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Showing posts with label Chiron in Aries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chiron in Aries. Show all posts

Nov 4, 2024

America's Chiron Return: The First and the Current

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

As you may know, Election 2024 is occurring during America's current Chiron Return, a three-fer series that began April 20, 2024 (DC Horoscope shown, other dates listed).

Well, as the Cosmos has it - and since history tends to rhyme - America's very first Chiron Return/s (also a three-fer due to retrogradation) occurred in 1825 into 1826 @20Ari08 (as in 1776). The rounded-up degree's Sabian Symbol for "21 Aries" is "A Pugilist Entering the Ring." This word picture sounds like a contentious political campaign and subsequent election of a president, doesn't it? Or, make that selection.

Back in 1776, the pugilism obviously referred in large part to the then-ongoing American Revolution, what scofflaw Utopian anarchists are aiming to foment again - except that this time around, the 'maga' anarchists and their enablers represent economic royalists, aka, corporatists and wealthy elitists, and are not American patriots as some of them pretend to be.

So, considering that tomorrow is the very pivotal Election Day 2024, you may wish to read about the political events of 1825 and 1826 when the House of Representatives chose John Quincy Adams for the role. Why? Because no candidate received a majority of Electoral College Votes, a situation that may resemble conditions we face now in 2024, thanks to the current crop of Utopian anarchists who are fascistic and determined to complete the drive for world domination that their idol Herr Ad*lf began decades ago. The little dictator so wanted to coup America!

Well, in case a reader may wish to check out the horoscopes of America's very first Chiron Return/s of the wounded healer centaur, here's a tri-wheel of them so that the dates are readily available. For America's Horoscope, I've used the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA data (with Aries Point conjunct IC) but use whichever data you choose with mildly varying results from what you see here; Symbol information is penned on - negative expression because of the crude bullies our nation is currently infested with:

In closing, here are two additional factors to consider:

1. As with planetary returns, the July 4, 1776 aspects to Chiron repeat whenever Chiron returns to its 1776 degree. They are: squares from Sun and Mercury, a sextile from Mars, and an opposition from Saturn which is the more problematic aspect since it reveals issues with authority (monarchical) and with authenticity - you know, like we have now with bullies and crooks trying to take over leadership of our Ship of State and toss out the US Constitution We the People depend on.

2. If we relocate these first-ever Chiron Return charts for Washington DC, we find a few critical 29th degrees involved which will resonate with the current 29th degree condition of transit Pluto in governmental Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, planet of the law and order and our court system which the anarchists want to entirely dispense with and return America to some sort of a "wild west" free-for-all, with guns ablazin'.

Sep 18, 2024

Not Another Govt Shutdown!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

House Speaker Mike Johnson has set a vote on funding which would push back on yet another (Republican) Government Shutdown. Yet Mr. Johnson is admitting that the situation is iffy.

Remember 2020 when Mr. T instigated a Christmas Government Shutdown? A December Full Moon in Cancer had spotlighted his natal 11th house Mercury @8Can51 And of course, we all know way too well about the old fella's Mercury-Neptune square of deception, fantasy, lack of discrimination - and his sneaky mind (A. Oken). His Gish gallop of lies and propaganda comes with the square for free - such a deal!

Meanwhile, Election 2024 is upon us, and some political wags are saying that Republicans will vote the keep the government open because they don't want to be tarred and feathered by a Tr*mp shutdown just prior to November 5th. Plus, the Senate won't play along in any case, and this limitation may be symbolized by lawmaker Saturn Rx @14Pis40 conjunct the 1854 Neptune of the Republican Party - the grim face of reality transit.

And so another government shutdown may or may not occur this year, but I thought as a dear reader you might wish to view a Horoscope just in case: October 1, 2024 12:01 am edt Washington DC; notable are the several fixed stars conjunct planets:

And here's a dual image of two prior lunations of this October 1st non-event/event: the third "Great American Eclipse" of April 8, 2024 conjunct Chiron in the 8 North Series of dreams and visions (upper right; B. Brady), and the Pisces Lunar Eclipse of September 17, 2024 @25Pis40, also designated a Super Moon (via R. Nolle):

Yet actually, an October 1, 2024 shutdown would practically introduce the next Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 in the loss/separation 8 South Saros Series which brings along Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025. The hope I cling to is that the 8 South Eclipse degree of 10Libra falls snugly within Mr. T's natal Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of grand schemes, grifts, and speculation in his 2nd house of Money, Values, Possessions, and Earning Ability.

However, we know that the loss and separation of a government shut down would, as usual, land upon - not just scheming politicians - but on the furloughed and laid-off workers affected, and all of us who depend upon the US government to fulfill its many tasks in a timely manner, automated and otherwise.

For more information on this see 8 South Eclipse Themes Affect Election 2024.

Jun 4, 2024

Maga Marge is "desperate"

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Marjorie Taylor Greene is reportedly "desperate" to impeach President Biden over the border situation. Perhaps you've noticed her kicking up a storm of contention in the House and her extreme malcontent could hardy be more obvious. She's even assaulted her own political party calling Republicans "feckless" and useless" because they won't go along with her impeachment efforts, and all performed to please her idol, convicted felon Trump. Or are there bigger bosses behind the scenes pressuring her?

Well, we can see that Maga Marge is the restless kind who expects a lot, as shown by her natal chart even with only a "noon" horoscope to study.

And yes, we've considered her planets previously but here they are again. Below the chart I'll list the five dates of her current, first-ever Chiron Return/s the first of which occurs on or about June 19, 2024, and note that she may have been stirred up more than usual by the April 8, 2024 8 North Solar Eclipse ("dreams and visions") @19Ari24 conjunct transit Chiron, also @19Ari24 - even though her natal Chiron clocks in @22Ari56 in her noon chart (she's a sensitive gal, perhaps a bit psychic), as you see here with May 27, 2023 planets penned around the outside; her unrealistic expectations are in focus:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene May 27, 1974 "noon" Milledgeville, Georgia; Chiron @22Ari56; Chiron Return a five-fer on or about these dates:

1. June 19, 2024

2. September 1, 2024

3. April 11, 2025: transit Sun conjunct her Chiron

4. December 6, 2025

5. January 29, 2026

As we see, this is an extended period of lessons from wounded healer and blindspot Chiron who teaches those who listen with the right spirit. Thing is, each Return will emphasize the meanings of her Chiron's natal aspects which include: a conjunction with Venus, possibly a trine with her Moon, definitely an aggressive square from spunky Mars, and an opposition with Uranus, the radical anarchist.

And if we add to these energies her big-dreaming, grand-scheming Jupiter-Neptune square we find Maga Marge having difficulty dealing with the harsh realities of life, prone to misjudgments, and somewhat on the gullible side. Now there's a quality an experienced con man can certainly take advantage of for his own purposes, yes?

For more Chiron info see: Chiron in Houses, Signs, and Aspects, Maritha Pottenger; and Richard Nolle's Chiron, The New Planet in Your Horoscope #ad.

Mar 20, 2024

Devin Nunes outed for his Russian ties

Official portrait: Devin Nunes in happier days

Are Dark Deeds Ever Really Hidden?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When astro-notes concerning Republican Devin Nunes were published here in 2018, the fact of his involvement with the Russian propaganda campaign on Trump's behalf was suspected by some folks such as myself. Well today, Lev Parnas testified in a "Maga" House hearing revealing the complicity of Senator Ron Johnson - and former Representive Devin Nunes as Russian agents.

Once again, getting "dirt" on Joe Biden in order to "smear" his reputation and character just isn't working out as planned for Trumpist Republicans in Congress, most likely because there isn't any. Besides, who in US politics could possibly compare with arch villain Trump's level of skullduggery and disloyalty? Why, Donald is known as agent orange in some quarters!

Devin Nunes Center Stage: Peep-Eye!

Below is the Russian operative's natal data along with a few of the current planetary contacts that stand out in my estimation, although you certainly may discover more:

Devin Nunes October 1, 1973 7:07 am pdt Tulare, California; RR: AA; Moon @7Sag13 conjunct Neptune; ASC 10Lib23 where the 8 South Eclipse will land on October 2, 2024 with its themes of "loss, separation, sad partings"; possible "overstrain and/or physical injury" (B. Brady). Therefore, caution is advised!

However, the most current wild card of the Universe has to be the May 25, 2024 Lunar Eclipse @5Libra for it casts its revealing spotlight upon Mr. Nunes' natal Pluto (4Lib26) and brings his natal Sun (8Lib15) into the picture with the Sun-Pluto pair known for craving power and control. You'll remember that Trump's natal 2nd house Neptune will be lit up like a pinball machine by this Lunar Eclipse on Monday. And apparently the natal Pluto of Devin Nunes along with it. Interesting how their Neptune-Pluto connection showcases the organized crime duo of Neptune-Pluto.

Then there's Nunes' natal Chiron @19Ari05 which reveals that his Chiron Return is actually a five-fer. The first Return occurred June 7, 2023, the second on September 7, 2023, and the third conjunction soon occurs on April 3, 2024; this is his closest return to the visionary 8 North Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct transit Chiron (also @19Ari24) which basically is his Chiron Return #3 of 5 - so his Chiron is eclipsed.

Adding complexity to his April Chiron Return will be a Moon-Pluto Conjunction @1AQ+ which conjuncts his natal Jupiter @2AQ18. This could possibly bring him some luck, or at least it may suggest a way out of an uncomfortable situation. Or not. Instead, it could indicate a cosmic light shone upon certain financial issues (Jupiter), a secret child or an affair, and/or involvement with violent actions such as the J6 coup attempt. Either way, deep emotions are certain to be expressed to and/or by him. Having a Chiron-Uranus opposition, facing deep emotions realistically is not one of his skills, nor is honoring the ideals of others with whom he disagrees.

Then the fourth conjunction of Chiron-to-his-Chiron perfects on December 15, 2024, with his final Chiron Return coming on January 12, 2025. Whew! Quite an extended period of time, so it seems that Mr. Nunes has multiple lessons to learn from his natal Chiron in Aries, restless maverick with a yen for power that he is.

So! These are the soon-coming planetary contacts I see for Mr. Devin Nunes. What fall-out will occur from today's hearing on Capitol Hill and the testimony of Lev Parnas remains to be seen and I'm certain political pundits will inform us. That is, unless Republicans somehow manage to cover it up or spin it to their satisfaction with an election coming up.

Besides, one ace up their anti-American sleeves is that everyone knows how short the memories of US voters can be.

But hold on: because Crooks and Liars has this: Lev Parnas' Testimony Blows the Biden Impeachment Out of the Water!

Dec 26, 2023

A Chiron Return for the Orange Jupiterian

Of Fortune, Speculation, Opportunity, and Politics

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Born June 14, 1946 with a 2nd house Chiron @14Lib54:44 snugged between the speculation and grand schemes pair, Jupiter and Neptune, Donald Trump's Chiron Return occurred once on September 4, 1996 (horoscope shown, below). With all the significance this cosmic event occurring around the age of 50 can bring to us all in the areas of health, past hurts, and true life purpose, 1996 seems a prominent year in which to snoop into past Trump events and endeavors for any insights that may appear.

By doing so, I found that there was a wisp in the air back then of the potential for the Orange Jupiterian to run for president, fleeting as the notion was at the time. Perhaps it was one of those PR "run it up the flag pole to see who'll salute" experiments. Anyway, Trump declined, postponing his prez bid for a future year, as we know: 2015. Even so, you may wish to check out Police file: Trump sure of presidential win__in 1996.

Horoscope: Trump Chiron Return September 4, 1996 11:29:08 pm EDT Queens, NY; Gemini Rising with Moon @16Gem49 conjunct Rigel, trine Chiron; next to rise is his natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio; Midheaven ('MC') 20AQ32; as you see, there are major oppositions between the Venus-Mars Conjunction in Cancer and the Uranus-Neptune Conjunction in Capricorn falling across the 2/8 polarity of Money, Possessions, Credit, Debt, and Shared Resources; meanwhile, the Chiron-NN-Mercury trio is (karmically) intercepted in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, while Saturn opposing Mercury suggests obstacles and Trump's "the world is against me" martyrdom whenever it suits his purpose:

So when it comes to locating actual news articles from 1996 that concern Big Donnie and are still available online, financial reports and gossip mongering are the most prominent, although these days you may find all of them fairly loaded down with annoying ads. However, here are a couple that relate to his 2nd house Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune trio with his boundary-and-taboo-breaking Jupiter stationing, as you know:

From July 22, 1996, CNN Money cited Fortune Magazine's Donald Trump: An Ex-Loser Is Back In The Money about how Trump was "pouring over $4 million into the resort" in Atlantic City, what the article called his "biggest bets." Well, we know that despite casinos being a 'sure bet' in the money-making department, "King of Debt" Trump filed for bankruptcy from his gambling misadventures, managed to avoid personal bankruptcy bwo negotiating with creditors, and, despite all the loss, the Orange Jupiterian stated that "Atlantic City Fueled A Lot Of Growth For Me", as noted in a Benzinga article by staff writer Jeannine Mancini, November 13, 2023. Obviously, the current Trump fraud trial in New York has understandably stirred interest in his past financial activities.

Meanwhile, I keep waiting to hear the words "money laundering" attached to his name especially since "A Chinese Laundry" is the Sabian Symbol for his natal 4th house Moon @22Sagittarius. Note that in the lower right corner of the chart the Moon-Chiron trine describes potentials for "Import-export activities' (!), and 'ideas can charm the public' (M. Pottenger). Well, some of the public.

Then intriguingly, transit Chiron now in mid-Aries opposes Trump's natal Chiron in mid-Libra which qualifies as the 'Full Moon culmination phase' of his Chiron Cycle, a halfway point. This opposition is at least part of the basis for 1996 events appearing on Trump's menu these days (hence this post!), plus, this Chirotic period gives him an opportunity to correct past mistakes and make amends, similar to the function of the Saturn Cycle, planet of karma and accountability. Thing is, his Chiron in Libra 'values competition' while Chiron in Aries values the need to 'know more' (M. Pottenger) - like some kind of prosecutor going after the facts a sneaky criminal tries to hide.

And if we add to the picture Trump's natal 10th house Uranus' "18Gemini" degree - his guiding (oriental) planet of chaos, disruption, and rebellion - a curious word picture appears along similar oriental lines, "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd." For me this indicates China lurks behind the Russian involvement with the 2016 election and beyond, not that reporters have been eager in the last few years to mention Trump's China connection, other than his having a bank acount in China, plus, the patents China granted to Ivanka. Trump acts as figurehead for our enemies determined to remove of America from global leadership.

Then on December 30, 2022 came The Guardian's Trump tax returns show China bank account as six years of records released meaning his tax returns from 2015 to 2020. As noted, the Orange Jupiterian announced his run for president in 2015 with the star of extreme misfortune, Scheat involved, and 2020 was his final full year occupying the White House with document-purloining on his mind.

Now you're welcome to disagree, but my suspicion is that the Orange Jupiterian was sent to Washington to do just that.

So there's a look at the Orange Jupiterian for today. A previous post adds context if you wish to consider Trump In the Realms of Jupiter. And yes, he is a huge lot to consider!

Dec 23, 2023

8 North Eclipse 2024 vs 6 North of 1986

A Significant Cosmic Time Link from 2024 Back to 1986

by Jude Cowell

Solar Eclipses can disrupt and change the course of events on Earth, and sometimes cosmic time links exist between Solar Eclipses when one occurs at the same degree as a previous eclipse. Such is the case with the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 in the 8 North Saros Series of visions and vivid dreams (Brady). This cosmic circumstance has them falling into different Saros Series for it's the eclipse degree that's activated, not a repeat of Saros Series (family) so that their themes are melded or blended for those who choose to consider such a 'history rhymes' situation. See the end of this post for a few possibilities.

The Great American Eclipse 8N 2024 vs 6N 1986

Above, is a dual image of the 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 set for Washington DC (and conjunct Chiron = the healer? or the blindspot? with US 1776 Chiron @20Ari08) and the activating-by-degree 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 9, 1986 @19Ari06. 6 North themes concern 'relationships to authority figures, a need to take responsibility and control, and accepting commitments due to another's inability to carry on via illness or unreliability (Brady).

6 North repeated on April 30, 2022 @10Tau28 conjunct zealous anarchist Uranus in Taurus which suggests 'maga' politicians, their figurehead, and their anti-democratic backers (ex: corporatists). For as you know, intolerance (ex: racism) is one of the more negative traits of Venus-ruled Taurus along with possessiveness and selfish materialism. Notably, manipulative Pluto, planet of extreme wealth, was in Taurus during the Civil War - and the 7 North Eclipse which influenced the Civil War repeated in April 20, 2022 @29Aries - conjunct J6 Mars. Perhaps you watched the events of January 6, 2021 as a Confederate flag was carried into the Capitol Building. The symbolism was impossible to miss especially since sore losers kept yapping about a second "civil war."

Cosmic Time Links via Eclipses

Truth is, we've discussed cosmic time links between eclipses previously in a September 2023 post: October 2024 Eclipse Activates Another! from 2024 back to 2005 and representing a continuation from the eclipse links discussed in this post: from April 2024 to October 2024 and into 2025 until middle to the end of March when a 9 New North Eclipse in Aries takes the stage.

But for clues in this 2024-to-1986 consideration we look to prominent Events of 1986 to see if or how they relate to potential events and issues in 2024. The foremost event of 1986 which occurred within the 6 North Series has to be the Chernobyl Meltdown of April 26, 1986 (11:38 am BADT -4:00 Chernobyl, Ukraine). Naturally this links to Putin's Invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. However, the Invasion of 2022 falls within the 5 New South Series with its theme of 'peak events' (Brady).

And curiously enough, the tragic Challenger Explosion of January 28, 1986 also occurred under the influence of the 5 New South Eclipse which manifested on November 12, 1985 - both events = negative "peak experiences," as we may agree).

If you may wish, review the Wikpedia page of the Capture of Chernobyl by Russian Armed Forces at the start of Putin's War on Ukraine, February 24, 2022.

As for blending the cosmic time links, themes, and events from 2024 to 1986, I'd suggest connections involving nuclear plants due to Chernobyl, war due to Ukraine, and America's 1776 Chiron ("21Aries" = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" shown by the US Chiron Return/s of April 20, 2024, November 8, 2024 (near Election 2024), and February 18, 2025; these return dates issue from our July 4, 1776 Horoscope and will differ somewhat depending on the US founding horoscope used. Political and financial matters are potentials.

Now the Sabian Symbol for America's 4th house Chiron may suggest war, yes, but it also spotlights the 2024 Presidential Election which, more than ever before, will determine the future of our nation. Plus, America's three-fer Chiron Return of 2024/2025 hints at some sort of a replay of events from 1776 as well with freedom and independence simmering on the hob again as Fascism knocks at our door, longing to destroy democracy and take control. This is not acceptable!

So the two eclipes link Election 2024 with the Presidential (re) Election of Ronald Reagan in November 1986 and suggests to me his administration's financial manipulations, and Reaganomics (trickle down economics), the misguided neoliberalism which is well passed its expiration date, and has been shown to be a huge scam perpetrated by the global financial system upon the 99%. This has been in the news as you may have noticed. In fact, Thom Hartmann asserts that Reagan's Neoliberalism Destroyed the Middle Class. I tend to agree.

And finally, you'll certainly think of other connections to 1986 events which may cycle 'round again for further dealing in 2024, but do check the upper right corner for a note about the 2nd house natal Jupiter of Trump opposing the degrees of the eclipses, as our orange albatross continues interfering and meddling in all he touches - and disrupts the US legal and electional systems, as instructed by his backers, both foreign and domestic. Tiresomely, Big Donnie's financial woes and shady way of doing business will continue to be spotlighted in the news and in court. Personally, I remain suspicious that off-shore accounts are hidden away (he hopes--and he's an escape hatch kind of guy).

Then to close this dreary post, perhaps you can read my note penned on the image about the potential blending of 8N and 6N themes which could transpire despite the presence of the wounded healer Chiron 'the key' which, in Mars-ruled Aries, symbolizes optimism and the freedom to do and know more (M. Pottenger).

Now there are positive indications worth hoping and fighting for!

A Related Video Segment: Chris Hayes on Why Putin didn't Invade Ukraine During the Trump "Presidency" (my quotation marks -jc). And here, in case you need it, is a list of Solar and Lunar Eclipses from January 2024 to December 2026.

Plus, there's a crazily related topic from 1986: As proof that he's not a racist, right-wingers have widely circulated a photograph of Trump with Muhammed Ali, Rosa Parks, and others taken upon the occasion of the receipt of an Ellis Island Award for "patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood, and diversity"! Or did Big Donnie just photo-bomb the ceremony?

Oct 9, 2023

RFK Jr now running as an Independent

Independent? How Totally Unsurprising

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Dual Images: 8 North Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024; natal chart of Robert F. Kennedy Jr set for a suggested birth hour of 5:32 pm:

Recently we considered the natal horoscope of 2024 candidate RFK Jr and the 8 North Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024, another Total solar eclipse that will be visible across the US as was the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series - in fact, their paths will cross in the center of the country in an X marks the spot pattern.

You remember how the 1 North in 2017 landed directly upon Herr Trump's natal Ascendant (@29Leo conjunct Regulus) with Mars rising. As things have turned out, this cosmic synchronicity is what a total eclipse in centuries past was considered to be: a bad omen.

As for the presidential bid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, transit Pluto (wealth, stealth, power, control, manipulation, transformation) is retrograde today @27Cap53 where Mr. Underworld continues aiding and/or abetting Mr. Kennedy's natal Sun and Mercury (27-30Cap), and of course 27Cap+ is the position in Capricorn of America's 1776 Pluto so Mr. Kennedy has that connection of power that is at least partially related to the assassinations of his father and uncle as they served America. Notably, one of Pluto's many roles is the assassin.

Now I don't know about you, but it seems amazing to me that Robert Jr would dare enter US politics at the highest level - unless he has the 'highest level' of protection or is promised such, and I don't mean US Secret Service agents.

And so the current transit of Pluto marks a time of Sun-Pluto and Mercury-Pluto energies for RFK Jr, energies with potentials for power-craving, convincing oration, fraudulent representation, exhibitionism, demagoguery, and/or zealotry (R. Ebertin). Any, all, or none may apply.

Then with his natal Chiron and Venus-North-Node conjunction in Capricorn already visited by Pluto (22-25Cap), it's proving to be an extended period of Plutonian influences for him. In fact, major ego expansion may be one result, with identity change a possibility. A secret handshake with Plutocracy (Pluto-Chiron) could have occurred as well which to me suggests major campaign funding from the transnational crowd of societal meddlers.

Yet despite it all, we know that transit Pluto soon creeps out of Capricorn and lumbers into Aquarius for a years-long stay, so its powerful influences on Capricorn planets, permanent as they are, will begin to wane.

So, dear reader, if you haven't yet, you may wish to check out details concerning the 8 North of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 (conjunct centaur Chiron, the wounded healer, says Astrology) here including the fact that the largest US city entirely within 8 North's path in April 2024 will be Dallas, Texas. Is your city or region on the list?

A Related Post: Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024.

Jul 10, 2023

DC Horoscopes: Autumn Equinox 2023 and Winter Solstice 2023

Just a fairly simple publish of two dual chart images. They're the same dual images except that the first charts are unmarked and may be suitable for printing, the second charts have been messily marked up by yours truly with my study notes for the curious reader.

Both horoscopes are set for Washington DC:

Autumn Equinox 2023 (lower left) with 9Leo52 rising - and the lustful 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Ari50 conjunct Autumn EQ Midheaven (Goal Point: Jan 6th Mars in the spotlight), and Winter Solstice 2023 (upper right) with 10Vir02 rising and a revealing 8th house midpoint picture of Jupiter-Neptune = Chiron, a cosmic echo of Trump's 2nd house Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of speculation, fraud, scandal, political conflicts - and his wounded belief system. In fact, Chiron @15Aries (truth seeking) opposes Trump's natal Chiron @15Libra (which values competition--M. Pottenger).

That Autumn EQ Mars conjuncts Trump's boundary-breaking stationary Jupiter suggests the exaggerated role he has and will play in society into next year, plus, upcoming legal decisions for or against him along with possible financial and/or political settlements reached.

Then at Winter Solstice 2023, transit Mars conjuncts the December 12, 2023 New Moon @20Sag02 (and conjuncts Trump's natal South Node, then his natal Moon: anger; separation; more belly-aching and a new cycle of activity) suggesting that rash actions and violence are potentials - in other words, he'll be hot under the collar, with possible health consequences such as thyroid or other glandular issues (R. Ebertin) or even stomach ulcers (M. Munkasey):

For more 2023 eclipse information see 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse of 1933 repeats in 2023 (the current 7 North eclipse as I type); and the forceful, crisis-prone 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 @21Lib06 which will ruffle Trump's Progressed Moon - symbolic, yes, but can be useful as a timing device.

Feb 22, 2023

Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2023-2025, plus, President Carter

Note that eclipse themes are listed for each Solar Eclipse, and the prominent one for America, and thus for the world, within this time frame is the prophetic, visionary Total 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024, a presidential election year, perfecting @19Ari24:01 conjunct wounded healer Chiron which is approximately 1:24 degrees shy of America's 1776 Chiron (20:08).

Now one of Chiron's archetypal roles is priestly, so it seems that our nation's spiritual lacks, moral degradations, and missteps are coming home to roost with the chickens, dear reader, and have always been made more difficult to navigate and correct due to political interference of the corrupt kind. Now it's crisis time, and We the People are made targets of America's enemies in a variety of ways. When you turn on 'the news', I know you see this being played out - on TV to cause as much despair within the populace as possible.

The "blow back" is understandable since Washington has always made a big deal out of US politicians as "representatives of the people" as if all of the ruling class act and behave as a majority of us would have them do. Yes, the elected class should represent their constituents and their needs, and should work to solve our country's problems, yet no matter how anyone looks at the issue, the karma of bad leadership now lands upon all our doorsteps.

All Eclipses Are Karmic, aka, Cosmic Blinks From Above

President Jimmy Carter Oct 1, 1924 7:00 am CST Plains, Georgia: Pluto conjunct Sirius

Meanwhile, you've heard the sad news that President Jimmy Carter has now entered hospice care, so there goes one of America's most decent leaders. How different America might have been without Reagan cheating Mr. Carter out of a second term. It boggles the mind!

So here's a question: do you consider it synchronistic that Jimmy Carter was inaugurated in 1977, the very year that Chiron was discovered? Was Christ Consciousness on display at the Inauguration of Jimmy Carter and all through his life?

As his natal horoscope reveals, the natal Chiron of Jimmy Carter falls @23Ari31 and if you're wondering about his Chiron Return, his was a three-fer: May 29, 1974, September 27, 1974, and March 29, 1975, at 50 to 51 years old. Obviously, the presidential election of 1976 soon followed.

Now to me it seems significant that Mr. Carter's next Lunar Return (13Sco47), chart set for Plains, Georgia, perfects on March 11, 2023 (8:47:35 pm est) with transit Uranus opposing his natal Moon (as the sky god has for a while now). His March 2023 Return Moon is in 1st house of Physical Body and leads a Locomotive shape during a Saturn Hour. The Uranus-oppo-natal-Moon transit is a health indicator, and suggests domestic scene changes or disruptions as his entering hospice care at home attests. And as you know, karmic Uranus is a planet of separation.

So in closing, have a peek at President Carter's 1977 Inauguration Horoscope if you wish, with its Fixed T-Square and a 12th house Chiron @27Ari23, sign of the pioneer. And please note that the unedited post was written way back in 2010 on a day when I must've been awfully fussy.

Aug 2, 2022

Great American Eclipses: 1878, 2017, 2024

August 2, 2022

Karmic Signposts via 'Wild Cards of the Universe'

by Jude Cowell

Many moons ago in August 2018, we discussed the three Total Great American Eclipses of 1878, 2017, and 2024 and now I'm finally getting around to writing a brief overview of the three eclipses in relation to America, primarily via the signs of the Zodiac in which the three 'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses (aka, 'Wild Cards of the Universe') have and will manifest, plus, any contacts or cosmic time links with planets, points, or stars that may be 'eclipsed'.

Since the three paths of totality cutting cross our country have been previously mentioned in various posts, I won't repeat my notes here, but you're invited to scroll down the sidebar of SO'W and type 'Eclipses' or another label into the Search field such as the Saros Series of the three which are: 6 South, 1 North, and 8 North. Of course, employing a search engine of your choice can also turn up path of totality information using dates of the eclipses listed, below.

Now as you know, the significance of the three eclipses that directly affect America is in relation to historical events occurring under the influence that a disruptive Uranian eclipse can engender for 6 months or more after manifestation, and often for up to two weeks prior while the earlier eclipse themes remain in force, but are weakening.

Sensitive and critical degrees can factor in, and obviously, other cosmic conditions and earthly events during their particular years of occurrence are worth considering for a more comprehensive view which, in this case, means years 1878, 2017, and 2024. Meanwhile, Total eclipses have the strongest effects of all particularly in locations directly in one's path of totality. However, my use of eclipses tends to be mainly degree-based, and notably, New Moons and Full Moons sometimes behave in Uranian fashion similar to Solar and Lunar Eclipses. One way to tell if this happens is when a mere lunation such as a Full Moon reveals inconvenient facts and/or activates a change of course in earthly events!

Leo, Leo, then Aries: Major Sun-Mars Vibrations

6 South Solar Eclipse July 29, 1878 @6Leo33 and 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52: both are Leo Solar Eclipses spotlighting Leonine issues of leadership and authority. Difficulties must be approached with resolve for half-hearted solutions gain little or nothing. Ruled by the Sun, positive traits of the sign of Leo suggests self-confidence, vigor, and natural leadership ability, however, negative traits such as self-centeredness, egocentricity, pomposity, vanity, ostentation, and overblown pride create stumbling blocks to karmic progress (R. Lineman).

In addition, Leo Eclipses denote karmic relationships with father figures and/or offspring, so I'll let you decide, dear reader, who these negative Leonine traits describe and who has blocked America's progress, particularly since 2017. Hint: an entire overweening political party is involved, plus, their figurehead.

Eclipse Contacts and Cosmic Links

Of note is that the 6 South Eclipse of 1878 conjoined US 1776 North Node of future direction, while the 1 North Eclipse of 2017 conjoined royal Regulus with its 'success if revenge is avoided' caution - conjunct the natal Ascendant and rising Mars of the orange seditionist (who foolishly gazed directly at the eclipse without safety glasses). Significantly, 1 North is the "Mother of All Eclipses" Saros Series which heralded the New Millennium, and can be called the 'Nostradamus Eclipse' which manifested on August 11, 1999 @19Leo with its Fixed Grand Cross of prophetic difficulties (affecting the entire world, not just the US with terror and alarm). Also with Leo, child abuse issues and anti-child-abuse campaigns are also be indicated (as they have been), along with laws concerning these issues with dramatic Leo also being a sign associated with lawyers and legal affairs. Then we might also add misogyny against women and abortion rights to the issues since Leo is the sign of 'romance' and the pregnancies that can result, and affected by several other cosmic factors that are beyond the scope of this post.

So! Next up will be the 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 precisely conjunct centaur Chiron (@19Ari24). The presence of wounded healer (or, blindspot) Chiron at that degree suggests several possibilities for America, not the least of which is due to the nearness of our nation's Chiron Return (@20Ari08, a three-fer), a period when moral values and higher ethics may resurface due to Chiron's association with roots, or even 'priesthood' - and in Mars-ruled Aries, Chiron suggests damage to our nation's sense of self-identity. So for me, if Enlightenment principles of 1776 are part of the resurfacing picture, so be it! Because it seems promising that 8 North themes include 'new-found inspiration, inventiveness, insights, visions, and vivid dreams' (B. Brady). Of course, how practical such solutions may be must remain to be seen.

Now another factor in today's overview is this: that, because there are three Total eclipses, it's possible to think of them as facets within an ongoing process similar to the direct-retrograde-direct phases of planets in their orbits - you know, the denial-acceptance-solution model. But this concept I'll leave for you, dear reader, to engage with on that level or not, as you wish.

The good news is that if this solution-based model applies, year 2024 may turn out better for our nation than many folks now fear due to recent stresses in society such as the activities of saboteurs and seditionists, both foreign and domestic. For if We The People make it through the period affected by the 2024 Great American Eclipse and its effects, a measure of relief can ease the stresses and strains our nation has been victimized and exploited by for decades, even centuries (since America has had enemies from the start), and our democratic Republic, tattered as it may or may not be, will live on.

Yet realistically, we know that first we must deal with the fact that 2024 is a Presidential Election year in the US, and cheaters, election-riggers, and lying propagandists are hard at work determined to sway outcomes their way, no matter how and at any cost. Why, it's almost as if the Republicans' favorite idols, psychopath Ayn Rand with her child murdering 'ideal man' complex, and the perverted racist Herr Adolf are on the ballot because they hope that sadistic, paternalistic authoritarianism will "win" the day, thereby tossing America's Enlightenment principles of 1776 into the trash bin of history.

But there's an intriguing factoid to remember about America: there are a lot more of us than there are of them!

Now in closing, here's a view of the 8 North Eclipse of 2024 horoscope set for Washington DC including details. And we should mention that the 8 North Eclipse of 2024, listed above, is not the Solar Eclipse that will directly influence the 2024 Election, 8 South is.

Nov 16, 2021

The New Millennium's Progressed New Moon of 2024

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday November 16, 2021: Entering a new phase of anything by anyone can be daunting and it can take a while for things to get moving in the new direction indicated. No less so on a symbolic level as with Secondary Progressions in Astrology, the day-for-a-year method of progressing a horoscope of planets to see how things are - well, progressing and evolving - and to monitor prevailing influences such as transiting planets and the various changes that may occur.

Cosmic events by transit such as eclipses, conjunctions and oppositions, solstices, New and Full Moons, planetary returns, and other factors affect the progressed chart as well and may be compared with the original chart (that the progressions issue from) and so on. Why, the As Above, So Below possibilities are as endless as the Universe!

So in this post I'm using my usual shorthand for Secondary Progressions: 'SP' and below you see a dual chart image of the New Millennium Horoscope of January 1, 2000 (lower left) with the same chart's SP New Moon of May 4, 2024 (upper right), timing a new phase of activity for humanity (also note that 'PE" stands for Prenatal Solar Eclipse):

Now in both charts, a motivated Mars is significant for he leads a Locomotive shape of planets (ruthless executives determined upon success - from his own sign of big business Scorpio). However, the final dispositor in both charts is radical Uranus in its own sign of Aquarius from where the 'Sky God' behaves progressively, futuristically, and often cooperatively on behalf of the group yet, as a planet of change, reform, and anarchy, can choose to behave rebelliously while magnifying and exaggerating to distract from the issues. And as we've seen, some serious troublemaking can be the result when unpredictable, disruptive Uranus is at work shaking things up.

And of course, Scorpio and Aquarius are Fixed energy signs of rigidity and stubbornness which square and obstruct one another with their forceful even brutal Mars-Pluto and old-order-vs-new-order Saturn-Uranus vibes that call for bending or breaking. Perhaps you may agree that this pretty much describes the turbulent conditions that American society has been dealing with collectively; naturally such difficult energies are in play across the globe as well as harsh authoritarianism rises once again against the more placid, humane energies of democracy and the common good.

Yet there are at least two other reasons that year 2024 stands out from the throng, one cosmic, one earthly: the third of three "Great American Eclipse" will perfect on April 8, 2024 @19Aries conjunct Chiron @19Aries (conjunct America's Chiron of 1776 @20Aries: blindspot! or is it a healing?). This eclipse falls within the 8 North Saros Series (DC Horoscope shown) with themes of 'dreams and visions' (B. Brady). The 8 North eclipse path of Totality will race across the US from Southwest to Northeast suggesting yet another 'split' or division of some kind in US society and with further earth changes a distinct possibility.

Then the earthly reason is the 2024 Presidential Election with Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the outsider or the stranger (if indeed We The People are to have an event recognizable as an election.)

So if you're curious, dear reader, please enlarge the image for my study notes penned upon the charts and I'll close with the two Sun-Moon blends with which humanity began the New Millennium - Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces (Earth-Water: pragmatism) and in May 2024 humanity's blend will enter a new phase with the SP New Moon of Sun and Moon in Aquarius (Air-Air of the cerebral thinker and communicator):

January 1, 2000: Bringing "order out of chaos."

May 4, 2024: "The living, breathing entity we call society."

(--Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys).

Mar 20, 2021

Senator Raphael Warnock July 23, 1969

A Few Astro-Notes Concerning Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA)

by Jude Cowell

Photo: Raphael Warnock, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Perhaps you've noticed that the Wikipedia page for Pastor, now Senator, Raphael Gamaliel Warnock provides basic details about the man whose oration on the Senate floor on March 17, 2021 was outstanding and, to my ears, uplifting. So a quick peek at his natal planets could be interesting even without having an accurate birth time for those with the interest and the time to do so.

Yet today I'm simply making note of transit Uranus conjunct the newly minted senator's natal Saturn (@8Tau14: responsibilities undergo significant changes; disruption), the fact that transit Chiron in early Aries has recently returned three times to his natal Chiron Rx degree @6Ari47 (April 2020, October 2020, on or about February 20, 2021: healing the past, on a new path for priestly Chiron), plus, Senator Warnock's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 7 North Saros Series for its background influence repeats for him approximately every 18.6 years (as do ours). So let's see where he is in the eclipse cycle of 7 North themes.

Themes of 7 North: 'a deep passion may take him by surprise and catch him off-guard after being hidden for years, and may include potentials for the expression of procreative drives and/or birth'. (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). #ad

Since Senator Warnock is currently a mere 52 years old (hence his Chiron Return), 7 North eclipses have repeated only twice during his lifetime: March 29, 1987 @8Aries17 (conjunct his natal Chiron) and April 8, 2005 @19Ari05 (the exaltation of the Sun degree).

The next manifestation of a 7 North Solar Eclipse will occur on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, a critical 29th degree. All three 7 North eclipses are hybrids and all, as you see, are in Mars-ruled Aries which suggests courage, a competitive spirit, and a man who boldly confronts the circumstances which occur around the eclipses. Possessing qualities of leadership, he is seldom intimidated, for Senator Warnock tends to see problems as challenges, a typical Aries trait which must have stood him in good stead as a church Pastor and will certainly aid him as a US Senator assuming that he balances his actions so that belligerence and self-willedness don't interfere overmuch with desired results.

So with this post I wish both Senator Warnock and Senator Jon Ossoff much success in their political careers especially since they'll be dealing with some of the most sidewinding, uncooperative varmints known to man - the US Congress.

Sep 20, 2020

DC Horoscope: America's Chiron Return April 2024

September 20, 2020:

In 2024 US Chiron Returns to @21Aries: "A Pugilist Entering the Ring"

by Jude Cowell

DC Horoscope: US Chiron Return (20Ari08) April 20, 2024 11:27:57 pm edt; Hour of Mars; Final Dispositor Neptune in Pisces; ASC 16Sag06; chart-ruler Jupiter makes no applying aspects but April 20, 2020 happens to be the very day of the next Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction (highlighted in lavender) so a variety of breakthroughs are possible in the realms of science, politics, finances, religion, and/or societal concerns. Plus, a general sense of optimism may be on the menu!

You'll notice that the Moon @00lib09, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation, conjuncts not just the 2024 Return Midheaven ('MC' @5Lib04) ) but even more closely conjuncts US natal MC of July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, the founding chart this Chiron Return is based on. Plus, the Moon is handle of a Sling shape of planets which is similar to a Bundle or Bucket with this Moon (people) promoting a mission or advocating for a cause. Aries-Libra issues are at stake: perhaps war and peace are involved as they so often are.

So will 'a pugilist' enter the ring?

Now if you're curious, all my study notes are penned upon the chart including the Return's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the visionary 8 North Saros Series. See the center of the chart for 8 North themes (highlighted in red). Also listed are the next two Chiron Returns (in this three-fer series) on November 8, 2024 (Rx), and February 18, 2025.

And please note that this horoscope is posted here for future reference as 2024 draws nearer since in September 2020 we have more than enough on our social, financial, political, and religious plates to keep us busy into 2021 and beyond.

Apr 16, 2020

Another Total Great American Eclipse April 2024

A Brief Look at the Aries Total Eclipse of April 2024

by Jude Cowell

In the years 1878 and 2017, America experienced what many call 'Great American Eclipses'. You'll remember the eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo and its path of visibility stretching across America from Oregon to South Carolina--and Trump removing his safety glasses to stare directly up at the Eclipse which did, after all, conjoin his natal Ascendant and Mars rising. Is it my imagination or is Trump's right eye is looking a bit weak lately? As you'll see on the eclipse horoscope, below, 'blind spot' Chiron is conjoined (or 'eclipsed') by the April 2024 Solar Eclipse--and eclipses are often known as "cosmic blinks"! Plus, in Astrology Chiron is also known as the wounded healer, The Key, and the Christ archetype; there are several other health indications in the horoscope if one enlarges the image and reads them.

So the third Total 'Great American' Solar Eclipse, visible in the US (see link, below), manifests on April 8, 2024 @19Aries in the 8 North Saros Series. An interesting fact is that the 2024 eclipse path of totality will intersect with the path of the August 2017 eclipse at Makanda, Illinois, plus, other cities will be involved as well and are handily listed here. Funny that a Great American Eclipse 2017 Horoscope happened to be published on SO'W in 2017 set for--Makanda, Illinois and Mercury was Rx then, too, but in its own sign of Virgo.

Horoscope: 8 North Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024 2:20:38 pm EDT Washington DC

Although Symbolic There's Another Cosmic Event in 2024

Penned on the chart above is America's Progressed New Moon ('SP'--in blue) which symbolically perfects on March 25, 2024 @19Pis26 and in April is conjoined by the eclipse's Saturn-Neptune and Mars-Neptune midpoints. As you know, Saturn-Neptune is the "illness axis" and can be a marker for Socialism (and for invisible government) while Mars-Neptune tends toward infections, epidemics, or even help at the right time! (Ebertin).

And perhaps it's worth noting that prior to our SP New Moon in Pisces, America enters the symbolic Balsamic phase on November 28, 2020, the risky 'dark of the Moon' period (similar to entering a dark tunnel) when anything can happen and with SP Moon @1AQ07 conjunct our SP Pluto @29Cap27 and SP Icarus. This is also conjunct US Inaugural Sun--assuming there's a US president by then. If any reader wants to see America's Balsamic horoscope, leave a comment with this post and I'll attempt to publish the SP chart with transits to it. But for now, it's back to the 2024 eclipse horoscope:

Yes, medical breakthroughs could be forthcoming (if not before! plus, Jupiter and Uranus conjunct @21Tau50 on April 20/21 depending on your time zone = lucky break!) for the Great American Eclipse of 2024 falls into the 8 North Saros Series with themes of: 'flashes of genius; visions; intuitive leaps, insights, inventiveness' (Brady's Predictive Astrology). Inventiveness gains some support from the intellectually flexible, technology-savvy Mercury-Uranus midpoint atop the eclipse's Midheaven ('MC' @7Tau59--conjunct two fixed stars: danger-prone Hamal and Schedir the Queen). Mercury-Uranus at MC suggests professional folk such as physicists, mathematicians, cosmobiologists, researchers, and inventors who are able to think about a matter keenly and engage in a swift course of action.

Of course, Mercury-Uranus-MC may also indicate those who spout propaganda during emergencies. But we're suffering that already, am I right?

Nov 14, 2019

DC Horoscope: December 2, 2019 Jupiter to Capricorn

With 00Capricorn00:00 one of the four Cardinal World Points of manifestation, Jupiter's entry into the Saturn-ruled sign is a big deal which occurs approximately every twelve years. Here you see a DC Horoscope for the moment transit Jupiter reaches 00Capricorn00:00 on December 2, 2019 at 1:21 pm est--conjunct Midheaven ('MC'), the Career and Public Status Point, suggesting events occurring on the global stage, and in Washington DC since the cosmic shift happens at MC in our nation's capital.

Now if you're reading this you may already know all the roles that astrological Jupiter can play with politician, banker/trader, corporatist, guru or hierophant, broadcaster (propagandist), and military General being the primary ones who make cameo appearances on SO'W. And if you've visited here before, perhaps you know that when it comes to Jupiter, I tend to use the Great Benefic as the traditional ruler of Pisces as well as of Sagittarius, with Neptune as co-ruler or higher octave ruler of Pisces. (I refuse to divorce Saturn from the traditional ruler-ship of Aquarius but that's another fussy tale for another grumpy day.)

All that said, let's consider the December 2, 2019 Horoscope for its Jupiterian qualities, plus, for a few interesting cosmic factors and possibilities which may apply. The large-girthed Donald Trump is a Jupiterian for several reasons, one being his natal Jupiter in Libra at station and turning Direct 3 hours after his birth. Oh! that, and his greedy, materialistic nature exhibiting a love of money (the root of all evil--the love of it, not the money) so we have his nibs to consider as well. Actually, we tried this before with Donald Trump in the Realms of Jupiter. We've also previously discussed Trump's natal Mercury @8Can51 (conjunct Alhena: to have a mission) which is here on a future path via the North Node in 4th house. His apparent relocation to Florida may be part of this Mercury-NN picture although potential meetings, negotiations, and communications cannot be ruled out as well as contacts with reporters and/or with young people.

So in the DC Horoscope pictured above, basic chart factors are penned on if you don't mind enlarging the image to read my study notes. The energy shift of Jupiter, happy as a puppy with two tails in his own sign of Sagittarius, moving into sober Capricorn, sign of Jupiter's detriment due to his exaltation in Cancer, is supported via the Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes), plus as you see, the Aries Point rises along with star of misfortune Scheat and wounded/wounding Chiron Rx @1Ari29 following--Chiron, the blind spot, here conjunct US natal IC (Roots; Foundation) in America's late afternoon charts of July 4, 1776. (It seems to me that our country has certainly been undergoing a season of wounding as transit Chiron crosses and re-crosses our national IC--along with an opportunity for honestly dealing with our wounds and making karmic progress.)

Then on the chart, upper right, you see a list of planets that rise with stars on this particular day and there are quite a number of them including Sun, Venus (OOBs), Jupiter (and MC--both rising with Acumen), plus, Neptune, North Node ('NN'), and the Ascendant rising with difficult Scheat, as noted.

Thing is, the Ascendant, the What? Point of the chart @30Pisces, reveals an interesting Sabian Symbol: "The Great Stone Face" which speaks of destiny as character. Once upon a time I attempted an illustration of this symbol which may be viewed here if you wish, with Sabian Symbol details for '30 Pisces' included.

Now in closing, a few notes on how Jupiter relates in society when traversing the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn (a labyrinth unto itself!), sign of Jupiter's fall, as noted. Negatively, Jupiter in Capricorn suggests potentials for egotism, distrust, hypocrisy, and over-concern with the letter of the law rather than upholding its spirit. Yet when well-aspected, this placement tends to provide moral integrity, ethics in business and in general affairs, a sense of duty, and support for status quo traditions and/or for the prevailing value system. A conservative slant and positions of responsibility are indicated so those who hold them are the sorts of folk who may be cast in a bright spotlight while Jupiter is in Capricorn--basically until around Winter Solstice 2020 when Jupiter catches up with karmic Saturn @00AQ29, the US POTUS Sun degree, and the Jupiter-Saturn cycle begins again, lasting for approximately twenty years. As the 'flywheel of the Universe' keeping the planets in their courses via the natural law of expansion vs restriction, their conjunction times the genesis of a new order in society, and in Politics their combined energies express often as checks and balances and as our (alleged) two-party system.

As for the conjunction's synchronicity with US POTUS Sun (00AQ+ from our January 20th Inaugurations, the Presidential Oath of Office), a midpoint picture forms of Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: 'Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things' (Tyl).

Now that sounds like a status quo we'd prefer to avoid.

Aug 7, 2018

Great American Eclipses of 1878, 2017, and 2024

Image: 'Wild Bill Hickok'; public domain; wikicommons

Eclipses affect History so as I await delivery of author and science writer David Baron's book American Eclipse: A Nation's Epic Race to Catch the Shadow of the Moon and Win the Glory of the World concerning the Solar Eclipse of July 29, 1878 @6Leo33 (conjunct US natal North Node!), I'm posting below brief astrological details on the themes of the 1878 eclipse, The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 (conjunct the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump--ASC = physical body--the fool who daringly removed his safety glasses to stare at it), and the next Great North American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24--precisely conjunct transit Chiron @19Ari24.

All three eclipses were/are Total and their themes listed below paraphrase those found in Brady's Predictive Astrology:

July 29, 1878 6 South themes: 'being forceful; taking power; huge efforts in a group activity; sudden events; manic energy'. The group of eclipse chasers, which included Thomas Edison, were determined to put fledgling America on the scientific map and their activities boosted our nation's standing in the world and romanticized US expansion into the 'Wild Wild West'. A 6 South eclipse will next manifest on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio.

August 21, 2017 1 North themes: 'unexpected events put great pressure on relationships via issues that loom large; fatigue or health problems are attached; make no hasty decisions because information is distorted or possibly false'. (The 1 North Saros Series is 'The Mother of All Eclipses' and a repeat of the August 1999 'King of Terror' eclipse which some folks link to the predictions of Nostradamus--and of course we think of the attacks of 9/11 and the engendered fear, paranoia, hasty decisions, and the propagandized 'war on terror' that resulted.) The next eclipse in the 1 North series will perfect on September 2, 2035 @9Virgo.

April 8, 2024 8 North themes: 'flashes of genius and inventiveness; dreams and visions; insights and new-found inspiration which can temporarily pull people away from relationships and cause strain in their private lives'. The next 8 North after 2024? Not until April 20, 2042 @00Taurus, a degree where 'wild card' planet Uranus hangs around these days.

Of course, all that being said on August 7, 2018, we must first deal with events over the next few months or more brought to us by a Universal 'wild card' via The Tower Solar Eclipse which soon perfects on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 with its 'collapse of plans or lifestyles' and 'rebuilding after the dust settles' theme which may very well relate to tower-builder Donald Trump, Trump Jr, and/or other of Trump's cronies and enablers, both foreign and domestic.

Feb 17, 2018

DC Horoscopes: Chiron to Aries Point 2018--2019

Chiron and the Roots of America: What Kind of Nation Are We?

by Jude Cowell

Transiting Chiron conjoins the Aries Point (AP) three times on April 17, 2018, September 25, 2018 (Rx), and February 18, 2019. Below is a tri-wheel image of the upcoming Chiron-AP conjunctions with the horoscopes set for Washington DC and basic notes penned upon the chart including each conjunction's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse which are listed, lower left:

It seems to me that any transit to Aries Point is globally significant for multiple reasons, not the least of which because in the US natal horoscope I most often tend to use (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA--IC 00Ari47), the Foundation/Roots/Ending Point (IC) conjoins the Aries Point with 00Libra at Midheaven, two of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation. Therefore, Mars, god of war, rules our nation's founding and our ending through its ruler-ship of Aries. This cosmic condition unfortunately spotlights America's natal Mars-Neptune square and one assumes the Founding Fathers would not have been as proud of our national Mars in Gemini if they'd been aware of astrological Neptune's dissolving, undermining, and fraudulent influences upon our country's actions and motives (Mars). Subsequently, misguided, misdirected, off-the-mark plans and projects have abounded and usually in the realms of war and conflict.

So perhaps we should consider what wounded-wounding Chiron, priestly centaur of healing, blindspots, and the Christ archetype in Astrology, represents when in Mars-ruled Aries while remembering that Chiron orbits between inner Saturn and outer Uranus (past + future = present--be here now!, says Chiron), the planetary pair representing Israel and Palestine as well as old order vs new order--and the tension between them that is causing much turmoil across the world today.

Chiron in Aries signifies pioneers, trailblazers, and mavericks, and conjures and stimulates the Mars-Chiron 'sacred warrior' archetype into action. And since astrological Chiron is associated with our Life Quest, we must wonder what new discoveries, break-throughs, or expeditions are in store--possibly concerning America's founding or Founding Fathers (IC/4thhouse); futuristically, more space exploration is included in the Chirotic possibilities. Chiron is also linked to nuclear energy so the atomic realm may also be featured during Chiron's stay in Aries until 2027, the first year Chiron Returns to natal discovery degree (1977) of 3Tau08 in 2027--2028.

Chiron in Aries suggests head wounds (exs: concussions, depression and other mental conditions) and points toward the current mass murder climate and lack of gun control now wounding Americans physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Chiron in Aries tends to be a loner (R. Nolle) and America has always been that--with Trump's isolating policies, now more than ever. Our nation's adventurism and conquest-loving persona 'inspires' many males (US Mars Rx by progression since 2006) to take up arms against their fellow citizens within a hazy, often drug-fueled morass of misdirected targeting.

Yet Chiron also symbolizes "wholeness, the synthetic reconciliation of thesis and antithesis" (R. Nolle--his book is linked, below). Note that Donald Trump's natal Chiron is in Libra, a relatively rare placement for The Centaur, and indicating one who is 'singled out for a special role'. His Chiron is snugged between the speculator-spendthrift-bubbly pair of Jupiter and Neptune, in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values. Now you may disagree, but to me the conflict-loving, gilt-laden man, a specialist in bullying, insults, and chaos, definitely represents wounded values!

Of course, we cannot overlook the fact that the Aries Point actually conjoins fixed star Scheat (29Pis38) which can positively express as intellectualism, or negatively express when combined with a malefic planet as potentials for misfortune, murder, suicide, or imprisonment. In other words, "malevolence of sublime scope" (A. Louis) and this may echo conditions from around the time of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse conjunct Scheat! This was the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of Trump's prez bid announcement on June 16, 2015 and we see where that's getting us.

Now using the rounded-up method for Sabian Symbols, US natal IC's degree of 00Ari47 = '1 Aries": "A Woman Has Arisen from the Sea, a Seal Is Embracing Her" which is a handy reference to America's Great Seal and the major involvement of Freemasonry in the founding of our nation. Of course, this word picture (Sabian Symbol) also points to Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati and its official founding and seal (May 1, 1776) so like our nation's Great Seal. And though we may not wish to know this, the symbol for '1 Aries' in Carelli's Degrees is: "An armed warrior of herculean build tilling the soil" which he notes is the Sun's degree of Germany's Third Reich. Well, America does like to play the role of adventure-prone strongman Hercules as did Herr Hitler in his day.

America's Founding as a Nation

Now here's a curious note: Chiron's orbital period is approximately 50 years (or, 49-51). Here's a brief excerpt from a previous post concerning America's natal Chiron:

US natal Chiron @21Aries = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" and with Chiron returning to natal degree near the day of the two Founders' deaths (Jefferson and Adams both died July 4, 1826--50 years to the day after the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed), we see that two of the top 'pugilists' of our Revolutionary era had left the ring of life" and the fight for independence they once championed. Apparently, 'the ring' on one level was global geopolitics--and Washington continues to fight behind the shield of the 'sacred warrior' with our Chiron in Mars-ruled Aries.

Now with America's natal Chiron in 4th house, we know that our search for identity is the Quest. The American Revolution supplied the original answer so that now, re-connecting with our roots and honestly assessing our past are imperative if we as a nation wish to heal our current sickened condition. Environmentalism is also suggested by a 4th house Chiron as we watch corporatists and oil drillers plunder our natural resources and poison our waters, air, and soil. Have you noticed how often we hear in the media pundits uttering such questions as, Is this who America really is? Or, What kind of nation are we? Usually these questions are asked when austerity measures and other bad policies threaten the lives and health of US citizens as they do under Trump and the GOP leadership.

Yes, FDR's healing bromide, the test of our progress remains an excellent guide for measuring who and what America really is. Yet these days we're failing rather badly at defining ourselves while plutocratic "economic royalists" are doing it for us. Will we allow regressive 'Robin Hood' politicians and policies that favor the wealthy to rule the day and send American culture back to 1854? Not if Stars Over Washington can help it! For as progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann often reminds us, democracy is not a spectator sport--so how will You, dear reader, answer the question, Who and What is America?

For one man's solution see How to Fix Our Political System by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes.

Now let's close with the April 17, 2018 midpoint picture that very soon will closely affect Chiron at AP: Sun-Uranus = Chiron. The Sun-Uranus combination of energies contains revealing information concerning the realms of Politics and Business, the potentials of which I quote here from Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets for all or some of them are already in progress:

"Thesis: Political changes that shape the quality of all efforts; reforms which initiate changes to authority or power; legislation mandating major reforms in policies; revolutions which bring fundamental changes.

Antithesis: Rebellions designed solely for the removal of an existing leader; the changes which accompany upheavals; rule makers or interpreters battling decision makers; a contrary head of state with unusual habits."

Sound to you like any existing leader/s we know?

My Chiron Reading List includes: Chiron in the Natal Chart by Julie Demboski; Chiron and the Healing Journey by Melanie Reinhart; Chiron: Rainbow Bridge to the Inner and Outer Planets by Barbara Hand Clow; Chiron: Healing Body and Soul by Martin Lass; and Chiron: The New Planet in Your Horoscope, the Key to Your Quest by Richard Nolle.

Chiron was in Aries off-and-on during the years: 1918, 1919, 1926, 1927, 1968, 1969, 1976, 1977.