A Horoscope for America: US Syzygy Moon July 1, 1776 @10Cap12
by Jude Cowell
Occurring during the final days prior to the public reading of the Declaration of Independence (and its partial signing on July 4, 1776, the date America's founding fathers seemed to have preferred us to celebrate as Independence Day) is a Full Moon @10Cap12 (Sun 10Can12 on July 1, 1776, a lunation which was recently 'eclipsed' or triggered by a Solar Eclipse @9Can12 on
July 1, 2011.)
Below is displayed our Syzygy Moon horoscope with some rather messy chart details added by yours truly; please click image to enlarge; according to my SolarFire software, this Full Moon became exact at 10:30:06 am LMT Philadelphia, PA, and is the last lunation prior to our nation's birth (pre-July 4, 1776):
ASC 20Vir13 makes Mercury chart-ruler and brings up Fixed Star
Denebola (
to go against society; if rising:
good fortune attended by dangers and anxieties, because of folly--DeVore.)
Venus 29Gem05 in 10th H is at a critical-crisis degree (29) and hurrying to reach Cancer where she will reside on July 4, 1776 in the 3-4 degree range and nearer to moneybags Jupiter ('6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"--Jones.)
Mercury's three applying aspects tell how things proceeded on this date, in this place, and at the hour of a culminating Full Moon showing an end of a phase of activity.
Chart-ruler Mercury applies:
1. semi-square Uranus (1A36; 45 degr) shows minor irritations between youthful orators, writers, and/or businessmen and the radical politicians and geniuses of the day; minor adjustments to future plans were necessary.
2. sextile Neptune (2A59; 60 degr) denotes inspiration, futuristic insights, and high ideals guiding the participants; however, if distracted, this promising energy makes it hard to begin again with the same high enthusiasm as before for it's rather wispy;
philosophically minded people are indicated who put spiritual values above material concerns--well,
some of them did; Mercury in 11th H shows groups, associations, hopes, and wishes centered on Cancer, sign of shrewd businessmen plus, domestic and security concerns; NN in 11th H denotes meetings and group encounters of a creative nature (Leo.)
3. square Chiron 20Ari04 in 8th H (5A17) gives mental exactitude, extreme opinions, high intuition, and a potential for creating magic (Clow.)
And as you see, our eye-in-the-sky, mind-controlling
Mercury/Pluto opposition is separating as on July 4, 1776, but its unconscious influence continues to track and bedevil us when it isn't coping with problems of its own.
In Mundane Astrology, Moon = We The People
Moon inconjunct the planet of freedom and liberty
Uranus @8Gem45 indicates recurring crises, anxieties and nervous conditions that lower resistance, and an excitable energy which attracts con men, politicians, and propagandists who play games in order to gain our willing if unconscious submission.
Venus inconjunct Pluto describes being left holding the financial bag (which has been painfully brought forward to 2007/08 and before--ex: corporate welfare and bank bail-outs), and a tendency toward financial over-extension which greatly added to our monetary woes. In its day, I believe this aspect described conditions of American diplomats going overseas to plead our cause and garner funding to support the American Revolution with about one third of the funding coming from the House of Rothschild (whether all the founders were fully aware of this enslavement to debt or not).
This is precisely what President Andrew Jackson fought so vehemently against--foreign banks holding debt over the US government's head when we may have to tussle on difficult issues or go to war with them later on. Makes you wonder about the wisdom of threatening China, our biggest creditor, doesn't it?)
Since members of the Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia were in great danger of treason charges with dire consequences from Britain, the enterprise's conditions were at critical points all through deliberations in June and July 1776. Perhaps you've heard that Benjamin Franklin (almanac writer and publisher, astrologer/Freemason, and more) wanted the Declaration signing to happen
after the Moon left Saturn-ruled Capricorn (thanks, Ben! An Aquarian Moon is much better in the humanitarian department) and sailed beyond opposition to the Sun (the leader.)
This chart marks the moment when the Sun/Moon opposition (we-the-people v leaders) culminates and is at its strongest--3 days before our nation's official birthday which falls into this particular lunation cycle and describes mundane (daily) conditions within the environment.
Some indication of the Convention members' testy arguments and stand-offs are also noted here through the opposition appearing across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of security, reigning needs (Moon), public status, business, law, and government (Saturn = lawmakers; Sun = the ruler, or, leadership) as the Full Moon perfects.
Note: The term 'Sygyzy' refers to a
yoking together by conjunction or opposition of a planet with another--particularly with the Sun, and here it's Luna timing her own Full Moon with relationship/awareness/culmination and fulfillment implications.
So with America possessing several versions of a natal horoscope with most set for July 4, 1776, why am I showing you yet another one to consider?
It's not my scampish streak, it's our current societal conditions and the very real prospect that subtle plutonian forces of infiltration have been and are working to take over our country to an even greater extent than they already have (exs: 9/11/01; the 'Patriot' Act; death-dealing drones across America, global imperialism, US military as world cop, US citizens left out in the cold--too bad, so sad, Americans pepper sprayed in their faces and eyes for protesting legally, US wealth and resources heisted away to foreign entities, SOPA as mentioned below, etc, etc)...and the fact that progressing our Sygyzy Moon chart (a day for a year) shows that
US Secondary Progressed Full Moon @4Vir10 (a phase which reveals what
should be the limit of our expansion into the broader world)...hasn't occurred yet!
Why 'yet'?
Because progressing the US 'Sibly' natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT) results in a
Secondary Full Moon @4Vir10 on December 24, 2008 and as we experienced, this timed the limits of our financial growth with the crescendo of the Bush-Cheney Financial Collapse 2008 presenting us with a major freak-out in December 2008. This may be because the 'Sibly' chart has Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising (The Seeker on a Sacred Quest--to bankrupt the entire world while protecting the wealthy, it seems.)
As you see above,
America's natal Mars/Neptune square (misguided inspiration and actions; deceptive ideals; a misdirected military) is on full display--Neptune rising and Mars at Midheaven, the Goal or WHY? Point of any horoscope. And military Mars is, sad to say, the
closest planet to an Angle in
America's Syzygy Moon chart of 1776.
Saturn a Karmic Planet
The T-Square between Sun and Moon pointing toward
apex Saturn gives info we don't usually obtain from other US natal charts since here, Saturn is within orb of the Sun/Moon opposition; Saturn rules the Moon (Cap Moon = major ambitions; emotional coldness or isolation) so the lesson-bringer's involvement is made more pertinent in the chart, and the business-oriented Sun in Cancer is ruled by the Moon.
Apex Saturn in a Cardinal T-Square shows managers with executive talents who tend toward impatience, ambition, and self-determination; difficult challenges are confronted head-on until objectives are reached; issues of domination and authority are involved and concerns of immediate importance are directly dealt with.
And you see there, Saturn conjuncts 2nd cusp (money; earning ability; values) denoting the dearth of money the Continental Congress had to work with.
If you wish a view, here's the Secondary Full Moon Dec 24, 2008 post with horoscope shown which I published on my WordPress blog quite some time ago--the chart cusps differ from the upcoming April 1, 2012 Sec Full Moon horoscope, of course, but the basic planetary positions and Sec Full Moon's degree/s remain the same, including a Hard Rectangle pattern involving Sun and Moon (the pattern's details are noted in the post.)
Pluto/Chiron = Plutocracy
Checking a transit chart for April 1, 2012, we find the Moon @6Leo48 conjoining US natal North Node (from July 4, 1776) which is apex of a
YOD pattern (special task; crisis; turning point; crossroads) between Pluto 9Cap33 sextile Chiron 7Pis31 at the YOD's base--and the Pluto/Chiron duo work together to disenfranchise and oppress all whom they can while lining their lairs and pockets with goodies and loot stolen or exploited from people of all ages, stripes, hues, and professions.
Check out transits in the
April 1, 2012 horoscope (5:03:26 pm edt) with its retrograde chart-ruler Mercury (@24Pis09 in 7th H), if you have a chance. With its 12th H (Politics behind the door; Karma; Large Institutions such as hospitals and zoos; Self-Undoing; the Unconscious)
Mars 4Vir38 Rx (during his long stay in critical Virgo, sign of Work and Health), we may be in for an April 2012 of denials, delays in plans, equipment breakdowns, and the usual, tiresome performances of Opposition Politics so prevalent and debilitating to the national interests of the American people and which is now over-covered and promulgated with impunity by a complicit Mainstream Media that
should act as the people's governmental 'watchdogs' but who choose to operate instead as willing and happy enablers of corporate Global Governance ideals.
Mercury rules
reporters and is debilitated by retrogradation and bossed around by powerful Pluto acting in his role as The Publisher.
Well, what else to expect since they're all members of the same clubs and societies and serve on the same corporate boards!
In addition, did you know that America's
Solar Return 2011 Horoscope also contains a
YOD pointing to '6Leo' (position of the April 1, 2012 Moon.)
But in our
SR 2011 chart of July 4, 2011, that position is held by speedy,
Tweeting Mercury, twisting under the emotional stresses of career, financial, education costs and loans, and family anxieties as they prepared inwardly for a certain public debut on
September 17, 2011 when they incarnated as the youth-infused Occupy Wall Street movement, with Mercury ruling
young people, communications, oration (
'The People's Mic'), commerce, trade, negotiations, thinking processes, plans, and education.
So will you participate on
Election Day November 6, 2012? Just wondering since staying home is precisely the wrong course to take even though election results may be shady.
And do you want to keep Internet freedom intact? Then we must nix
SOPA, the so-called 'Stop Internet Piracy Act'--a clever ruse of a name yet transparent in its attempt to more fully commercialize, surveil, and control the Internet while lowering and eventually stomping out any remaining vestiges of the democratic atmosphere that has so recently wafted across the Uranian-Neptunian waves of Cyberspace these last few years.
Our millionaire Senate is set to vote on SOPA on
January 24, 2012 and this draconian bill will sail through to a corporate harbor if enough people fail to speak up and out. If it passes then subversive, controlling string-puller Pluto in staid Capricorn will win and we will lose a larger chunk of our republic and our right to exercise free speech than we may yet appreciate.
How much effort, courage, and sacrifice it took our early founders and patriots to 'win' for all of us a decent--and I say,
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
--The U. S. Constitution
As Benjamin Franklin replied to a shouted question as he left the Constitutional Convention on
September 18, 1787 about whether America had ended up with a Republic or a Monarchy:
"A republic, if you can keep it."
This of course echoes the early rift between John Adams-Alexander Hamilton monarchists v the democracy championed by the Jefferson-Paine-Franklin-Madison alliance & their anti-King-George-III colleagues.
Yet since December 1913, the British-style Banking System rules the US government through the Federal Reserve System which is neither federal nor reserve-holding.
And so if we fast forward to modern Washington DC, Campaign 2012, political promises that will miss their mark, and actual consequences of political policies and decisions, many people note that there's little if any difference between Democrats and Republicans, and with this I must agree. Why, it's almost as if the power elites of Washington DC are not the real and final arbitrators of our concerns, you know? CRaZy!
And since the GOP is the prime party of
monarchists in the US, our allowing headstrong Republicans to take control of the White House helm and bullhorn once again (so soon!) seems to me more grievous and damaging to our tattered Republic than what a sane people with scales fallen from their eyes should reasonably and self-interestedly allow.
At about 8:45 pm est, Mitt "I like to fire people" Romney was announced as the victor in today's New Hampshire primaries which was the predictable outcome for this former
Bain Capital financial 'hitman' who signed pink slips hand over greedy fist during his years running the corporation and predictably boosted the company's bottom line. Legend has it, Mitt created a few jobs, too. Hmm.
And yes, his "I like to fire people" remark of January 9, 2012 has been taken out of context in order to hoist Mitt upon his own corporate spear of destiny.
Or was he pooshed?
Credit to a hilarious
SNL skit with Bill Hader and Alec Baldwin.
Mild Update: Oct 18, 2016