by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
Through the years of SO'W, we've discussed a variety of Jupiter-related topics yet for me, there's one in particular that rises to the top of my list of past conditions informing and leading to current events as Election 2024 nears and the stakes for our futures are pivotal.
Naturally, this concern is only one of many influences, yet cosmically it can provide a basis for, or a signpost on the way to, the anarchistic take-over energies of modern-day zealots (red cappers; militiamen; lovers of "strong men" dictators) and Utopians (promoters of lawless society and draconian authoritarianism in America).
And so the ravenous spirit now knocks at Washington's door, and cosmically may be observed in large part through the 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (horoscope linked, below).
At least, in the language of astrologese, the 2012 YOD pattern provides a view of past influences affecting present circumstances for those with ears to listen and eyes to see. But not to fret, dear reader, for speaking or understanding astrologese isn't strictly necessary since astrologers translate cosmic images into English, or into whatever language a reader prefers. It's what we do.
So today, I refer to the Winter Solstice 2012 Horoscope - 12 years ago - with its crisis-laden, crossroads-reaching YOD pattern formed by the 2012 Saturn-Pluto sextile at the pattern's base pointing toward apex JupiterRx @8Gem54 in the 6th house of Health, Work, Service (Military; Civil; Social), and Daily Rounds - and with Jupiter conjunct US 1776 Uranus, planet of zealots, reactionaries, revolutionists, radical reformers, anarchists, zealots, insurrectionists, seditionists, saboteurs, "shock troops," (as Bannon called for) such as those we watched on TV as they stormed Congress on January 6, 2021. Plus, with expansive Jupiter in 6th house, we know there had to be abundant communications in 2012 concerning 6th house - and hidden 12th house - matters.
2012 Jupiter (The General) to US 1776 Uranus (Totem Planet of War)
Potentials of the 2012 Jupiter-to-Uranus transit include: expanded or altered horizons, freedom and independence concerns, unorthodox training courses, instability, unusual travel destinations, and/or heading in a different direction.
Now as you see, the Winter Solstice 2012 chart is set for Washington DC (my old stomping grounds) with apex Jupiter and US 1776 Uranus having the "9 Gemini" Sabian Symbol, "A Quiver Filled With Arrows":
Today (10/07/24), transit Jupiter clocks in @21Gem20 (conjunct US 1776 Mars: an expanded part to play in events) so the Great Benefic's Return to position in the Winter Solstice 2012 chart has already occurred: significantly it perfected on July 4, 2024, America's Independence Day! And Jupiter does prize his independence - to explore and expand, yes?
Then if curious, you may wish to review Events of 2012.
And for more cosmic information, let's read the planetary trio plus one of 2012 as midpoint pictures of potentials:
Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: religious and social fanaticism; difficulties caused through illness (R. Ebertin): people with leadership and power to dispense (M. Munkasey); austerity; trouble with authority; trying to save what's left (N. Tyl).
Same picture but substitute US 1776 Uranus in place of 2012 Jupiter and we have:
Brut*l efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses (NT); sudden acts of vi*lence (RE); erratic or uneven use of retaliatory methods; sudden changes or upsets in plans; reforms in the way punishment is given for important crimes (MM).
If only we'd known in 2012 what we know now.
To review the January 12, 2020 Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn try this previous SO'W post. You'll remember that the January 2020 Conjunction of old man Saturn, the devil, with primally viol*nt Pluto, planet of death, spies, the morbidly rich, destruction, and transformation landed directly upon the natal Vertex of a certain predator sporting an orange hue.
And here's a link to another previous post containing all four Cardinal seasonal shifts from Spring to Winter, Year 2024 in a Cosmic Nutshell.