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Showing posts with label 17 South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 17 South. Show all posts

Dec 22, 2024

A Lunar Eclipse and The First Crusade

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

An ancient tale is told that one of my 25th great-grandfathers, Hugues I "Magnus", Comte de Vermandois (House of Capet) joined the First Crusade to the Holy Land (1096-1099) due to the influence of a Total Lunar Eclipse. This eclipse manifested on February 11, 1096 @28Leo09:06 (Saros 99) with the Moon conjunct Zosma (the victim or the savior star). We would naturally expect the lunar eclipse degree (28/29 Leo) to contact Angles or planets in Hugues I's natal chart but I have only his birth year of 1057. See his Wikipedia bio page linked above, for more details.

So because our software can, let's have a brief look at the Horoscope of the Lunar Eclipse that influenced a certain French count to join the First Crusade and become one of the leaders of the mission to claim the tomb of Christ - but with a fabled lack of personal success. In fact, it's said that when Hugues I returned to France after the First Crusade, he was scorned.

Yet not giving up, Hugues I tried again by joining the Crusade of 1101 during which he succumbed to an arrow wound in his knee passing away on October 18, 1101 in Tarsus, Turkey. Is it odd that my Gr-Grandpapa Hugues I floated up to my attention this year when I'm dealing with an injured knee that needs replacement surgery? Maybe.

A Visionary With Inner Strength Carried Away By Adventure! (Sun AQ-Moon Leo)

Below: Lunar Eclipse @28Leo:09:06 February 11, 1096 Vermand, Picardie, France; 3Cap16 rising; astro-notes are penned on the chart for the curious:

Actually, The Crusades have been featured in SO'W posts previously: Will the Tr*mp Administration Bring On the New Crusades? (Thom Hartmann video w/ guest Jeff Sharlet, author of The Family) and Eclipse of The Crusades to the Holy Land. Spoiler Alert and a Clue: The 17 South Saros Series of The Crusades is the same Eclipse Series that brought America the June 16, 2015 "prez bid" announcement (to a paid audience) at Tr*mp Tower on the morning of a New Moon in Gemini @24Gem07 - conjunct combative Mars, of course.

Apr 12, 2024

Stormy Legalities: The 1st Trump Trial

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

On Monday April 15, 2024, the Election Interference Trial of former NY playboy Trump, also known as his "Hush Money" Trial involving pay-offs to adult film star Stormy Daniels, is scheduled to open with jury selection. Fatefully, Trump's "prez bid New Moon" of June 16, 2015 rises at 9:30 am edt Manhattan, NY on that very day along with Trump's 10th house trio of Sun-North-Node-Uranus - all in duplicitous Gemini.

Now as you know, the pay-offs to Stormy through attorney Michael Cohen occurred in October 2016 just prior to Election 2016 in November and would have been politically risky for 2016 candidate Trump if publicly known especially since the Washington Post on October 7, 2016, published an article and the video of Trump's lewd, crude, boastful Access Hollywood remarks.

Monday April 15, 2024: Much More Than Tax Day

Visible at 9:30 am edt are three difficult planets in 10th house and if we read them as a midpoint picture (Saturn-Neptune = Mars) we might suspect that Mars rising Trump (born with the Saturn-Neptune midpoint of illness rising) will be feeling quite listless and will be preoccupied - probably with his sense of martyrdom and unfairness (his Jupiter in Libra) on display. To this picture Michael Munkasey adds, "defending shabby practices." Well, yes.

An unmarked Horoscope of the "Hush Money" Trial:

And below is a tri-wheel of horoscopes with Trump natal (inner), Stormy Daniels natal (center), and the 9:30 am edt "Hush Money" Trial Horoscope of April 15, 2024 (outer) which is also shown, above:

Incidentally, Election 2016 Sun @17Scorpio as Trump's victory was announced conjoined Venus' position in sexy Scorpio as the tape and article were published. This cast a bright spotlight upon lady Venus in Scorpio, with the placement's strong power of attraction and tendency toward jealousy. So perhaps hiding his rendezvous with Stormy (and relationship with Karen!) was a part of his clumsy pay-off plan.

And as we know, the Sun-Venus duo can be romantic but also relates to birth, a symbol of wife Melania at home with newborn Barron while her hubby was out romping with an adult film star named Stormy. Serial adulterer he, a cad and a bounder.

Now besides Stormy and Michael Cohen (who did prison time for his part in the pay-off/cover-up scheme), it's reported that Trump's National Enquirer pal David Pecker may also testify in the Trump "Hush Money" Trial next week (about their "catch-and-kill" scheme), or however long the proceedings screech on, as may Trump's former WH associate Hope Hicks.

So I hope you'll stay tuned to SO'W for more details as seen through a common good astrological lens by yours truly!

A Related Post: The 17 South Eclipse Brought Trump's "prez bid" announcement in June 2015.

Plus, Reuters News Service published a Timeline of the hush money payments and criminal charges, for the curious reader.

And for a refresher on the entire unsavory situation, nab a chuckle with SNL's Michael Cohen Wiretap Cold Open.

Mar 22, 2024

The Eclipse That Brought Us D. Trump

Neptune: Veils, Lies, Illusion, Subterfuge, Fraud, Theft

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As you may remember, the June 16, 2015 "prez bid" announcement of Mr. Trump at Trump Tower NY occurred under the auspices of the Spring Equinox 2015 Eclipse @29Pisces27 in the 17 South Saros Series. This eclipse has been discussed here previously, yet I mention it today because transit Neptune will conjunct the eclipse five times in total, casting a gauzy veil of confusion and chaos over 17 South results (Trump!) unless those of a more realistic persuasion keep promoting the facts everywhere possible. The eyes on the prize is democracy and a decent country to live in rather than the gnatzie-style hel*scape envisioned by the vengeful orange narcissist.

Now a major part of "the facts" must involve Neptune conjunct the Eclipse with its "sheep following a leader into the abyss" vibe (he's their pied piper) and the cultish behavior still affecting any remaining dregs of Trump voters, bless their hearts. Meanwhile, 17 South themes include sudden success in group matters and relationships and good news (B. Brady), so obviously Trump benefited from thematic input when he "won" the 2016 Election with help from hidden foreign enablers and domestic fasc*sm-lovers, many of them corporatists.

Transit Neptune Reaches the 17 South Eclipse of 2015 on the following five dates, so the contagious death cult of personality must continue to be guarded against by all but the most depraved among us:

May 20, 2024; August 14, 2024; March 15, 2025; November 23, 2025; December 27, 2025.

Add to this the fact that the 29th degree of any sign is a critical point which possibly brings crisis conditions and/or rash actions, plus, 29 Pisces+ conjuncts the Cardinal World Point of 00Aries00 which can symbolize a timely reset in global society, or at the least, it heralds the start of our seasonal New Year at Spring Equinox, which this year, carries a Moon-Pluto Opposition signature showing that we're awash with expressions of deep feelings and emotional upsets floating about in the atmosphere along with potentials for violent actions, sorry to say. And so impressionable folk can pick up feelings swirling within their environments which are not actually theirs unless they know how to take steps to block them out. If they want to block them out, that is. And we must calmly assist them however we can.

So above is a dual view of two 17 South horoscopes for your consideration. Lower left is the initial 17 South of September 1, 1095 @14Vir19, and upper right is the Spring Equinox 17 South of March 20, 2015 @29Pis27 - conjunct the star of extreme misfortune, Scheat. So basically, this is what Trump in the White House brought the United States of America: the extreme misfortune of radical political operatives, and now he threatens a blo*dbath for the country and has already threatened "American carnage" back in January 2017.

Cosmic Time Links Knit Together Eclipses with History

These things tie in to what I believe Herr T thinks will be a carrying out of the 7 North themes of (blood-) "lust," the solar eclipse that manifested on April 20, 2023 @30Aries. This is the degree of warrior planet Mars during his J6 coup attempt - ongoing - and which conjoined the natal Sun of Herr Adolf (the Austrian psychopath's "birthday eclipse"), the serial murder*r who's Trump's mentor from the past, and whose plan for global domination agent orange hopes to fulfill as he and his comrades attempt to run roughshod over the American people, destroying and plundering as they go.

Significantly, 7 North is also the Eclipse Series which brought our country the Civil War conflagration of death and destruction. And it's quite a cosmic time link, I call it, and definitely a blo*dbath. This helps explain why on J6, a Confederate flag was carried into the Capitol Building, and, with the 7N eclipse conjunct the Sun in the American Revolution Horoscope, why we heard J6 insurrectionists and others mouthing words like "Civil War," "1776," and "American Revolution." It could be that someone uses astrological principles for timing purposes. After all, the Reagans did.

Now if you wish, check out the Horoscope of the upcoming 119th Congress with its karmic display of transit North Node conjunct the Aries Point. And if a massive, overwhelming Blue Tsunami of Voters fails to turn out this November 5th, we'll have only ourselves to blame for letting down future generations including our children and grandchildren.

Rounded up, 29Pis27 becomes "30 Pisces": "The Great Stone Face" in Sabian Symbols, and the final degree of the Zodiac. Here's my depiction of this symbol, Temple of the Great Stone Face:

Nov 1, 2023

Eclipse of The Crusades to the Holy Land

The Crusades (1095--1291): a 17 South Eclipse Affair

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Officially, the never-ending battle between Christianity and Islam began with the Council of Clermont held November 17--27, 1095. Of significance is the speech by Pope Urban II on November 27, 1095 with his "call to arms." Or as we might say or tweet in our day, things will be wild, which qualifies as Trump's "call to arms" against the peaceful transfer of power from his nibs to President Joe Biden. Forcefully taking control being the goal in 2021 and in 1095.

Then you may remember that some participants in the violent melee of January 6, 2021, instigated by insurrectionist Trump, said that fighting to defend the US Congress and Capitol Building that day felt "medieval." Obviously, similar destructive energies were at work, past and present, but can Astrology reveal a cosmic time link between America's current religious zealots attempting to forcefully change our secular government (separation of church and state: unlike the Vatican--see 'Roman Empire' link, below) into a fascist-adjacent theocracy under figurehead Donald Trump (or one of his ilk) - and the religious zealots of the 11th century?

17 South: 'success in groups and relationships; good news' -B. Brady

Why yes, it can! And it's the Solar Eclipse Series in which the Council of Clermont was held and Pope Urban II's "call to arms" speech of November 27, 1095 which resulted in what we call The Crusades: the 17 South Saros Series which manifested prior to the Council and Pope Urban's "call to arms" speech. The Eclipse occurred on September 1, 1095 @14Vir19. Fast-forward to today and 17 South's repetition occurred as the Spring Equinox 2015 Eclipse which brought the US and the world Trump's malevolent escalator prez bid announcement the morning of the June 16, 2015 New Moon, with his racist remarks intact (text).

So here are the horoscopes I'm using for this post: first the initial 17 South Eclipse @9Gem56 which carries energies of a rebellious Saturn-Uranus square bolstered by a violent Mars-Pluto square, and a delusional Venus-Neptune square; these multi-square energies are passed on to all subsequent 17 South eclipses despite its pleasant "good news" and "success" themes - when times and conditions support such difficult energies:

And here's a dual image showing the 17 South Eclipse of 1095 (lower left) and 2015 (upper right):

Meanwhile, current-day religious zealots such as House Speaker Maga Mike Johnson, Raphael Cruz (Ted's poppa), Maga Rep. Lauren Boebert, and Trump-supporter Pastor Paula White are part of 7 Mountain Dominionism a movement which seeks to take control of America in the areas of family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government - what they term the "7 Spheres of Society." Biblical texts from Isaiah and the Book of Revelation are used to justify a mandate to take over the world, they think - and devil-may-care what it takes to bring on Armadgeddon (as if God works bwo their timetable!).

Thing is, this particular religious delusion began in 1975 with a vision from God which makes me wonder what vision they'll promote once the visionary and prophetic influences of the Great American Eclipse in the 8 North Saros Series manifests on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 - conjunct priestly Chiron, the Christ archetype in Astrology - also @19Ari24. Plus, this position conjuncts America's Chiron of July 4, 1776 @20Ari08 = "21Aries: "A Pugilist Entering the Ring." It's all unsettlingly synchronicitous, isn't it?.

A Knights Templar Link to 2022

Then another cosmic time link exists bwo the Knights Templar founding's Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE'), the 6 North which repeated on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus with themes of 'relationship to authority figures; accepting new commitments due to another's illness or unreliability' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Their 6 North of November 4, 1138 occurred @18Sco37 opposed by Pluto Rx @18Tau11 which suggests 'animalism, barbarism, and criminal offenses' (R. Lineman) so if you'd like to set up a horoscope of the Knights Templar's 6 North Eclipse, try 3:06:50 pm LMT, Rome, Italy, or set the chart for the Vatican, if you have those coordinates.

Now in closing, dear reader, perhaps we might agree that there's quite a significant thread of cosmic time links shown here by eclipse cycles and the historical cycles, conditions, and events that they rhyme with. And eclipses cycling around again on the karmic 18.6-year Nodal Axis gives humanity opportunities to better deal with events and conditions than before - if karmic progress is the goal.

Speaking of the Vatican city-state of authoritarianism see the Roman Empire: New Order Horoscope set for January 13, 0027.

Aug 2, 2023

KKK Act part of J6 Indictment Counts

Back in February 2021 on SO'W, a post appeared concerning Eclipses, Klans, Prez Bids, Despots, and Empires. Contained within was a dual image of two manifestations of a 17 South Solar Eclipse, an image also shown, below. This suggests a cosmic time link between Trump's 'prez bid' of 2015, made under the auspices of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse (17 South @29Pisces - conjunct fixed star of misfortune and imprisonment, Scheat), and the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 which the US Congress passed on April 20, 1871.

Updated to current events, in the August 1, 2023 Indictment of Donald Trump on four counts related to his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021 is the fact that one of the four counts ('conspiracy against rights') is said to make use of the KKK Act intended to protect our nation against insurrection attempts such as the Civil War which was also started under deceptive influences (ASC = Mercury-Neptune: being deceived, exploited; Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square deceives and exploits).

Significantly, the Civil War of 1861 began under the influence of a 7 North Eclipse which is the solar eclipse in effect now since April 20th (@29Ari50, the position of seditionist Mars on J6 indicating violent acts), plus, 7 North happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') Series of Jack Smith; see his eclipse link, below.

As can be seen in the bi-wheel shown above and in yesterday's post concerning Trump's arraignment in DC scheduled for August 3, 2023 (tomorrow), the 17 South Eclipse of 2015 conjunct Scheat landed upon the natal Moon of Fred Trump, the papa who made Donald the man-baby he is today.

So here's an excerpt from the above-linked post concerning the 17 South Eclipse of 1870 (@00Cap30, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation) and it's occurrence in March 2015, an eclipse series which inspired both the passage of the KKK Act of 1871, and Trump's 'prez bid' announcement of June 16, 2015 delivered from Trump Tower NYC with his racist remarks signaling the bigotry and extremism to come:

{The KKK Act of 1871} "now being considered for use against Trump and his comrades."

And so as a partisan for the common good of the American people, and the entire world, I'm taking this opportunity to thank Special Counsel Jack Smith for his dedicated work on the case of Donald Trump, first 'president' to ignite a seditionist insurrection against the government of the United States of America in the hope of retaining the powerful office he could no longer legally hold.

Closely Related: The Civil War's Solar Eclipse Soon Repeats. Now. It's repeating now. jc

Oct 17, 2022

Mars to Trump's Prez Bid New Moon

by Jude Cowell

Dear Reader: In view of current events, and with planet Mars in Gemini at perigee (close to Earth) until March 2023, I thought you and I should check out warrior planet Mars in relation to its position in the Trump Prez Bid Horoscope of June 16, 2015 since Mars conjoined the 2015 New Moon on the morning of Trump's downward escalator ride in Trump Tower and his disturbing announcement replete with bigoted insults which set the tone for what became his regime. As you know, Trump was born with Mars rising along with royal Regulus, a star that cautions against taking revenge, plus, his 10th house trio of Uranus-NN-Sun are nearby the Prez Bid New Moon of 2015. Since that morning, these cosmic conditions have worried me on behalf of my country. The following post is a result:

Search for significant events occurring in June 2022 and you'll find a variety from monkeypox outbreaks to vaccines, to the G-7 Summit held in Schloss Elmau, Germany (as in 2015) from June 26 to June 28, 2022 when support was pledged for Ukraine. Astrologically, on June 28, 2022, transit Neptune, slow-mover that it is, stationed retrograde @25Pis26:36, pausing upon the Mercury-Pluto midpoint in Trump's 'Prez Bid' New Moon Horoscope of June 16, 2015 (shown, below).

Therefore, because the orange blighter won't hush up about his loss of the 2020 Election and acts as if he'll run in 2024 (for fund-raising purposes), I'm asking you, dear reader, to consider the rounded-up Sabian Symbol (26Pisces) of lumbering Neptune's station back on June 28th: "A New Moon That Divides Its Influences." Is that similar to the at-best divided loyalty of a US president who thinks more of foreign autocrats than he does the leaders and officials of his own country? He makes it easy to think so.

26Pisces: negative expression: "a completely disruptive vacillation" (M.E. Jones). Well, chaos-creator Trump is nothing if not disruptive. In fact, his vanity basks in it!

So here are the potentials of the midpoint picture formed by transit Neptune June 28, 2022 in relation to Trump's initial step into presidential politics (his golden escalator ride and announcement) with its Mercury-Pluto flavors of cruel words and possibilities of: 'intelligence activities; political talk that offers abrupt changes to some functions; orbital weapons or toxic gases; secrets concerning business or transportation; communications between intelligence gathering agencies; self-destructive impulses in business; road breakdowns (M. Munkasey); R. Ebertin adds: 'a demagogue or plagiarist; the art of persuasion; fraudulent misrepresentation in speaking or writing; a convincing speaker; slyness, cunning, craftiness; hastiness; impatience; irritability; overtaxing one's strength'. Then Noel Tyl chimes in with a rousing, "Overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one's welcome." Sounds like a Trump rally a la 2022 to me. And it's become next to impossible to even read a post about him, hasn't it? Same goes for typing about him!

Prez Bid New Moon June 16, 2015 @25Gem07 = Mars

Meanwhile, in his book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (#ad), Adriano Carelli doesn't round-up degrees so it's 25Gemini ("A Man Holding An Open Book") to which he adds a very interesting example, "Here is the degree of the point of equidistance" (Sun-Moon) "of the coup-d'etat that overthrew the Fascist regime on July 25, 1943." How fabulous! I want a bunch of that overthrow energy for America circa 2022+! And for all other nations that demand freedom and independence from murderous dictators!

Anyway, above is a bi-wheel of demagogue Trump's prez bid New Moon (inner) and the October 30, 2022 Mars Station @25Gem36 (outer) with Mars conjunct not only Trump's prez bid New Moon ("that divides its influences") in chatty, duplicitous Gemini (@26Gemini: "A Man Trimming Palms" - he did! $50 per audience member!), but the October 30th Halloween-esque Mars station also hits the New Moon's Mars (24Gem35). Warrior planet Mars is perigee right now (close to Earth, heating things up) so it's siognificant that transit Mars returns to his 2015 degree three times (listed center of the bi-wheel: Oct 18, 2022, NOVEMBER 11, 2022, and Mar 13, 2023). Obviously, November 11th is a few days beyond Midterms 2022 but we know election results will extend for who-knows-how-long, and Trump's big mouth is certain to be involved.

Then if we take this significant Gemini New Moon (also conjunct the Discovery Degree of erratic Uranus 1781 - Trump's guiding planet of chaos) as if it's a solar eclipse (power which some lunations can muster) with aggressive Mars conjunct it, we have conditions of headstrong people with violent tendencies who can be prodded into misguided situations intended to settle issues despite any negative karmic indications - and rarely do they undertand the full significance or the ultimate consequences of their actions against society. The ones who do understand, know what they're doing - and they don't care.

In addition, we shouldn't forget a major influence that colored the entire year: the Spring Equinox Solar Eclipse that brought Trump's Prez Bid New Moon which fell into the 17 South Saros Series because 17 South, working through a POTUS-pretending Trump, sure eclipsed America, plus, 17S themes account for at least some of why one third of American voters could be so easily bamboozled by 'agent orange for president' and line up behind his misbegotten regime. For it was good news and success, even for bad actors.

And yes, we've discussed such topics before. Example: Year 2015: Our Trump Troubles Begin.

So as Midterms 2022 arrive in a few days with a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus in tow, my hope is that these astro-notes on the 2015 Prez Bid New Moon might inspire a voter or two with Blue Tsunami leanings because it will take a landslide for democracy to vanquish the orange blighter and his cheating, fascist-leaning comrades.

So in closing, I'll say this: for years I've heard that what frightens politicians the most is the large population in the United States - so if that's true, we have the perfect tool that can cast out the anti-government types, the grifters, charletans, wackos, and bigots who work to undermine the US Constitution, often on behalf of foreign governments, while believing they can reverse time!

So let's Vote Blue to Save America in massive numbers! She is, after all, worth the effort.

Jul 19, 2022

Horoscope of the J6 Hearing July 21, 2022

DC Horoscope: J6 Public Hearing July 21, 2022 8:00 pm edt Cannon Office Bldg Washington DC:

Saturn Square Uranus: 'Old Order' Rule of Law vs 'New Order' Utopian Anarchy of Lawlessness and Chaos

by Jude Cowell

What a horoscope! For opposite (US 1776) Pluto Rx rising is asteroid of democracy, Ceres, closely conjunct the goal-oriented Sun @29Can11, a degree which when rounded-up = "A Daughter of the American Revolution." Perhaps because this degree's Sabian Symbol links to my natal Mars but for me, this shows both democracy and revolution in the hearing's spotlight, just as it should be, for this is the crossroad that America has reached at this point in time. And although it makes me very fussy, maybe the prognostication I read years ago: "1776 - 2025" will turn out to be accurate with Inauguration 2025, said to be our country's last.

However, please note that our nation does Not have to discard democracy and turn authoritarian, at least not under Democrats. To that milder end, this where I type, Vote Blue in 2022 - and avoid voting for candidates of the bizarre, freakishly paternalistic Chastity Belt Party now passing laws that 'legalize' the rape and marriage of young girls, among other anti-societal ruinous ideas. Your choice, of course. But please think of your daughters and the other ladies in your life.

As for the July 21st chart, see lower left corner for retrograde, karmic chart-ruler Saturn's one applying aspect, a square with zealous Uranus. The square will perfect on October 23, 2022 which may turn out to be a significant date especially since it comes tweo days prior to the difficult 6 South October 25, 2022 Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio conjunct the 1949 Ascendant of NATO (Putin's enemy), and with Nazi vibes in play.

Meanwhile, we should note that the ruler of crossroads, Mercury @5Leo08, conjuncts America's 1776 North Node of destiny! And you know that people here and across the world are aware that America is poised at the turning point of Democracy vs Fascism with paternalistic authoritarianism attempting to take total control of America as it has tried in the past, and failed. Unfortunately this time, the anarchic forces of evil and corruption are better organized with more members who, for some reason, assume that they'll come out okay, even exalted, after the dust settles. How stunned will they be to find that they and theirs will not be 'okay' at all? Taking forceful control of the 2022 Midterm Elections is suggested by themes of the 6 South October Solar Eclipse as saboteurs try to make historic events of the 1930s repeat in November 2022. Let's not allow it.

Now also in the horoscope, above, ascending is the Full Moon of July 13, 2022 @21Cap21 which we might remember since it perfected the day after the J6 Hearing of July 12th so during Thursday's hearing, something presented then may return for review or rehash, and probably will since the hearings are an ongoing process meant to hold accountable those responsible for disrupting our traditional peaceful transfer of power, and committing violent acts of insurrection on behalf of you-know-who.

Actually, there are multiple indications rising in the 8:00 pm edt horoscope of the July 21st 'Prime Time' hearing (unless a rescheduling occurs) such as the harsh, compressive January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of evil, Trump's natal Vertex ('VX'), a point of fated encounters or wish fulfillment, and the January 6, 2021 'mob attack' Ascendant @15Tau54 at 1:00 pm est.

South Node "21 Scorpio" = "A Soldier Derelict In His Duty": "Complete Faithlessness to the Common Welfare" (M. E. Jones)

So as you see in the chart, Luna @15Tau18 also conjuncts the 8:00 pm IC, the HOW? Point and Foundation of the Matter, with warrior planet Mars conjunct IC as well but from the 3rd house of Communications. Maybe the July 21st hearing set to reveal what the faithless Trump did and didn't do while happily watching his coup attempt on TV against the US Congress as events progressed (gallows and all), and Americans were being maimed and killed in Trump's name, is what in a sense yours truly has waited for for years, ever since I noticed the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction landing upon Trump's natal Vertex. Fingers crossed!

We may hear from a 'woman of strong principles' or two with the intense Moon-Mars combo opposing MC and the Uranus-North-Node duo of radical reformist politics nearby in 4th house. As mentioned, opposite is the neurotic derelict soldier conjunct South Node of past behavior in the very visible 10th house of Public Status. Is that Cadet Bone Spurs on display?

Meanwhile, there's always the dire admonition of Regulus rising with Trump's natal Mars fulfilling his threatened destiny of "all that's been gained will be taken away" for those who take revenge. And as you know, 'revenge' is the orange blighter's middle name - and now it's the Republican Party's perogative to use violence. Video: Chris Hayes On the Implied Threat When Republicans Use Guns as Props in their campaign ads. Note that the organized crime duo of Neptune-Pluto @26AQ18 conjuncts the Anti-Vertex axis.

Now you may wish to consider the three stars rising with planets in this chart, one in particular is Pluto (now in process of the 2022 US Pluto Return which is also rising) and showing the J6 hearings as response to Trump's 2021 coup attempt and a major part of our destructuring Pluto Return - with effective rebuilding to follow ("positive social reform" star Zuben Elgenubi conjuncts MC). Additionally, higher powered Pluto Rx leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets, and rises on July 21st with Scheat, star of 'extreme misfortune, murder, suicide, malevolence, imprisonment' (A. Louis). As you know, it was Scheat that influenced Trump's 'prez bid' announcement at the Gemini New Moon of June 16, 2015 which fell snugly into the 17 South Saros Series of the Spring Equinox Eclipse of March 2015 - conjunct Scheat.

So now in 2022 the time has arrived for the piper to be paid, and the starring 'pied piper' is Donald Trump who, if any justice is left in the world, will be held accountable for his criminality and sedition - and will be the one who pays his debt to society since, in America, no one is above the law.

So let's consider a midpoint picture of potentials suggested here of 2020 Saturn-Pluto = July 21, 2022 ASC: "silent power or continuing influence" (M. Munkasey), plus, "placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation; mourning and bereavement" (R. Ebertin) with more than a little "sadness" added to the picture as well (N. Tyl).

Trump's Pluto = Mars-Saturn: Death of Many People; Fury; Intervention by a Higher Power (R. Ebertin)

Descriptively, the chart's Saturn-Pluto midpoint @10AQ57 in 1st house (with both powerful Pluto and legal eagle Saturn) opposes Trump's natal Pluto which indicates potentials for: "choosing either good or evil and dedicating one's life to eliminating the other; extreme changes" (M. Munkasey). In Putin pal Trump's case, we've seen that "the other" includes the United States of America and the American people as Krushchev's 1953 "we will bury you" threat plays out. One clue is the Neptune-Pluto duo of Organized Crime @26AQ18, as noted, conjunct the Anti-Vertex, and opposing Trump's natal Mars (26Leo46) - conjunct the hearing's Vertex! Look to corporate Cupido in 8th house for more information.

So we have Trump's mob-like activities in the spotlight Thursday evening with his Vertex in governmental Capricorn rising, along with his being "used as a tool" (by Russia? China? Neo-Nazis? Fascists? Other? All of them?). And for those who prefer the third-decan of Aquarius for the US Moon of 1776 (We The People), add "big mood sweeps" and/or "anxiety" (N. Tyl). Hopefully, restless minds will be changed (and eyes opened!) by the factual evidence presented at the J6 Hearings.

Now obviously, the current Saros Series (6 North) applies to all of the June and July Public J6 Hearings with themes of "relationship to authority figures" and "commitments accepted due to another person's unreliability or illness" (paraphrasing B. Brady), the meaning of which became clearer this very day with the announcement that J6 Chairman Bennie Thompson has just been diagnosed with Covid. Therefore, perhaps Rep. Liz Cheney will gavel in Thursday's hearing and it's been reported that the other Republican serving on the J6 Select Committee, Adam Kinzinger, will lead the proceedings Thursday night.

Wishing a quick recovery for Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi!

Well, there's much more to the above horoscope and subject, but that's all I have today although additions may turn up. So leave your on-topic insights if you wish, and Thanks a Bunch for reading and sharing! Jude

Jan 4, 2022

Do You Have What It Takes To Fight Fascism? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a 6-minute segment from January 3, 2022 by progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann with a serious question that should be on the minds of every pro-democracy, pro-Constitution American who demands that we keep our Republic:


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March 23, 1919: Mussolini's Fascist Party (an Eclipse Timeline) which reveals the fact that Mussolini was declared "The Leader" (Il Duce) under the influences of a 17 South Solar Eclipse, the same eclipse series that brought us the "prez bid" announcement of dictator-wanna-be Donald Tr*mp, descending the Trump Tower escalator on the morning of June 16, 2015 (his "grand entrance") to speak to a paid-to-applaud audience ($50 each, the rumor goes);

Horoscope of the 7 North Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933; note that a 7 North Eclipse recurs on April 20, 2023 @30Aries: the Cosmos is warning us - what a 'coincidence', it's Herr Adolf's 134th birthday;

Nov 2022 Eclipse Hits Austrian Psychopath's Chart - this is the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - conjunct radical zealot, the planet of unpredictability, and America's totem planet of revolt and independence, Uranus.

And here's another warning: 1968 Eclipses Repeat in 2022: Strategy and Turbulence (be prepared!).

Aug 16, 2020

Uranus-Pluto 1966 with Bucket Handle Saturn in Pisces

Troubles by the Bucket: 1966, 2015, and 2020

by Jude Cowell

During the presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson ('LBJ') came the three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo: 1. October 9, 1965 @17Vir09; 2. April 4, 1966 @16Vir28; and 3. June 30, 1966 @16Vir06. Below is the June 30, 1966 horoscope set for Washington DC with many messy study notes penned on for the daring to read if they so wish:

1966 vs 2020: Upheavals vs Upheavals

There are multiple places in this chart where Trump figures into the equation, one of which is karmic Saturn @29Pis35 (10th house) conjunct Scheat, star of misfortune (suicide, murder), which was activated by the Summer Solstice 2015 Eclipse and in part resulted in Trump's 'escalator ride' to deliver his 2015 'Prez Bid' announcement the morning of a Gemini New Moon. Yes, his disturbing announcement occurred under the influence of the 17 South Saros Series which imprints upon his 'prez bid' and upon what turned out to be his 'presidency' involving the 17 South themes of 'sudden success/good news concerning groups or relationships'. We may wish to note that 17 South can have positive or negative effects and is the Prenatal Eclipse series ('PE') of notables such as Adolf Hitler, Ayn Rand, Rachel Carson, Princess Diana (her birth and tragic death!), Newt Gingrich, and Barack Obama.

Eclipses: Uranian Wild Cards and Cosmic Blinks from Above

However! 17 South is not the PE of this 1966 Uranus-Pluto Conjunction, 4 North is! Because prior to the June 30th conjunction, a 4 North Eclipse manifested on May 20, 1966 @28Tau55 (spotlighted in red, 11th house near the NN-Algol conjunction) among the stars of the Pleiades constellation. And considering America's current conditions of upheaval, protests, revolt, violence, riots that bring changes in government, and civil rights demonstrations, it seems significant to me that the Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions of the mid-1960s are now triggered or activated via opposition from the transiting midpoint of Uranus-and-Pluto in mid-Pisces (@16Pis51 as I type).

Other cosmic factors are involved, of course, such as the harsh conjunction of karmic Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2020 which imprinted the duo's compressed, toilsome energies upon the year 2020. As a planetary pair, Saturn-Pluto can also represent 'deeply researching scientists, violent people, reactionaries, and mass murderers' (Ebertin) - all of which sounds to me like events and people of 2020 so far including the pandemic, rioting in the streets, violent acts and the threat of them, political conflicts, and the cruelty of a leadership that cares nothing for its people.

Yet another chart factor stands out and cosmically links events and conditions of 1966 with 2020: currently we're again influenced by a 4 North Solar Eclipse which recently perfected at Summer Solstice 2020 @00Can21, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation. And as you know, History tends to rhyme so it's no wonder that we are dealing once again with 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, separation, illusions' and more. Note that 4 North solar eclipses occurred in the years 1912, 1930, 1948, (1966), 1984, and 2002 and relate to restrictive or separative events and/or illusions operable during those years. See the center of the horoscope for a few events of 1966. You may also wish to note the Sabian Symbol of the rising Jupiter ('12 Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby With a Message") and the fact that opposing expansive Jupiter is health asteroid Aesculapia. Plus, 2020's Capricorn stellium of planets cluster around 1966's Saturn-Neptune midpoint @24Cap37 which is the "illness axis" (Ebertin) - and the 8th cusp of this chart with US natal Pluto upon it. Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: a serious illness (Ebertin).

Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens (or Jamaica) New York; Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius = "The Pied Piper" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Other cosmic links are more obvious than the eclipse connection: Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51--the mouthpiece) rises in this Uranus-Pluto 1966 chart along with the Sun (8Can09) and fixed star Alhena (to have a mission), plus, 1966's North Node of future direction (24Tau43 in 11th house) points toward the nasty star of fury and destruction, Algol, which twinkles upon Trump's natal Midheaven ('MC': his Goal). Algol always implicates the malevolent stare of vicious Medusa. (With Trump I tend to think of this as the raptor's stare! Tragically, We the People are in the raptor's direct line of sight with his aggressive, vengeful Mars opposing US natal Moon.)

Now there are many more chart factors worth noting (leave your on-topic comments if you wish!) but let's close with only a bigly one:

Now you know that grim reaper Saturn is aka, the old man or senex, right? Dr. Liz Greene calls him 'the old devil' and I would never disagree with that assessment. Saturn represents authority and authority figures, accountability, responsibility, maturity, seniority, old age, the past, concentration, hard work, the taskmaster, lesson-bringer, solidity, consolidation, soberness, modesty, shyness, flaws, conservation, preservation, studiousness, reserve, economy, loss, learning from experience, borders, walls, bones, skeletons, teeth, cells, systems and structures, soil, tectonic plates, the Earth, inertia - the list goes on, as you know. In the chart above, earthy Saturn is placed in watery Pisces ('a struggle with opponents') and acts as the handle of a Bucket pattern. This handle is similar to the lead planet of a Locomotive shape (ruthlessly determined toward success; a high-powered executive) of planets. Plus, Bucket handle Saturn here is at a critical-crisis 29th degree, straining toward the Aries Point.

Now as you know, a Bucket is a Bowl with a handle, hemispheric emphasis is important, and the handle planet acts as "an important direction of interest" but doesn't change the fact that a Bowl denotes a dedicated cause or mission. With a handle planet, it's more a question of "adapting allegiances to lines along which efforts count for the most" (Jones). This Saturn represents either the "instructor or inspirer of others" or the zealous "agitator and malcontent". So - what's in it for him? Well, I'll let you decide who might be fulfilling the role of 1966 Saturn in 2020, if anyone, and with the violent energies of Uranus-Pluto stirred up and expressing online and in the streets.

Yes once again, as in 1966 during the Vietnam War, deferral-lovin' Trump is "a soldier derelict in his duty" as he mishandles the Covid-19 catastrophe, takes no responsibility, and hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer and die. And instead of calming riots in the streets of America, he promotes them! To me it seems as if a lot of "misjudging strength or the situation" is going on in Washington DC (another 4 North influence) under figurehead Trump.

Meanwhile, we should probably add that the Moon-Venus opposition across the 6/12 victim-savior axis forms the rim of the Bowl (with Moon conjunct war-like Antares!) which handle Saturn, the authority figure, has hold of. Besides the suggestion of maladjusted relationships within this opposition, Moon-Venus in Politics and Business suggests potentials for "manufacturing and agricultural productivity and how it affects the overall wealth and well-being of the people" and "how a country preserves the heritage, customs, lifestyle, and culture of native people" and "esteem for minority groups" (Munkasey). Under the Trump regime, I'd have to say, lack of esteem for minorities, anti-preservation attitudes for cultural sites and customs, and little if any sense of well-being for everyone.

Because after all, authoritative Saturn rules government, law, business, and tradition, but with Trump's natal Saturn in the watery, tribal, nationalistic, emotional sign of Cancer, his tendencies toward discontent, fantasy when realism is called for, and egotistical hypersensitivity constantly interfere with the possibility that he is able to exhibit any real leadership so that his complete lack of respect for rules, laws, and traditions makes him merely a corrupt scofflaw president if he's any kind of president at all.

Troubles by the bucket? Yeah, we've got 'em.

Jan 21, 2015

Greatest Speech Ever: Charlie Chaplin as The Great Dictator

Of Dictators and Their Wanna-Bes

Original post: Speaking of any and all Politics, political speeches, and of men who fancy themselves dictators who have the right to rule the world, here's a link to Charlie Chaplin's famous dictator speech. If you've never heard the oration, it's a don't-miss.

Update April 23, 2024:

Here you see the B-rated natal horoscope of Charles Chaplin - born a mere four days prior to dictator Herr Adolf which adds a considerable amount of oomph to Chaplin's Great Dictator speech; a few study notes are penned on: