Below is the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope previously published here with my messy chart notes intact:
First, let's note the all-alone Sun (POTUS) in Career 10th house (conjunct asteroid Icarus) which has turned out to be prophetic given the high number of resignations and firings from the service of Donald Trump's White House--and in the brief time of his under-fire administration. Obviously, many stressful situations and separations have been self-created no less so than by Mr. Trump himself through his attempt to remake America in his distorted Klan-esque image.
Of course, it is no secret that this particular Southerner has never believed the man is up to the task of playing US president because I value the office more highly than his personal flaws can possibly reach. Many of my fellow astrologers criticize me for this bias yet I have also stated here and elsewhere that as any POTUS goes, so goes America and for this reason my hope as a Child of the Revolution has been that Donald Trump would do well in the job on behalf of the American people, and by extension, the rest of the world. Unfortunately, this so far seems an empty wish on my part and yet hope does, and must, spring eternal.
And so with trepidation, the following is my consideration of a few of the upcoming 2018/2019 transits to the Trump Inauguration chart of 2017. No beneficial transits will be listed which is due to my anxiety over the fate of our nation under Trump's quixotic Uranian leadership (see the 'whimsical' link at the end of this post). If this bothers you, dear reader, you are invited to discount this post and mosey on to something that echoes your adoration of Mr. Trump as 'dear leader' for you'll find no such adoration here!
Note that in the Inauguration 2017 chart, the rebellious Uranus-Pluto square is featured (3A09) and so...
Transit Pluto Square Inaugural Uranus 2018 into 2019
In the chart you see Inaugural Ascendant @14Tau07 which brought Trump's natal 9th house of legalities, foreign lands, philosophy and religion to the fore from the start and for the duration of his tenure. Inaugural Pluto in 9th house will make a series of squares to Inaugural Uranus (12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions) beginning on March 7, 2018--still a 9th-to-12th house situation. This occurs with both transiting planets at critical-crisis degrees (Aries-Capricorn 20:46). This is the Cardinal Square reasserting its difficult energies for Mr. Trump and our nation. The second exact square occurs on June 9, 2018, the third on January 6, 2019, the fourth on September 9, 2019, and the last on October 26, 2019 so the entire period is one of higher powers threatening or imposing restrictions on political and economic systems and on the radical reforms (Uranus is Aries = Utopian anarchists and blind zealots--Ebertin) of Mr. Trump and his conspiring Republicans.
Transit Saturn 2018 Conjunct Inaugural Mercury @6Cap45
As you know, astrological Mercury represents multiple things on various levels with plans, communications, and commerce being only three of them. In 2018 there are three conjunctions to 9th house Mercury (6Cap45) from transiting Saturn, karmic planet of limitation, delay, loss, judgments, courts, laws, lawmakers, government, and business. Of course, Saturn is strong in his own sign of Capricorn and is slowly gearing up for his Great Conjunction with powerful Pluto on January 12, 2020 (DC horoscope shown). But for now, the old devil hits Inaugural Mercury in the legal 9th house three times in 2018 on: February 21, June 14, and November 20. This creates a period of increased responsibilities, circumstances that require a broadening of skills and knowledge, serious meetings (testimonies?) occurring, soberness that pervades the environment, and schedules, ideas, and plans that are restricted, delayed, or denied--and may a military parade be one of them!
Of interest as well is March 8, 2018's Jupiter Station Retrograde @23Sco13, the same spot in the Zodiac where transit Mars Stationed Direct during the 2016 Campaign on June 29, 2016--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal IC. On March 8, Jupiter will again be leading a BOWL pattern as Mr. Moneybags (and Jupiter the General) has done of late. Perhaps this cosmic condition relates to dictator-idolizing Trump's dream of a military parade through the streets of Washington DC which would show Trump's and America's weakness rather than the projection of power that he imagines.
Another curious transit to the Inauguration 2017 horoscope is the transiting South Node of the Moon (the 'tail of the dragon') swiping US Inaugural Sun (00AQ49 = POTUS) exact on October 27, 2018. This karmic transit suggests ego concerns (as always for Trump), leadership differences, and the potential for physical interactions. A major separation from POTUS--perhaps of the public or his 'base'--is also a possibility around this time.
Year 2018 ends with transit Jupiter square Inaugural Neptune (10Pis16 in 11th house of Hopes, Wishes, and Group Associations) on December 24, a time when Mr. Trump's need to live in a fantasy world increases, his judgment becomes cloudier than usual, and he yearns for greener pastures. Well, one thing we know--that for a majority of Americans, the current kingpin-in-chief can't graze to greener pastures soon enough.
Related post include: Trump Inauguration 2017's 2018 Solar Return, The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017, and 2018 Saturn to Trump's Natal Mercury-Neptune Square (reality to his delusions?)
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