DC Horoscope: J6 Public Hearing July 21, 2022 8:00 pm edt Cannon Office Bldg Washington DC:
Saturn Square Uranus: 'Old Order' Rule of Law vs 'New Order' Utopian Anarchy of Lawlessness and Chaos
by Jude Cowell
What a horoscope! For opposite (US 1776) Pluto Rx rising is asteroid of democracy, Ceres, closely conjunct the goal-oriented Sun @29Can11, a degree which when rounded-up = "A Daughter of the American Revolution." Perhaps because this degree's Sabian Symbol links to my natal Mars but for me, this shows both democracy and revolution in the hearing's spotlight, just as it should be, for this is the crossroad that America has reached at this point in time. And although it makes me very fussy, maybe the prognostication I read years ago: "1776 - 2025" will turn out to be accurate with Inauguration 2025, said to be our country's last.
However, please note that our nation does Not have to discard democracy and turn authoritarian, at least not under Democrats. To that milder end, this where I type, Vote Blue in 2022 - and avoid voting for candidates of the bizarre, freakishly paternalistic Chastity Belt Party now passing laws that 'legalize' the rape and marriage of young girls, among other anti-societal ruinous ideas. Your choice, of course. But please think of your daughters and the other ladies in your life.
As for the July 21st chart, see lower left corner for retrograde, karmic chart-ruler Saturn's one applying aspect, a square with zealous Uranus. The square will perfect on October 23, 2022 which may turn out to be a significant date especially since it comes tweo days prior to the difficult 6 South October 25, 2022 Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio conjunct the 1949 Ascendant of NATO (Putin's enemy), and with Nazi vibes in play.
Meanwhile, we should note that the ruler of crossroads, Mercury @5Leo08, conjuncts America's 1776 North Node of destiny! And you know that people here and across the world are aware that America is poised at the turning point of Democracy vs Fascism with paternalistic authoritarianism attempting to take total control of America as it has tried in the past, and failed. Unfortunately this time, the anarchic forces of evil and corruption are better organized with more members who, for some reason, assume that they'll come out okay, even exalted, after the dust settles. How stunned will they be to find that they and theirs will not be 'okay' at all? Taking forceful control of the 2022 Midterm Elections is suggested by themes of the 6 South October Solar Eclipse as saboteurs try to make historic events of the 1930s repeat in November 2022. Let's not allow it.
Now also in the horoscope, above, ascending is the Full Moon of July 13, 2022 @21Cap21 which we might remember since it perfected the day after the J6 Hearing of July 12th so during Thursday's hearing, something presented then may return for review or rehash, and probably will since the hearings are an ongoing process meant to hold accountable those responsible for disrupting our traditional peaceful transfer of power, and committing violent acts of insurrection on behalf of you-know-who.
Actually, there are multiple indications rising in the 8:00 pm edt horoscope of the July 21st 'Prime Time' hearing (unless a rescheduling occurs) such as the harsh, compressive January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of evil, Trump's natal Vertex ('VX'), a point of fated encounters or wish fulfillment, and the January 6, 2021 'mob attack' Ascendant @15Tau54 at 1:00 pm est.
South Node "21 Scorpio" = "A Soldier Derelict In His Duty": "Complete Faithlessness to the Common Welfare" (M. E. Jones)
So as you see in the chart, Luna @15Tau18 also conjuncts the 8:00 pm IC, the HOW? Point and Foundation of the Matter, with warrior planet Mars conjunct IC as well but from the 3rd house of Communications. Maybe the July 21st hearing set to reveal what the faithless Trump did and didn't do while happily watching his coup attempt on TV against the US Congress as events progressed (gallows and all), and Americans were being maimed and killed in Trump's name, is what in a sense yours truly has waited for for years, ever since I noticed the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction landing upon Trump's natal Vertex. Fingers crossed!
We may hear from a 'woman of strong principles' or two with the intense Moon-Mars combo opposing MC and the Uranus-North-Node duo of radical reformist politics nearby in 4th house. As mentioned, opposite is the neurotic derelict soldier conjunct South Node of past behavior in the very visible 10th house of Public Status. Is that Cadet Bone Spurs on display?
Meanwhile, there's always the dire admonition of Regulus rising with Trump's natal Mars fulfilling his threatened destiny of "all that's been gained will be taken away" for those who take revenge. And as you know, 'revenge' is the orange blighter's middle name - and now it's the Republican Party's perogative to use violence. Video: Chris Hayes On the Implied Threat When Republicans Use Guns as Props in their campaign ads. Note that the organized crime duo of Neptune-Pluto @26AQ18 conjuncts the Anti-Vertex axis.
Now you may wish to consider the three stars rising with planets in this chart, one in particular is Pluto (now in process of the 2022 US Pluto Return which is also rising) and showing the J6 hearings as response to Trump's 2021 coup attempt and a major part of our destructuring Pluto Return - with effective rebuilding to follow ("positive social reform" star Zuben Elgenubi conjuncts MC). Additionally, higher powered Pluto Rx leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets, and rises on July 21st with Scheat, star of 'extreme misfortune, murder, suicide, malevolence, imprisonment' (A. Louis). As you know, it was Scheat that influenced Trump's 'prez bid' announcement at the Gemini New Moon of June 16, 2015 which fell snugly into the 17 South Saros Series of the Spring Equinox Eclipse of March 2015 - conjunct Scheat.
So now in 2022 the time has arrived for the piper to be paid, and the starring 'pied piper' is Donald Trump who, if any justice is left in the world, will be held accountable for his criminality and sedition - and will be the one who pays his debt to society since, in America, no one is above the law.
So let's consider a midpoint picture of potentials suggested here of 2020 Saturn-Pluto = July 21, 2022 ASC: "silent power or continuing influence" (M. Munkasey), plus, "placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation; mourning and bereavement" (R. Ebertin) with more than a little "sadness" added to the picture as well (N. Tyl).
Trump's Pluto = Mars-Saturn: Death of Many People; Fury; Intervention by a Higher Power (R. Ebertin)
Descriptively, the chart's Saturn-Pluto midpoint @10AQ57 in 1st house (with both powerful Pluto and legal eagle Saturn) opposes Trump's natal Pluto which indicates potentials for: "choosing either good or evil and dedicating one's life to eliminating the other; extreme changes" (M. Munkasey). In Putin pal Trump's case, we've seen that "the other" includes the United States of America and the American people as Krushchev's 1953 "we will bury you" threat plays out. One clue is the Neptune-Pluto duo of Organized Crime @26AQ18, as noted, conjunct the Anti-Vertex, and opposing Trump's natal Mars (26Leo46) - conjunct the hearing's Vertex! Look to corporate Cupido in 8th house for more information.
So we have Trump's mob-like activities in the spotlight Thursday evening with his Vertex in governmental Capricorn rising, along with his being "used as a tool" (by Russia? China? Neo-Nazis? Fascists? Other? All of them?). And for those who prefer the third-decan of Aquarius for the US Moon of 1776 (We The People), add "big mood sweeps" and/or "anxiety" (N. Tyl). Hopefully, restless minds will be changed (and eyes opened!) by the factual evidence presented at the J6 Hearings.
Now obviously, the current Saros Series (6 North) applies to all of the June and July Public J6 Hearings with themes of "relationship to authority figures" and "commitments accepted due to another person's unreliability or illness" (paraphrasing B. Brady), the meaning of which became clearer this very day with the announcement that J6 Chairman Bennie Thompson has just been diagnosed with Covid. Therefore, perhaps Rep. Liz Cheney will gavel in Thursday's hearing and it's been reported that the other Republican serving on the J6 Select Committee, Adam Kinzinger, will lead the proceedings Thursday night.
Wishing a quick recovery for Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi!
Well, there's much more to the above horoscope and subject, but that's all I have today although additions may turn up. So leave your on-topic insights if you wish, and Thanks a Bunch for reading and sharing! Jude
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