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Showing posts with label trade wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trade wars. Show all posts

Jun 28, 2018

Will Trump Tariffs Tank Our Blimp of State? Ask Putin

July 10, 2018: The US Economy and a Timely Cosmic Alert via Jupiter in Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

As previously discussed, and with a tri-wheel of return horoscopes shown, Ronald Reagan is in process of posthumously enjoying another Jupiter Return, part of what everyone born on Earth enjoys--the Jupiter Reward Cycle which occurs approximately every 11.6 years. With his natal Jupiter in Big Money Scorpio (@13:44), Mr. Reagan in his day was intensely interested in gaining control, garnering money, and hitting the jackpot as he declared upon signing the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 which economist Paul Krugman, in his NYT op-ed of May 31, 2009, himself declared, "--turned the modest-sized troubles of savings-and-loan institutions into an utter catastrophe." And the tremendously lucrative Reagan "jackpot" paid off years later as the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. You remember how Wall Street was bailed out by taxpayers--but not Main Street where the 99% stroll...and show up for work.

So here's a re-publish of the tri-wheel of Reagan's current yet posthumous Jupiter Return/s in case you don't care to follow the link provided above or read details:

So in 2018 we have 'Republican' Donald Trump shakily steering the Blimp of State and the Trump Tariffs are promising and/or actually triggering bilious reflux in markets, on Capitol Hill, and locally as US workers and their families are already 'paying the price' for Trump's grandstanding over this particular campaign promise which drags job losses and trade wars in its wake. Some of our national politicians are dreading 2018 Midterms with the Republican Party hijacked as the 'Trump Party' and we know it's all or nothing with cultish Donald who refuses to take prisoners.

And yet today, as HuffPost reports, a Progressive Democrat Bails Out Trump on Tariffs--that's Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown. He has his reasons--or thinks he does, and good as they may be, this fail makes the US Senate look more toothless against Trump than before.

Now a reason to bring up all this now, besides the fact that we're mired within Reagan's current three-fer Jupiter Return/s (perfecting on December 14, 2017, June 24, 2018 Rx (just past), and next on July 26, 2018, as you see in the horoscopes above) is that transit Jupiter Stations and turns Direct on July 10, 2018--@13Sco20. Basically, this Station conjoins (and strengthens) Reagan's natal Jupiter degree and, consulting our Great Cosmic Clock, we find that the 2018 Jupiter Station occurs between Reagan's second and third exact Return upon his natal Jupiter.

It's as if The Gipper's (greedy) Jupiter has come again under tutelage of (gilted) Donald Trump. As if US workers needed that or will be supported by it. As if.

Yet the degree's symbol should also be considered here and I suspect that anyone reading this post has access to at least one version of the Sabian Symbols but fewer may have a copy of The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac by Adriano Carelli. And it just so happens that Carelli gives a curious symbol (word picture) for '13Scorpio' (he champions the actual degree, not the rounded-up degree). Which is:

"A lonely stronghold on a high mountain top, a veritable eagle's nest. The place is fortified by nature itself rather than by man's hand. It is the key-point of the region, and its possession grants sway over the neighboring states."

This symbol describes one who has been earmarked by fate "to occupy an eminent, independent position and to hold sway over others, owing to his inborn inexhaustible force. To obey him is a matter of course, nearly of necessity.

An untiring, hard worker, he is fully confident in himself, and his firmness of purpose borders on stubbornness. Laconic, or even silent, he can scan and pierce everything around himself at a glance without betraying any of his feelings. Close but long-sighted, strong but on his defensive, cunning yet intelligent, he has fortune on his side and all the good and evil needed to assert oneself and achieve success, his main asset being an iron will, unshakeable and undaunted; his main defect, a selfish, despotic, scheming ambition.

When other aspects point to a liking for the career of arms, this degree will bestow the gift of strategy."

Carelli then cites '13Scorpio' as the degree of Napoleon Bonaparte's Ascendant although either one of us may be able to think of one or more modern day despots which this symbol could also describe, if not the seemingly mild Mr. Reagan. So is the 'stronghold' Washington DC? Perhaps, but first I must wonder--exactly where in Helsinki, Finland will Trump and Putin rendezvous on July 16, 2018? Perhaps in a naturally fortified strong-hold, secluded on a mountain top? Wouldn't that be so-o-o romantic!

In closing, here's an excerpt from a December 2, 2017 post published to 'honor' the passage of the Republican Tax Cut Bill, the massive give-away to Corporate America--yet another "jackpot" for the wealthy stolen at our expense:

Money-Bags Jupiter in Big Business Scorpio, Sign of Betrayal

Transit Jupiter, planet of bankers, donors, financiers, politicians, military generals, and preachers is in 2nd house of Money and Values @11Sco19 and approaches the upcoming Jupiter Return of Ronald Reagan under whose watch the last major overhaul of US taxes took place. The first of three conjunctions of transit Jupiter to Reagan's natal Jupiter position occurs December 14, 2017 with its 'tax cuts for corporations stimulates job growth' fallacy now being re-used by Capitol Hill Republicans in spite of the fact that corporate tax cuts do not inspire corporations to re-invest in US workers and the economy. Having been burned before, this time a majority of Americans are not buying into the tiresome GOP-touted job-creation fallacy that Reagan lifted from Hoover times of the 1920s. And here we go crashing again.

A curious one may wish to read the rest...

While Trump behaves just like Putin would do, the current version of 'Trickle Down Economics' fails us once again as the wealthy class intends. Can you feel it as The Tower Solar Eclipse approaches which also happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of November's 2018 Midterms? Though cracks show now, it may take a while, so care to pre-guess whose tower will collapse into rubble?

Jun 12, 2018

Astro-Notes on Canada and PM Justin Trudeau

Planet Mercury: Meetings, Summits, Agreements, Negotiations, Thinking, Sight, Communiques, Speech, Memes, Commerce, Trade...

by Jude Cowell

June 12, 2018: now that Mr. Trump's unorthodox favoritism toward China, Russia, and North Korea has become clearer and his staged tariff tussle with our neighboring ally Canada is on everyone's mind, here are two sets of data for founding horoscopes of Canada, plus, additional info; all details are taken from Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

Newfoundland was discovered June 24, 1497, the island was formally annexed in 1583 and was a British colony until March 31, 1949 when it became the 10th province of the Dominion of Canada. Other dates and historical details are given but suffice it to say that two founding horoscopes are shown:

#050 Canada-Dominion July 1, 1867 00:00 LMT Ottawa: ASC 16Ari54 Neptune 15Ari00; MC 8Cap04/IC 8Can04 conjunct 4th house Sun 8Can51 (both precisely conjunct the natal Mercury 8:51 of Donald Trump!) as is Canada's natal Uranus 8Can36. Note that Trump is also a Sun-Uranus entity. Campion quotes, "The New York Times of 2 July reported that 1 July 'has given birth to a new infant, the Dominion of Canada.'"

Quebec: first permanent European settlement north of Virginia (exact hour unknown)

#51 Canada-Quebec July 3, 1608 NS 'noon' Quebec, QU (settlement founded by Champlain); ASC 8Lib55 (square Trump's natal Mercury, conjunct his natal Neptune so there's Trump's fantasy-prone, indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square on display); MC 11Can00 conjunct Sun 11Can46 and Mercury 7Can46 (conjunct Trump natal Mercury 8:51); Quebec "was taken by the British on 13 September 1759." The two Mercuries conjunct in Moon-ruled Cancer spotlight PM Trudeau's remarks after Trump left the G7 Summit and Trump's grumpy reply in which both Mercuries expressed protectionism (Cancer) on behalf of each man's country (Cancer, sign of patriotism), and of course, one of the multiple roles of astrological Mercury is 'the trader' and one of the traits of Cancer is shrewd business ac'umen. Duplicity is also a function of Mercury and one of the signs it rules, Gemini.

G7 'Darling' Trudeau Hurt Trump's Feelings

As for the natal horoscope of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he was born on December 25, 1971 at 9:27 pm est Ottawa, Ontario (RR: A). Have a peek at his chart and the successful Kite pattern therein if you wish (Saturn at MC is the tail) and you'll see that his wounding of Mr. Trump's tender pride was quite easy--for Trudeau's natal Jupiter @21Sag opposes Trump's natal Sun @22Gemini. This also means that Trudeau's n Jupiter conjoins Trump's emotionally tender Moon-South Node conjunction which may have given Trump pleasant vibes at first (21Sag), followed by Trudeau's patriotic diss at the end (22Gem).

So basically, Donald Trump always has to be 'the star of the show'--the most famous person in the room--wherever he goes and apparently was hurt by Trudeau's warmer reception at the Summit. Plus, you probably noticed how Trump blew in late for breakfast like the prima donna he is. Or maybe gender equality simply wasn't Donald's cup of diet soda so he wanted to express disdain or disagreement with the topic of the breakfast.

Now another factor involved with the newly turbulent US-Canada tariff tussle (trade war?) may be Trudeau's natal Uranus @17Libra57 conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter (17:27) which is strong in his chart and psyche for it is, as you know, stationing and soon turned Direct once little baby Donnie screamed his first scream. This planetary combination suggests foreign travel in order to attend the G7 Summit and the shock (Uranus) to finances (Jupiter) Trump felt (or said he felt) which suddenly sent him off toward what he thought would be 'greener pastures' (Jupiter-Uranus) of doing Putin's bidding by meeting with Kim Jong Un and setting the stage for the 'freeing' of the Korean Peninsula from US troops stationed there since the Korean War, and thus giving a green light to China, one of Trump's handlers and commercial partners--seen by Trump's natal Moon @22Sag = "A Chinese Laundry." And then there continue to be ethical concerns over daughter Ivanka's trademarks recently green lighted in China. Mmm hmm. Once such shady activities were called conflicts of interest. Now they're called Trump in the White House.

Yet we must always remember that the Political Theater we're constantly treated to is only a facade or mirage intended for public consumption which is one reason Political Astrology can be fascinating because it looks behind the velvet curtain to what lurks in the wings.

Mar 7, 2018

David Stockman Warns of Unimaginable Economic Catastrophe - clip

Citing the October 1, 2018 beginning of Fiscal Year 2019, former congressman David Stockman speaks with Thom Hartmann concerning the current financial madness of Donald Trump (steel-aluminum tariffs, GOP tax cut for the wealthy, etc) on March 6, 2018:


Does Astrology Agree a Collapse Is Due?

Disturbingly, the Solar Eclipse Saros Series under which Fiscal Year 2019 falls is the 2 New North which perfects on August 11, 2018 @19Leo, a sensitized degree. This is what I've previously termed The Tower Eclipse for its themes of 'collapse of an existing structure, plans, lifestyles; after the dust settles, rebuilding begins' (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

The August 11th horoscope, set for Washington DC, shows Mr. Trump's natal Pluto rising (10Leo02) and transit Pluto in Capricorn unaspected which to me represents the foreign bankers (ex: House of Rothschild) who secretly control the US financial system via the complicit Federal Reserve Banking System of America--the central bank we never wanted. Now this is my opinion and is not a topic in the above interview. If you view the eclipse chart you'll find shocking Uranus, planet of disruption and separation, at Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope.

When Dark Shadows Fall

In addition, Trump's natal Pluto in 12th house of Back Room Deals, Politics, Large Institutions, Self-Undoing, and Karma, is unaspected in his chart, a condition Bil Tierney calls "one-pointed" and "overshadowed by shadows". Doing business with domestic and global criminal underworld figures can do such overshadowing. However, Trump's primal Pluto is apex planet of a difficult midpoint picture--here's an interpretation of this picture's potentials written by Michael Munkasey for it is part of Trump's psyche:

'Mars-Saturn = Pluto: extreme measures taken to apply brute force or might directly to those who are no longer able to defend themselves adequately; respected activities are corrupted; intensely applying might or energy toward goals' (to collapse the US economy as directed by the very plutonian Mr. Putin and other foreign leaders determined to establish a 'new' global economic order once the old order is collapsed--and now receiving more support than ever from the GOP and complicit corporate Dems--jc).

And in light of this week's Trump tantrums and meltdowns, here's a related post Mars Transits to Trump Natal Chart.