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Showing posts with label Samuel Alito. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samuel Alito. Show all posts

Sep 1, 2023

October 2024 Eclipse Activates Another!

New Moons Can Affect Events Similar to Solar Eclipses!

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

A while back we discussed the New Moon Prior to Election 2024 and its DC Horoscope. New Moons prior to elections are said to be predictive of conditions and outcomes although naturally other factors are involved as well, factors both 'on the ground' and astrologically, which will support or mitigate conclusions found in the New Moon chart. In other words, stuff can interfere.

What should be added to the previously published details concerning the 'New Moon Prior' which occurs on November 1, 2024 is that it's basically a Lunar Return to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope. View the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope in a bi-wheel configuration with its Moon @9Sco21 - and it's disturbingly close to 9Sco35, which is the position of the New Moon Prior to Election 2024.

Meanwhile, I'm not overly fond of the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for Luna, rounded-up to "10 Scorpio": "A Fellowship Supper Reawakens Unforgettable Inner Ties" (Jones). Note that "Reawakens" is italized because people like Gov. DeSantis want the American people to remain asleep and unaware. All the better to gaslight and sneak up up on us with whatever the GOP has planned!

Now perhaps you agree that this lunar synchronicity possibly symbolizes a wake-up call to maga-ites who vote and/or to those who would cheat for Trump (or his fascist ilk) to shoe horn his bulk back into the White House. Obviously, this makes a Blue Tsunami necessary on November 5, 2024!

October Eclipses in Libra: 2005 and 2024

And yet the actual point of this post today is to display a bi-wheel of charts showing that the 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 activates by degree the 7 South Eclipse of October 3, 2005. Well, naturally this would be the case since the Sun returns to position annually, day by day. And when it comes to eclipses and to historical and societal events and conditions, it's all about cycles, isn't it?

In addition, we know that the repetition of eclipses offers society further opportunities for dealing with similar issues more correctly, fully, successfully! And of course, learning from past mistakes in order to keep from repeating them is an important thread beneath it all. Yet tragically, there are enemies of America and of democracy who prefer that we continue committing the same old mistakes. Example: Fascism and Nazism have been tried before and found wanting in the humane department; reverting to animalism is not the answer to what ails civilization, in the US or in any other country. Notable is that the 7 South Eclipse of August 21, 1933 is known around SO'W as the "Facism Rising Eclipse" (linked, below).

Themes of 7 South and 8 South are listed on the image:

In the center of the bi-wheel, above, you see the Sabian Symbol for "11 Libra" penned on: "A Professor Peering Over His Glasses," plus, the negative expression of the degree: 'compelling subservience' (Jones).

So with the activation of the themes of one eclipse by another eclipse, we can combine their themes for more insight, using one solar lens to consider the other. This is done when the eclipses mannifest in different signs but in this case, both eclipses are in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice and of relationships. Therefore, fair play and cooperation are paramount on a positive level; the negative level suggests those who use the eclipse energies in an insincere, deceitful way; cowardice and overindulgence may also be included via those with an anti-societal determination.

Another method for insight is a review of historical conditions such as US Events of 2005, the year of Dubya Bush's failed nomination of lawyer Harriet Miers, then, on Halloween, Bush nominated Samuel Alito who turned out to be quite a sinister Halloween jester against the women of America.

All these issues, concerns, and more are worth considering by comparing the October Solar Eclipse of 2005 (war in the Middle East, SCOTUS and Alito) with the October 2024 Eclipse (war in Ukraine - and on Capitol Hill; SCOTUS, Clarence Thomas and - Sammy Alito) as they shove the Catholic religion into the heart of American society.

Now in closing, here's a related post for the curious reader: the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933. Let us not repeat that brutal mistake again.

May 4, 2022

Alito Draft Leak and a 1991 Eclipse

A Deceitful Stealth Campaign to Destroy Roe v Wade

by Jude Cowell

Thanks to Politico, we can read the 'SCOTUS Initial Draft' written by Justice Samuel Alito here, marked as "circulated February 10, 2022" but leaked late in the evening of May 2, 2022. As you know, Republicans are busy making the controversy all about the leak rather than the Draft's extremist content. An inconvenient leak with bad timing? Or a run-it-up-the-flagpole event intended to prepare the ground for the Court's actual decision? Bizarrely, Alito cites in his draft a relic of a jurist, Sir Matthew Hale (my 9th cousin 12 times removed, geni dot com tells me) who is known for many things, among them: sentencing women to death for witchcraft. His book was published in 1736 and identifies him as a paternalistic no-such-thing-as-marital-rape kinda guy - the stuff that handmaidenism is made of, and this echoes the regressive beliefs of justice Barrett. Of course, this reveals Theocratic leanings as well.

Related is a view of the natal horoscope of Clarence Thomas which was published on SO'W in March 2022 upon the occasion of his hospitalization as timed by a Full Moon @27Vir40 which perfected between his natal Mars-Neptune midpoint and suggested illness and infection.

Protect Your Daughters Especially the Younger Ones: Republicans Plan To Legalize Rape!

As for the long-term drive by ideologues, Evangelicals, Catholics, and whomever to strike down Roe v Wade and women's ability to direct their own health care (with input from their medical doctors and significant others), we may wish to consider the time frame of September-October 1991 of his Nomination, Hearings, and Confirmation to the US Supreme Court, available on Wikipedia with dates and details. Nominated on July 1, 1991 by President George H. W. Bush (who was pro-choice as was his wife Barbara) and confirmed on October 11, 1991 (52-48), justice Thomas is an interesting if curious study. For the purpose, there exists a bio page concerning Clarence Thomas where we find that he received a BA degree from the College of the Holy Cross, a private Jesuit arts college. Then it was on to Yale.

Now you may disagree, but the man's religious leanings seem significant as revealed in part by the 11 South Eclipse Horoscope's Midheaven ('MC'; The Goal) degree of 17 Leo and its Sabian Symbol, "A Volunteer Church Choir --", plus, the revealing Sabian Symbol of the 11 South Eclipse itself: "19 Cancer" = "A Priest Performing a Marriage Ceremony." Well, peep-eye Vatican!

Meanwhile, during his 1991 confirmation hearings, Mr. Thomas lied about discussing abortion issues when he was in law school because, as he testified, he didn't remember engaging on such topics because he was too busy being married and having a job. Of course, this was a tactic to avoid expressing his true opinions which followed the Bork model of hiding one's real intent until confirmed and seated on The Bench, a radical reactionary ploy, now plainly shown by the Alito draft. Then as you know, Mr. Alito also hid his views on abortion during his confirmation hearings as did Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and handmaiden Barrett; hence, the proposed expansion of the number of SCOTUS justices is a necessity if we wish to squelch Republican lawlessness concerning these social issues and stop on a federal level America's descent into legal madness and the destruction of our court systems. Both men are extreme ideologues.

Then as you know, another complication is Clarence's wife Ginni Thomas who is intimately involved in current events via her surreptious support of Trump's Jan 6th Coup Attempt and the ongoing 'Big Lie' that fraudulent Neptune favors. One assumes that she shares her husband's religious views - if religious is what they are. Yet you and I know that plutonian power grabbing is always a major focus of the Republican Party, now turned into a gang of scofflaws and thugs under Trumpism.

Cosmic Vibes of 1991: Neptune Illusion, Occult Societies, Paternalism

Image DC Horoscope: 11 South Eclipse of July 11, 1991 3:06:06 pm edt Washington DC

A prominent factor complicating matters, the July 11, 1991 Solar Eclipse was opposed by nebulous Neptune Rx @15Cap16 in the 3rd house of Communications (as in, testimony). See lower right corner for what tends to result when a solar eclipse is opposed by the planet of fraud, lies, and deceit: confusing conditions are created of truth vs fallacy, reality vs illusion - the same Neptunian conditions that opposed the 19 North Solar Eclipse of 'realism' and 'tackling the truth' and which affected (infected!) America's Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. Who can forget their ridiculous 'alternative facts' gaslighting?

Now all of Clarence Thomas' confirmation proceedings occurred under the difficult influences of the July 11, 1991 11 South Total Solar Eclipse @18Can58:59, a major 'cosmic blink' (aka, a 'wild card of the Universe') and above you see the Eclipse Horoscope set for Washington DC with eclipse themes penned on the chart and also typed below, along with the date and degree of its next occurrence, plus, 11 South's initial eclipse in Cancer (family matters!). Significant is chart-ruler Mars (@27Leo42 in 10th house) which makes no applying aspects to other planets, but even though Venus moves faster than Mars, by degree I'm calling it as 'Mars conjunct Venus' (which conjuncts royal Regulus: success if revenge is avoided) due to the fact that 'new alliances' and 'energetic legal matters' can be a result of a Venus-Mars Conjunction. And also because of the relationship, partner, romantic, sexual connotations of the pair, some of which relate to Anita Hill's information concerning the degraded behavior of Clarence Thomas in their previous work place, and the planetary pair's link to baby making activities which ties in with Roe v Wade.

11 South Themes: 'need for sudden reforms; old ideas/methods fail and new systems are required to deal with events that occur; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed' (B. Brady). The initial 11 South Eclipse manifested on June 14, 1360 (OS) @00Can48, a Cardinal World Point, with young people's planet, Mercury @19Cancer (conjunct the 1991 Eclipse degree), plus, a forceful, often brutal Mars-Pluto conjunction in Aries (suitable for rapists of all ages).

We can expect the next 11 South Eclipse on August 2, 2027 @10Leo, the position of Mr. Trump's natal 'Pluto = Mars-Saturn' midpoint picture of brutality and death in his 12th house of Hospitals and the Unconscious. If he's still ticking by then.

Then as you see in the above chart, Neptune conjuncts fixed star Vega which suggests the involvement of 'occult societies', and this seems to be another hint of religious, spiritualist, or supernatural involvement, added to Thomas' connection to the Jesuits and the Catholic Church. To summarize: bizarre, over-the-top zealotry, emotion-based religiosity, and in Politics the radical reactionary determination to shove America into Theocracy resembling the Taliban's sharia law (aka, handmaidism) should be on every American's radar now - but especially in the November Midterm Elections, and again in November 2024.

So! Telling lies to advance what radical reactionaries zealously believe is a 'higher cause' began big time under Ronald Reagan (circa 1980) although Republican fascist leanings may be seen as far back as the Goldwater era (1960); yet Barry Goldwater actually supported abortion rights, or seemingly did as a Libertarian.

Yet one of the scarier things about the Alito draft (which is 'only' a draft) is that it apparently represents the flowering into public view of the GOP's radical zealotry which of course includes a major streak of racism and the promotion of other regressive proposals that white 'supremacists' and others favor as they work to push the US back into the 1950s and 1850s. I fuss because the safety and privacy of every American is at stake!

So in closing, let's note that in the eclipse horoscope, above, rising Pluto Rx 17Sco38 conjuncts the natal Chiron of Clarence Thomas and their blending suggests that he may have been under the sway of forces such as Plutocracy, primal violence, exploitation, and a variety of other -isms including racism, a card that Thomas used against opponents who challenged his SCOTUS confirmation, if memory serves (I remember watching the hearings back in the day). My suspicion is that he was counseled to add the 'race card' to his Bork-inspired tactic of hiding his true beliefs during his confirmation hearing in order to finagle himself onto The Bench.

And thanks to a vote of 52-48, he squeaked by.

Sep 29, 2021

Overthrowing US more successful for Rutherford Hayes

by Jude Cowell

September 29, 2021: Below is Thom Hartmann in a segment from his broadcast posted to YouTube yesterday (9.28.21) in which he discusses the Federalist Society's John Eastman memo (link to text, below) which laid out the Federalist-backed plan for crazed Tru*mp to seize the presidency and remain in power ad nauseum come January 20, 2021.

Thom notes similarities between the 2020 Election and the controversial election of Republican Rutherford B. Hayes who was aided in seizing the power of the presidency by 'win at any cost' enablers. If curious, you'll find a link below to a previous posting of the Hayes Inauguration Horoscope in which a cosmic time link turns up between then and now!

Because as you'll see, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the Hayes Inauguration fell into the 4 South Saros Series and a 4 South eclipse repeated on December 14, 2020 - the very day of the Electoral College Vote Count which, as it turned out on January 6 (7), 2021, was won by Joe Biden, a life-threatening outcome of disaster for you-know-who.

See Total 4 South Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020.

And that particular 2020 Electoral College Vote Count, as you know, led to the very vote counting and certification event in Congress that Tr*mp's 1/6 mob attack ("Stop the Steal") was intended to delay for a few hours so that, as Kraken Powell asserts, Justice Samuel Alito could allegedly intervene and, in time, insert his anti-American judgment to make Tr*mp president for life with the help of VP Pence, of course. But Mike Pence balked, as you know, when advised that his ceremonial VP-ship didn't possess the power for such power-grabbing tomfoolery.

And, similar to 1877, we should mention that the December 14, 2020 4 South Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021 and would have been its PE, no matter who was inaugurated. The 4 South eclipse themes of 'strong emotions over money and relationships' with 'a desire to suddenly end relationships' (B. Brady) would have influenced events in one way or another. For example, it was Tr*mp's relationship with the White House that ended - and ours with him. But he's rather like the rubbish boyfriend who just keeps calling, isn't he? No, the mobster hasn't give up and his neo-n*zi comrades, foreign enablers, and the anti-American corporatists who fund the global authoritarian movement are regrouping their forces for their next planned onslaught against America. For as you know, the years 2022, 2023, and 2024 are naturally the key time frames for their next power-seizing attempts prior to Inauguration 2025 (horoscope shown - assuming there is an inauguration).

So while we have time, let's check out Memo Proves Trump Planned (to) Overthrow America in which Thom asks, Why doesn't everyone know about the Eastman memo?

Well, thanks to CNN we can read the memo here.

Plus, if you wish, view my hand-drawn horoscope of the Hayes Inauguration of 1877. And as always, your on-topic, name-tagged comments are invited. For I grow weary publishing monologues, y'know! jc

Jan 12, 2006

Samuel Alito April 1, 1950

May 3, 2022

Due to yesterday's controversial leak of an Alito draft of a coming decision against Roe v Wade, I'm publishing this relic of a post that originally was written in 2006. At the time I could find no accurate birth time for the misogynist Rebublican justice but have since found it as 12:56 am est (April 1, 1950 Trenton, NJ with 3 Capricorn rising; RR: AA). You may notice that in my previous musings, below, sans edits, I added that I was going with a Virgo Moon - which, as it turns out, is correct:

Here I will consider the chart of Samuel Alito set for sunrise on his day of birth.

Not having his birth time, we must consider two Sun/Moon combos since before 7:40 pm, the Moon was in Virgo but after 7:40 pm, his combo would be Aries/Libra. The odds are, within the 24-hour period, he was born pre-7:40 pm, Moon in Virgo.

And yet with Libra's Scales of Justice, it's tempting to assume his Moon would be in Libra, so I shall list both--see which you think applies more closely to the man they call Alito:

Sun Aries/Moon Virgo: administrative skills; bossy yet diffident; practical perfectionist; straightforward and direct; impulsive yet orderly; outspoken but timid; a natural modesty, but impatient to be where the action is and take command of the show due to definite ideas about how things should be done...

argumentative; judgmental; can be self-effacing, disciplined, and conventional; can flourish in senior management but finds the earlier rungs of the ladder frustrating; master/servant issues which can be resolved by becoming an expert in a specialized area; detail-oriented; good teacher.

...Greatest Weaknesses: intolerance of others' weaknesses; self-doubt; prone to feelings of guilt; may stand in the shadows and sabotage self-initiative with extreme self-criticism.

Images: a remembrance that the perfect is the enemy of the good...a surgeon performs a daring operation...a metalworker forges an intricate masterpiece.

Interesting to note that this is JP Morgan's natal Sun/Moon combo, so here's a quote from the dearly departed:

I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do, I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do. (This seems to be the common order of the day, doesn't it? Describes Washington and the corporate system of America better than ever before.)

Here's Sun Aries/Moon Libra:

Ambitious but hates striving; sometimes lazy; forthright; charming; eager to please, so a natural diplomat; vivacious and outgoing; self-centered but kind-hearted; ingenious; chivalrous; amorous; intellectually precocious; harbors heroic inner picture of self; instinct for justice and cooperation; desperate to be accepted; idealistic and hopeful; charming, convivial host; artistic talents.

..Greatest Weaknesses: vacillation--to think great guns, then peter out; need for appreciation may fuel vanity; tendency to rest on laurels.

Images: a conductor leads an orchestra with passionate conviction and a vibrant, pulsing oraganism of musical perfection is created to the ecstatice uplifting of the audience. (That should be easy to watch for, if so.)

>Here are a couple of quotes now from two natives who had this combo once upon a time, and still do--transits continue to influence charts of those long gone--Mozart's chart and Ben Franklin's are being triggered and highlighted this year!

William Hazlitt: The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.

Arnold Toynbee: No annihilation without representation. (Argh.)

Well, if I knew Sam better, I could make a better guess, but I have a feeling we'll be knowing him better for a long time.

Wish I had more time this morning to continue with the day's grilling, etc...I don't, but one thing I want to mention as far as Alito's joining the S-Court--it is NOW his Nodal Return! Right now, and when the North Node of the Moon returns to its natal position, it is a joining time...a time of new associations and beginnings.

Plus, his Solar Eclipse Series--the one he was born into--is 6 North which concerns one's relationship to authority, and the taking over of responsibilities and commitments which occur because of another's inability to carry on due to illness or unreliability. Sounds about right, si, Justice O'Connor?

Interesting that the last Eclipse in the 6N Series actually occurred April 19, 2004, which is, I believe, the approximate time Alito would've been approached about the SC opening.

Now I realize others may have been approached also, but I just can't seem to shake the notion that the Harriet Miers nomination was a red herring, and Sam Alito was the big fish all along. Which would make Miers a red herring who was shining us on along with the cheeky, canny Cancerian, George!

Hope to post later this evening on the hearings today---esp since Pisces now rises at 9:30 am over the Capitol Building--no more of that humanitarian Aquarian...seems the big fish is in the House and the Grill's fired up!

Yall have a great day...

Jude Jan 12, 2006 11:13 am est

Jan 17 Update: now that the hearings are over and I've heard more comments on this man they call Alito from those-in-the-know, I have to vote for Moon in Virgo--he's such a hard and diligent worker, as I'd assumed...not lazy enough for a Libra Moon!
(All apologies to you Libra Moons out there--but you Do Have a lazy streak--you Know you do!) ;)

jc 12:47 pm est