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Jan 27, 2006

Happy 250th, Maestro!

Concerning Mozart's natal chart: the generally-accepted birth time is from a mention in a letter by his father, who ought to know.

2006: Saturn now at 7Leo+...opposite Mozart's natal Sun, therefore conjunct his natal Neptune. Saturn/Neptune--form to music, and music into form!

He IS the best, the archetypal musician, a 5th harmonic kind of guy.

But his chart shows overpowering parental figures: Saturn conjunct Sun, and Pluto conjunct Moon...ouch and double ouch! Amazing how his music still radiates so brilliantly after such eclipsing of his spirit--or perhaps that's part of the reason why...the pain of creativity. Always a tear along with the smile, that Wolfgang.

And Jupiter(expansion) biquintile Uranus, planet of creative inspiration from On High--biquintile (144 degr) = talent, a gift. Made the mediocres jealous, I'd think. Doesn't true talent always cause jealousy?

Images for Sun AQ/Moon Sag: a distinguished sociology professor throws a fancy-dress party for her best friends...Alice in Wonderland.

And Mozart was a Freemason, too--but you knew that. The Magic Flute is all about it!
He disclosed their numbered secrets and was soon dipatched, some say. And yet, if his natal Ascendant was truly Virgo, health was always an issue, and infection easy to come by. Personally, I stay away from pork chops of all kinds!

jc Jan 27 2006 12:42 am est

UPDATE from the FUTURE: today is Dec 30, 2006 and I'm adding a post today for Mozart and the NY MET is broadcasting an English version of THE MAGIC FLUTE to all the world. The opera actually began at 1:38 pm est...the excellent Mozart! #

Jan 20, 2006

1933 Calling: Hello?

This post is inspired by today's NYSE drop--the largest in 3 years, and the headline of Dec 27, 2005: "Stocks Stumble", and by the rickety Japanese markets of late: On May 23, 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank System, the Controller of the Currency, and the Secretary of the US Treasury, for numerous criminal acts, including, among others: Conspiracy, Fraud, Unlawful Conversion, and Treason. Noting that the Federal Reserve Banks are "private monopolies", he asserted that they were rich and predatory moneylenders who prey upon US citizens for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers, foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers. He called them, "financial pirates", and worse. Just prior to this filing of charges, FDR signed--at MIDNIGHT of his Inauguration Day, March 5, 1933--a proclamation to divorce US currency from the gold standard, thereby mooting an old debate in America, and seemingly helping the country. On April 5, 1933, FDR ordered the confiscation of gold coins, gold certificates, and gold bullion, Executive Order 6102. (You say there's gold in Fort Knox, do ya?) Officially, the US was taken off the gold standard, April 19, 1933. And on June 7, 1934, Congress passed the Corporate Bankruptcy Act allowing corporate reorganisation with the support of 2/3 of their creditors. Yuh. BTW--McFadden died in somewhat murky circumstances, and after other attempts had been made on his life. Last I heard, McFadden's case against the Fed is still pending. jc Jan 20 2006 8:40 pm est

Jan 16, 2006

False senator

To mark the tenor of the times, and because I couldn't resist, I'm putting a link to a new portrait--drawn today, posted tonight--of a False senator.

This is not to point a finger at Washington--I've only got ten of 'em--but to post a ha ha Dreamyfish alert. And while they may share the idealism of big dreams, only one has a love of ill-fitting toupees.

  • False senator
  • Jan 12, 2006

    Samuel Alito April 1, 1950

    May 3, 2022

    Due to yesterday's controversial leak of an Alito draft of a coming decision against Roe v Wade, I'm publishing this relic of a post that originally was written in 2006. At the time I could find no accurate birth time for the misogynist Rebublican justice but have since found it as 12:56 am est (April 1, 1950 Trenton, NJ with 3 Capricorn rising; RR: AA). You may notice that in my previous musings, below, sans edits, I added that I was going with a Virgo Moon - which, as it turns out, is correct:

    Here I will consider the chart of Samuel Alito set for sunrise on his day of birth.

    Not having his birth time, we must consider two Sun/Moon combos since before 7:40 pm, the Moon was in Virgo but after 7:40 pm, his combo would be Aries/Libra. The odds are, within the 24-hour period, he was born pre-7:40 pm, Moon in Virgo.

    And yet with Libra's Scales of Justice, it's tempting to assume his Moon would be in Libra, so I shall list both--see which you think applies more closely to the man they call Alito:

    Sun Aries/Moon Virgo: administrative skills; bossy yet diffident; practical perfectionist; straightforward and direct; impulsive yet orderly; outspoken but timid; a natural modesty, but impatient to be where the action is and take command of the show due to definite ideas about how things should be done...

    argumentative; judgmental; can be self-effacing, disciplined, and conventional; can flourish in senior management but finds the earlier rungs of the ladder frustrating; master/servant issues which can be resolved by becoming an expert in a specialized area; detail-oriented; good teacher.

    ...Greatest Weaknesses: intolerance of others' weaknesses; self-doubt; prone to feelings of guilt; may stand in the shadows and sabotage self-initiative with extreme self-criticism.

    Images: a remembrance that the perfect is the enemy of the good...a surgeon performs a daring operation...a metalworker forges an intricate masterpiece.

    Interesting to note that this is JP Morgan's natal Sun/Moon combo, so here's a quote from the dearly departed:

    I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do, I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do. (This seems to be the common order of the day, doesn't it? Describes Washington and the corporate system of America better than ever before.)

    Here's Sun Aries/Moon Libra:

    Ambitious but hates striving; sometimes lazy; forthright; charming; eager to please, so a natural diplomat; vivacious and outgoing; self-centered but kind-hearted; ingenious; chivalrous; amorous; intellectually precocious; harbors heroic inner picture of self; instinct for justice and cooperation; desperate to be accepted; idealistic and hopeful; charming, convivial host; artistic talents.

    ..Greatest Weaknesses: vacillation--to think great guns, then peter out; need for appreciation may fuel vanity; tendency to rest on laurels.

    Images: a conductor leads an orchestra with passionate conviction and a vibrant, pulsing oraganism of musical perfection is created to the ecstatice uplifting of the audience. (That should be easy to watch for, if so.)

    >Here are a couple of quotes now from two natives who had this combo once upon a time, and still do--transits continue to influence charts of those long gone--Mozart's chart and Ben Franklin's are being triggered and highlighted this year!

    William Hazlitt: The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.

    Arnold Toynbee: No annihilation without representation. (Argh.)

    Well, if I knew Sam better, I could make a better guess, but I have a feeling we'll be knowing him better for a long time.

    Wish I had more time this morning to continue with the day's grilling, etc...I don't, but one thing I want to mention as far as Alito's joining the S-Court--it is NOW his Nodal Return! Right now, and when the North Node of the Moon returns to its natal position, it is a joining time...a time of new associations and beginnings.

    Plus, his Solar Eclipse Series--the one he was born into--is 6 North which concerns one's relationship to authority, and the taking over of responsibilities and commitments which occur because of another's inability to carry on due to illness or unreliability. Sounds about right, si, Justice O'Connor?

    Interesting that the last Eclipse in the 6N Series actually occurred April 19, 2004, which is, I believe, the approximate time Alito would've been approached about the SC opening.

    Now I realize others may have been approached also, but I just can't seem to shake the notion that the Harriet Miers nomination was a red herring, and Sam Alito was the big fish all along. Which would make Miers a red herring who was shining us on along with the cheeky, canny Cancerian, George!

    Hope to post later this evening on the hearings today---esp since Pisces now rises at 9:30 am over the Capitol Building--no more of that humanitarian Aquarian...seems the big fish is in the House and the Grill's fired up!

    Yall have a great day...

    Jude Jan 12, 2006 11:13 am est

    Jan 17 Update: now that the hearings are over and I've heard more comments on this man they call Alito from those-in-the-know, I have to vote for Moon in Virgo--he's such a hard and diligent worker, as I'd assumed...not lazy enough for a Libra Moon!
    (All apologies to you Libra Moons out there--but you Do Have a lazy streak--you Know you do!) ;)

    jc 12:47 pm est