proposed Deportation of The Masses

February 14, 2018: On the floor of the US Senate watch Senator Bernie Sanders speak on the subjects of DACA and immigration. Perhaps the senator represents not just his constituents but also astrological Saturn (the senex/the old man, the authority with more seniority) as he provides the amateurish yet venal Mr. Trump with a few lessons in decency. Hopefully this can help stop Trump's daft deportation plan that is certain to carry even more than a high emotional price tag since it would require massive amounts of funding to pay for the jailing and deporting of hundreds of thousands of people...'the masses'.

Who will be targeted next? Will Americans stir from their apathy before it's too late?

After all, transit Saturn is strong in its own sign of serious Capricorn and is in process of bringing karmic Saturnian limitations to Mr. Trump's very problematic Mercury-Neptune square spun with fantasies, misconceptions, falsehoods, sneakiness, faulty judgment, and deceptive propaganda ('fake' Neptune/'news' Mercury). Check out a list of the exact dates through 2018 that transit Saturn, planet of truth, realism, authenticity, and facts, rains on Donald Trump's illusory parade. And yes his idea of a military parade through the streets of Washington DC is yet another daft, misguided, fantastical, overreaching notion whereby in his mind, he reaps the benefits and accolades while other people always pick up the tab.

In addition to Senator Sanders, if anything can work out well in America anymore, Special Counsel Robert Mueller heading the investigation into Trump's dealings with Russia and other matters will act toward Mr. Trump as a critical, sobering Saturnian figure who holds him to account for any misdeeds, betrayals, or crimes he may have perpetrated--in spite of Trump's natal Saturn in self-protective Cancer and his Neptune-infected natal Mercury, also in the sign of Cancer the Crab which always scuttles sideways in order to avoid dealing directly and having to pay the price--behavior that suits trickster Mercury, the juggler and thespian, just fine.

Jan 5, 2018

2018 Saturn to Trump natal Mercury-Neptune Square

January 5, 2018: besides various positive and negative planetary transits to the natal chart and planets of Donald Trump, karmic taskmaster Saturn has difficulties in store for the current White House resident. In 2017, he and we lived through transit Saturn conjoining his natal Moon-South Node conjunction, bringing him separations galore and scrutiny of his past, then opposing his Sun-North Node and hampering his goals and undermining his ego. Trouble from authority in the forms of judges, lawmakers, and an Independent Counsel attempting to hold him accountable were prominent in 2017 and will continue to be so.

But now that 2018 has arrived, transit Saturn has more up his sleeve for Mr. Trump whose problematic Mercury-Neptune square will be targeted by cold Saturn's baleful glance.

And since we've discussed previously the Trump Mercury-Neptune square with its wrong perceptions, lack of discretion, and tendency toward fantasies and falsehoods, let's not step again into that wacky realm of his 'sneaky mind', as master astrologer Alan Oken calls this particular square. Plus, square aspects (90 degrees) contain a Saturnian quality anyway with his blocks and obstacles imperative.

Now by way of explanation, here's something I previously posted when comparing Donald Trump with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson: "...there are insinuating energies since both men were born with challenging Mercury-Neptune aspects in their natal charts, aspects which suggest stretched truths, distorted facts, indiscretion, and off-kilter perceptions, unintentional and unconscious though inaccuracies may be. Both the square (Trump) and opposition (Tillerson) between Mercury and Neptune denote strong tendencies to fantasize." Of course, one could easily add a reference to fake (Neptune) news (Mercury)! Meanwhile, Trump's fuzzy (Neptune) thinking (Mercury) seems, some say, to be degrading as he ages with dementia a regular suggestion by some talking heads. And lies are ever-present with his loose grasp of Truth.

As for 2018 Saturn's restrictive effect on Trump's Mercury-Neptune square, we might first wish to consider the trio as a midpoint picture with certain potentials. Natal Mercury-Neptune = tr Saturn: egoistic ideas, pessimism, dark or morbidly sensitive thoughts (Ebertin); and, looking at the downside of things which may not be valid, a gloomy reaction to real or imagined circumstances (Tyl). In Politics, Michael Munkasey gives the Mercury-Neptune pair - Thesis: a legislature which controls the excesses and dreams of its leaders; Antithesis: a leader who mesmerizes people with delusions of possible progress or growth. Add authoritative Saturn and you have increased restraint about the use of intuition vs logic, persons with psychic gifts are disappointing.

Well, if I had ever believed Trump's campaign promises I'd be feeling mighty deluded and disappointed well before now.

Of course, it's possible that a bunch of positive transits in 2018 will manage to lift him out of the Saturnine depths but we'll see. Perhaps the shadowy figures who wanted him in the White House will pull the right strings to keep him in office in spite of karmic Saturn's demands.

2018 Saturn in Capricorn to Donald Trump natal Mercury-Neptune (Cancer-Libra)

So when transit Saturn forms an opposition to natal Mercury the period tends to bring challenges to ideas and plans, (more) strong criticism, (more) quarrels, (more) hampered activities, slow sales, delays in, or cancellation of, travel, and one's self-confidence is shaken. For Mr. Trump, the opposition will occur across the natal 5/11 Self-Will axis of Groups, Associations, Hopes, Wishes, Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits, and Children. And of course, Mercury is the planet of youth and offspring as well as of commerce, trade, negotiations, thinking, mental abilities, the senses, and communications, and plays a major role in magic and hucksterism.

Transit Saturn square natal Neptune denotes a sobering time of depression, lethargy, pessimism, and confusion. For Mr. Trump, natal Neptune is posited in his 2nd house of Money, Values, and Self-Esteem so these areas will be most affected as transit Saturn treads through his natal 5th house where Capricorn is intercepted.

The interception of Cancer-Capricorn across his natal 5/11 polarity suggests karmic issues he must deal with involving his powerful self-will which is something responsible Saturn demands of us all for we must all reap what we sow (the law of karma). And of course, Trump's natal Mercury, Saturn, and Venus are in Cancer and intercepted in 11th house though transit Saturn won't opposes natal Saturn and Venus until 2020, energy made more powerful and fateful by transit Pluto in Capricorn opposing them as well. And of course, a major period for him and all of us will be the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 exact on January 12, 2020.

Now here is a list of the 2018 Saturn transits to Mr. Trump's Mercury and Neptune in order of occurrence, which as you see, covers the entire year of 2018 for his nibs, his administration, and thus, for the American people (tr = transit; n = natal) - even if he leaves the White House at some point:

1. February 11 tr Saturn square n Neptune

2. March 30 tr Saturn opposite n Mercury

3. May 6 tr Saturn opposite n Mercury

4. June 27 tr Saturn square n Neptune

5. November 11 tr Saturn square n Neptune

6. December 10 tr Saturn opposite n Mercury

Whew! That's a major load of Saturnine vibes for any man to withstand and all within one year.

Nov 3, 2017

On Kent State 1970 and Donald Trump

Perhaps it was only a matter of time before the horrid Kent State Massacre and Nixon's criminal abuse of power came up in conversations across America concerning Mr. Trump's perceived and apparent misbehavior and his ham-fisted presidency. Some of his behavior, at least, seems premeditated yet with a heavy sauce of chicanery ladled on and lying on a bed of steamy racketeering.

Note that as transit Uranus in late Aries currently approaches the Midheaven of the Kent State Massacre Horoscope (linked, above) we find Mr. Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02) rising in the chart. Significant?

Born in Queens NY on June 14, 1946, the well-placed Mr. Trump was about to turn 24 yo on May 4, 1970 so he was of college age, one assumes. Or, out of school and already floatin' get-rich-quick schemes, one imagines. Anyhow, the future mogul must have had some kind of emotional reaction to the outrageous event (even if only make-believe for public consumption) but who can say with a man who expresses so completely the Mercury-Neptune-square energies he was born with. Other planetary aspects might have offset the negative (falsifying) energies of the square with its 'distorted perceptions about others', indiscretion, and deceit (both to and from). Transcendence is possible for human beings of course but ultimately he would have to decide for himself and would really want to change his selfish ways.

Until Mr. Trump shows a willingness and an ability to change, the American people and the world are stuck with his Uranus @17Gemini+ in 10th house of Public Status, Recognition, and Career--leading the rest of his planets in a peculiarly chaotic march through our lives. Those determined to collapse America are well on the way to their goal--or want us to believe they are and can't be stopped (kinda like a Void-Of-Course Moon phase when something nefarious is being carried out). Quirky is as quirky does.

Now many folk say that change for Donald Trump is impossible or, at best, doubtful. And yet I'm placing a topical Poll near the top of the SO'W sidebar in a jiff to see what you think. Please take a moment to respond!

Note: the post linked above shows the "Point! Fire!" Horoscope set for Kent Ohio 12:24 pm on May 4, 1970. Included is a video concerning the event which will be disturbing for some viewers. Please use with caution. jc

Trump Current Lunar Phase and SP New Moon 2019.

The Oriental Planet of Donald Trump (electrifying magnetic Uranus).

Oct 9, 2017

DC Horoscope: Dec 19, 2017 Saturn Enters Capricorn

Here is a horoscope of the moment on December 19, 2017 that transit Saturn enters its own sign of Capricorn, a significant cosmic event. The horoscope is set for Washington DC with 25Vir18 rising which elects communicator Mercury as chart-ruler, though retrograde (signifying more delay).

Mercury in 3rd house as chart-ruler (and MC ruler) applies to one Ptolemaic aspect, a square to nebulous Neptune @11Pis40 in 6th house (see chart), and conjoins America's natal Ascendant for those who use July 4, 1776 in the late afternoon to set up a US natal horoscope. Naturally, we are reminded of Mr. Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square of misperception, indiscretion, falsehood, and wild promotions, or as astrologer Alan Oken terms the aspect, "The Sneaky Mind."

Please enlarge the image since my notes are penned upon the chart including Saturn's upcoming Retrograde Station @9Cap08 on April 17, 2018 and Saturn's Direct Station @2Cap32 on September 6, 2018. As you see, the karmic planet of limitation, delay, accountability, and old age does not leave the labyrinth that is Capricorn once the old man enters the door and crosses the Saturnian threshold where he'll eventually meet and greet transit Pluto @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 and US natal Pluto (27Cap33), a time when disappointment over the past surges, and there's potential for loss of control over situations and events that are simply too big to handle.

Transit Saturn ends year 2018 @11Cap15 and will eventually enter Aquarius (a sign Saturn traditionally rules) on or about March 23, 2020. Saturn in Aquarius suggests ambitious plans without a solid foundation though there may be a wealth of social aspirations.

And on a rather curious note, conjunct the 12th cusp of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions such as hospitals and prisons, is 28Leo35 which recalls (Mercury Rx) The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 which hit Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant. You'll remember the series' (1 North) themes include: information is distorted and possibly false and unexpected events loom large and put great pressure on relationships (Brady). How much more these potentials can apply to Mr. Trump, his family, and his White House I cannot imagine.

See what karmic Saturn is reaping in the DC Horoscope of Winter Solstice 2017.