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Sep 4, 2024

Pluto in Capricorn: Dictators and Post Liberals

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Much is explained concerning current affairs and authoritarian saboteurs in an informative article in The Dispatch: Post Liberalism. And as astrologers know, and fabled astrologer Reinhold Ebertin confirms, Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn is The Dictator placement so it's no comfort that transit Pluto Rx left Aquarius and stepped a claw back into Capricorn on Sunday September 1, 2024, with Capricorn being the sign of government, law, business, investment, leadership - and (a potential for) world government.

Significantly, September 1, 2024 also timed a New Moon @11Vir04 at 9:58 pm ET, plus, it was Labor Day 2024 in the US which signaled the official beginning of Campaign 2024.

So for curiosity's sake, below you see a DC Horoscope of the very first moment (according to my SolarFireGold v9.27 software) that Pluto backed into Capricorn @29:59:59 at 7:57:26 pm edt on September 1st. For obvious reasons, the horoscope is set for Washington DC and shows subversive Neptune rising in 1st house at a critical 29th degree of shady Pisces, sign of the ocean, other bodies of water, marine creatures - and the Blue Tsunami of voters needed for best results on November 5th:

Meanwhile, transit Neptune remains conjoined with fixed star Scheat which suggests such events as weather disasters, drownings, or erosion. We've seen such events featured in the news with Scheat known as a star of misfortune when configured with malefic planets.

Then Jupiter, planet of codified religion, rules the chart's Ascendant (what?) and Midheaven (why?) as authoritative Saturn in Pisces rises - not the best placement for old man Saturn, planet of legalities, limits, blockages, restriction, responsibility, and authenticity. A potential for conflicts with opponents also applies to this placement, a clear reference to Campaign 2024 and the upcoming Harris-Trump Debate scheduled for September 10th, assuming that the old man shows up.

Must The Roman Empire Come Again?

Actually, the Roman Empire never ended, but morphed into the Catholic Church and remains submerged within the darkened chambers of Vatican City (horoscope linked, below). Despising America's Enlightenment principles, it's the religious rule of government model the saboteurs and seditionists are attempting to establish in the US. We experienced this negative energy on one level via their "anti-woke" campaign.

Then as Campaign 2024 trundles along and with US Election 2024 approaching, there's a lifelong predatory criminal running to stay out of prison who aspires to be dictator of America - in essence, a "divine-right" monarch, untouchable by law, and intending to restore a new, or perhaps an old, monarchy as in Europe (for background see The Dispatch linked, above) - and in total defiance of the Magna Carta, the scaffold of civilization.

Yet co-dictatorship with The Vatican must be part of their longed-for theocratic agenda of authoritarianism with enforced worhip on Sunday a major objective of their dream of "world government." Perhaps you've heard that when enforced observance on Sunday is implemented, it's the "mark of the beast" appearing to oppress and control. For it's all about timing, as you know.

Now to close this fussy post, here's Roman Empire: Birthday of a New Order, plus, you may wish to view the 1929 Horoscope of The Vatican City State. Or not. Because as always, it's completely up to you! jc

Image: Neptune Ascends; pencil on paper; jc

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