Citing the October 1, 2018 beginning of Fiscal Year 2019, former congressman David Stockman speaks with Thom Hartmann concerning the current financial madness of Donald Trump (steel-aluminum tariffs, GOP tax cut for the wealthy, etc) on March 6, 2018:
Does Astrology Agree a Collapse Is Due?
Disturbingly, the Solar Eclipse Saros Series under which Fiscal Year 2019 falls is the 2 New North which perfects on August 11, 2018 @19Leo, a sensitized degree. This is what I've previously termed The Tower Eclipse for its themes of 'collapse of an existing structure, plans, lifestyles; after the dust settles, rebuilding begins' (Brady's Predictive Astrology).
The August 11th horoscope, set for Washington DC, shows Mr. Trump's natal Pluto rising (10Leo02) and transit Pluto in Capricorn unaspected which to me represents the foreign bankers (ex: House of Rothschild) who secretly control the US financial system via the complicit Federal Reserve Banking System of America--the central bank we never wanted. Now this is my opinion and is not a topic in the above interview. If you view the eclipse chart you'll find shocking Uranus, planet of disruption and separation, at Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope.
When Dark Shadows Fall
In addition, Trump's natal Pluto in 12th house of Back Room Deals, Politics, Large Institutions, Self-Undoing, and Karma, is unaspected in his chart, a condition Bil Tierney calls "one-pointed" and "overshadowed by shadows". Doing business with domestic and global criminal underworld figures can do such overshadowing. However, Trump's primal Pluto is apex planet of a difficult midpoint picture--here's an interpretation of this picture's potentials written by Michael Munkasey for it is part of Trump's psyche:
'Mars-Saturn = Pluto: extreme measures taken to apply brute force or might directly to those who are no longer able to defend themselves adequately; respected activities are corrupted; intensely applying might or energy toward goals' (to collapse the US economy as directed by the very plutonian Mr. Putin and other foreign leaders determined to establish a 'new' global economic order once the old order is collapsed--and now receiving more support than ever from the GOP and complicit corporate Dems--jc).
And in light of this week's Trump tantrums and meltdowns, here's a related post Mars Transits to Trump Natal Chart.
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