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Jul 2, 2014

Independence Day 2014: Happy 238th Birthday, America!

July 2014: America Turns Gray Around the Muzzle

by Jude Cowell

The horoscope of America's Solar Return 2014 actually favors that of Summer Solstice 2014 with Jupiter in Cancer rising but the Moon (We the People; the public mood) is no longer in Scorpio conjunct depressive, austere Saturn. Instead our national birthday Luna is in 4th house (chart set for Washington DC) and is positioned @12Lib23--nearing US natal Saturn (14:48), then conjoins Solar Return 2014 Mars @20Lib10, also in 4th house of Domestic Scene, Security, and Real Estate.

Moon-Mars has an angry signature or at least one of activism and protests and we certainly are experiencing these things already. In Mundane Astrology the sign of the Moon describes the mood of the public and in this case, it's Airy, detached Libra. We do not want more war yet the position of warrior SR 2014 Mars (god of war) spotlights the current Mars Return to America's Secondary Progressed (SP) Mars Rx and this indicates the current redeployment--Rx--of US troops (special forces, advisers, whatever you wish to call them) to Iraq, the theater of war that we so recently backed out of (Mars Rx.)

However, Libra is a war sign as well and is opposite Aries, the Mars-ruled sign of aggression, contention, and attacks.

Way beyond the scope of this post there is much to say about the situation in Iraq (and many pundits and perpetrators are now saying all over US airwaves) but let's now focus on America's 238th birthday which actually perfects (Sun to 13Can19 in our natal 'Sibly chart') on July 5, 2014 at 6:01:17 am edt.

Sun Cancer, Moon Libra is a square relationship between leader/s (Sun) and The People (Moon) which underscores the fact that the American people don't wish to be lied into any more foreign intrigues or invasions. Also on our not-not list are drone strikes which are against most people's ideas of how to treat our fellow beings but as you know, this hasn't stopped Global Government promoters from using America as its military arm of aggression and draconian actions. Even another financial meltdown is said to be in the works which wouldn't surprise this blogger at all--beware the auto loan bubble now inflating, dear reader!

So with this Water-Air blend of energies we find ourselves for the next 12 months dealing with issues rather ethereal and misty so it will require tremendous determination to address real world issues for we'll prefer the pleasant over the tough. Feelings and thoughts may blend together so that we can't separate one from the other and this adds to our indecisive behavior. Meanwhile, detached viewpoints may in reality be infused with bias, even prejudice. Procrastination often prevails under Water-Air influences and mistrust of others tends to abound.

Strange as it seems, there is a lack of strategy within leadership with this combo which will possibly be improved by the feminine talent of being aware of diffuse elements simultaneously--this will come in handy if anyone listens to the females in The Group (a novel by Mary McCarthy who shares the Sun Can-Moon Lib combo in her natal chart.)

Underlying influences of Sun Can-Moon Lib are, of course, the 'Moon-Venus' duo which points to issues of immigration, migrants, refugees, native populations, agricultural production (or its lack), manufacturing concerns, and preservation of cultures and their heritage (such as a caliphate set up in Iraq and Syria which erases the quirky boundaries of Iraq that Great Britain erected years ago against all common sense?)

Plus, as you remember, Sun Can-Moon Lib is the natal blend of George W. Bush who has so far stayed out of the limelight on current Iraq issues--afraid he'll be confronted and challenged in public concerning his quixotic, stupid mistakes, I imagine.

Well, graying America is careening along and turns 238 years old in a few days. Turn the years into degrees of the Zodiac and you get 28 Scorpio which conjoins President Obama's natal Midheaven, the point of Goals and Aspirations. To close, here is Dane Rudhyar on this degree:

"The King of the Fairies Approaches His Domain"...'Keynote: The capacity in man to recognize and to pay homage to an integrating Principle at the core of all existence'..."An inner ALLEGIANCE begins to polarize the consciousness." (An Astrological Mandala.)

Of polarization America has gracious plenty!


Blog Note to my wonderful regular readers: now in preparation mode for some surgery next week so after this weekend all my blogs will go dark for a week or so. Back soon, much to my critics' displeasure! jc

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