Here's a view of my messily marked version of yesterday's Criminal Referral Vote (9-0) against former Oval Office resident, Donald Trump, the free-loading arch-villain-in-chief:
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Dec 20, 2022
DC Horoscope of a Criminal Referral Vote
Oct 14, 2022
Oct 2022: Trump target of Thor's Hammer
Is Goofy Face Politician in Trouble?
by Jude Cowell
With yesterday's resolution by the J6 Committee to subpoena Donald Trump, we find that a Thor's Hammer, with the Saturn-Uranus square at its base, now points to transit Mercury @5Libra and to Trump's natal 2nd house Neptune @5Libra. On an astrological level, this aspect pattern symbolizes the stress and pressure the orange insurrectionist is under from fighting against authority (Saturn-Uranus square) along with his natal Neptune's eroding effects, lawbreaking, thieving tendencies, lies, and fraudulent schemes perpetrated by a fellow who pretended to play president while acting as a foreign agent in the White House.
So let's break down conditions a bit more using the lens of Astrology:
Under the influence of a Saturn-Uranus square, actors of a certain rebellious mindset often act out as if they're a law unto themselves. Resistent to authority, they're emotionally volatile and may resort to violence. Their activist tendencies seldom if ever benefit society on a positive level. Troublemakers!
Reading the pattern (aka, a Fist of God) as midpoint pictures we have potentials for:
Saturn-Uranus = Mercury: 'necessary changes; separation; making great demands on nervous energy; ability to hit back under provocation and to organize resistance' (R. Ebertin); 'monotonous politicians' (M. Munkasey); 'necessary stages of rethinking' (N. Tyl).
Add Trump natal Neptune: 'inability to face emotional stress, falsehood or malice caused through weakness; resigning oneself to the inevitable, abandonment of resistance; weakening strength; mourning, bereavement (RE); 'the delusion that change will improve traditional methods' (MM); 'breakdown under pressure; feeling lost; a new vision fighting to be understood; sadness' (NT)
Plus, with communicating Mercury conjunct the orange menace's natal Neptune, papers, documents, and keys are misplaced or hidden (more documents secreted in other places), and investigations lead to more questions (they do). Confusion clouds issues, facts try to hide, and travel over water may be indicated. Significantly, both Mercury and Neptune relate to theft and gaslighting the public, while America continues to be assaulted by Trump's Mercury-Neptune square of deception, sneaky schemes, spying, and misperception.
And of course, there's Mercury's traditional role in commerce as a trader - of secrets? Then in Trump's case, it's traitor.
Previously on SO'W: America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle. Also see: Trump's natal Mercury in Cancer (note that gossipmongering coordinates well with blackmailing for the purpose of manipulating people).
Jul 21, 2022
July 2022 President Biden Tests Positive for Covid
July 20, 2022
Today it's been reported that President Biden has tested positive for Covid. Considering the gold standard of medical care that all US presidents receive, we know he'll get the best treatment that modern medicine can offer, and I'm wishing him a speedy recovery! Besides, he's apparently experiencing very mild symptoms and is taking the antiviral drug Paxlovid.
Yet I do admit that the themes of the 6 North Saros Series that we're now traversing has all along given me pause for concern in his direction - that he in his dotage could be one of the indivduals that 6 North themes are pointing toward if other conditions concur (along with J6 Hearing Chairman Bennie Thompson who will not be opening tonight's public hearing at 8:00 pm ET due to testing positive for Covid).
6 North Themes: "Relationship to authority or father figures" (Mr. Biden was just - once again - mentioning his father in a speech - and he's America's top Grandpa), "or the need to take responsibility and control" (declare climate change a national emergency?); "time to accept commitments which occur due to another person's illness or unreliability" (paraphrasing B. Brady).
So here's a previously published DC Horoscope of the April 30, 2022 6 North Eclipse @10Tau28:
And here's a horoscope of 6 North's initial manifestation on May 15, 850 (OS) @27Tau55 - opposing President Biden's natal Sun (vitality; life goals); both eclipses are in Venus-ruled Taurus which emphasizes the sign and suggests that issues of steadiness, stability, reliability, and perseverance are necessary for karmic progress to be made, plus, other Taurean concerns include resources, budgets, growth, preservation, even food supplies (negatively, the preservation of Secret Service texts regarding Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt were not preserved; possibly to be retrieved); add to this, potentials for Earth changes and environmental disasters as well:
Jul 19, 2022
Horoscope of the J6 Hearing July 21, 2022
DC Horoscope: J6 Public Hearing July 21, 2022 8:00 pm edt Cannon Office Bldg Washington DC:
Saturn Square Uranus: 'Old Order' Rule of Law vs 'New Order' Utopian Anarchy of Lawlessness and Chaos
by Jude Cowell
What a horoscope! For opposite (US 1776) Pluto Rx rising is asteroid of democracy, Ceres, closely conjunct the goal-oriented Sun @29Can11, a degree which when rounded-up = "A Daughter of the American Revolution." Perhaps because this degree's Sabian Symbol links to my natal Mars but for me, this shows both democracy and revolution in the hearing's spotlight, just as it should be, for this is the crossroad that America has reached at this point in time. And although it makes me very fussy, maybe the prognostication I read years ago: "1776 - 2025" will turn out to be accurate with Inauguration 2025, said to be our country's last.
However, please note that our nation does Not have to discard democracy and turn authoritarian, at least not under Democrats. To that milder end, this where I type, Vote Blue in 2022 - and avoid voting for candidates of the bizarre, freakishly paternalistic Chastity Belt Party now passing laws that 'legalize' the rape and marriage of young girls, among other anti-societal ruinous ideas. Your choice, of course. But please think of your daughters and the other ladies in your life.
As for the July 21st chart, see lower left corner for retrograde, karmic chart-ruler Saturn's one applying aspect, a square with zealous Uranus. The square will perfect on October 23, 2022 which may turn out to be a significant date especially since it comes tweo days prior to the difficult 6 South October 25, 2022 Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio conjunct the 1949 Ascendant of NATO (Putin's enemy), and with Nazi vibes in play.
Meanwhile, we should note that the ruler of crossroads, Mercury @5Leo08, conjuncts America's 1776 North Node of destiny! And you know that people here and across the world are aware that America is poised at the turning point of Democracy vs Fascism with paternalistic authoritarianism attempting to take total control of America as it has tried in the past, and failed. Unfortunately this time, the anarchic forces of evil and corruption are better organized with more members who, for some reason, assume that they'll come out okay, even exalted, after the dust settles. How stunned will they be to find that they and theirs will not be 'okay' at all? Taking forceful control of the 2022 Midterm Elections is suggested by themes of the 6 South October Solar Eclipse as saboteurs try to make historic events of the 1930s repeat in November 2022. Let's not allow it.
Now also in the horoscope, above, ascending is the Full Moon of July 13, 2022 @21Cap21 which we might remember since it perfected the day after the J6 Hearing of July 12th so during Thursday's hearing, something presented then may return for review or rehash, and probably will since the hearings are an ongoing process meant to hold accountable those responsible for disrupting our traditional peaceful transfer of power, and committing violent acts of insurrection on behalf of you-know-who.
Actually, there are multiple indications rising in the 8:00 pm edt horoscope of the July 21st 'Prime Time' hearing (unless a rescheduling occurs) such as the harsh, compressive January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of evil, Trump's natal Vertex ('VX'), a point of fated encounters or wish fulfillment, and the January 6, 2021 'mob attack' Ascendant @15Tau54 at 1:00 pm est.
South Node "21 Scorpio" = "A Soldier Derelict In His Duty": "Complete Faithlessness to the Common Welfare" (M. E. Jones)
So as you see in the chart, Luna @15Tau18 also conjuncts the 8:00 pm IC, the HOW? Point and Foundation of the Matter, with warrior planet Mars conjunct IC as well but from the 3rd house of Communications. Maybe the July 21st hearing set to reveal what the faithless Trump did and didn't do while happily watching his coup attempt on TV against the US Congress as events progressed (gallows and all), and Americans were being maimed and killed in Trump's name, is what in a sense yours truly has waited for for years, ever since I noticed the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction landing upon Trump's natal Vertex. Fingers crossed!
We may hear from a 'woman of strong principles' or two with the intense Moon-Mars combo opposing MC and the Uranus-North-Node duo of radical reformist politics nearby in 4th house. As mentioned, opposite is the neurotic derelict soldier conjunct South Node of past behavior in the very visible 10th house of Public Status. Is that Cadet Bone Spurs on display?
Meanwhile, there's always the dire admonition of Regulus rising with Trump's natal Mars fulfilling his threatened destiny of "all that's been gained will be taken away" for those who take revenge. And as you know, 'revenge' is the orange blighter's middle name - and now it's the Republican Party's perogative to use violence. Video: Chris Hayes On the Implied Threat When Republicans Use Guns as Props in their campaign ads. Note that the organized crime duo of Neptune-Pluto @26AQ18 conjuncts the Anti-Vertex axis.
Now you may wish to consider the three stars rising with planets in this chart, one in particular is Pluto (now in process of the 2022 US Pluto Return which is also rising) and showing the J6 hearings as response to Trump's 2021 coup attempt and a major part of our destructuring Pluto Return - with effective rebuilding to follow ("positive social reform" star Zuben Elgenubi conjuncts MC). Additionally, higher powered Pluto Rx leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets, and rises on July 21st with Scheat, star of 'extreme misfortune, murder, suicide, malevolence, imprisonment' (A. Louis). As you know, it was Scheat that influenced Trump's 'prez bid' announcement at the Gemini New Moon of June 16, 2015 which fell snugly into the 17 South Saros Series of the Spring Equinox Eclipse of March 2015 - conjunct Scheat.
So now in 2022 the time has arrived for the piper to be paid, and the starring 'pied piper' is Donald Trump who, if any justice is left in the world, will be held accountable for his criminality and sedition - and will be the one who pays his debt to society since, in America, no one is above the law.
So let's consider a midpoint picture of potentials suggested here of 2020 Saturn-Pluto = July 21, 2022 ASC: "silent power or continuing influence" (M. Munkasey), plus, "placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation; mourning and bereavement" (R. Ebertin) with more than a little "sadness" added to the picture as well (N. Tyl).
Trump's Pluto = Mars-Saturn: Death of Many People; Fury; Intervention by a Higher Power (R. Ebertin)
Descriptively, the chart's Saturn-Pluto midpoint @10AQ57 in 1st house (with both powerful Pluto and legal eagle Saturn) opposes Trump's natal Pluto which indicates potentials for: "choosing either good or evil and dedicating one's life to eliminating the other; extreme changes" (M. Munkasey). In Putin pal Trump's case, we've seen that "the other" includes the United States of America and the American people as Krushchev's 1953 "we will bury you" threat plays out. One clue is the Neptune-Pluto duo of Organized Crime @26AQ18, as noted, conjunct the Anti-Vertex, and opposing Trump's natal Mars (26Leo46) - conjunct the hearing's Vertex! Look to corporate Cupido in 8th house for more information.
So we have Trump's mob-like activities in the spotlight Thursday evening with his Vertex in governmental Capricorn rising, along with his being "used as a tool" (by Russia? China? Neo-Nazis? Fascists? Other? All of them?). And for those who prefer the third-decan of Aquarius for the US Moon of 1776 (We The People), add "big mood sweeps" and/or "anxiety" (N. Tyl). Hopefully, restless minds will be changed (and eyes opened!) by the factual evidence presented at the J6 Hearings.
Now obviously, the current Saros Series (6 North) applies to all of the June and July Public J6 Hearings with themes of "relationship to authority figures" and "commitments accepted due to another person's unreliability or illness" (paraphrasing B. Brady), the meaning of which became clearer this very day with the announcement that J6 Chairman Bennie Thompson has just been diagnosed with Covid. Therefore, perhaps Rep. Liz Cheney will gavel in Thursday's hearing and it's been reported that the other Republican serving on the J6 Select Committee, Adam Kinzinger, will lead the proceedings Thursday night.
Wishing a quick recovery for Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi!
Well, there's much more to the above horoscope and subject, but that's all I have today although additions may turn up. So leave your on-topic insights if you wish, and Thanks a Bunch for reading and sharing! Jude
Jul 12, 2022
J6 Hearing July 12, 2022: Connecting Dots
by Jude Cowell
July 12, 2022
Today the J6 Select Committee investigating the January 6th coup attempt of Donald Trump holds another public hearing with an opening time reset from 10:00 am edt to 1:00 pm edt (last I heard!). Below is a DC Horoscope of the event with America's 1776 Saturn (our legal eagle planet exalted in Libra and representing lawmakers) rising along with Trump's natal 2nd house trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter. A few of Trump's 1946 placements are penned around the chart and highlighted in pink.
Chart-and-hearing-ruler Venus @23Gemini (in 9th house of legal afffairs) conjoins US 1776 Mars which suggests potentials for joint ventures with allies, muted aggression, but since Venus activates our nation's problematic Mars-Neptune square (here, a reference to misguided actors on Trump's behalf, plus, his own), we may also expect the proceedings to involve less than ideal circumstances, and a measure of disillusionment which may be a reference to Trump supporters changing their opinion of his nibs so perhaps we'll hear of such changing opinions during J6 testimony. See lower left corner for the two applying aspects of Venus:
Nodal Axis = Mercury-Neptune and Neptune-MC: 'Connecting the Dots' Between Bad Actors with Negative Intentions
As you see, the planets are in the shape of a ruthless Locomotive pattern with the out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Moon @6Capricorn leading the engine from the 3rd house of Communications. Of interest is that testifying Mercury is also OOBs so will someone zoom in to the hearing? Or maybe this refers to recorded depositions such as that of Pat Cipollone. Of course, Luna may refer in part to one of today's leaders of the hearing, Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), the other being Rep. Jamie Raskin who has battled against white nationalism for years and this may surface in today's hearing.
Meanwhile, today's planet of testimony and negotiations, Mercury (@15Can25 - conjunct the Pentagon's 1942 Ascendant) snugs around The Goal Point ('MC') along with the Sun @20Can20 and reveals objectives for effective communications on the world stage, and those who stand up for their convictions.
As for lunations affecting today's hearing, those are the 9th house Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) which is the New Moon of June 29, 2022 @7Can22 (conjunct Trump's natal Mercury - he's to sit for a deposition in NYC), and the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 19, 2022 (@10Tau28, here in 7th house) with 6N themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady).
Well, I plan to watch the J6 hearing. How about you?
UPDATE July 12,2022: According to my handwritten notes taken as I watched today's hearing, Chairman Thompson gaveled them out at 3:58 pm edt. jc
Jun 16, 2022
DC Horoscope: Final J6 Hearing
UPDATE June 20, 2022: it is reported that a rescheduling of the final hearing has occurred to 1:00 pm edt. Please adjust accordingly.
Original post begins here:Here's a quick posting of the DC Horoscope of what's apparently scheduled to be the final J6 Public Hearing of June 23, 2022 with my study notes penned squooshedly upon the chart:
Since the schedule of the J6 public hearings has experienced a measure of alteration, I don't wish to spend time on a June 23rd horoscope of an event which may be rescheduled or which may not be held, and I hope that dear readers understand that time is precious and should not be squandered! Therefore, you'll find quite a bit of information notated on the horoscope for those who care to read. jc (See above Update.)
Jun 3, 2022
Horoscope of the 1st Public J6 Hearing: "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding"
UPDATE June 4, 2022: It has come to my attention that the exact location of the June 9th J6 public hearing will be the Cannon Office Building, south of the Capitol. Calculating the horoscope for this location (38N53:13 77W00:25) makes no difference whatsoever to cusps, houses, or planets. Basically it gives the same horoscope as you see, below, for any differences there may be are negligible.
Therefore, my original post begins here, sans edits:
June 3, 2022
Uranus-Neptune Septile: Fated Events That Concern Catastrophe
by Jude Cowell
Below is a belated posting of the First Public J6 Hearing on June 9, 2022 8:00 pm edt Capitol Building Washington DC; study notes are penned on the chart such as fixed stars and certain Eclipses that are being pointed toward for our past and future considerations (unnotated on the chart in 5th house is the current 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 with its descriptive themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' - B. Brady).
Chart-ruler (and hearing-ruler) Jupiter @5Ari04 (in Aries: the truth seeker) is highlighted in green and makes no applying aspects in the chart so its house and sign are prominent with 4th house denoting domestic and security issues. This position of Jupiter indicates a Jupiter-opposite-Neptune transit for Tr*mp, a period when someone is deceiving him (or he them, of course), and illusion, delusion, and confusion abound. He will not be dealing with events in a realistic way but what else is new, right? This is an unpredictable transit, but those who offer him fantastical schemes should be avoided for best results.
Yet we know that he's usually the one inventing fantastical schemes thought up from within his world of fantasy as he listens to the malicious, grudge-holding voices in his head. We can expect that confidential matters will be exposed especially concerning finances with his Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune trio in his 2nd house of Money and Possessions. And maybe his and his comrades playing fast and loose with America's National Treasury could be addressed although the J6 hearings may not be the proper venue for revealing such matters.
Now 8:00 pm edt on June 9th is a Mercury Hour (suitable for hearings, messages, questions, testimony, reporting) and Mercury @27Tau44 is in 6th house and rises with Menkar ('saying what must be said') conjunct US Inaugural Ascendant (Oath of Office), plus, de-structuring, transformative Pluto, planet of subversion and hidden wealth, is in process of performing America's first-ever Pluto Return. On June 9th, Pluto rises with the star of extreme misfortune, Scheat. Obviously, issues of America as a Plutocracy have been on everyone's minds for some time which brings in our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of total surveillance, and knowledge is power concerns.
So expectably, some secrets will be withheld during the hearings which is typical due to the fact that they're being held in public and this is often Washington's justification for neglecting to divulge all the facts due to 'national security', as you know, so we'll see how things proceed by the final hearing on June 23rd (8:00 pm edt) with the public Moon @6Tau13 conjunct Inauguration Day 2021's incendiary Mars-Uranus Conjunction (6Tau44) indicating potentials for aggression from those who support the overthrow of the US government.
Meanwhile, Ceres will have moved on to 16Can51 - conjunct and reflecting Tr*mp's natal Nemesis (16Can40) and while he seems to feel that democracy is his enemy, I do believe it's the other way around for the wide-girthed foreign agent orange.
To read more notes, please enlarge or print the image for other chart factors are listed on the chart:
Now as you see, the above chart Angles conjunct those of America's late afternoon horoscope of July 4, 1776 and I mention this synchronicity even though it may ruffle the feathers of a few of my favorite astrologers (who know who they are). Oh well - maybe they'll never read this post.
Then there's the speculative Jupiter-Neptune pair at the bottom of the chart, and although in disassociate signs, suggests the political conflicts and scandals at the base of the matter. This may also indicate that fortune seekers, wastrels, and evangelicals are involved but we don't need Astrology to tell us this!
Democracy vs Predatory Authoritarianism
Then when it comes to Democracy, both lower and upper case, in the horoscope there's nurturing Ceres, asteroid signifying democracy, @10Can47 in 7th house - and descriptively we find that hellish Hades conjoins Ceres - also @10Can47. As you know, Uranian planet Hades contains Scorpio-Virgo qualities indicating potentials for analysis and investigation, breaking down into parts, dealing with hidden and unpleasant things, and has a close association with Pluto as god of The Underworld. Therefore, mobsterism (infesting our democracy) is denoted since those are the types of criminals the J6 public hearings must deal with.
And note that, besides the suggestion of karma or fate found via the septile (52 degr 26 mins) between transpersonal planets Uranus and Neptune, the nwo pair of The Enlightenment, the Vertex ('VX') @27Can13 falls in the 8th house (VX not marked on the chart) which places the anti-Vertex conjunct Pluto (and US 1776 Pluto). So with Pluto being one of the planets of karma, America's fate as a democracy is definitely on the line through the outcomes of the J6 hearings and by how the DOJ will respond to the hearings' conclusions.
Meanwhile, the primary point of focus is the handle of a Bucket shape - the 10th house Moon @18Lib06 - conjunct the natal stationary Jupiter of D. Tr*mp with an interesting Sabian Symbol ('19Libra') that to me seems very much to apply: "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding." Well hopefully, they'll no longer be in hiding via the J6 hearings with the June 9th Moon in the very visible 10th house reflecting the orange Jupiterian's expansive activities, financial, foreign, and political in particular. Perhaps the orange instigator's obvious happiness (Moon-Jupiter) during his violent coup attempt of January 6, 2021 will be mentioned during the hearings, as it well should be. His reckless behavior on January 6th is evidence of his complicity.
And yet considering that the public J6 hearings will open during the ongoing transiting midpoint picture of Pluto-NN = Neptune, it's possible that revealing the 'gaining advantages through the use of fraud and lies' tendencies of Herr T and his comrades may or may not result in successful DOJ indictments and prosecutions for, after all, suggested are longterm systemic problems affecting everyone in society.
And this means that if you're not a perpetrator of Trumpian crimes, dear reader, you might just be a victim.
So to close, a quick look at the June 23rd horoscope shows a practical Water-Earth Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus blend of conscious and unconscious energies which are shared natally by Jazz era legend Miss Josephine Baker, inventor of the riske banana dance. And in my estimation, a famous quote from her relates to the infamous condition of 'emperor' Tr*mp whose robe of authority and fitness for office has always been questioned,
"I wasn't really naked, I simply didn't have any clothes on."
Well, if they're not aborted or sabotaged in some way, the J6 hearings could conclude with 'emperor' Tr*mp even naked-er than before, if that's even possible.
Related: Can the Public J6 Hearings purify our social and governmental systems of any of the political and ideological toxins and hatreds now infesting America? Any of them? Follow the link for a discussion by progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann.
May 10, 2022
Bi-Wheel: Coup Attempt 2021 w/ J6 Public Hearing June 2022
June 9th Accountability Knocks: Will the Guilty Answer?
by Jude Cowell
On April 29, 2022, J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson told the American people to expect "at least 8 hearings" investigating Trump's Attempted Coup of January 6, 2021. Finding no exact hour the opening hearing of June 9, 2022 may begin, the following bi-wheel shows the Public Hearing (outer) set for the speculative hour of 9:30 am edt, Capitol Building (or other DC location) with US natal North Node (meetings) conjunct the IC (endings) of the Trump Coup Attempt chart (inner).
Note: Although I'm calling this the 'first' public hearing, Capitol Hill officers testified in July 2021 about the coup attempt. These horoscopes are posted today because most of us are hoping that politicians and others who aided and abetted Trump's power grab scheme will be held accountable bwo of the J6 Summer 2022 hearings, and by the DOJ. If the culprits aren't, a coup attempt will occur again, as everyone knows. Yet a plus is that transit Pluto conjunct Mercury supplies deeper powers for delving into hidden meanings and motivations, so let's take appropriate actions to protect democracy and our Republic!
For the January 6, 2021 insurrection horoscope shown here, I'm using 1:32:32 pm est so that 26Tau27 rises with malevolent Algol conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven 'MC' (the goal), along with the opening hearing's Mercury, planet of testimony, communication, negotiation - but also of lies, deception, theft, and trickersterism. Transit North Node @22Tau15 conjuncts ASC as well which suggests that Trump has been and will be the central figure in the J6 proceedings (for clear reasons). And yes, the leader of the sabotage felt very joyful on that day as shown by Sun = Venus-Jupiter!
Both Charts/Events: Moon-Mars Oppositions with Don't Tred On Me Vibes
Besides the anger, quarrels, fights, and self-willedness that a Moon-Mars opposition suggests, a prominent transit for Trump is legal eagle planet of karma, accountability, and timing, Saturn Rx @25AQ14, opposing Trump's natal Mars in Leo (and his natal Ascendant, for that matter). This denotes potentials for gridlock, anger and resentment, negative dealings with males and the public, illness (heart problems, stress, strain, inflammation, injuries), and yes, a potential for violence. According to R. Ebertin, there are also indications of 'mysterious death, grievous loss, insufficient power to tackle obstacles or resistance, weakening efforts, self-torment', and/or the 'undermining of vitality' via 'poison, gas, or epidemic', as shown by the J6 public hearing's Mars-Saturn @18Pis23 conjunct Coup Attempt Neptune @18Pis35) with Mars-Saturn as 'the death axis'. We should brace for the possibility that sinister, mysterious, or subversive events could occur before or during the Summer 2022 J6 hearings. This is supported by the ongoing themes of the current 6 North Solar Eclipse (@10Tau28 on April 30, 2022) suggesting 'commitments accepted due to another person's unreliability or illness' and with 'relationships to authority figures' being prominent (paraphrasing B. Brady).
Now there are multiple planetary contacts between the two horoscopes and events as you see and some are mentioned, above. But let's continue our focus with the multi-faceted contacts affecting the Coup Attempt's Mercury-Pluto conjunction, remembering that 2022 is the year of America's first-ever Pluto Return (3x for good measure). And let's note that the Coup Attempt's Saturn-Pluto midpoint is joined by the Public Hearing's Pluto which adds recognition and confrontation with evil to the mix (Munkasey). There, I typed it: pure evil such as the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 cosmically consolidated for humanity as their nearly 33-year cycle began once again - while perfecting their conjunction directly upon the natal Vertex of Mr. Trump (22Cap51): fated encounters or wish fulfillment? Perhaps both
Thing is, it's time for Americans to decide once and for all what sort of country we have and what brand of government we want, and the J6 hearings are part of the challenge along with the US Pluto Return/s. It's as if the old R vs D stand-offs are distilled into the current Authoritarianism vs Democracy tug of war, but we must be certain to recognize that it's brutal, malevolent neo-nazis mounting the challenge to American democracy. Why, even the double Moon-Mars oppositional influences echo Trump's natal Mars opposing (targeting) US natal Moon in Aquarius. How much plainer can the Cosmos make the threat?
Then What About the Libra Moon/s?
So besides Luna's opposition with warrior planet Mars, the Moon on June 9, 2022 @12Lib11, a critical degree, acts as the handle of a Bucket pattern and thus is a primary driver or motivator of the proceedings. As you know, the mundane Moon = the public, publicity, public relations, family, security concerns, and as a timing agent, we should note that the Coup Attempt's Moon @21Lib31 returns to her position (a Lunar Return) on June 10, 2022 at 2:00:59 am edt with early Aries rising. An earlier position of testy Mars is signifiant - @12Ari02, a critical-crisis degree - exactly opposite the June 9th Public Hearing's Moon (12Lib11) which is a Moon-Mars (angry or upset people!) emphasized again.
And a cosmic echo of the Tr*mp natal Mars @26Leo opposing US natal Moon.
Jan 5, 2022
J6 Committee spotlighting Sean Hannity
Several moons ago I placed the natal horoscope of Fox TV's Sean Hannity into my files but never did much with it. Turns out, Hannity's natal planets are now significant due to the Jan 6th Select Committee investigation into Hannity's communications with Tr*mp and Mark Meadows now in the investigation's headlights.
Admittedly, I 'like that journey' for Sean Patrick who is not legally protected by the Fox 'News' department (which allegedly involves journalism). No, Hannity's show falls instead within the network's 'entertainment' department. He'd better not try it! Although it could result in delay, one of Tr*mp's favorite tactics.
Well, here's an excerpt from a previous SO'W post (sans edits) concerning Hannity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in vain Leo:
"Sean Hannity's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series is the 18 North. Prior to Sean Patrick's birth, 18N manifested on August 11, 1961 @19Leo, solar sign of leadership, ego, and pride. But his life isn't all sunflowers because 18N themes include: a high stress level; a taxing of strength; a large expenditure of effort; physical concern such as an illness or accident (Brady). 18N has also occurred in the years 1907, 1925, 1943, (1961), 1979, 1997, and last occurred on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10 -- conjunct fixed star Denebola (keywords: to go against society; out of the mainstream). 18N's initial eclipse manifested on February 4, 1060 (OS) @21AQ34 so its modern-day influence should be viewed through an Aquarian lens."
And here's a 2017 post with a few astro-notes about the blighter.
Above photo: Sean Hannity in younger days.