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Jul 21, 2020

Unmasking Portland's Secret Police Kidnapping Peaceful Protesters - clip (w/ Astrology)

From July 20, 2020: Well, the current Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces continues to oppose and activate the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto of the mid-1960s Civil Rights era (conjunct in mid-Virgo) as demonstrated in the streets of Portland, Oregon - with Trump's combative 'secret police' possibly being dispatched to other US cities (that have Democratic mayors) if they displease the scofflaw-in-chief and don't fall in line with his authoritarian imperatives.

Concerning this very topic, here Aaron Mesh joins Thom Hartmann for a discussion of Trump's secret police and sneaky renditions including an overview of what's being perpetrated since Trump issued his June 26th Executive Order (with malevolent Mars 'the warrior' conjunct murderous star, Scheat @29Pisces, and Virgo-Pisces as the victim-savior polarity):


Below are a few astro-notes concerning political potentials of the erratic, incendiary pair of dogmatism, Mars and Uranus which will conjunct in intolerant, greedy Taurus in January 2021 and thus will imprint upon Inauguration 2021 and on the entire year of 2021. To me their combined energies seem part of a well-discussed Trump plan to retain control of the US government no matter how many heads must be concussed into submission - or worse:

"Using security forces to control strife; malice or unrest accompanied by violence; radical movements within the military; sudden attacks or outbreaks of hostility; rebellions against modernization efforts" (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

But prior to that, we should be aware of an approaching Mars-Pluto square in August 2020 (Aries/Capricorn) which in general suggests potentials for abusive actions, aggression, powerful conflicts, foolishly reckless behavior, domestic and/or work-related antagonism, stress-fueled rage, use or misuse of overwhelming force, and/or trouble with authority. This planetary pairing can also describe a police state, plus, war/s and chaos. You know - the societal conditions and events that Trump was installed to stir up and mismanage.

Meanwhile, transit Pluto, creeping along on his darkened mission to fulfill our US Pluto Return/s in 2022, continues to conjoin off and on the natal Vertex (22Cap51) of Donald Trump with its 'fated encounters and/or wish fulfillment' possibilities.

However, it's completely understandable if you, dear reader, prefer to forget all of this cosmic vs earthly turmoil. But I just thought you might want to know about some of the intense energies clashing over our heads as We The Collective struggle toward 2021.

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