by Jude Cowell
Perhaps you've watch the History Channel's YouTube documentary The Tesla Files: Shadow Government Revealed (S1 E5). Born July 9, 1856 during a midnight thunderstorm in Gospic, Croatia with early Taurus and Pluto rising, Uranian genius Nicola (Nikola!) Tesla's inventions made posible many things such as the wireless technology we employ today. Dying under what seem to be mysterious circumstances on the night of January 7, 1943 in his Manhattan hotel room at The New Yorker, Tesla's files were reportedly gathered up and taken away by the FBI a couple of days after a hotel maid found his lifeless body. By this time, Tesla was very thin and living on warm milk and crackers, plus, the scientist was penniless after a lifetime of inventions (stolen!) and a habit of sleeping only two hours per night.
Apparently, Tesla suffered from a heart condition and died during a Saturn-Uranus-Conjunction period ('Saturn-Uranus' = heart blockage - R. Ebertin). Official cause of death: heart thrombosis. This may be true but it doesn't rule out criminal interference speeding his death along. However, as the above documentary mentions, it could be that Tesla was not being secretly surveilled by government agencies, but was actually working with them. This was, after all, the era of the secret Manhattan Project and other covert projects relating to the war effort and weaponry. Even 'UFOs' became involved in Tesla's story as detailed in the above documentary, and there's a link from there to the commandering of Tesla's files after his death. Perhaps you've heard of the The Majestic Twelve and the conspiracy theories that have swirled out of this secretive group of scientists.
UPDATE Jan 31, 2022: Here's a link to some historical context concerning President Truman and The Bomb. Original post continues here:
Then There's Poor Old Tesla Playing with Pigeons
These days, there are people asking, was Tesla's famous devotion to pigeons more professional than personal? Were secret messages sent to and from a (secretly?) surveilled Nicola Tesla via pigeons he kept on the roof of The New Yorker Hotel? If Tesla was being spied upon by various entities, it's no mere theory that homing pigeons had been used as winged messengers before, by the US military, in fact. And curiously, on an astrological note, for the Vertex ('VX' of fated encounters) at this death (unmarked on the chart but @19AQ55), its rounded-up degree of @20AQ reveals an appropriate Sabian Symbol of "A Big White Dove, A Message Bearer"! In the above documentary, you can see a photo of Tesla's favorite pigeon - and yes, it's white.
Perhaps another cosmic curiosity is that his 1943 Death Neptune Rx @2Lib03 conjuncts - hides - Tesla's natal Nemesis, the unbeatable foe (2Lib22), and of course, sneaky Neptune is the karmic planet of veils, disguises, surveillance, lies, fraud, corruption, speculation, loss, and more. Then rising at 10:30 pm EWT in the Death Horoscope is 14Vir21 which brings up Tesla's natal Icarus, asteroid of 'assassination' and/or 'falling from position' - and possibly being unprepared for the task ahead.
Meanwhile, there's a solar timing device between the charts because Tesla's demise, natural or assisted, came during his un-birthday when the Sun in Capricorn opposed his natal Sun in Cancer, an annual time of reassessment of one's goals for the year. Did a mystery visitor that January 7th insist on a change of direction that Nicola Tesla refused to make? Could it have related to the development of the atom bomb? Well, transit Mercury and Pluto Rx were opposed (across the US Nodal Axis of meetings, encounters, separations) which suggests that someone was determined to undermine existing circumstances along with the spying that comes with this pair. Their opposition by transit echoes America's Mercury-Pluto opposition of July 1776, a cosmic picture of "knowledge is power'.
Yet this opposition can also suggest that Tesla's complex thought patterns may have been unraveling or disintegrating due to longstanding health factors at his age such as the development of brain-related conditions (ex: dementia). After all, he'd reached 87 years old, was subsisting on a poor diet, and had already lived 3 years beyond his Uranus Return/s when things and memories important in the past tend to be let go or forgotten, thus creating a form of mental freedom - in other words, a natural process. Three times genius Tesla's Uranus returned to natal degree (23Tau56 in 1st house): twice in 1940 in June and November, and once in April 1941.
Then on a biological level, Reinhold Ebertin gives the Mercury-Pluto duo a link to 'nerve troubles' and to 'the overtaxing of strength' through 'excessive zeal'. For the brilliant Nicola Tesla, born with primal Pluto rising and thus able to see deeply into reality itself and understand the Universe's cosmic underpinnings, his was a life time of zeal.
And so my suspicion is that a certain midpoint picture of transformation and scientific breakthroughs, which prominently conjuncts his natal Ascendant at birth, could have played a primary part in his zealous life mission and inventions on behalf of the betterment of mankind:
Pluto = Jupiter-Uranus: devices that can transform the world!
And yet the mystery of Nicola Tesla's death remains, with Astrology offering valuable insights while providing no definite conclusion for most of us regarding the 'natural or assisted' question.
Now without further ado, below is a view of the Natal and Death Horoscopes of Nicola Tesla bwo a bi-wheel (his natal chart in center). As always, feel free to leave a name-tagged, on-topic comment with this post if there are any planetary factors you wish to mention for many other cosmic contacts and features between the two charts are worth noting:
Nicola Tesla intended that his inventions would be utilized for the sake of humanity, a mission unendorsed by the corporatists, colleagues, and government officials of his day. Even so, in tribute to a great and ill-treated genius, May Nicola Tesla R.I.P.