A Busy Weekend for the Murdoch Empire as Pluto Exacts His Dueby Jude Cowell
Breaking News: at 10:40 am today (7.18.11) London police were called to the address of a former News of the World reporter
Sean Hoare found mysteriously
dead which is said by officials to be "unexplained but not suspicious".
What??? A suicide? Well, with Pluto on the scene and such high stakes, perhaps other participants in the Murdoch phone hacking probe should think seriously about watching their backs.
My original post begins here:In the past powerful, publishing Pluto has been a close friend of Rupert Murdoch, but these days? Not so much. Media baron Rupert Murdoch's phone hacking and police bribery troubles aren't over and a new round of ills may issue from Murdoch's and son's appearances before the UK Parliament this week.
Also to be questioned by Parliament will be Murdoch's protege Rebekah Brooks who was arrested by London police over the weekend
after volunteering to speak with investigators--apparently her arrest was a
big surprise since her willing if strategic offer to give information did not head off an arrest.
Yes, the distraction from this story, important though it is, promises to be long lasting and contentious. In fact, one of the subtitles on Mr. Murdoch's Wikipedia page lists the 'News International phone hacking scandals' as
"2006 - ___ " for no one knows where it will end or how many careers will be destroyed in the process. UK Met police officials have begun resigning, too, as
BBC News reports.
In Australia, it is reported that NewsCorp shareholders have called for Murdoch to
step down from his position. Ouch.
And today, whistleblower Sean Hoare has turned up mysteriously dead!
Yes, transiting
Pluto through structural
Capricorn does tend to take down leaders as we've seen across the globe of late - in the East
and in the West! One of the scandal-related resignations has dragged UK PM
David Cameron into the muck and it will be interesting to hear what Ms. Brooks has to say about David Cameron and Number 10 Downing Street when she's questioned.
Will truth be told or suppressed?
Meanwhile, on this side of the pond, the Murdoch-owned
Wall Street Journal is hoping to deflect criticism of Mr. Murdoch by leveling charges against the
Guardian (which originally broke the story of NewsCorp's habit of phone-hacking) and the
BBC. No conflict of interest there, right?
Well, if you hanker for some Astrology on the matter, do check out Lynn Hayes' analysis of Mr. Murdoch's
Mars-Saturn opposition and more, plus,
Darkstar Astrology provides astrological insights such as: transformative
Pluto crossed Rupert Murdoch's natal Ascendant last November.
In addition, the influences of the 'double eclipses' we're under now (June 1, 2011 @ 11Gem02 and July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12, a rare event) are leading to revelations galore as many cover-ups are in process of being uncovered. Of course, Gemini is the sign of The News, reporters, and communications! The June eclipse @ 11Gem02 triggered his natal Mercury/Neptune midpoint (actors, deceitful people, liars - Ebertin) so we have:
Mercury/Neptune = Sun: being deceived; impressionability; feelings of completion as dreams materialize (oops! jc); evaluation of hunches.
Mercury/Neptune = Moon: opening receptivity to channeling information from non-physical sources (such as from other peoples' private cell phone calls? jc); a misguided imagination; a deceived or deception woman. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)
And the current Solar Eclipse @ 9Can12 is 'eclipsing' Murdoch's natal Jupiter with his company's stock prices falling!
In spite of it all, I shall not spend much time astrologically on this success-at-any-cost FOX News magnate (and
Cato Institute board member) except to give a little info on his Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE), and the Sabian Symbol for his Sun in Pisces.
Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch was born on
March 11, 1931 during the
4 South Saros Series with the eclipse prior to his birth occurring on October 21, 1930 @ '28 Libra'.
The initial (very first) eclipse in this Series manifested on March 19, 1624 (NS) @
'29Pis'--basically conjunct the Aries Point of Fame and Recognition. Pluto in 1624 was @ 14Tau45, the degree of US Inaugural Ascendants each January 20th of our presidential inaugurations at noon since 1937--the Oath of Office. Perhaps this will turn out to be significant for the White House, perhaps not. I refer not just to Obama administration but to that of George Bush under whose terms much of the phone hacking occurred.)
From Brady's
Predictive Astrology, we find that the flavor of
4S is quite difficult:
very strong emotions concerning relationships and finances; anger, lust; there's a sense of fatedness as individuals are caught up in relationship events beyond their control (I bet Rupert hates that! jc); potentially there's a sudden desire to end relationships; emotions are blocked or frustrated; real action should be avoided until events settle down. Well, events are not settling down and seem to be escalating with FOX News phone hacking possible. If there's a bigger agenda here for someone behind the scenes of this scandal, it makes me wonder just who wants to take down the media organization and politically infused empire of Rupert Murdoch. It should be instructive to see who or which groups ultimately benefit from his empire's demise, the reports of which for now may be overly exaggerated.
Now for Mr. Murdoch's natal Sun @ '21Pisces' with a most interesting Sabian Symbol in light of his known dealings with China. Of note is a 2008 article concerning Murdoch's 'shattered dreams' dealings with the
Communist country.
Natal Sun @ '21 Pisces' = "A Little White Lamb, a Child, and a Chinese Servant."Such is the solar essence of Mr. Rupert Murdoch.
Modern manifestations of Solar Eclipses in the 4S Series: 1912, 1930 (his PE), 1948, 1966, 1984, 2002 (@ '12Sag'--"A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows"--conjoins US natal ASC in the Sibly chart, and conjuncts the degree of the Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron--plutocrats; plutocracy; oppression--in 1999); next eclipse in the 4S Series will be in 2020.