Here are some disturbing excerpts from an email alert just received with the full story's link provided at end:
Posted: 15 Oct 2010 05:33 PM PDT
(GlobalResearch) – By assigning covert action roles to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it is as if the White House and Congress had legitimized the Ku Klux Klan to operate globally. That’s because the CIA today resembles nothing so much as the “Invisible Empire” of the KKK that once spread terror across the South and Midwest. Fiery crosses aside, this is what the CIA is doing globally.
Allowing it to operate in secret literally gives the CIA the mythical Ring of Gyges. In Plato’s Republic, the owner of the ring had the power to become invisible at will. As Wikipedia puts it, Plato “discusses whether a typical person would be moral if he did not have to fear the consequences of his actions.” The ancient Greeks made the argument, Wikipedia says, that “No man would keep his hands off what was not his own when he could safely take what he liked out of the market, go into houses and lie with any one at his pleasure, kill or release from prison whom he would, and in all respects be like a god among men.” The CIA, like Hitler’s Gestapo and Stalin’s NKVD before it, has provided modern man the answer to this question. Its actions illuminate why all criminal entities, from rapists and bank robbers, to Ponzi scheme swindlers and murderers, cloak themselves in secrecy.
There are innumerable examples of how American presidents have authorized criminal acts without public discussion that the preponderant majority of Americans would find reprehensible. Example: it was President Lyndon Johnson who ordered the CIA to meddle in Chile’s election to help Eduardo Frei become president. If they had known, U.S. taxpayers might have objected to such a use of their hard-earned money to influence the outcome of another country’s elections. But the public is rarely let in on such illegal foreign policy decisions.
As I write, today, October 11th, 2010, Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel of Argentina called on President Obama to revise U.S. (imperialist) policies toward Latin America. He questioned why the U.S. continues to plant its military bases across the region.
That’s an excellent question. If the U.S. is a peace-loving nation, why does it need 800 bases the world over in addition to 1,000 on its own soil? Americans might recoil in disgust if they knew of the CIA’s numerous assassinations of the elected officials of other nations. Is it any wonder Americans so often ask the question, “Why do they hate us?” As historian Arnold Toynbee wrote in 1961, “America is today the leader of a world-wide anti-revolutionary movement in the defence of vested interests. She now stands for what Rome stood for. Rome consistently supported the rich against the poor in all foreign communities that fell under her sway; and, since the poor, so far, have always and everywhere been more numerous than the rich, Rome’s policy made for inequality, for injustice, and for the least happiness of the greatest number.”
CIA spies have conducted their criminal operations masquerading as officials of U.S. aid programs, business executives, or journalists. Example: The San Diego-based Copley News Service’s staff of foreign correspondents allegedly was created to provide cover to CIA spies, compromising legitimate American journalists trying to do their jobs. While the murders committed by the KKK likely ran into the many thousands, the CIA has killed on a far grander scale and managed to keep its role largely secret.
...historian (Arnold) Toynbee noted: “America is today the leader of a world-wide anti-revolutionary movement in the defence of vested interests. She now stands for what Rome stood for.” ##
Now there's yet another apt comparison between the in-peril American Empire and the fallen Roman Empire (which is alive and thriving inside the Vatican's Jesuit Illuminati network.)
You'll find more CIA info within the article, so if you wish to read the rest - here's a link to Sherwood Ross' The CIA, the KKK and the USA.
And here are the official FAQs and answers about the CIA directly from the horse's severed head as we might be forgiven for saying. Note that the CIA works for the president according to "applicable law"!! Given all the heads of state the agency has installed, deposed, and/or assassinated through the decades and the people 'renditioned' into torture chambers, the US must have many laws allowing such actions which its citizens know nothing about (Patriot Act notwithstanding.)
Plus, you may note within the article a mention of Barack Obama as being a former CIA operative. Hmmm...his parents, too?
The US Central Intelligence Agency's Wiki bio gives its original founding as: President Harry Truman's signing of the National Security Act on July 26, 1947 aboard what was the first presidential aircraft, the Sacred Cow. Does this make the CIA and our armed forces America's Sacred Cows? Their out-of-bounds secret budgets would seem to indicate so as they 'run the show' and set the tenor for our terror-exporting imperial plutocracy.
Now I don't know just where Truman's Sacred Cow was parked during the signing ceremony so I'm using 'Washington DC' as a location for a speculative horoscope of the birth of the CIA since I assume that Langley, VA was set up as its headquarters at some later point in time and that the signing did not occur there.
Chart shown: July 26, 1947 12:00 pm edt, with the Pentagon's natal ASC at Mc, the Why? Point of any chart; Hour Venus 22Can10; Sun 2Leo49; Moon 22Sco34; NN 00Gem40 conjoins difficult Fixed Star Alcyone (exile; suffering; something to cry about); CIA's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series = 3 North @ 28Tau42 = 'traumatic transformations; worrying news that transforms a situation; obsession with large plans but don't get carried away' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.) How very interesting that 3N is the same PE as the attacks of 9/11.
Click chart to enlarge and hopefully you can read my scribbles; the formation of the CIA occurred under the cruel auspices of a Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, and both are planets of control and were opposing one another upon the US natal ASC/DESC axis on 9/11/01. Highlighted in blue upon the chart you see Michael Munkasey's analysis of the Saturn/Pluto combo: use of secret police (and military agencies); upsets in existing checks and balances.
That sums up The Agency rather well, I think. As listed top right, US natal Neptune 22Vir25 (veils and deceptions) had three midpoints upon it on July 26, 1947: Saturn/Chiron ('letting go the rule of the father' - make that 'founding fathers'), Moon/Venus ('minority groups and how a country helps preserve their heritage and culture' - or not), and the oppressive, disenfranchising duo of plutocracy, Pluto/Chiron.
The explosive pair of revolution, Uranus and Pluto, are both out-of-bounds and working on their own outside the realm of the other planetary functions. South Node = '1Sag': "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" in the Sabian Symbols; the Mars/Uranus midpoint 21Gem03 conjoins US natal Mars (god of war); US natal Saturn 14Lib48 is rising at noon and secretive, deceptive, fraudulent Neptune 8Lib23 has just arisen as well.
This gives a Saturn/Neptune vibe to the noon ASC so here we see the 'secret' or 'invisible' (Neptune) government (Saturn)' indication mentioned in the article linked above.
CIA's Jupiter/Pluto midpoint (which is not dependent on an exact birth time) sits atop the US natal chart (Sibly; Mc 00Lib43)...Jupiter/Pluto = 'growth of security or spy agencies; self-destructive forces which stem from official corruption; greater powers for religious leaders; extreme depletion of resources; criminal elements with great social influence; destruction of legal documents; pacts with foreigners on the use of force or weapons' (Munkasey) - all of which seem to me to apply to the CIA's operations.
1947 Jupiter/Pluto = US n MC: ambition and industriousness; advancement and promotion; great luck; the desire to succeed as manager; rising above petty ideas and inclinations; respect from others for great accomplishments in society. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)
There is also a 'hidden square' (256 degrees) between Uranus and Neptune, the Illumination/Illuminati planets which relates to the all-seeing eye that has turned out to be all about complete surveillance of the American people and everyone else, too. (I think I feel a surveillance satellite passing over my head as I type.)
So here's what I wrote about the 'hidden square' in the US natal chart in a post concerning the use of a Scorpio Ascendant for America as a 'spy agency' or 'spying activities' natal chart. Yes, the Uranus/Neptune 'hidden square' applies to America's 1776 horoscope no matter which ASC (birth time) is used for July 4, 1776.
And as you know, among other things, the sign of Scorpio is about spying, secrets, manipulation, and betrayal, with strong-arming, clandestine, cloaks of invisibility, extreme force, and weaponry Mars/Pluto vibes. So let's close with the difficult Mars/Pluto and Mars/Saturn midpoints at Mc (The Goal) of (this version of) the CIA's natal chart...for even if noon was not the actual hour of Truman's signing of the bill, these midpoints did cross the Midheaven that day all the same...
Mars/Saturn = Mc: the power of resistance; endurance; the necessity to overcome many difficulties; silent pride; mourning and bereavement.
Mars/Pluto = Mc: dealing with might on either side of any issue; major job maneuver; confidence and ambition; danger through the intervention of a higher power; operations ('ops'); unusual capabilities for advancement in life; learning how to gain control of and use powerful or extreme measures for increasing your standing or stature; principles that propel you to success; fulfilling certain ambitions by attaining influence.
(Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)
Okay I love this and want to go further. The one question you bring up here is one that goes round and round in my thoughts and that is:Why does the US have bases located all over the planet? If I know about the bases others must know and how many people are wondering what this is all about? I was raised to believe that we fought the Nazis to save the world but somehow I see us as just the most bad ass fascists of all.
Oh!! sad intake of breath-these points and facts create in me a longing to get out in the yard and prepare for the winter plantings of greens and cabbages,etc and to remember that this is the main reason I love humanistic astrology used for the development of personal consciousness, for the development of tolerance and understanding, acceptance of each other. I can't change the plans and activities of those who are so full of fear that they want to control everything but I can change how I relate to those in my tiny circle of connections. Perhaps as I go along I will accept that I am somehow involved with these terror agents.
hi jude, another provacative and entertaining post.
civilisation began with the first wall. it was a wall of defense. the u.s.'s wall extends around the globe and keeps the barbarian and war far from our shores. blast the u.s. as you will, but, if the borders were opened there would a human migration such as the world has never known. the rest of the world hates us? no, the rest of the world envies us (which is a stronger emotion).
nature abhors a vacuum, and if the "imperialistic" u.s. withdrew from the world stage, indeed the "revolutionaries" would rush in (being of a much more energetic nature than the emersonian "naval gazers" and the politically ignorant who happily prefer to remain outside the machinations and intrigues of government, and who only "dirty their hands" in mother earth as they bury their heads in the compost heap.
the greatest "bloodbaths" in history have been perpetrated by revolutionary governments (the u.s. excepted), and the resultant governments are always lessons in totalitarianism, tyranny and terror.
the horrible "purges" and "cleansings" that always follow revolutions, never remove the stars from the eyes, nor the warped idealism from the minds of new generations of hitlers and stalins, who dream of god on earth and a owg. sorry, satan is the ruler of this earth.
the world will be governed by someone for better or for worse. who would you prefer, the mongol hordes, the drunk cossacks, the merciless muslims, or the pornographic americans?
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