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Showing posts with label An Austrian Psychopath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label An Austrian Psychopath. Show all posts

Jun 11, 2024

Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra S2 debuts!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As of yesterday, June 10, 2024, Rachel Maddow's Ultra podcast Season 2 has debuted and will be available "wherever you get your podcasts." Weekly, unless I miss my guess. The first episode is now available and begins with Wyoming Senator Lester C. Hunt, a tragic case of a man who took his own life after his congressional colleagues of the Republican persuasion threatened to expose his son - well, listen to episode one of Ultra S2.

And yes, the bullies were "American" politicians, adherents of Nazism during that era. For as we see now, such enemies of America have no compunction at all about going after people's family members. Just ask President Biden.

So! With astro-notes messily penned on, below is a bi-wheel showing the natal chart of the brilliant Rachel Maddow (inner; RR: AA) surrounded by a "12:00 am" edt horoscope of Ultra Season 2's debut. The hour is speculative, and you can re-set the chart for New York City if you prefer (it's basically the same as DC). As you see, the North Node ('NN") of public contact is poised near Rachel's Midheaven ("MC") of Goals and Aspirations making this a perfect time for a public debut of her work.

Among other planetary contacts, a dynamic T-Square of complexity is listed, lower left, involving a certain Austrian Psychopath's natal Sun @00Taurus which is here conjoined by Ultra's Mars @00Tau43, now transiting Rachel's 10th house of Career. And perhaps we should note that the 00-1Taurus area of the Zodiac is said to be degrees of viol*nce:

Now ordinarily, a Mars-to-Sun transit suggests someone feeling under attack yet since Herr Adolf apparently suicided himself in April 1945, it may be that his current-day fanatical cult members will take umbrage as their extreme sensitivities do so well. And our fight for democracy continues!

Previously on SO'W: Maddow Podcast Ultra Features Naz*s in America (Season 1).

May 9, 2023

Maddow: Trump's anti-Semitic speakers welcomed to pro-Hitler Event May 12, 2023

Pro-Hitler forces in the US are continuing their "Reawaken America Tour" including a pro-Hitler event to be held this weekend at Trump's National Doral golf resort May 12 and 13, 2023. The event sports quite a line-up of Nazi supporters including Eric, and I suppose, Donald Trump. In fact, many of the maga crazies will participate.

So for pro-democracy voters who may not be certain who to avoid in the 2024 voting booth and who to stop sending money to, the list of the Doral event's speakers is a handy way of identifying the traitors to American Democracy, although the list may not contain every name.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow reports:

So here's a question: if these anti-societal saboteurs who love Herrs Adolf and Trump "reawaken" America, then won't their followers be woke? Of course, their actual intention is to indoctrinate the masses with their bigoted brand of hatred and resentment against humanity!

And here's another question with cosmic implications:

Which planetary pair relates to concepts of awakeness, wokeness, awareness, or of the lack thereof? That would be The Enlightenment duo, Uranus-Neptune, which last met in Great Conjunction three times in 1993 in the 18-to-20-degree range of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, traditionally the sign of government, law, and business. Since their cycle lasts 171 years, 1993 began their current cycle.

Then on a political level, the Uranus-Neptune duo indicates potentials for "changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future" along with "revolutions, strikes," and "subversion" (Munkasey) but I am compelled to add that the domination dreams of the Austrian psychopath of the 1930s and 1940s and his death cult are not 'new' at all but are as old as evil itself. Therefore, We the People must awaken to the fact that these fascist criminals are current-day Nazi lovers who consider themselves in line to continue Herr Adolf's barbaric mission to ethnically "cleanse" the world.

So for readers who dare to look at such difficult conditions, and in the spirit of Forewarned is Forearmed, please note that transit Saturn in early Pisces will join, even activate, the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 which suggests that Saturn in Pisces symbolizes, on a deep level, America's enemies who have taken on the responsibility of carrying forward Herr Adolf's mission of primal violence in an updated attempt to take control of America and thus destroy democracy from the face of the Earth.

So in closing, here's Thom Hartmann on another anti-America event: Trump's May 10, 2023 "townhall" on CNN, tomorrow night: my guess is that Trump will be wearing his best fascism cap!

Apr 20, 2023

German Media Baron Aided Rise of Hitler

Vorwärts, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Forward!, They Said

by Jude Cowell

Today, April 20 2023, "Little Adolf," the Austrian psychopath turns 134 years old in his grave, wherever it may be. But to be more specific, his Solar Return 2023 actually perfects tomorrow, April 21, 2023 at 6:02:11 am CEDT in Berlin with his natal Sun (00Tau48) conjunct Phaethon rising (unprepared for leadership and Sun at a degree of violence).

Radical planet of anarchy, sedition, and zealotry, Uranus, rises in his 2023 Solar Return 1st house @17Tau52, one degree beyond Herr Adolf's natal Venus-Mars conjunction @16Taurus+, a planetary duo active during our Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse when 'maga' Republicans managed to take over the House of Representatives.

In fact, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan has been in New York City showcasing his maga efforts for Trump, and a Trump-appointed judge has handed Jordan a legal gift which only adds fuel to the orange monster's gas tank for more 'Big Lie' gas lighting ahead.

Yet none of the above are reasons for this Friday post.

What I want to share with you is that while reading about the rise of Herr Adolf, I came across the name of the media baron, industrialist, and politician who, among others, aided the Austrian's rise to power. Soon sidelined, his name is Alfred Hugenberg. Holding multiple official positions in the German government, Hugenberg helped Hitler become Chancellor on January 30, 1933, Germany's first goose-step toward Nazism. Yet Herr Hugenberg, who had studied law and economics, had lost his political clout with Hitler by the end of 1933 but continued serving as a "guest" member of the Reichstag (parliament).

And like other of Hitler's early enablers, Hugenberg miscalculated bigly that Herr Adolf would be easily controlled once in power. Might this be echoed by certain assumptions made by the Republican Party in 2015 and 2016 concerning you-know-who?

Related: Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump.

Now if the initial support of publisher Hugenberg for Hitler (until Alfred was tossed aside!) reminds you of Murdoch for Trump (until Trump turned on Fox News toward the more conducive outlets, NewsMax and OANN - while actually it was more a case of Murdoch turning against Trump for not conceding his 2020 loss) - then basically we're on the same history-rhyming page. Parallels and cosmic time links exist between the two men for a curious seeker to discover, not the least of which is the repetition of Rupert's natal 4 South Eclipse on Electoral Vote Count Day 2020.

So subsequently, an idea ocurred to me to look for Alfred Hugenberg in the back of The Sabian Symbols in Astrology (M.E. Jones #ad) and there he was: birth time and all. So in case you're one of the curious, here's Hitler-enabler Alfred's birth data according to Dr. Jones, plus, a few astro-notes and contact details:

Alfred Christian Alexander Hugenberg

June 19, 1865 11:45 pm LMT

Hanover, Germany

Prenatal Solar Eclipse Total @5Tau21 in the 11 South Saros Series: 'systems and methods fail; unions suddenly end; any blocks are tragically or violently removed' (B. Brady).

Natal Ascendant 16Pis23; Midheaven 24Sag53 conjunct Jupiter Rx @23Sag32 (publishing) opposing at IC his Sun @28Gem34 conjunct Uranus @29Gem34 = an unpredictable non-conformist (A. Oken); Hugenberg's natal North Node of destiny conjuncts Herr Adolf's natal Ascendant in late Libra (a personal relationship; estrangement or separation); Alfred's natal Venus @16Tau43 conjuncts Adolf's natal Venus-Mars conjunction so he may have seemed charming to Alfred early on; however, they share a Mars-Saturn contact which suggests potentials for 'destructive energy, separation, and cases of death' (R. Ebertin).

Publishers Hugenberg and Murdoch

Meanwhile, the natal planetary contacts between the two demagogue-supporting publishers, media baron Alfred Hugenberg ('AH'), born 1865, and media titan Rupert Murdoch ('RM'), born 1931, are worth mentioning. They include:

RM Moon @24Sag08 conjunct AH natal Midheaven-Jupiter Rx (publicity, plus, money via publishing); instinctively, Rupert knew what had to be done for his natal Moon was 'eclipsed' by the 4 South Eclipse of December 14, 2020 when sore-loser Trump's belly-achin' shifted into overdrive. Driven by desperate motivations from near and far, sensitive old Donald refused to concede, and he was, and remains, bu*t-hurt.

RM 4 South Total Prenatal Solar Eclipse @27Lib46 (October 21, 1930) conjunct AH natal North Node - and conjunct Hitler's natal Ascendant. Now as you may remember, 4 South ('strong emotions over money and/or relationships; frustration; ending alliances' - B. Brady) is the series in which the Total Electoral Vote Count Eclipse manifested on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08, and which functioned as a cosmic signal for promoting the resentful, vengeful Herr Trump's 'Big Lie' that allegedly 'justified' his violent coup attempt of January 6, 2021 against the US Congress - not to "stop the steal" but to perpetrate it.

Also related the Horoscope of the Third Reich of January 30, 1933.

Dec 20, 2022

Once the Weimar Republic succumbed to a Psychopath

In Germany's Weimar Republic Horoscope of November 9, 1918, the government that Hitl*r took over as chancellor on January 30, 1933, a dynamic T-Square appears thanks to a Saturn-Uranus opposition squaring Mercury (making great demands on nervous energy - R. Ebertin). Of course, we know that in general, the Saturn-Uranus duo stands for restriction vs freedom, past vs future, old vs new, and/or politically, historically, and socially (and more the point of this post): old order vs new order.

Much tension is involved, and the potential is for bending to turn into breaking with this planetary combination which, in the 1918 horoscope falls across the self-willed Leo-Aquarius polarity of Fixed, rigid energies.

For the curious, here's a 3-minute Rick Steves video The Story of Fascism: Hitl*r's Rise to Power (my aster*sk).

Horoscope: 118th Congress January 3, 2023: two possible opening hours, Washington DC:

Similar to the Midterms 2022 Elections, the take-over of the German government in January 1933 was legally accomplished - with strong-arm implications behind the curtain if things didn't go Herr Adolf's way (a Tr*mp tactic as well). But as we know in retrospect, they did go the Austrian's way, and Adolf was able to cause the entire world to suffer. Now the world will suffer again if Adolf-loving forces and actors are allowed to coup the US government more fully than they've done already when they managed to finagle control of the US House of Representatives beginning January 3, 2023 (see above image).

Predictably, congressional Republicans wlll perform their Political Theater as a three-ring circus, a clown show full of off-kilter antics meant to disguise their own crimes and complicity, promoting malicious lies, and committing acts of revenge with their eventual objective to collapse the US Congress and government, to "own the libs," and, aided by corrupt, theocracy-loving Supreme Court justices under Vatican rule, to establish totalitarian rule. As for American law and tradition, this mostly 'conservative' Supreme Court is now tragically in need of even the most basic of ethics rules.

Meanwhile, perhaps we can agree that the destructive maga coup/storming of the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 was Tr*mp's echo of the Reichstag Fire for it all but mimicked the burning of Germany's parliamentary Reischstag building. Notably, Hitl*r's false flag event in February 1933 came just days after the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse.

Significant to the future of America is that a Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Series will manifest in our era as well - on April 20, 2023 @30Aries, which qualifies as a belated birthday eclipse for a long-gone Herr Hitl*r, but also must serve as a forewarned-is-forearmed signal from the Universe for all pro-democracy folks.

Talk about a cosmic time link of sinister proportions: this will be it.

Oct 18, 2022

Alarm Bells Ring: Ultra-Right Threats to Democracy 2022: Vote Blue!

Ultra-Right Saboteurs Spotlighted by Rachel Maddow

Now that Episode 3 of Rachel Maddow's Ultra podcast is available, I recommend it most highly. If only voters who don't know or care about the Nazi threat we now again face in America would listen and take its lessons to heart.

Or perhaps before the November 8th Midterms with its Taurus Lunar Eclipse, Republican leaning voters will run across the new ad premiered by Rep. Eric Swalwell, Lock Her Up which shows just what America would be like under a GOP Nazi-style rule with women arrested for making medical decisions, a fate that Republicans have made very plain. (No word yet on the role of pills such as 'viagra' have to do with anything.) Thing is, the GOP's regressive laws will necessarily include Republican women, and we know that the Republican Party's anti-abortion laws are not about saving life - they're about exercising power and control. It's as if the chastity belt industry is tooling up with giddy expectation, not to mention the prison industry.

And so we now must deal again with the themes of the 6 South Solar Eclipse manifesting in a few days on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio. And with a disturbing flurry of 'history rhymes' implications, 6 South was the Saros Series that brought the world the Third Reich (January 30, 1933 Berlin, Germany), Herr Adolf's official take-over. The fight against Nazism and Fascism is enjoined again. Pass it around.

20 Aries: Overcoming Crisis With Compassion

Yet none of my comments above even touch upon the fact that a Republican take-over of House or Senate at Midterms 2022 would mean that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are set to be reduced and ultimately deleted from the fabric of our society. If accomplished, Republicans will realize their long-term vision to toss recipients onto the streets of America and at the mercy of the generosity of their family members. If such support there be. Basically, the total breakdown of American society is their goal - and that's when brutal dictatorships are easiest to implement.

Meanwhile, in closing here's a quirky little comparison of two horoscopes: lower left is Trump's 'Prez Bid' New Moon of June 16, 2015 along with the first of three Uranus Returns to the Third Reich Horoscope (upper right) which perfected on June 17, 2015 - the next day. But it must be merely a crazy coincidence, right?

Previously on SO'W: Eclipses of 2022 Hit Austrian Psychopath's Horoscope.

Nov 3, 2021

In America: Progressive Populism or Fascist Populism?

What's It To Be, America?

by Jude Cowell

In his recent op-ed, Thom Hartmann provides a comprehensive overview of the current political and societal stand-off between "progressive populism" and "fascist populism" in a way that no one else can. The first is inspired by such notables as Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Bernie Sanders, and yes! Joe Biden. The other is a Charles Lindburgh-Hitler-Trump glob of a mass movement to turn America into a dystopian authoritarian nightmare that voters who fall for its lies will wish with all their hearts they hadn't.

It's as if the power bestowed simultaneouly upon FDR in America and Hitler in Germany back in 1932/33 is being restaged all over again and the power bestowed upon the two men was of a completely different quality, as you know, and results were radically different.

Yet through the decades since the late 1970s and ramped up in the 1980s decade under Reagan and 'Reaganomics', we Americans have had Neo-Liberalism foisted upon us resulting in the bad social and economic conditions we now face. In fact, it's the Neo-Liberalist system now dying under the ongoing US Pluto Return. It's a complex situation that most Americans are too busy with their problems to give much attention to. However, Thom Hartmann's op-ed linked above clears up many such issues if only folks will read!

As Above, So Below

Now astrologically, we know that the Solar Eclipses of 1932 and 1933 which heralded the 'Nazis Rise to Power' and 'Fascism Rising' will repeat in 2022 and 2023 so the themes and influences of the two eclipses will 'run in the background' of society once again along with other cosmic and earthly factors, some aiding, some mitigating. And perhaps you've read my recent grump over a certain cosmic synchronicity that worries yours truly November 2022 Eclipse Hits Austrian Psychopath's Chart on election day, a circumstance which may do no more than add insult to injury politically, may with Uranian cussedness amount to nothing, or, may time a distressing set of conditions that we already pretty much know to expect for it's marked on the fascist power-grabbing calendar of figurehead Tr*mp's ongoing coup d'etat.

Below is a bi-wheel of my concern; please follow the above link for details:

So even though down-ballot elections such as in Vriginia yesterday may or may not be telling for 2022 and 2024 outcomes, what we do know for certain is that Midterms 2022 is the first major test of whether Americans will choose Progressive Populism over Fascist Populism in spite of fascists rigging the ballots and other cheating tactics. And that, with a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct progressive planet Uranus on November 8, 2022 which may either aid or hinder the progressive cause. Still, motivation is everything so the outcome in 2022 can be swayed by a massive turnout of progressive voters overwhelming draconian politicians of the fascist persuasion as Americans (with the support of our better angels!) choose Progressive Populism.

Nov 2, 2021

Nov 2022 Eclipse hits Austrian Psychopath's Chart

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday November 2, 2021

Please note that today's post and horoscopes are published as a function of my self-appointed "duty to warn" role on behalf of a democratic America and some of its content may not be appropriate for all readers.

October 18, 2022 Update: First, the 6 South Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio (October 25, 2022 = 'forcefully taking power and control') hits very near the Austrian Psychopath's natal Ascendant - and is rising in his chart, in fact. Then an even more direct 'hit' comes from the Taurus Lunar Eclipse which perfects on the very day of America's 2022 Midterm Elections - conjunct Uranus, planet of anarchy, zealotry, and attack. Erratic shows of anger may arise from nazi-lovers.

Original post begins here:

So the following bi-wheel of a certain Austrian Psychopath's natal chart (inner) with the Horoscope of the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus (outer) may or may not time significant events in the US, events and conditions which could or could not implicate the ongoing threat of violence by Neo-Nazis determined to take over the US government and turn it into a grotesque likeness of a certain goatish Austrian Psychopath who during his 'career' envisioned a world order that he himself would control. Today's modern acolytes of his violent methods toward grasping power continue to hold such an objective as their own and showed their vicious determination on January 6, 2021 as the Executive Branch of government attacked the Legislative Branch. And as everyone knows, their ring leader and white power mascot is dictator-wanna-be Donald J. Trump.

As to the significance of November 2022 Lunar Eclipse contacts to our 'mystery' Psychopath's natal Venus-Mars conjunction (@16Taurus+) of passion, pushiness, sexual impotency, and/or tactlessness, one factor to consider is that the November 8, 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - conjunct radical zealot Uranus Rx and opposing the Scorpio Sun-Mercury conjunction - reveals cosmic clues about the Collective's emotional reactions to the previous Solar Eclipse which manifests on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 6 South Saros Series which happens to be the influential Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the Midterm 2022 Elections. Obviously, every candidate's 2022 campaign will also be affected by 6 South's 'forcefully taking power, manic energy, huge efforts in group activities' and 'sudden events' themes and by the Taurus Lunar Eclipse following, but such considerations are beyond the scope of this post. However, I'll add a few notes under the bi-wheel concerning some basic transits of November 2022 to the Austrian Psychopath's natals of 1889.

And please note that on the image, lower left, the 6 South Solar Eclipse is mislabeled as the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' when in fact, it's a repeat of the 'Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse'. Ma bad. But not to fret for an eclipse in the 'Fascism Rising' series will repeat in 2023 in the 7 North series: theme 'deep passion long hidden' - which resonates with the Austrian Psychopath's Venus-Mars conjunction, suggesting the frustrated, driving force within his power moves and his lust for power. At '30Aries' the 7 North Eclipse of 2023 will conjunct the natal Sun (@00Tau48, a degree of violence) of the Austrian Psychopath whose natal chart you see, below. And let's emphasize that these are 6 South and 7 North solar eclipses repeating from 1932 and 1933 - in 2022 and 2023. So as you see, they frame a period of time - and group efforts to take power and control, thus my "duty to warn."

So if you're curious, dear reader, please enlarge or perhaps print the bi-wheel, disturbing as its potentials may be. And as usual, astro-notes are penned on (too squishily!) for your consideration. As always, your observations and comments (name-tagged and on-topic, no ads please) are welcomed and will be published and answered unless you direct otherwise. Shares-if-you-dare would be much appreciated too, for my posts are seldom shared and the lack affects SO'W's Google ranking. Thanks!

Now all eclipses are disruptive 'wild cards of the Universe' and Lunar Eclipses are particularly good at uncovering hidden secrets and inconvenient facts from deep within the Collective Unconscious, plus, disturbing revelations cast under the glare of any Full Moon of total awareness will often lead to controversies and scandals, especially within the scandal-prone world of Politics. So here we go!

Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse w Austrian Psychopath's Natals (1889): Potentials

2022 Sun opposes 1889 Venus and Mars: urge for power, a desire to fight, headstrong output of energy, injuries; excessive emotional expressions, bad taste.

2022 Mercury opposes 1889 Venus and Mars: superficial interactions, conflicts, rash actions, mechanical breakdowns.

2022 Moon conjunct 1889 Venus and Mars: indulgence, courage, bravery, quick responses, instinctive leadership. Release of unconscious material, uncovering of secrets, hidden motivations, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. With Uranus: radical reactionaries and reformers may be identified.

2022 Uranus Rx conjunct 1889 Venus and Mars: unpredictable changes in relationships or partnerships, unexpected alliances established, unorthodox attitudes, changed appearances; halted activities and/or new enterprises begin, highly charged actions bring unexpected results, explosive conditions, danger, confronting adversaries, accidents.

2022 Venus opposes 1889 Venus and Mars: sore losers, opposing view points, conflicts; aggressively stirring things up; disagreements can turn into brawls.

2022 MC 13Leo36 conjunct 1889 Saturn 13Leo27: major moves, focus upon ambition, blaming others for wrong actions; failures.

And note that on the chart, lower right, are the dates when transit Saturn in Aquarius most recently opposed 1889 Saturn in Leo (across the self-will axis!) marking a period when modern-day acolytes of the Austrian Psychopath are working to correct past mistakes in order to try again. In fact, the third such opposition has yet to occur as I type for it perfects on January 14, 2022. However, we should note that a Saturn-oppo-Saturn transit also marks a time when 'crops planted on rocky soil will fail'!

Yet it's true, dear reader: a brutal, evil death cult from the past now attempts to raise its Medusa's Head and take control of our lives - and once again the evil (spurred on by the January 2020 Conjunction of karmic Saturn and Pluto) desperately needs to be resoundingly slapped down!

And if you agree, then you must know that henceforth every vote for a Republican is a vote for Medusa in disguise.

Related: The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC (Horoscope shown)

For more info on eclipse themes see Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady #ad.