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Showing posts with label Saturn-Pluto Conjunction 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn-Pluto Conjunction 2020. Show all posts

Oct 7, 2024

"Brut*l Efforts to Start a New Order"

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Through the years of SO'W, we've discussed a variety of Jupiter-related topics yet for me, there's one in particular that rises to the top of my list of past conditions informing and leading to current events as Election 2024 nears and the stakes for our futures are pivotal.

Naturally, this concern is only one of many influences, yet cosmically it can provide a basis for, or a signpost on the way to, the anarchistic take-over energies of modern-day zealots (red cappers; militiamen; lovers of "strong men" dictators) and Utopians (promoters of lawless society and draconian authoritarianism in America).

And so the ravenous spirit now knocks at Washington's door, and cosmically may be observed in large part through the 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (horoscope linked, below).

At least, in the language of astrologese, the 2012 YOD pattern provides a view of past influences affecting present circumstances for those with ears to listen and eyes to see. But not to fret, dear reader, for speaking or understanding astrologese isn't strictly necessary since astrologers translate cosmic images into English, or into whatever language a reader prefers. It's what we do.

So today, I refer to the Winter Solstice 2012 Horoscope - 12 years ago - with its crisis-laden, crossroads-reaching YOD pattern formed by the 2012 Saturn-Pluto sextile at the pattern's base pointing toward apex JupiterRx @8Gem54 in the 6th house of Health, Work, Service (Military; Civil; Social), and Daily Rounds - and with Jupiter conjunct US 1776 Uranus, planet of zealots, reactionaries, revolutionists, radical reformers, anarchists, zealots, insurrectionists, seditionists, saboteurs, "shock troops," (as Bannon called for) such as those we watched on TV as they stormed Congress on January 6, 2021. Plus, with expansive Jupiter in 6th house, we know there had to be abundant communications in 2012 concerning 6th house - and hidden 12th house - matters.

2012 Jupiter (The General) to US 1776 Uranus (Totem Planet of War)

Potentials of the 2012 Jupiter-to-Uranus transit include: expanded or altered horizons, freedom and independence concerns, unorthodox training courses, instability, unusual travel destinations, and/or heading in a different direction.

Now as you see, the Winter Solstice 2012 chart is set for Washington DC (my old stomping grounds) with apex Jupiter and US 1776 Uranus having the "9 Gemini" Sabian Symbol, "A Quiver Filled With Arrows":

Today (10/07/24), transit Jupiter clocks in @21Gem20 (conjunct US 1776 Mars: an expanded part to play in events) so the Great Benefic's Return to position in the Winter Solstice 2012 chart has already occurred: significantly it perfected on July 4, 2024, America's Independence Day! And Jupiter does prize his independence - to explore and expand, yes?

Then if curious, you may wish to review Events of 2012.

And for more cosmic information, let's read the planetary trio plus one of 2012 as midpoint pictures of potentials:

Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: religious and social fanaticism; difficulties caused through illness (R. Ebertin): people with leadership and power to dispense (M. Munkasey); austerity; trouble with authority; trying to save what's left (N. Tyl).

Same picture but substitute US 1776 Uranus in place of 2012 Jupiter and we have:

Brut*l efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses (NT); sudden acts of vi*lence (RE); erratic or uneven use of retaliatory methods; sudden changes or upsets in plans; reforms in the way punishment is given for important crimes (MM).

If only we'd known in 2012 what we know now.

To review the January 12, 2020 Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn try this previous SO'W post. You'll remember that the January 2020 Conjunction of old man Saturn, the devil, with primally viol*nt Pluto, planet of death, spies, the morbidly rich, destruction, and transformation landed directly upon the natal Vertex of a certain predator sporting an orange hue.

And here's a link to another previous post containing all four Cardinal seasonal shifts from Spring to Winter, Year 2024 in a Cosmic Nutshell.

Aug 21, 2022

America's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle

Saturn-Pluto: Fanaticism and Turmoil Against Rigid Structures

by Jude Cowell

To my surprise, the horoscope of America's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle which began November 21, 1750 sports '23Cap47' rising, a sensitized degree which brings up the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 - along with the natal and karmic Vertex ('VX') of one Donald Trump (22Cap51). Perhaps you agree that our current conditions feel like a double Saturn-Pluto emphasis now bedeviling society, led by an orange-hued figurehead who simply refuses to go away. Recognizing evil when we see it is one part of this cosmic picture, and the practice of Politics, corruptly done, provides decent folk with multiple opportunities to recognize evil each and every day.

Yet for about 1/3 of the US population, the orange blighter is a real pied piper, only fit for fussy fascist-minded fanatics - with fanaticism, violence, and victimhood showing in the horoscope, below.

One example is the Moon in fussy Virgo conjunct victim star Zosma); listed upper right is the fact that 1750 Luna conjuncts September 2016's 19 North Eclipse of "realism" and "tackling the truth," a promising eclipse which had the misfortune to be opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces, a planet of deception, fraud, and the gaslighting that was used to muddy all waters, erode facts, and disguise pathological liar Trump the grifter as being suitable to inhabit the Oval Office. Sad to say, he was, and is, not:

For better viewing, please enlarge the image, print the chart, or set one up for yourself!

Now in the 1750 horoscope, there are other cosmic links to Tr*mp's natal planets for those who care to look, and there are a few chart factors which simply must be listed here. For instance, as noted above, the Moon @8Vir49 reflects the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (19 North) which brought along both the 2016 Election (selection, with Russia's help) and the 2017 Inauguration of the orange blighter whose current plight is our plight, more's the pity. Of interest may be a view of the dual horoscopes of the 1993 Clinton Inauguration and the cuss'ed 2017 Inauguration with its Scorpio Moon of betrayal. (You know, like seditionists and traitors do.)

Curiously, the 1993 Inaugural Moon conjuncts the 1993 Saturn-Pluto midpoint suggesting potentials for 'strong control over people's habits' (Munkasey) and/or 'a tragic destiny for women' (Ebertin). Naturally, the antiquated opinions of Justice Samuel Alito and his reactionary comrades come easily to mind although from 1993, it took the backward misogynists 29 years to overturn Roe v Wade. Yet happily, the Court's bizarre opinion has brought out women voters by the droves! (Did you hear that in Florida, DeSantis' list of banned books now includes The Handmaid's Tale? A brazen attempt to hide his true dystopian agenda for women all barefoot and pregnant, it appears.)

In addition, the Syzygy Moon prior to the 1750 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction falls @21Tau21 (4th house) conjunct a certain asteroid Phaethon, a figure who tends to take on more than he's ready for in similar fashion to the Icarus myth. Wouldn't it would be fabulous in 2022 and beyond if GOP neo-fascists and nazi-wanna-bes turn out to be doing just that - taking on too much so that failure results? However, we should add that the Sabian Symbol for the 1750 Ascendant ("24Cap") is quite descriptive in a handmaiden sort of way: "A Woman Entering a Convent" and yet it hints at "a deep-stirring challenge" (Jones). So it's to the polls, ladies!

Then around the IC of the horoscope (@17Tau16) you see both a solar and lunar eclipse listed. One is the current solar eclipse season we're now in since April 2022, the 6 North (@10Tau28: 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take control'), which spotlights the Uranus-Neptune midpoint of 1750 (@10Tau43, 3rd house) with the planetary pair's 'One World Government' vibes (aka, 'New World Order'). Plus, there's a very Uranian Lunar Eclipse in Taurus occurring on the day of our 2022 Midterms at the Base or Foundation of this Saturn-Pluto Cycle chart - with the Eclipse conjunct radical zealot Uranus, intent on stirring things up. Meanwhile, the axis of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse hits the Venus of 1750 (@16Sco12) conjunct the 1750 Midheaven (The Goal Point) which suggests materialism, valuations, and perhaps extravagance on a negative level, but fair play and cooperation if energies are positively directed for then karmic progress can be made.

However, this cosmic time link connects the hard work of Saturn-Pluto, even its violent reactions, to Election Day 2022 via Venus and the Taurus Lunar Eclipse which will certainly lead to inconvenient secrets uncovered or leaked, plus, the potential for disruption on a scale we've seldom if ever known.

Now there's one more chart factor worth a mention in this text: the Saturn-Pluto Cycle's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @11Can33 (6th house) in the 4 South Saros Series with themes of 'strong emotions over relationships and/or money; a desire to suddenly end relationships' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Disturbingly enough, 4 South is the same Series that manifested on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (ruffling Tr*mp's natal Gem-Sag Sun-NN/Moon-SN opposition), the day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden and which times the beginning of the turmoil and turbulence that sore loser Trump and his 'Big Lie' continue to cause our nation as he struggles to shrug off paying for his many crimes while pining for a return to the protection of the Oval Office from whence more larceny and sabotage can be perpetrated by this thuggish creature. If we allow it!

So let us end with the Sabian Symbol for our country's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle's degree of "4 Sagittarius": "A Little Child Learning to Walk" (which America would go on to become via Revolution and the Declaration of Independence):

"Keyword: INDIVIDUALITY: positive expression: exceptional facility for entering experience on its own immediate terms while yet preserving the full genius of self-hood; negative expression" (unconscious/shadow side - jc): "inability to take any real initiative" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones #ad).

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but as an American I can't imagine the initial cycle of our nation's Saturn-Pluto duo, hard-driving and determined as it is, as lacking "any real initiative" at all so let's claim the positive expression for America, shall we?

Looking Ahead: The Cardinal World Points of 2022 into 2023 (Equinoxes, Solstices, etc).

Jan 25, 2022

NATO and the October 2022 Solar Eclipse of Power and Control

Re-Typing a Post Under Mercury Retrograde!

by Jude Cowell

January 25, 2022

After Blogger erroneously 'ate' yesterday's posting of the following bi-wheel of charts just after my post went Live on SO'W, with today's effort I'll try again with a re-publish of NATO's 1949 Horoscope, its "into effect" chart as signed by President Truman, surrounded by the 6 South Solar Eclipse Horoscope which manifests on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - conjunct NATO's Ascendant (the organization itself). 'Conjunct Ascendant' makes the 6 South Eclipse of 2022 and its themes significant to, or prominent for, the organization and its objectives with issues of 'taking power and control' on the menu.

So with my usual desire to be helpful, 6 South themes of influence are listed on the chart (upper right) highlighted in orange along with a few other details such as potentials offered society by all Scorpio solar eclipses (top left). A prominent NATO midpoint picture is penned in the center of the bi-wheel and in part suggests NATO's 'cautious nature':

Also note that with the October 2022 Eclipse comes a potential for a change of position in Jupiterian realms (Saturn-NN = Jupiter: Senators Sinema or Manchin? Russia and Ukraine?), and the 2022 Eclipse conjunct Venus denotes that material values are on the disruptive 'cosmic blink' menu of the eclipse. In fact, Scorpio's intense Mars-Pluto influences simmer while NATO's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @8Taurus themes rumble in the background with its 'prophetic dreams and visions' vibes that include the requirement to persistently stand against all regressive obstacles (exs: neo-naz*sm, Putin, other incursions and conflicts: wars and rumors of war; and/or Ds vs Rs?) while avoiding obstinacy, intolerance, and greediness which are downsides of Venus-ruled Taurus. It's a tall order, isn't it?

Back In April and August 1949

Yet to me it seems that positive influences (protective, practical Taurus, a money sign of growth and development) must have inspired the formation of NATO (founded April 4, 1949 with US Neptune rising in Virgo and US Mars in Gemini at MC - our hard-to-control Mars-Neptune square - yet negative or misguided influences always wait in the wings for use by unscrupulous participants harboring greedy desires and old grudges.

'Cosmic Blinks' = 'Wild Cards of the Universe' 1932/2022

And so we should note that the manifestation of a 6 South Eclipse in 1932 is the one I tend to call the 'Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse' and includes the fact that the 1932 Eclipse @8Virgo was conjoined by NATO's Saturn-Moon-Sun trio in Virgo as the organization became operational in 1949 - with Saturnian karmic implications of restriction upon 6 South Eclipse themes, thankfully enforced after WWII. (Please note that my relatives fought the Naz*s in WWII and I have not the least intention of cheering for today's version of the brutal blighters.)

NATO's Jupiter Return/s Perfected Three Times in 2020

Then as you see, 2022 Pluto in Capricorn recently conjoined NATO's 1949 Jupiter Rx, exact in December 2020, and marking a Jupiterian-Plutonian period when political and economic objectives become expansive, even to the point of fanaticism, as greater power and control are sought. Simultaneously, transit Pluto also opposed NATO's Mars in Cancer adding a strong hint of conflict to the powerful, manipulated Jupiterian picture. Of course, NATO's Jupiter Rx wields the handle of a Sling shape of its 1949 planets (large and in charge?) and falls within what has become a highly sensitized area of the Zodiac in our era, not the least of which is due to the harsh, compressive energies of the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020. And as noted, NATO's Mars-Jupiter opposition was 'hit' by transformative Pluto, and suggests the potential to attempt more than can be kept under NATO control - unless the opposition's gift of objectivity is carefully and honestly utilized. Perhaps powerful Pluto came along by transit and is supporting this.

Or not. For on this very day, Plutonian despot Putin has threatened America if Washington dares to restrict his expansion into Ukraine, including cyber attacks and/or in other ways of his devising. Meanwhile, gas pipelines from Russia are under threat by Germany. Checkmate?

So as you've heard, "US troops are now on high alert" as are military forces of other countries, members of NATO. And is the number 8,500? Well, hopefully, no US president is hapless enough when facing conflict with a Nemesis to publicly name the true number of troops being geared up for such a disclosure would inform America's opponents!

Saturn-Pluto Conjunct and in Opposition

So obviously, NATO went into effect in 1949 after the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 1947 @13Leo07, the conjunction acting as a cosmic timer of great frustration with limitations and restrictions, although positively their combined energies can provide responsible members of society with endurance, stamina, and an opportunity to create a new framework for dealing with the laws of society. Notably, their exact opposition of 1931 perfected during the hard economic struggles of the Great Depression, and we know what cruelty and hardships the 2001 Saturn-Pluto opposition brought to the world (as manipulated by unscrupulous individuals holding grudges and with a lust for power and wealth).

Meanwhile, we both know that there are many real-world implications suggested by the cosmic links between NATO planets of 1949 and the 6 South Eclipse of October 2022 particularly in light of the current rise of anti-democratic authoritarianism and dictatorships across the globe, harsh and draconian in nature, and once again striving to take over America as it did unsuccessfully in 1933.

In Conclusion: Can Forewarned Be Forearmed?

Now while I don't intend to promote a warlike stance for the US, the above bi-wheel is shown here due to the October 2022 Solar Eclipse 'hitting' or 'eclipsing' the natal Ascendant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, aka, NATO, with forceful 6 South 'taking power' vibes, as previously noted. May NATO be forewarned!

Now admittedly, one of my hopes is that a reader's curiosity may be stirred toward more research and consideration of the possibilities as reflected upon the Earth, then perhaps adding your on-topic observation to this post. However, what most Americans don't want to do is to display excessive upset or paranoia over what Putin might impulsively do as he struggles to gain more territory, power, and status in the world because exhibiting emotional upsets would play into his grasping claws as he continues to undermine America and the democracy he malevolently hates. As usual, such a creature always looks for pretexts intended to 'justify' his actions. Therefore, despite sore-loser Republicans' political opposition to any and all of President Biden's efforts, our faith in American leadership must never be abandoned, no matter what the nay-sayers say!

For more eclipse info see Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

And if you, dear reader, need a lift after reading this rather drab post, why not watch Thom Hartmann's recent interview with Democratic strategist Joe Trippi, More Optimism, Less Gloom in 2022!

Sep 8, 2021

DC Horoscopes Oct 2021: Saturn and Pluto turn Direct

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday September 8, 2021: Below is a dual image of the exact moments that two karmic planets Station and turn Direct in October 2021: Pluto @24Cap18:51 on October 6th, then Saturn @6AQ52:43 on October 10th.

As you know, Sabian Symbols of station degrees tend to be prominent in some way in relation to current circumstances: Pluto at "25Cap" = "An Oriental Rug Dealer" (perhaps representing 'dealer' Tr*mp with his 10th house natal Uranus 'oriental' = his guiding planet of chaos, disruption, and shocks to the system - oriental because his Uranus @17Gemini rises last before his natal Sun but the Symbol obviously may also relate to a Middle Eastern person or events such as Afghanistan withdrawals); Saturn at "7AQ" = "A Child Born of an Eggshell" which I've often used to suggest the Oval Office and its inhabitant, but can also relate to current issues over abortion, anti-abortion, Roe v Wade - and anti-women Taliban-esque laws in places like Texas.

See what you think October 6 and 10, 2021: Pluto Direct (lower left) and Saturn Direct (upper right):

Study notes are penned on the charts. A midpoint picture found in both charts is Neptune-Pluto (criminal syndicate/s, organized crime; crooks and swindlers) = expansive Jupiter @22AQ22/24 ("23AQ" = "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws" which always reminds me of Russia with its bear symbol, and of the wide-girthed Herr Tr*mp, the fraudster. Social and political pressures are additional potentials of this midpoint picture yet it may also denote a "Thank God" situation or exclamation!

Now I confess that having Tr*mp and his natal planets splatted all over these October 2021 horoscopes was not my druther but there he is (ex: his 2nd house Jupiter Stationed @17Lib27 features in both charts). Another point worth mentioning is that October 10, 2021 is the day of a Lunar Return for him and as you see, the Moon in the Saturn Direct chart is @21Sag05 so his Moon Return (21Sag12) perfects at 10:28:58 pm edt that evening. Ascending at that hour in Mar-A-Lago, FL will be 20Gem19 which allows his tiresome old Uranus-North-Node-Sun trio to rise once again. My apologies, but there it is. So obviously His Mouthiness has more to say, do, and pretend in his role as the worst, most vile albatross to hang around America's neck in US history. For as you know, he aggressively targets the American people with his malicious, vengeful venom as we see by his natal Mars rising in opposition to We the People's natal Moon.

Related: The current cycle of October 2021's two stationing planets began with the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 (a governmental degree) on January 12, 2020, which just happened to conjunct the natal Vertex (fated encounters) of Herr Tr*mp - our "representative" at the time and a cosmic synchroncity which emphasizes the karmic nature of US conditions and events.

May 2, 2021

Astro-Notes regarding the US Federal Banking System

Sometimes in a post for little or no reason, I like to fuss about the US Federal Reserve Banking System. The following is one of those posts.

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you've noticed that the Wikipedia page detailing the creation of the US Federal Reserve Banking System hardly does it justice and one must read certain books to discover more on the secret meetings, debates, adjustments, and passages of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Adopted in the Senate on December 23, 1913 by a vote of 43 to 25, control of the US money supply was not given to the National Treasury of The People, oh no, but to a private cabal of wealthy bankers. As you know, Senator Nelson Aldrich as one of the primary rats in the financial woodpile and was more intimately connected to the conspiracy than the American public knew at the time (his daughter was the wife of John D. Rockefeller Jr and their future progeny became politicians).

Further reading reveals that German banker Paul Warburg was a major force in the designing of what we now call The Fed which was clandestinely planned under the auspices of a Sagittarian New Moon of December 1, 1910 at Jekyll Island, Georgia (chart is linked, below).

Below you see a newspaper clipping from December 24, 1913 announcing the signing into law of the Federal Reserve Act by President Woodrow Wilson who owed his presidency to wealthy bankers and corporatists while pretending otherwise but who obviously knew which side of the Resolute Desk his advancement was oiled on:

1913 US newspaper clipping, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

"A Fine Christmas Present" one of the headlines reads! Oh yes. A huge gift for elite bankers, their descendants, and their complicit politicians most of whom flew under a Democratic banner back then. You know, sometimes political opposition is set up to be easily knocked down.

So if you're curious, here's a previous SO'W post from 2019 displaying The Fed New Moon of December 1, 1910 @8Sag49 (center horoscope; and see the anti-societal YODs of crisis and turning points involving sneaky Neptune, and pointing toward trickster Mercury, planet of meetings, planning, and negotiations) along with the DC Horoscope of the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto surrounding it, because, at 23Capricorn (a governmental degree), a significant midpoint picture was formed - 2020 Saturn-Pluto = 1910 Uranus which contains potentials for: 'sudden acts of violence' (Ebertin) and/or 'an attack regardless of potential losses' and 'brutal efforts to start as new order' (Tyl).

Dear reader, is it shocking to you that the Covid crisis is being used as a major opportunity by which to initiate an economic 'new order?

May 16, 2020

US Government & the Fed in Blind Panic (w/ Richard Wolff)

May 16, 2020: Here's an informative May 15th segment from the Thom Hartmann program with economics Professor Richard Wolff concerning the Fed and economic panic:

So! Translating this Federal Reserve topic into astrologese, remember when we discussed how the Great Conjunction of karmic loss-leaders Saturn and Pluto in January 2020 'hit' the 1910 Uranus of the Fed? And of course, astrological Uranus represents potentials for lightening bolts, shocks, disruptions, separations, revolt, radical political activists, reactionaries (ex: the GOP), Utopian zealots, visionary ideals and such.

But it's the midpoint picture formed by transit Saturn-Pluto 2020 conjunct the Fed's Uranus (based on the secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia December 1, 1910) that reveals the massive long-standing corporate agenda that more folks than ever are aware of by now 'thanks' to the current pandemic with its quarantine conditions, feelings of dread at what's being done behind our backs, and the resulting economic panic:

2020 Saturn-Pluto = 1910 Uranus: "Brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack regardless of potential losses" (Tyl). Social tinkerers needed something global, brutal, and completely irreversible to interfere with and stop society so that we'd all say in unison, Oh please establish a one world government to rescue us! And complete the 5G control grid while you're at it for we'll gladly trade privacy for 'security'! (Add: like the gullible fools most of us have turned out to be.)

Can the objectives of 'the powers that think they be' be any clearer?

Feb 16, 2020

Has Trump Taken Down Our Democratic Republic? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a recent segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann with a timely and disturbing question:


A closely related post with complimentary Astrology included: Horoscope of the Third Reich where you'll see that the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 landed upon the Third Reich's Midheaven ('MC', the Goal) opposite 1933 Pluto in Cancer. Of course, Pluto in Capricorn as it is now = the dictator (Ebertin) and Saturn-Pluto with more Pluto, according to Michael Munkasey, provides potentials for:

"Seeing that there are two extremes: good and evil; choosing one and dedicating your life toward eliminating the other; a realistic look at life direction; elimination of ineffective practices; extreme times of change."

Yes, extreme times of change, Trump's and his backers' objective. But there's more on the line than America's form of government being dismantled and sabotaged by criminal elements. It's good vs evil. That's where things stand. Personally I choose good. How about you?

Dec 12, 2019

January 12, 2020 Pluto Echoes Events of 1773/1774

Hunting Pluto's Historical Past to Inform the Present

by Jude Cowell

With America's first-ever Pluto Return/s coming in 2022, and in consideration of the duration of karmic Pluto's cycle of approximately 248 years, it has become an interest of mine to find the historical date/s of Pluto based on its January 12, 2020 degree. For as you know, this is the date of the next Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46:34 through which current and upcoming political, financial, and social events will resonate, perhaps harshly or in a restrictive, compressed manner. Certainly, we know that hard work will be required.

In comparison, the last (and current until January 12, 2020) Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @27Lib36 was in 1982 under Reagan's presidency with his voo doo financial finaglings and slights of hand under which We The People have suffered these many years while the wealthy class has grown fatter and bossier. However, please note that in this post I'm looking at Pluto's position at the moment of the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction and not its US natal position in 1776 (Rx @27Cap32/33 in natal 2nd hou$e) although some historical overlap or similarities may be be noticed involving the years 1773--1776. And so the 2020 Conjunction times a Pluto Return to the 1773/1774 positions listed below and we may wonder: will history rhyme if not repeat? Well, the 2020 Pluto Return symbolizes a cosmic time link of karmic proportions, so we'll see, won't we?

Now when we sleuth for Pluto @22Cap46:34, we discover that the manipulating wealth-hoarder was lurking about during the years 1773 and 1774 and suggesting potentials for foreign agents, spying and intrigue, hidden wealth, and manipulation from abroad. Sounds familiar! Historical events of 1773 and 1774 show several interesting incidents, discoveries, activities, speeches, an essay, and legislation, some relating to the American Revolution and the First Continental Congress (May 28, 1774), some to scientific breakthroughs, and several having to do with the Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773--plus, Britain's fussy reaction to it via King George III--and the Boston Massacre.

Another notable if quirky event was Benjamin Franklin's essay in the form of a letter, An Edict by the King of Prussia, in which our First Patriot writes under the guise of the King of Prussia, publishes the hoax of a letter in the Public Advertiser in September 1773, and thereby pointedly criticizes through satire the overreach of the British government toward our American Colonies. Curiously, under Trump the word "hoax" gets quite a work-out. The Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Franklin's hoax letter manifested on September 16, 1773 @24Virgo00 in the 10 North Saros Series (10 North themes are listed in the center of the chart, below); this was a Total Eclipse and also serves as the PE of #3 on the following list.

Transit Pluto hit 22Cap46:34 five times in 1773 and 1774:

1. March 14, 1773

2. June 4, 1773 Rx

3. January 12, 1774 - This is the stand-out chart with its same date (January 12) and the fact that its Angles and cusps are basically the same as America's yet-to-happen natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA). As you see, in 1774 the line-up was: Sun 22Cap21, Moon 22Cap47, Pluto 22Cap46, and Mars 24Cap41; note that this particular Pluto Pre-Return to its 2020 position (as I'm quirkily calling it!) occurred on the day of a New Moon @22Cap20 (3:45:07 am LMT--a new cycle of activity) which further emphasizes the 22 and 23 degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, investment, and business. Actually, Pluto's January 2020 return to its 1773/74 degrees constitutes a 'cosmic time link' with the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020. Plus, a study of the next Full Moon on January 27, 1774 @8Leo01 could yield further information on what we're facing in 2020.

Quick note: In his Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas Devore gives '23 Capricorn' as a degree of governmental authority--and, 22Cap51 is the position of Trump's natal Vertex, a point of fated encounters and a potential for changing work conditions.

As for historical events of 1774, we find many stalemates and struggles between the status quo of the era's prevailing power structures and those who would grasp the freedom to wrest power and authority away for themselves. To me this sounds like an echo of Trump's and the global crime syndicate's coup of the US government and/or the attempt by the current power structure (The Establishment) to vanquish the gang of lawless usurpers and saboteurs. For now, let's say Pluto in Capricorn conjunct a governmental degree describes both sides' ongoing struggle for power and control in general. This is, it seems, a fated struggle of destiny. Different from the American Revolution--and yet somehow more similar than apathetic Americans wish to admit--they who have 'so much to lose'! Meanwhile, failing to fight for democracy is to lose.

Now the other two historical dates for Pluto @22Cap46:34 are August 28, 1774 and November 10, 1774 but as you see, the chart with the most clout for our modern-day money is #3 January 12, 1774 so here's the horoscope if you're curious:

As usual, much info is penned on the horoscope (pardon!) intended for those who care to have a look and mention must be made of the massive Earth Grand Trine of Sun, Moon, Mars, Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node of destiny ('NN') which suggests concerns with material comforts, worldly position, value, and perhaps above all given the dangerous times both then and now, security. The Capricorn line-up in 1774 is amazingly similar to that of January 12, 2020 (just add 2020 Mercury, subtract 1774 Mars) but since this is meant to be a post not a book, I'll leave this topic with you, dear reader, in case your own comparison of Pluto activity between 1773/1774 and 2020 is worth your time.

And as always, your on-topic comments, queries, and shares are very welcome! jc

Nov 12, 2019

June 2020 Transits to Inauguration 2017 Chart

June 18, 2020 a Significant Day for the White House

by Jude Cowell

November 12, 2019: You know it's fairly rare that a line-up of planets affecting a particular horoscope become exact on the very same day yet June 18, 2020 is just such a day in relation to Trump's Inauguration 2017 Horoscope. Below is a list of said transits with brief indications added--including a Trump White House Mars Return suggesting a new two-year cycle of activity which actually stretches beyond Trump's first-term time frame.

The following transits perfect on June 18, 2020 within the hours of 12:43 am edt and 7:22 pm edt:

A Related Post: Trump Inauguration's Solar Return 2019, a horoscope in effect now and until January 21, 2020 at 5:30:32 am est. You may wish to consider karmic Saturn and Pluto, soon to join forces on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46, hovering in 4th house near the IC of the 2019 Solar Return; their conjunction occurs while the 2019 Return chart is in effect.

Oct 12, 2019

2020 Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire Horoscope

October 12, 2019: As a sort of follow-up to my October 10th post Are We Waiting for the Empire to End or Witnessing It? here is the Horoscope of the Roman Empire as provided by Nicholas Campion in his classic The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #255; basic chart-notes are scribbled about, as you see, so please enlarge if you wish to read them:

The Roman Empire--"the Birthday of the New Order"--Campion p. 249

ASC 4Tau34 so 10th house Venus is chart-ruler in materialistic Taurus but with no applying aspects which emphasizes her sign and house position; the Venus-Pluto midpoint rises = 'wielding great influence over others' (Ebertin), and as you know, 'goddess' Venus is an archetype of Mary and of other older goddesses such as Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, even Ceres (the mother) which figures prominently in various symbols across Washington DC (Masonic emblems such as wheat shafts, etc, with Virgo the Virgin an obvious identifier). Plus, America's 'Columbia' falls within this panoply. Yet we mustn't forget the ancient Roman Cult of Mithras, the gold-loving 'god' worshiped by Roman soldiers--especially since gilt-edged Trump must admire him, too.

Now the Roman Empire became 'a thing' during a certain Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE'), of course, and in 8th house you see highlighted in red its PE @20Sag08 which perfected on December 13, 028 BC (conjunct Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction of awkwardness and emotional deprivation). Unfortunately, my software doesn't go back that far for eclipses so I have no themes to provide here. Yet a few clues may be ascertained by the fact that the eclipse manifested in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (opposite the empire's natal Jupiter Rx @20Gem58). Jupiter the General leads a Locomotive shape of the planets and is ruthlessly determined on success. Note that ideal-oriented Jupiter, planet of expansion, adventure, and the crossing of boundaries, rules both 8th and 9th houses--spheres of the occult, death, and of foreign lands and philosophy.

So when a PE is in Sagittarius, negative tendencies can naturally interfere with karmic progress so I shall list the potentials here for your consideration: religious convictions which may or may not be spiritually correct, misguided beliefs, misplaced idealism, and/or false optimism. The development of a spiritual philosophy is a best-results requirement of a Sag Prenatal Eclipse with Jupiter ruling codified religion. Here, Jupiter is retrograde which may suggest the blending of church and state with the state having the stronger role initially and the church as hidden manipulator. Please note that I wasn't there at the time so this is only speculation on my part.

On January 12, 2020 Saturn and Pluto Confer as Karma Occurs!

Now one reason I've taken a closer look at the Horoscope of the Roman Empire and am publishing the chart here for future reference, if needed, is to locate the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. As you see, Saturn-Pluto @22Cap46 will conjunct the empire's Sun @21Cap33 at Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal and Aspiration Point (aka, The Why? Point), toil, sparing no pains in one's work--Ebertin--and will oppose the empire's natal Saturn Rx (16Can56 ) and Pluto (26Can51)--their midpoint @21Can53. Additionally, natal Mercury @26Cap19 is roped in to these difficult, karmic energies as well along with its natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of secret projects, hidden motives, clandestine manipulation, dangerous activities, spies, and a tiresome tendency to interrogate others. This qualifies as transit Saturn and transit Pluto opposing natal Saturn and natal Pluto (abuse of power and authority issues challenged; battles for control engaged).

To say the least, it will be riveting to see what developments take place on an empire-collapsing and/or world government level as 2019 ends and 2020 continues heating up as the American Empire is shaken to its core by a gang of saboteurs and infiltrators with fascist tendencies resulting in a further disintegration of democracy and ultimate collapse of the US government if the hollowing out of our traditional institutions is allowed to continue.

And yet as world history shows, old orders must always give way to the new. But what species of 'new' will be implemented should be the choice of humanity, and not of those who are determined on the destruction of civilization!

A recommended video (8m35s) narrated from A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn which opens with the timely question, "Empire or Humanity?

Oct 4, 2019

Crimea, Scheat, and the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction

Misfortune and Danger for the Crimean Moon

by Jude Cowell

October 4, 2019: In Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes is a founding chart for Crimea #67 and since I've been reviewing the horoscopes of various nations to see where the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction falls and whether or not this difficult, karmic, pressurizing pair of heavyweights will conjoin an angle or a planet or two in national charts, I can say that for Crimea (Ukrainian Republic) the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 perfects within the nation's 3rd house between Neptune Rx (18Cap54) and Saturn (18AQ04) with Neptune 'roping in' Uranus Rx (17Cap56, both in 3rd house) as they align for their Great Conjunction/s of 1993 (the 'NWO' pair), and authoritative Saturn which conjuncts natal IC from the 4th house side.

Therefore, the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction hits nearest Crimea's natal Neptune (orb 3:46)--perhaps not close enough to affect its 3rd house Neptune unduly yet the midpoint picture formed by the transit-to-natal trio is not comforting for it suggests such things as: "instability, fraud, lies, immorality, shattered nerves, and danger" via the Neptunian realms of "water, poison, or gas" (Ebertin). Noel Tyl adds: "being doubted; not being seen for who one is; unstable life situation because of the inexplicable, because of fear" (Solar Arcs). Interesting since Crimea has been often described as suffering from an identity crisis.

When Fiery Mars the Warrior Meets Scheat, Star of Misfortune

Based on the date that the Crimean Parliament approved an act of independence from Ukraine, Crimea's horoscope #67 is set for May 5, 1992 16:00 GMT Simferopol, USSR (ASC 6Scorpio but my software gives ASC 10Scoo2) with a 7th house Sun @15Tau24 (the Oxen Point) and an 8th house Moon @22Gem53; as you see, the Crimean Moon conjoins Trump's natal Sun (a third of his 10th house Gemini trio) and exactly conjuncts US natal Mars. In 5th house, Crimea's natal Mars, the warrior planet of males, weaponry and strife, @29Pis49 forms an unfortunate conjunction with fixed star Scheat, known primarily for its negative potentials of misfortune, suffering, suicide, murder, imprisonment, and/or "malevolence of a sublime scope" (A. Louis). However, on a positive level, Scheat can bestow artistic and literary talents although Crimea's misfortune to be annexed by Russia in 2014 reveals the more negative expressions of the star as the people suffer human rights abuses and false accusations are leveled at innocent targets in order to stifle dissent against Russia and Putin.

As we see, Scheat's potentials for imprisonment and sublime malevolence afflict the land and the Crimean people and are made worse by the star's conjunction with fiery Mars. Meanwhile, the international community haggles over whether Crimea belongs with Ukraine or Russia. To me the answer seems obvious!

Now from 2018, here is a brief time-lapse video New bridge cements Russia's hold on Crimea, and although I don't care to admit it, the bridge linking Crimea to Russia is quite an impressive feat of engineering.

Above image: portrait of Planet Mars by NASA

Sep 23, 2019

Trump’s New Worldwide Autocratic Alliance - Thom Hartmann

September 23, 2019: Yes, Herr Trump's actions, secret deals, and law breaking are extremely disturbing to many Americans and to others but there can be no true solutions to our problems unless and until we face our monsters realistically and call them exactly what they are.

To that end, here's a segment from earlier today with Thom Hartmann interviewing author Seth Abramson concerning Seth's latest book Proof of Conspiracy and the autocratic, anti-democratic 'leaders' now being organized into a global network of despots--and if they succeed they plainly have plans in mind for future restrictions. Trump's recent attempt/s to strong-arm the leader of Ukraine into providing dirt against Joe and Hunter Biden is clearly explained in the interview as an ongoing saga, and a larger context is helpfully provided by author Abramson.

And so as an astrologer who follows politics I must wonder: could the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of compression, fanaticism, destruction, and reversals have anything to do with an increase of such strong-arm tactics? Mr. Abramson answers the question of What To Do?


A Previous Post: The 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn Conjuncts The Fed's Uranus. As with the previous Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of 1982 in Libra under Ronald "Trickle Down" Reagan, US finances will most likely be involved. Plus, with the 2020 conjunction perfecting in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investments, it will be surprising if the US government and our economy escapes unharmed especially considering how much damage is already done by Trump and his backers since they moved in and took over--and then there's Pluto in Capricorn determined to play "the dictator" (Ebertin). And btw, in 2016/2017, that was a monstrous coup of America in case you know anyone who failed to recognize it for what it was and is.

Sep 16, 2019

Beyond Brett Kavanaugh's Crimes & Cover Ups - Thom Hartmann

Published September 16, 2019: here Thom Hartmann ventures beyond the usual topics that concern beer lover Brett Kavanaugh including the Republican cover-up of Kavanaugh's days working within the warmongering administration of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney:

Wonder if Kavanaugh, in league with Bush and Cheney, had anything to do with the attacks of 9/11/01--used as a pretext for war and invasion of the Middle East? At the very least, we know on whose watch the attacks were perpetrated as the Saturn-Pluto opposition fell across America's natal ASC-DESC axis and this stirs up questions about the upcoming Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 and the fact that the conjunction hits the natal Vertex (22:51) of Donald J. Trump. The harsh Saturn-Pluto duo meets his Vertex at the crossroads, we might say.

So will Trump meet fated encounters? Changing work conditions? Both? Or something entirely different?

Aug 16, 2019

Jan 2020: An Eclipse, Cosmic Karma, and Two Stars

August 16, 2019: By now most everyone is tuned in to and/or concerned over the heavy-weight conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto which perfects on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 and signals the opening of their new 33-35-year cycle.

Two days prior to their exact conjunction on January 10th a Lunar Eclipse manifests upon the critical degree of 20Cancer00 so the two cosmic events together, we might say, 'light up' the Zodiac in the 20-to-23-degree range of Moon-ruled Cancer (tribalism, nationalism, patriotism, the family, home, nurturance, childhood) and of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and finance, and imprints certain cosmic frequencies upon the entire year and beyond. In the 2019-to-2020 spotlight is the Cancer-Capricorn security axis and its many concerns.

Naturally, the opposing degrees, aka, Illumination Points (20-to-23 Cancer), are also significant along with their Sabian Symbols and any fixed stars and other celestial features within their sway. A review of the symbols for 20-21-22-23 degrees of Cancer is worth checking into if you're curious for more information and wish to gain a fuller picture of what's in store, a la 2020. (Note that there are no Capricorn stars in those degrees that I know of--do you? But deVore gives '21Cap' as a scholarly degree and '23Cap' as a degree of governmental authority and music.)

So for today's post, let's consider the stars among these degrees in Cancer--the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux. Possible expressions of Castor are sudden fame or loss; mental illness; crippling of limbs; murder yet Castor may also signify the intellectual writer. Also, '20 Cancer' is a degree of limitation and hindrance (deVore). For Pollux, potentials are: danger of disgrace; cruelty; rape; murder; danger from women, poisons, or large animals (or loss of protection for endangered species?). Yet Pollux has what can be a more positive side--its influences are good for astrology and for other occult interests which hopefully are non-satanic; Pollux may also signify the emotional writer so both stars are creative in their own ways--one light, the other dark, which suggests a good vs evil motif.

Of course, we as a society have many rows to hoe and mountains to climb before reaching January 2020 and it's impossible to list it all here so below is a List of August 30th through December 26, 2019 Lunations for your consideration and with a few notes added:

New Moon August 30, 2019 @6Vir47 conjunct Zosma, a victim-savior star;

Full Moon September 14, 2019 @21Pis05;

New Moon September 28, 2019 @5Lib20 (conjunct Trump's natal Neptune in his 2nd house of Money and Values and activating his inflationary trio of speculation and fraud, Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter);

Full Moon October 13, 2019 @20Ari14 (conjunct US natal Chiron);

New Moon October 28, 2019 @4Sco25; (a 3-day 'dark of the Moon' phase just prior to Halloween 2019--stay safe!);

Full Moon November 12, 2019 @19Tau52;

New Moon November 26, 2019 @4Sag03;

Full Moon December 12, 2019 @19Gem52 (between Trump's 10th house guiding planet, erratic chaos-creator Uranus and his natal North Node which conjoins his natal Gemini Sun)--what will be seen reflected by the bright rays of the December Full Moon?--and then comes a revealing, disruptive, 'wild card' solar eclipse...

Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap07 (opposing US natal Jupiter and Venus).

And so we enter Year 2020 under the auspices of the December 26, 2019 annular Solar Eclipse in early Saturn-ruled Capricorn which manifests within the difficult 3 South Saros Series of 'sudden endings in relationships' and 'traumatic transformation' via Pluto involvement in its original (initial) 3 South eclipse (August 13, 1208 @27Leo10). And speaking of karma (reaping what's been sown), besides Trump's natal Mars rising at his Ascendant conjunct the initial 3 South eclipse, eclipse Pluto @10Leo15 in 1208 was conjoined on June 14, 1946 by the natal Pluto (10Leo02) of Donald 'Spanky' Trump, our saboteur-in-chief whose economic schemes (exs: tariffs, trade wars, neglect of climate change considerations for farming and other industries, deportation of agricultural and other much-needed workers, fantasy-based diplomacy, the massive GOP tax cut for the wealthy) bode ill for both domestic and global finances and for food supplies especially under the heavy, constraining influences of the karmic January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction.

Yes, the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction was in Airy Libra last time (November 1982; theories and plans) and this time is in Earthy Capricorn (reality and pragmatism) but we may be thankful that this time it only perfects once so its strength should lessen somewhat as 2020 proceeds and as it awaits activation by various transits and progressions through its 33-35 years' duration.

Yet in August 2019 we already feel the duo's harshness so we know that we have much to deal with initially including the fact that January 12's Saturn-Pluto rendezvous conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51), a point of fated encounters and changing work conditions. Now I too wish karma would meet and beckon to his nibs at the jail house door but let's not crow just yet for unfortunately, as goes POTUS, so goes America--and Trump the Cheat may pull through yet.

Plus, layered atop eclipses and other lunations perking in the background is the distressing 2020 Campaign season and the rigged and vulnerable November Election which compels me to wonder: we already know that he does--but does anyone else who's willing to step into America's POTUS shoes post-Trump need a serious psychological evaluation? Or do they assume that anyone but Trump simply has to be an improvement for America?

For more information on the topics in this post you may wish to see Horary Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis; Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas deVore.

Jul 30, 2019

America, Trump, and Eclipses in The New Millennium

On June 21, 2013 the New Millennium Horoscope with chart details and snarky comments (as usual) were published here on SO'W. Feeling this is fair since politics and politicians so often engage in snarkiness themselves, I shall again post the New Millennium Horoscope now that Donald Trump is on the political scene and will add his planetary links to the chart which, imho, are revealing concerning current topics and events in America 2019 under the haphazard 'leadership' of chaos-lover Trump and the swamp creatures he's installed in order to hollow out and transform the US government. As I hope you can see, Trump's natal planets are highlighted in lavender around the outside of the chart and a few solar eclipse notes (highlighted in red) are also entered upon the chart, upper right. Note that the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap07 activates the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the New Millennium so the themes of 2 South and 3 South and their similar events may or may not transpire as 2019 ends and our days fade into 2020. Eclipse themes are like computer programs running in the background of our lives, some stronger than others!

(Please enlarge the image; this is only a partial reading of the chart in order to keep things brief.)

History Rhymes Again for Eclipses Affect History

Of course, if we use history as a guide and the mistakes of the past as our teacher we might consider events of the years in which solar eclipses in these two Saros series occurred (aka, 'cosmic time links'). For 2 South they are: 1910, 1928, 1946 (Herr Trump is born), 1964, 1982 (the year of a Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @27Lib36--our current Airy cycle until January 12, 2020), {2000}, {and recently on Jan 5, 2019 @15Cap25 = the 116th Congress--'joining unusual new groups'}. For 3 South the years are: 1911, 1929 (no one likes 1929 for obvious economic reasons), 1947, 1965, 1983, 2001, and {December 26, 2019: coming soon to a Christmas near you).

As for Trump's planetary links to the New Millennium chart, his natal Mercury (8Can51) tweets and propagandizes across the globe at its Midheaven, the most visible Angle in any horoscope and The Goal Point. Rising we find Trump's speculating, inflating, grand-scheming trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter stationary and we don't need Astrology to describe the pompous, air-filled, conman administration of kleptocrats under which we languish while Herr Trump separates families, cages children, and makes his white supremacist loyalties plainly known. (Expressing through his deal-making Mercury in Cancer, sign of tribalism, patriotism, nationalism, self-protection, homeland, children...and business interests.)

And there in 3rd house you see wounded Chiron @22Sag33 conjunct Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction--so tender, so emotionally sensitive...and wounded to the core. Does wounding and harming children now make him feel better about his childhood Mama issues of estrangement and neglect? Did she cage little Donald or simply feel like doing so? From what I've heard, he was a terror (then as now).

Meanwhile, in the chart's 8th house of Corporatism, status quo Saturn Rx @24Tau34, the 'papa planet' of authority, authenticity, responsibility, and accountability, sits upon Trump's natal Midheaven where enraged Algol twinkles malevolently--and the "angry father" appears. Of course, this reveals that around the time of the New Millennium, transit Saturn in luxury-loving, intolerant Taurus conjoined Trump's natal MC and entered his 10th house of Career and Public Status, a period when hard work pays off (if there's been any!). However, blaming others for one's mistakes and failures will ultimately lead to deep regret and an eventual lack of success. This is particularly the case if power and authority have been abused and/or misused and a position of authority ill-handled--just what demanding Saturn never orders.

So not only was Trump old enough to know better in 2000 and 2001, he's way-y-y old enough to know better now. But sadly, old man Saturn's lessons of maturity and taking responsibility for one's actions (and correcting mistakes of the past) went unheeded by the New York Playboy then and in 2019, opportunities for personal improvement have long since passed him by, leaving a disappointed America with a fat blob of a man-baby in Saturn's wake as thespian Trump playacts the authoritative position at the helm of our nation. And he thought it would be "easy"!

Jul 16, 2019

Jan 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse: "A Prima Donna Singing"

As you've noticed, the very first eclipse in 2020 is the Lunar Eclipse of January 10, 2020 @20Can00:13 (Saros #144), a critical degree which conjoins fixed star Castor (to write or create; sudden fame or loss; murder). Additionally on January 10th, the Moon rises with Castor's twin star, Pollux (cruelty; danger of disgrace; the occult; astrology). Please note that these are general potentials of the two stars and are not for a reader's personal application--please consult your chart or your personal astrologer for such information!

In Washington DC, the January 10th Lunar Eclipse perfects at 2:21:11 pm est during a Mercury Hour (changes) with Mercury @20Cap06 out-of-bounds (OOBs) yet by degree conjunct the Sun. Quite a full 8th house, as you see, when the chart is set for DC. Two days later (January 12th) karmic Saturn and Pluto meet in Great Conjunction @22Cap46 and as we've previously discussed, Donald Trump's natal Vertex @22Cap51 will be greeted by Saturn and Pluto's compressed energies. Therefore, fated encounters and/or changing work conditions are distinct possibilities for his nibs and thus for the American people.

In the realms of Politics and Business, turmoil in rigid or older systems and upsets in existing checks and balances are on the Saturn-Pluto to-do list, however, we're already experiencing such things under the wacky 'tutelage' of the racist, sexist, klannish Donald Trump whose roots are of the Germanic persuasion. If he's still kickin' around the White House in early January 2020 (as I suspect although it would be much better if he'd go back where he came from), he'll continue such activities as: hoarding resources, considering methods for destruction or removal, making secret preparations for future restrictions, and/or trying to keep his affairs private or not open to scrutiny (Munkasey).

So as you see, Mercury in Saturn-ruled Capricorn is chart-ruler and makes two applying Ptolemaic aspects in the Lunar Eclipse chart (penned on, lower left). First The Messenger (and planet of puers and puellas) conjoins Saturn (2A26) denoting how things may issue from this eclipse: negotiations and discussions may be hindered, restricted, or delayed, mutual planning might be frustrated, impasses or stalemates occur, and/or treaties are difficult to manage or debate; advice may be sought or given, serious meetings are held, and/or preparation becomes an important issue. Some indication of computer programming may be involved, perhaps in the form of hacks and/or leaks--and besides, all eclipses are 'wild cards' that tend to uncover secrets, disrupt events, and prompt changes of direction in similar fashion to erratic Uranus--especially Lunar Eclipses which are awareness-producing Full Moons.

Then soon Mercury conjoins Pluto (2A36) suggesting that ideas, information, and communications relate to how to gain more power and control, finances and investments may be involved, plus, secrets, intel, and propaganda are on someone's menu. Even orbital weapons and/or communications satellites may turn up as topics in the public discourse, or in private.

Now with the eclipsing Moon opposing Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, and the Sun and the Moon in a mundane chart representing the people and the public, what is suggested here? Lunar signs point toward potentials for: head vs heart, altering facts to suit the public mood (which is Cancerian = protection of home, family, food supply, homeland, business), indecision or vacillation, and/or someone who talks too much but says very little of substance (ex: politicians--and one in particular). Practical vs theoretical economics may be involved (a full corporate 8th house, too, with expansive Jupiter conjunct South Node (lack of popularity; limited funds) in restrictive Capricorn and there's difficult fixed star Facies nearby (ruthlessness or the victim). Note that with Moon opposing Pluto, criminal elements and violence are also suggested along with misuse of resources. Again, we've experienced such things already via Trump and his cronies, mob-connected and otherwise.

My suspicion is that very few Americans are holding their breaths for his nibs to install "the best people" in government for who with qualifications would take the risk after what we've seen? And Trump obviously never intended to make improvements, only to tear down. In fact, his efforts at sabotage have hollowed out the US government just as his handlers and enablers directed while allowing infesting infiltrators their run of the place for spoils and plunder (see the description of SO'W under its title, above--written in 2005: yes, I've been in a snit of miffdom for years over what criminals 'have done with the place'...our America, and I dissent because I care).

The rounded-up Sabian Symbol for the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @21Cancer: "A Prima Donna Singing"...'Keyword: EXCELLENCE...positive expression: an overflowing richness of self through its full command of its own deep and genuine potentials; negative expression: superficial affirmation and unseemly display' (Jones). I suggest you decide which is most often expressed (and tweeted) on behalf of Washington DC Politics these days.

Now there are a few other things I wish to include in this post then I'll hush and leave the chart/s to you, dear reader. One curious factor is unaspected Uranus @2Tau38 stationing and set to quirkily turn Direct in 6 hours 26 minutes. Plus, evaluating Venus and radical rebel Uranus, The Witness, are in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms) with 10th house Venus visible @28AQ23 (conjunct our 1776 Moon, more or less: harmony, sociability, romance?). So disruptive Uranus in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing makes no aspect to other planets, therefore its genius and inventiveness are only operable in the 12th house; brief spurts of nervous energy (ex: tweeting) may be noticed along with discontent and restlessness, plus, Uranus' natural tendency toward detachment, independence, and insistence on freedom of action are sharpened here via isolation behind the scenes. Is this an intriguing cosmic picture of witnesses testifying from or toward the secretive 12th house of Hidden Enemies? And possibly feminine witnesses in the form of Lady Venus? For or against Trump? We can't know for certain until or if such testimony is given. Or tantalizingly obstructed, as the case may be.

But one thing is certain: that Uranus in Mercurial Gemini in natal 10th house is the oriental, or guiding, planet of Donald Trump and its tendencies are definite considerations in relation to the January 10, 2019 Lunar Eclipse chart with Uranus unaspected, for it echoes Trump's chaotic, 'freedom-loving' style of so-called 'leadership' and his love of disrupting everything around him and beyond.

To close, here is a DC Horoscope of the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse chart's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which perfects on December 26, 2019 @4Cap06:

If you wish, check out a previous post with astro-notes concerning the above 'Christmas' 2019 Solar Eclipse. Basically, from late 2019 into 2020 and beyond, our Cancer-Capricorn security issues are distilled or compressed within the 4-to-23-degree range of the two Cardinal signs (and squaring Aries-Libra) and nearby our US natal Mercury-Pluto opposition creeping, surveilling, and monitoring 24/7.

Related: US Mercury-Pluto opposition to be 'hit' by Saturn and Pluto. And for more star info see Anthony Louis' book Horary Plain and Simple.

Above image may not depict a prima donna but she is my drawing Singer in Blue.

Jul 8, 2019

DC Horoscope: Leo New Moon July 31, 2019

Image: New Moon @8Leo36 July 31, 2019 11:11:49 pm edt Washington DC. Note that if potent, New Moons may act as disruptive Solar Eclipses, Full Moons as revelatory Lunar Eclipses. The culminating stage of this particular New Moon is the Full Moon @22AQ24 on August 15, 2019 8:29 am edt; all are 'lunations' and all may affect or influence historical events with Total eclipses having the strongest influence as does location within the path of visibility (note: I use eclipse degrees symbolically whether the subject is in 'the path' or not; disagree as you wish!).

Rising 17Ari11 makes Mars chart-ruler but with no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets which focuses on the warrior planet's house and sign (5th house in Leo conjunct wifely Juno, an asteroid which also relates to nation-states and politics). However, Mars is apex of a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; special task; spiritual opportunity for karmic progress) with the Neptune-Pluto sextile at it base (3A10; the supernatural, drugs, and/or, organized crime) = Mars, plus, we might wish to rope Saturn (15Cap37 Rx 10th house conjunct the January 5, 2019 2 South Solar Eclipse--'joining unusual groups') into the YOD pattern as well so that midpoint pictures form with certain potentials--Neptune-Pluto = Mars: compulsion to use violence; imminent destruction emphasizes hostility; lack of resistance; used as a tool; and Saturn-Neptune = Mars: defending shabby practices; emotional depression or sickness; listlessness. (Note that Mars @19Leo09 approaches a Trump Mars Return, a bi-annual event for us all--his 2019 Mars Return perfects on August 12 (11:27:04 pm edt) with a Moon-Mars inconjunct suggesting his usual Mercury-Neptune square's misjudgment of people, the forming of 'binding alliances' with those who then take advantage of his misplaced indulgence (exs: Putin? Kim Jong Un?), plus, he may be feeling powerless to oppose the oppressive demands of others and may suffer loss through collusion (yep--that's the exact word Rob Pelletier uses in his book Planets in Aspect!). Also note that his 2019 Mars Return's Mercury-Neptune midpoint @24Tau48 conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven (which conjuncts enraged Algol) so his tendency to 'live among the clouds' of his fantasy world is once again obvious to the public and suggests self-deception, lying, and going the wrong way, things the whining manbaby does so well.

Trouble is, he takes the rest of us down with him to the extent that we allow him to. Kind of a kamikaze POTUS we might say, sabotaging America all the way!

Now if you dare, check out Trump's 2019 Mars Return chart, a two-year horoscope, where you'll see that the July 16 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 also conjuncts the Return Midheaven (The Why? and Goal Point of any horoscope) to the degree when the chart is set for Washington DC--with Return Moon @23Cap52, a timing agent, reflecting Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51), a point of fated encounters and possible changes in work conditions. His Vertex is activated like all get-out by Moon conjunct Pluto Rx @21Cap12, an intense planetary pair that relates to inconvenient secrets being revealed--such as hidden children and it 'encourages violence and crime' and reveals obsessions that cause 'a misuse of resources' (Munkasey). So with the revelatory July Lunar Eclipse angular at the most visible point of his 2019 Mar Return chart we may expect more scandals and secrets to be leaked and/or uncovered--possibly financial or investment-related in nature or having to do with authority figures or issues, matters of security, his illegitimacy as POTUS, and/or parenting concerns. Yes, there look to be many boo-hoos in store for Mr. Trump as 2019 morphs into 2020 but an 'escape hatch' of a deal may be in the offing as well. For his fellow culprits have to protect their own hides after all--and perhaps they all took some freaky sort of oath to bind themselves together.

Now as you see in the above chart (my notes penned on), the Leo New Moon perfects during a Lunar Hour of fluctuations and changes with Mercury, planet of messages, plans, and young folk (and changes), stationed and ready to turn Direct in 45 minutes 51 seconds @23Can56. From this we see that basically, America is in process of a Mercury Return to 24Can12 (3x in 2019: June 20, July 29 Rx, and August 3) which reinvigorates any natal aspects to our 1776 Mercury--in other words, our Mercury-Pluto opposition is stimulated. You'll note that the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 opposes and reveals US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT) which activates our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of manipulation, surveillance, propaganda, secret plans, and/or transformative thinking and ideas.

And when action planet Mars is apex of a YOD pattern an acute time of crisis is indicated (which means temporary chaos). Indirect, out-of-tune actions may be taken, forces must be mobilized, and vigorous new starts will demand courage and much effort. Plus, someone of a Mars persuasion (Trump, born with Mars in Leo rising?) is operating alone and unhampered by others (Tierney) which to me suggests complicity infesting the US government, media, foreign governments, and --?--. Of course, the YOD contains two inconjuncts (150 degrees) to Mars: one from Neptune (people who overstate their importance and are taken advantage of; physical conditions difficult to diagnose or treat; and/or being vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases) and one from from Pluto (compulsion to take on too many tasks). Looks as if impatient, brash Mars is on the case--but in a Fire sign, let's hope arsonist Mars doesn't start any! And if we add a Mars-Saturn inconjunct to the cosmic picture we find hints of possible physical problems caused in part by inactivity, and/or the use of emotional blackmail in order to guarantee submission. On tape is sooo inconvenient.

Then at the Base or Foundation of the New Moon chart you see the current transformative, disruptive July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in the 3 North series (10Can37) conjunct the New Moon IC of Homeland, Home and Family. 'News transforms a situation' as nearby Venus in Leo rallies 'round the New Moon suggesting social events, luxurious surroundings, and possibly some currency manipulation. Meanwhile, erratic Uranus @6Tau33 rises in 1st house denoting unexpected events on the upswing (possibly of the financial kind), unusual sources of financing being sought, and a potential for natural disasters of the earthly variety to occur. (Has anyone checked on the status of Mount Saint Helen's lately?). The soon-perfecting Saturn-Pluto conjunction, shown here in the Career 10th house, is on display for all the world to see and understandably plagues the minds of many (remember these two karmic heavyweights join forces approximately every 30+ years or so--last time in 1982 @27Lib36 bringing us 'trickle down' Reaganomics, a financial scam if there ever was one).

Interestingly, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 will conjunct the natal Jupiter Rx of the Republican Party (in its March 20, 1854 chart) and you'd think GOP 'ideals' of religious and social fanaticism would be hardened and severe enough without an increase of same, wouldn't you? Well, maybe this conjunction with wealthy Jupiter denotes a compression of the party's or the RNC's finances and donations on some level yet it doesn't seem likely--even though the NRA (November 17, 1871) is said to be suffering from a well-deserved financial lack these days. Yet Trump has already raised a prodigious amount for his 2020 re-selection campaign so he has that goin' for him and his alt-right friends of the vicious fascist persuasion.

Well, there are many other chart factors of note in the July 31, 2019 New Moon chart set for DC and hopefully you'll decide to ferret them out for yourself, then leave me an on-topic comment about what I neglected to mention underneath this post if you so desire. And remember: as always, this is 'freebie' content so please Share if you care! jc

Midpoint potentials a mixture of Ebertin, Munkasey, and Tyl.

Jun 16, 2019

Chaos in Hong Kong as Pluto conjoins China's Jupiter

A two-minute Bloomberg video Why Did Hong Kong Erupt in Chaos? explains the massive peaceful protests in the streets of Hong Kong concerning a new law allowing extradition to Mainland China and the people of Hong Kong are not amused.

Astrologically, the eruption of the masses (crowds made larger by Jupiter's involvement) relates to the fact that the January 12, 2020 Conjunction of heavyweight planets Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 will perfect upon China's Jupiter (@22Cap21 on September 21, 1949 2nd house, and 22Cap35 on October 1, 1949 in 12th house--both Communist charts found in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes charts 60 and 61). Both karmic planets of control are now well within orb of China's Jupiter in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business.

However, more to the point of the current chaos and protests in Hong Kong, today transit Pluto @22Cap32 conjoins China's Jupiter 1949 denoting a period when greater power and influence are sought in the realms of economic expansion and politics, yet exaggerating their importance tends to backfire. Reformist activities (ex: new laws) demand total honesty, and intolerance and fanaticism are distinct possibilities during this karmic time. And transit Saturn to China's Jupiter indicates a time of give-back and/or when a slower return for efforts may be expected. Obviously, Saturnian restrictions may affect Jupiterian freedoms.

Finally, let's add potentials of the midpoint picture formed by Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left' (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl); and, 'social fanaticism' (The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin).

Naturally as a common-gooder, I send my best hopes for favorable outcomes to and for the good people of Hong Kong. May all stay safe.

Horoscopes: Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions 1982 and 2020 (charts set for Washington DC).

Jun 13, 2019

Saturn-Pluto and our Social Safety Net Chickens

Year 2020: Karmic Pile-Ups and the Social Order

Listening to C-SPAN Radio this morning my ears perked up when the discussion turned to Social Security issues and mention was made of the social safety net program's crisis of 1982 and into the 1980s. Googling a bit I soon located an archived New York Times op-ed from May 20, 1982 concerning the "recurrent crisis" of funding the program, Social Security in 1982, 1984, and 2020 stating in 1982 that, "The more worrisome crisis is still decades away"..."By about 2020, {} there may be trouble."

Now politicians, economists, and others have been aware of such funding issues all along and "there may be trouble" time is upon us, folks, Baby Boom Bubble and all. And while I don't like typing it, the timing points toward the Great Conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto: on November 8, 1982 @27Libra36 and the upcoming conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Capricorn46 (both charts linked in the next paragraph). Of course, Venus-ruled Libra is an Air sign of thoughts and ideas, while Saturn-ruled Capricorn is a practical Earth sign through which ideas become reality.

Now, as January 2020 approaches, the most popular content here on Stars Over Washington of late is my recent post displaying both DC Horoscopes of the 1982 and 2020 conjunctions of these heavyweight planets: restrictive Saturn, one of the two societal planets along with expansive Jupiter, and transformative planet Pluto, the usual suspect manipulating powerfully from behind the curtain and a favorite planet of exploiting plutocrats the world over. In fact, America's Predatory Capitalism is one of the basic cash cows funding Plutocracy along with outright theft and criminality.

As for Saturn-Pluto, together their energies in the political sphere support such potentials as 'upsets in existing checks and balances', 'turmoil in any rigid or older structure', 'lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction', 'hoarding resources for potential future disasters', 'keeping affairs private or not open to scrutiny' (Trump's tryin'!), and/or 'secret preparations for future restrictions' preparations which I suspect are ongoing. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey.)

Additional Note: the Saturn-Pluto cycle is approximately 33-38 years in length and prior to 1982, these particular karmic planets conjoined on August 11, 1947 @13Leo07. And by 'karmic' I mean the natural law of reaping what was sown, not that my granny thought she was Marie Antoinette!

Thus it appears that the troubling chickens that squawk within America's Social Security program are on the verge of coming home to roost just as expected for decades (for politicians chickened out on implementing fixes that would have eased the funding situation while purloining its trust fund monies) and the harsh conditions and constrictive energies of the Saturn-Pluto duo are regretfully implicated as cosmic descriptor and timing agent of our Social Security program's karmic troubles that lurk within.

And so it seems necessary to close this dreary post (sorry, dear reader!) the same way my favorite journalist, muckraker, and "all-around swell fellow" Brad Friedman ends each one of his podcasts...Good Luck, World.

Related Posts include: Saturn-Pluto, Economic Recessions, and Eclipses, and beginning in April 2020, plutocrats and the Federal Reserve System will enjoy three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions in the 22--25 degree range of governmental Capricorn. And of course, 2020 ends with a Great Conjunction of social order planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ29 at Winter Solstice 2020--and conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS). Significant to the presidency and to Inauguration 2021? You betcha.

Above fowl: public domain image of a Chicken Silhouette.