Click to enlarge the image, for as usual I've smooshed "too many notes" upon it but I tried to hold back so it would be somewhat readable.
The time has been given as 6:16 pm as her moment of expiration after being shot and blown up after speaking at a large rally where she was undoubtedly strong with persuasion--and worrisome to her enemies and to those who like to mess up US efforts no matter what violence it takes.
Moon is chart-ruler and the feature that pops out is Moon conj her natal Pluto, planet (yes, planet) of death, transformation, and power, natally placed at 21 Leo21.
Moon to Pluto: reckless determination to fulfill desires; zeal; upheavals; turmoil; emotional devastation (Tyl.)
Before I go on, let me say that my heartfelt condolences go out to the Pakistani people for their loss.
Moon is separating from opposition with Neptune in AQ (the masses--she was leaving a large rally) and applies to a square with Scorpionic Venus and a trine with Pluto (a certain meeting scheduled for later in the evening?)
South Node (SN--a separative point) 29Leo02 is at critical/crisis degree and is midway between Moon (and thus her natal Pluto) and tr Saturn. Moon/Saturn is a signifier of control, restriction, and oppression of the people (Moon), and Saturn/Pluto = cruelty, hard work, and loss.
As you remember, the attacks of 9/11 occurred while Saturn and Pluto were in opposition. All of this is happening with a 9/11, 'war on terror' backdrop, of course, with missing US billions now lining someone's pockets, although Pakistani officials are understanably denying it. See Pakistan Link for news, if you like.
Incendiary Mars Rx 1Can33 is now between Bhutto's natal Sun/Mars conj so her assassination has happened during her Mars Return, a triple one due to Mars' retrogradation. If her natal Sun is at 29Gem (another crisis degree), then contentious activist Mars is headed back that way in early January, and again reaches today's degree on appr March 9, 2008.
This sensitive degree in early Cancer triggers 9/11's Mars and the Solar Eclipse prior to 9/11/01. On Nov 3, Mars was at 11Can26 (when Musharraf declared emergency rule--a euphemism for martial law or police state, suspended the Supreme Court, and imprisoned thousands who don't agree with him, etc) and the god of war will return to 11Can33 during the first couple of days of April, 2008. This will continue the same issues for Pakistan and despotic Musharraf.
The pile-up now opposite Mars--Pluto in late Sag, Jupiter, and Sun--are conjunct asteroids Hopi (ambush; prejudice ), Bacchus (denial), and Morya (death.) This is a grouping I have fretted about before in a recent post--the one on Winter Solstice 2007. It was ugly then, and it's produced ugly, rotten, tragic fruit today.
Benazir Bhutto's book will be coming out in spite of her untimely death, says NPR but with her hopes for Pakistan interrupted, her dreams for moderation dissolved, and her people in chaos and grief.
~:~Update May 18, 2009 11:06 pm edt: want to add that transiting Mercury (writers; books; young people; speeches, one of which she gave just before her death) is at 11Cap and opposes her natal midpoint of Mars and Uranus, the explosive, radical pair.
This indicates on one level the nature of the speech she so recently gave at the rally and other recent remarks and statements, too, if applicable to the tinderbox politics of the region or to feathers she may have ruffled elsewhere. The pictures relate to Capricornian matters such as law, business, politics; plus, management, control, and/or mining.
Banking may be involved as well for Capricorn energies tend to appreciate a fat paycheck (particularly when it's paid for one's efforts), and we mustn't rule out the mystical realm of Capricorn's ancient mer-goat symbol. Even the nasty old Goat of Mendes could have had a hoof in the heinous, overbearing take-r-out plot.
So for this momentous event we then have possibilities - *any, all, or none may apply, and they may describe Bhutto's actions and/or feelings, and perhaps those of someone else...probably a combination of each with Mercury signifying on one level the additional environmental factor of the moment (including the vehicle Benazir Bhutto rode in):
Natal Mars/Uranus = tr Mercury: planning independent action; strategy; nervousness; drawing heavily upon one's nervous energy reserves; a test of strength or power calculatingly carried through; an invention or an achievement thought out well or in great detail; injury; operation. ~
>Original post begins here:
Meanwhile, the plutocratic, racist, oppressive Pluto-Chiron midpoint is on the Descendant (of Other People/Partnerships/Legal Affairs/Open Enemies) at 6:16 pm so if she was partnering with the corporate types, where were they when she needed them? Or perhaps it hasn't been a trusty partnership, as it turns out.
A "grim" Bush was quick to tout his brand of democracy as soon as he could get a mike in front of his gob. He said that those who committed this crime must be brought to justice. Since that guy is dead, old Bush must've meant those who sponsored this crime, aka assassination, aka terroism. (If they're hanging out with bin Laden, we know that Bush and Musharraf won't be finding them.)
Asteroid, Icarus, associated with assassination, is conj the New World Order degree of "18Cap." Mmm, no comment. Venus is in the secretive sign of Scorpio at the "A Military Band on the March" degree, and with the chaos created today, it is marching for sure as Pakistan's military arm shows its strength in a way opposite to what the common man and woman might prefer.
The negative/shadow side of this degree is: foolhardy self-exploitation. But who are the fools? There seem to be so many of them on all sides...who can keep them sorted?
'They say' that Musharraf didn't take Bhutto's safety seriously (I'm being generous here) and emergency rule is surely on one of the cards he holds in his graspy claw, with perhaps the promised January "elections" being cancelled as well. Hey--Putin's staying in, so Pervez wants to stay in power, too.
Well, there's much more to say about this melancholy chart (with sacrificial Neptune in the 8th house of death) which well-describes the Pakistani people's miserable loss, so perhaps I'll be updating this post later on as more is known.
Curfew and disruption (Uranus conj Achernar: risk of rapid endings) is undoubtedly on the way, and at the moment I'm just very very sad for Pakistan, for Benazir Bhutto and family - and for the whole discordant world.
* midpoint pictures from: Tyl; Ebertin.
Can you explain more about 18 Cap being the new world order degree (if you have time)?
Sure, Jilly!
Perhaps this link will work or you can type it in: nwo
"18Cap" is the "smug or strong-armed paternalism" degree for the Great Conjunction (#3 of 3) of Uranus and Neptune in Oct 1993, the Symbol being "The Union Jack."
If you can't find the post (which tells more about "18Cap") for some reason let me know--tried to post link as an update to last post but Blogger was having none of it!
Yep -- that worked, thanks. Have a good new year.
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